Anyone doing Thursday weigh in?



  • cerealqueen
    cerealqueen Posts: 39 Member
    Height: 5'2"

    SW: 170lb

    LW: 167lb
    CW: 163lb (-4lb)

    GW: 140lb

    This is a total from the last four weeks I think! Have been on holiday for three so i'm so pleased that i actually managed to lose weight!! although i was careful compared to 'the old me', i didn't feel like i missed out when i was away with my fam - we ate out most nights but did lots of exercise- walking, kayaking, cycling etc!

    Good luck today everyone! Hope you're all enjoying the summer and meeting your weight loss/ measurement targets :)
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 116 Member
    Congrats cerealqueen!!! WTG!

    My results:

    SW: 352
    LW: 328.6
    CW: 325.4 (-3.2)

    Woo hoo!! My daughter just started soccer, so I will get at least 2 hours of walking in 3 times a week!! Also, I am supposed to be at my next mini goal on 9/2 and I am on track! I am soooooo excited. If... no when I make it, I am going to rock out on 9/2 (going to a concert helps!!!)

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • Down 2.2 pounds since last weigh in, which is awesome, since I've been slightly off-track this week.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I was down 2.2 lbs bringing me to 8 lbs total. I go on vacation next week and won't have a scale so I won't be updating until the week after.. which is kind of a good thing because it will give me a few days to try and undo the vacay damage :laugh:
  • I started my diet Monday. I was weighing in at 149-150. I have been doing really well on my diet! ( I usually don't get past the first day. I am now on day 4 of just eating healthier and exercising more. :)

    Starting Weight-150
    Goal Weight-125

    Current Weight-145 ( -5lb) :):):)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I lost a pound this week, for a grand total of 10.5 pounds lost. :happy:

    Everyone is doing such a great job! Love to see my Thursday peeps working hard and getting results! :drinker:
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    8/12/10 140.4
    8/19/10 140.8
    BUT I feel skinnier!! :blushing:
  • Last week's weight: 186.6
    This week's weight: 188.0

    Yuck! My exercise (or the lack thereof) is killing me. I get in a little here and there but it has not been what it should. My motivation is faltering and my habit of hitting the scale EVERY, SINGLE MORNING is not helping me at all. It will get better, I promise ME!
  • Hay everyone!

    So I stayed the same this week and I am relieved. I've been traveling all week so my whole workout and food was all messed up. I'm home now so I'm making sure I back on track today.

    I hope everyone had a great week!

  • I've been too afraid to weigh in this week :-(
    I have been trying really hard and exercising loads but I just know it's not making a difference and don't want to see thatconfirmed on the scales.
    I've been going for just over 2 months now and have lost 3lb (although this has probably come back on).
    I only wanted to loose 14lb in total but I'm finding this so hard :-( feeling sad :-(
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    @rachel, hang in there. You might want to consult with a professional about how to set your goals. Any other positive changes due to the exercise?? Try not to get discouraged. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks Lisa. I was feeling a bit down but am determined to keep on going.
    Yes, I have seen other changes I suppose - my clothes definately feel a little looser and I have been doing a fair bit of weight work as well as cardio so I've got little (probably no one else would notice but I'm sure they are there!) arm muscles which are new and I guess my leg muscles must have toned a bit. I know that muscle weighs more than fat so I must remind myself of this when I'm on those horrible scales!...
    I am going to get back into the Thursday weigh in this week and keep reminding myself how much healthier I must be overall which is what really matters in the long run.
    Thanks so much and good luck with your weigh in this week
    :-) xx
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Hey darlings, I'm skipping the weekly weigh-in on Thursday, as I'll be having a medical procedure, and will be fasting for a full day tomorrow. I'll be back next week for the weigh in. Just wanted to offer my encouragement and support to those who might not lose as much as they'd like this week, and my congrats to those who do! Have a fabulous week, and be healthy!:flowerforyou:
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    July 1 172.5 --- up 1 pound?? hoping it's just sodium retention. I had hamburger last night and the day before that chocolate cake. I'm hoping the 1 pound will be off soon, but I need to get to 170 to reach my mini goal 1.

    July 22 210= 173.0 up 1.5 pound but it is TOM for me, so I'm not worried too much. I have been working hard as of Monday July 19 with my diet. I have been strict on it. I started not to weigh in because it is TOM but at least this way, when I way in next Thursday I should be able to see some good progress as long as I keep my diet up.

    Aug.26, 2010 - I haven't weighed in, in a while- Had taken a break from exercise and dieting. so now i'm back. my weight today is 174.5. I've been working out all this week and will continue. we'll see what happens for next week.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    SW: 134
    CW: 133.6
    GW: 115
    Last weigh-in: 134.9

    Down 1.3 pounds from last week! :drinker:
    Still can't believe I went from 127 to exceeding my starting weight! But that's in the past now...
    Very happy about my weigh in tho that I've been pretty consistent within the past week and a half so I think I'm back on the right track...finally. I will be at my in-laws this weekend so hopefully I can keep this up! I'm bringing my wheat toast and peach butter and maybe a few other of my go-to healthy snacks...hope they don't mind :embarassed:

    Thank you all for your continued support and motivation. Everytime I look at my news feed and see you all's workouts and being under your calorie goal it sparks a fire in me somehow....yesterday I worked from home and normally use that as an excuse not to work out (since I work out on my lunch break normally when I'm in the office) but I did some weights and pilates while watching Real World last night and I felt GREAT afterwards! Thanks again ladies :flowerforyou:
  • Up .02 pounds. Well, at least it was a small gain. :)
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    Pevious Week 132.0
    Last Week 131.2
    This Week 132.8 up 1.6 pounds, which isn't too bad since I was on holidays. Time to get back into the routine. Good Luck everyone.
  • Hi girls, I would like to join your newbie group ... i only started 2 weeks ago ... not sure what date but happy to make Thursday my weigh in. In the 2 weeks so far i haven't lost any weight on the scales but i have lost inches at my waist and hips so something is happening. I need to get more serious about it though. Feel so lazy and unmotivated. But thats part of having polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance makes you feel lethargic. so i need to boot myself up the bottom to get going.

    i am in Australia and we work in kilograms so i have to work out how to convert kilos to pounds so we know what we are talking about.

    I am 46 with PCOS as i said before, arthritis and permanent spinal damage so live with chronic pain.

    I also have 4 kids; but 3 of them are all grown ... my boys are 27, 19 and 14. But i now have a baby girl who is 2. Big surprise, ha ha ... but so precious to all of us we love her to bits. but the bigger she gets the more my back hurts/

    I am not completely lazy though ... i walk the dog 2 to 3 times a week depending on my back pain. I teach belly dancing twice a week and soon will be doing 3 classes a week. Plus i practice at home. i cannot walk up or down hills and cannot do aerobic exercise without setting off my back pain ... but i can belly dance ... so that is my main exercise. dancing 3 times a week isnt enough to shift the weight but when i was dancing daily i was seeing loss.
  • i will have to work out how to find you girls again too
  • Well, I gained a lb. but I will say that I haven't been watching what I