Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    What a Happy bunch here.
    thaanks all for posting your menu , That is a big help. love reading them. and learn so much.
    Here is mine.
    Breakfast 1/2 c greek yogurt with splenda
    morning snack Emeralds almonds sl. of 2 % cheese
    lunch/ grilled fish, brocolli 2 cups. Low carb tortilla
    Afternoon snack 1 hard boil egg. celery stick.
    Dinner steak big salad low carb tortilla.
    Bedtime snack Jay Robb protein shake.

    I am on a 20 gram carb plan. I don't plan count green veggies and try to have 5 gram of carbs 4 times a day with my meals. The lest numbers I have to fool with the easier it is for me.

    My scales broke so we are off to shop for a new one this morning. and then I will start my ticker all over again.

    Thanks for being here. Hoping to get to know each of you.

    Great meal caliecat! What low carb tortillas are you using? I'm using the Mission Carb Balance ones and they're pretty good but I always like to try new things! I've also used some good ones by Tumaro. My food diary is open to everyone so you can go in and look at what I eat if you ever need some new ideas! I know I like to go and browse other people's food logs from time to time when I need something different. :wink:

    Good luck with the scale shopping!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, gals! Just a quick note - we have a compliance reviewer coming to review our facility tomorrow, so I'll be offline pretty much til that is over with - I'll be thinking of all you- and will catch up on all the posts when I get back online.... Stay strong and on plan, everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    saverysal, i used the mission low carb balance, lucky me I really like them better than the regular ones. I have run into a problem tho. I will have to start reading lables for I presumed slice cheese was carb free, to my horrors the pkg i have is 3 gram carbs per slice.
    Going to make a fiber rich chocolate cake for My breakfast it makes 9 servings so i will have to freeze some of it for next week. Got to run it thru our recipes calculator. to see how it work out.
    Take care and have a good day. Marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    saverysal, i used the mission low carb balance, lucky me I really like them better than the regular ones. I have run into a problem tho. I will have to start reading lables for I presumed slice cheese was carb free, to my horrors the pkg i have is 3 gram carbs per slice.
    Going to make a fiber rich chocolate cake for My breakfast it makes 9 servings so i will have to freeze some of it for next week. Got to run it thru our recipes calculator. to see how it work out.
    Take care and have a good day. Marie

    Marie-the mission tortillas are awesome! :smile: Ohh...are you using the packaged, individually wrapped 2% cheese? If so, yeah, that's got some carbs in it! I think your best bet is to go to the deli counter and get some sliced cheese!
    Fiber chocolate cake?! Sounds yummy! Let us know how it goes so we can steal the recipe!

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yeeehaw on the hiking....good job Saverys_gal!!!!!

    I have to Catch up here, I have been hitting and missing with my log ins, seems the only time I am on is to post something about me, but not giving much support.....

    Here is to all my LLC buddies :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yeeehaw on the hiking....good job Saverys_gal!!!!!

    I have to Catch up here, I have been hitting and missing with my log ins, seems the only time I am on is to post something about me, but not giving much support.....

    Here is to all my LLC buddies :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yes on the energy....feeling better, although I have been fishing this weekend and I have not been being all that good on carbs, today I had 2 nectarines......and I am probably not getting as much of the "good" carbs as I should. But I have been steadily losing 1-2 pounds a day...and I feel great, so.....this is good I am guessing :)
    Happy Monday LLCers! :laugh:

    Mrs. N- your menu sounds delish! I think we all have foods that will stall our weight loss so finding out what they are is crucial! i STILL can't eat fruit without it setting me back!

    Caliecat- Great job making it through the munchies! Get a list together of some induction approved snacks and go shopping to make sure you have them on hand!!

    Jenuwine- I think I got my flaxseed meal over in the organic section of my grocery to what it is, well a source of fiber. LOL. I believe it's a grain of some sort but don't take my word on that one. I've only ever used it to make the muffins and don't know what else to use it for!

    Sassie- GET IT GIRL! You are doing awesome! Is your energy skyrocketing yet?!

    So I broke protocol yesterday and zigzagged my carbs pretty high just because my weight is fluctuating between 153.6 and I had 5 over easy eggs for brunch, half an atkins bar and a serving of butter toffee almonds for snack, dinner was homemade salsa and tortilla chips with homemade cheeseburgers topped with lettuce, tomato and bacon on a reasonably low carb whitewheat bun. Then I made some rather low carb smoothies using plain greek yogurt, half a banana, some frozen peaches and frozen mixed berries. :love: SO tasty! No workout yesterday either so my weight was up today. But I'm right back on track today!

    Breakfast is a cup of low carb chocolate milk, Dannon Diabetic Friendly yogurt & honey green tea.
    Lunch is a whole wheat tortilla with turkey, cheese and tomatoes.
    Dinner will be grilled barbecue chicken (making extra to put in wraps later in the week!) and some broccoli.

    Time for my yogurt now-just made myself hungry!! :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Monday Morning to you all,

    Had another sucessful day yesterday. I got me some new scales and my falling eye sight can't see the numbers. Taking them back. For I certsinly don't want to have to ge hubby come in and read it for me.

    But I will be reading my labels better After that Cheese deal. I got to learn how to make better choice. So if anyone see where i can inproved my menu please let me know.
    Today menu:
    BREAKFAST; 2 glasses of water
    3 sl bacon , 2 egg beater glass of crystal lite orange juice.
    LUNCH; Salad with tuna2 glasses of water
    DINNER:2 glasses of water
    Grilled fish , brocolli
    havent decided what my snacks ill be yet

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi, there everyone - I'm back online! Our compliance review/audit went great, passed with flying colors - so now maybe I can sleep tonight!

    I've been completely on plan - dunno what the scale thinks about that, haven't been on it, but haven't been "bad" at all! Just really tired, two nights with worry-induced insomia is catching up to me, so I'll definitely crash tonight. How is everyone doing with their eating plan? Exercise? I haven't gotten much exercise lately, just too darn busy.... But I have a good NSV - got into a pair of work pants today that used to be so tight I couldn't get them buttoned without lying on the bed.... Works for me!

    Well, about time for me to hit the road and head home. I have to record my food for the day and see where I stand before dinner....
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    If it is yellow, red or green (vegetables and fruits) leave them in, if it is white (pasta, white rice, bread, pastries and potatoes) take them out. It is all about the glycemic index, you can Google it to get more info.
    Replace your flour pasta with wheat pasta and use it as a side dish, not as your main meal. Go for brown rice instead of white, and wheat or multigrain bread instead of white bread. Sweet potatos or yams are better than regular potatos.
    It will take sometime to adjust but you will feel better and that is motivation enough.
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Would love to be part of a low carb group! I've been working on this for a while, doing ok, but its always good to share ideas, etc. I experiment with different foods....some are better than others! Just one BIG question and I'm sure it is a common one......what to do when you crave something crunchy. I really don't like pork rinds. At times the need for bread or something like that drives me nuts and then I feel like I will go too crazy if I eat just a little. Anyway, would love to have some low carb pals!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Celery is crunchy, and if you dip it in a little peanut or almond butter--very tasty
  • Hello Ladies.

    I've been on plan going for one and half weeks now. Have lost 4.8 lbs. My ticker doesn't show it because when I first signed up for mfp, i weighed less. Haven't figured how to change the beginning weight yet.

    Anyway, sounds like everyone is doing great. Most of my sugar cravings are gone and for that I'm thankful. I usually can run 'em off with an atkins bar so I keep them within arms reach at all times. Usually wind up having one a day.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    WELCOME, Profjan and myprogress2010, to our lovely LLC group!

    MYPROGRESS2010: Are you following a low carb WOE? Which one?

    PROFJAN: I’m with WEAKLINK – When I want some crunch, I have some raw veggies, but with some regular ranch dip – I like the little tubs by T. Marzetti that you buy in the produce section. One tub is more than a serving, but the crunch of some celery, broccoli, or cauliflower tends to deal with it for me. Otherwise, try putting some pepperoni on a paper plate on a paper towel and microwave til crispy – I’ve been known to do this and take this to the movies – is a great replacement for chips, makes me feel like I’m not being deprived. Something else you can add is almonds – Emerald makes these lovely single-serving packets – I love the cocoa roast ones! They’re not appropriate for Induction phase of Atkins, though… No nuts allowed!

    GAY: WTG on the weight loss! To change your starting weight, go to CHECK IN at the top of the page, and at the bottom of the blue box in little blue letters it says EDIT PREVIOUS ENTRIES. In that screen, towards the top is a box where you can change your starting weight. I actually deleted all my old weights too – I want my tables and graphs to reflect just the changes since starting Atkins….

    MARIE: How are you today? You’re so good about planning your meals for the day. I had mine all planned today, made my lunch before going to bed last night, and then hubby stole it today and took it for his lunch. Believe you me, he’s gonna get an earful when he gets home! I already sent him a nasty text. Oh, and he drank all my Diet Pepsi! Double trouble!

    SASSIE: How you doin? Still losin? Gotta love LC, especially the first week – it’s so motivating, isn’t it?

    SAVERY: Have you recovered from the hike yet? I’m still in awe of how much of it you did!

    JENUWINE: Did you try that muffin recipe yet? I’m planning on making some LC muffins this weekend, but gotta get some almond flour and golden flax meal – the regular flax meal is a little too coarse for me…..

    MRSNEUMAN: Were are you? How you doing back on induction – is that scale moving for you yet?

    CKHOLMES: How about you? Haven’t heard from you in a day or two – howz it goin for you?

    WEAKLINK: I haven’t tried the Stevia or Truvia – I’ve really cut back my use of artificial sweeteners – cept what’s in my Diet Pepsi. I think Diet Pepsi should have its own food group – and that my hubby should be shot at dawn for drinking the rest of mine and not replenishing my supply – especially since he’s a Diet Coke drinker!

    Back on track at work since the compliance review is all over with – now it’s just back to the humdrum of daily work. Tons to do – weather is going to be gorgeous here today – 75 and sunny – after we’ve been having 95 degrees and 90% humidity for weeks! Ugh, makes it hard to be at work today! I’d rather be home and take my doggies for a walk!

    <sigh> ok, back to work to do what they pay me for….. 
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Hump Day LLCers! Hope everyone is doing great today!

    Sassie-sorry I wasn't awake earlier for your sugar craving!! Stay strong! Remember, your body is detoxing big time right now and it's not unusual to have that very strong craving for sugar after cutting it all out! Don't listen to those naysayers that say you NEED carbs! For the future, keep some sugar free jello cups in the house with some real whipped cream and some Atkins bars-they should really get you through any of your worst cravings until you have reached a safe point and can eat something sweet in moderation! :drinker:

    Resalyn-so glad your compliance audit went well! Those things can be so stressful! I've been through 5 in my not quite 2 full years at my current office-2 planned, 3 surprise! :noway:

    Weaklink-so I'm trying the Truvia in my tea this morning. I'm not 100% sure about it yet. It's really not as sweet as Splenda to me-I've put about a packet and a half in. We'll see...I'll give it a couple of tries and see what I think!

    momta2girls-keep up the great work! You are doing awesome!! :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was a great day meal wise and exercise wise! I had low carb chocolate milk, honey green tea and dannon diabetic friendly yogurt for breakfast. Now my lunch was kick *kitten*! I took a steak (not even sure what cut) cut it into strips, marinated it in a bit of worstechire sauce, some fresh cut cilantro, fresh cut garlic and a bit of fresh ground pepper-let that sit for 45 minutes and then sauteed it low and slow in a bit of olive oil. I popped it into a low carb whole wheat wrap, topped it with homemade pico de gallo, cheese and sour cream. :smooched: It was so good! Then dinner was a grilled steak and grilled asparagus!

    Today breakfast is the same (such a creature of habit!). Lunch will be grilled bbq chicken tossed into a low carb wrap, topped with pico de gallo, cheese and sour cream. :smile:
    Dinner will be broiled tilapia and shrimp, crab cakes and asparagus!

    People who say you need starchy carbs don't know what they heck they're talking about! :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This has beeen a lousy day for me. I had a low blood sugar this morning and had to get some carbs down quick. I have cut way down on my insulin but something went wrong this morning. I feel terrible about getting off my plan but sh-- happens. I am getting back up and fighting.

    breakfast, a high fiber cake, better go back to my eggs and bacon.
    blood sugar attack- 5 whole wheat crackers, 1/2 c greek yogurt
    Lunch low carb tortilla and sl of sharp cheese
    Dinner- grilled fish. brocolli

    I check the adkins bar out and it has more than 5 gram carbs so it is not on my list. I am following the Met B diet by Diane Kress I do need to eat more veggies.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    This has beeen a lousy day for me. I had a low blood sugar this morning and had to get some carbs down quick. I have cut way down on my insulin but something went wrong this morning. I feel terrible about getting off my plan but sh-- happens. I am getting back up and fighting.

    breakfast, a high fiber cake, better go back to my eggs and bacon.
    blood sugar attack- 5 whole wheat crackers, 1/2 c greek yogurt
    Lunch low carb tortilla and sl of sharp cheese
    Dinner- grilled fish. brocolli

    I check the adkins bar out and it has more than 5 gram carbs so it is not on my list. I am following the Met B diet by Diane Kress I do need to eat more veggies.

    Don't sweat it caliecat! I have days where I go WAY over my carb intake just because I'm feeling lightheaded or my sugar drops really low. And at least for me, eating my higher carb foods first thing in the morning or afternoon works out best because I have a better chance of burning it off. :smile:
    There are a LOT of Atkins bars out there; For the Met B diet plan, do you count net carbs or just the total carbs listed? What about adding some cucumbers in as a snack? They are very low carb and low calorie. Asparagus is another really good green veggie for you.
    You're doing awesome!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi all. Thanks for inviting me to this board Resalyn. I am on Atkins and have been on Induction for about 4 weeks. Its been slow information overload so now I am keeping it simple.
  • is this list different from the o ld atkins books? hello I 'm Rebecca and wasi a low carbber for years and stopped a few months ago aned ethe poundsi are finding their way back but the meds Im on are not helping lol.
    Rebecca - Imalowcarbber
    For those of you interested, I pulled this directly from the Atkins Phase 1 approved list:

    All fish including:

    All fowl including:

    •Cornish hen
    All shellfish including:

    *Oysters and mussels are higher in carbs so limit to about 4 ounces per day.

    All meat including:

    Some processed meat, bacon, and ham is cured with sugar, which will add to the carb count. Also steer clear of cold cuts and other meats with added nitrates.

    Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious creations. That’s why eggs are a staple breakfast in the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

    Feel free to get creative with your eggs: Add mushrooms and onions, or even green pepper. Top the dish off with feta cheese or add basil, oregano and other herbs.

    Eggs in any style, including:

    Keep in mind that cheese does contain carbs, about 1 gram per ounce. You may have about 3 to 4 ounces of cheese per day. An ounce is about the size of an individually wrapped slice of American cheese or a 1" cube.

    Cheese including:

    Type Serving Size Grams of net carbs
    Blue cheeses 1 oz 0.7
    Cheddar 1 oz 0.0
    Cow, sheep and goat 1 oz 0.3
    Cream cheese 1 oz 0.8
    Feta 1 oz 1.2
    Gouda 1 oz 0.6
    Mozzarella 1 oz 0.6
    Parmesan 1 tbs 0.2
    Swiss 1 oz 1.0


    You should be eating approximately 12 to 15 grams of net carbs per day in the form of vegetables, which is equivalent to several cups depending on the actual carb content of the veggies you select.

    1 cup is roughly the size of a baseball. Measure the following salad vegetables raw.

    Vegetable Serving Size/Prep grams of net carbs
    Alfalfa sprouts 1 cup/raw 0.4
    Arugula ½ cup/raw 0.2
    Bok choy 1 cup/raw 0.8
    Celery 1 stalk 0.8
    Chicory greens ½ cup/raw 0.6
    Chives 1 tablespoon 0.1
    Cucumber ½ cup 1.0
    Daikon ½ cup 1.0
    Endive ½ cup 0.0
    Escarole ½ cup 0.0
    Fennel 1 cup 3.6
    Jicama ½ cup 2.5
    Iceberg lettuce
    ½ cup 0.1
    Mushrooms ½ cup 1.2
    Parsley 1 tablespoon 0.1
    Peppers ½ cup/raw 2.3
    Radicchio ½ cup/raw 0.7
    Radishes 10/raw 0.9
    Romaine lettuce ½ cup 0.2

    The following vegetables are slightly higher in carbs than the salad vegetables listed above. They also provide important nutrients and add variety to your daily foods. Make sure you stay within the 12-15 grams of net carbs. Unless otherwise noted, measure these veggies after you cook them.

    Vegetable Serving Size/ Prep Net Carbs
    Artichoke ¼ of medium 4.0
    Asparagus 6 spears 2.4
    Artichoke hearts 1 canned
    Avocadoes 1 whole (raw) 3.5
    Bamboo shoots 1 cup canned
    ½ cup 1.6
    Broccoli raw ½ cup 1.0
    Broccoli rabe ½ cup 1.3
    Broccoflower ½ cup 1.4
    Brussels sprouts ¼ cup
    Cabbage ½ cup (raw) 2.0
    Cauliflower ½ cup (raw) 1.0
    Swiss chard ½ cup
    Collard greens ½ cup
    Eggplant ½ cup
    Hearts of palm 1 heart 0.7
    Kale ½ cup 2.4
    Kohlrabi ½ cup 4.6
    Leeks ¼ cup
    Okra ½ cup
    Olives green 5 2.5
    Olives black 5 0.7
    Onion ¼ cup (raw) 2.8
    Pumpkin ¼ cup
    Rhubarb ½ cup (unsweetened) 1.7
    Sauerkraut ½ cup (drained) 1.2
    Peas ½ cup with pods 3.4
    Spaghetti squash ½ cup
    Spinach ½ cup (raw) 0.2
    Summer squash ½ cup
    Tomato 1 (raw) 4.3
    Turnips ½ cup
    Water chestnuts ½ cup (canned) 6.9
    Zucchini ½ cup

    Salad Garnishes
    Crumbled bacon 3 slices 0.0
    Hard-boiled egg 1 egg 0.0
    Grated cheeses (see above carb counts)
    Sautéed mushrooms ½ cup 1.0
    Sour cream 2 tbs 1.2

    Herbs and Spices (make sure they contain no added sugar)

    Basil 1 tbs 0.0
    Cayenne pepper 1 tbs 0.0
    Cilantro 1 tbs 0.0
    Dill 1 tbs 0.0
    Garlic 1 clove 0.9
    Ginger 1 tbs sliced root 0.8
    Oregano 1 tbs 0.0
    Pepper 1 tbs 0.0
    Rosemary 1 tbs 0.0
    Sage 1 tbs 0.0
    Tarragon 1 tbs 0.0

    Salad Dressings - Any prepared salad dressing with no added sugar and no more then 2 grams of net carbs per serving (1-2 tablespoons) is acceptable. Or make your own.

    Blue cheese 2 tbs 2.3
    Caesar 2 tbs 0.5
    Italian 2 tbs 3.0
    Lemon juice 2 tbs 2.8
    Oil and vinegar 2 tbs 1.0
    Ranch 2 tbs 1.4

    Fats and Oils

    There are no carbs here, but keep in mind that the serving size is approximately 1 tablespoon.

    2.Mayonnaise – make sure it has no added sugar
    3.Olive oil
    4.Vegetable oils – Those labeled “cold pressed” or “expeller pressed” are especially good and olive oil is one of the best.
    ◦Grape seed*
    *Do not allow any oils to reach overly high temperatures when cooking. Use olive oil for sautéing only. Use walnut or sesame oil to dress cooked veggies or salad, but not for cooking.

    Artificial Sweeteners

    •Splenda – one packet equals 1 gram of net carbs

    •Clear broth/ bouillon (make sure it has no sugars added)
    •Club soda
    •Cream, heavy or light.
    •Decaffeinated or regular coffee and tea*
    •Diet soda (be sure to note the carb count)
    •Flavored seltzer (must say no calories)
    •Herb tea (without added barley or fruit sugar added)
    •Water – at least eight 8-ounce glasses per day including...
    ◦Filtered water
    ◦Mineral water
    ◦Spring water
    ◦Tap water
    * You may have 1 to 2 cups of caffeinated tea or coffee if you can tolerate caffeine without experiencing cravings or symptoms of hypoglycemia.
    If you are truly addicted to caffeine, it's best to break the habit during the Induction.


    Alcohol is not allowed during the first two weeks of Induction. If you remain on this phase longer,
    you can have a glass of wine, a low-carb beer, or a small amount of spirits mixed with water or club soda, but be sure to avoid mixers that contain carbs, including fruit juices and tonic water. Understand that consuming alcohol may slow your weight loss.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Welcome Imalowcarbber and ccduch! :drinker:

    Rebecca- the list you are asking about; I'm fairly certain that it's the same as the older Atkins books. I don't think Induction has changed much over the years! However, you can read the newest book (not written by Dr. Atkins) and compare it to the old books to see what changes there are.

    ccduch- learning how to eat low carb can be a lot of information all at once! But once you learn what's acceptable to eat during induction and what number to keep your net carbs at, you should be good to go!
This discussion has been closed.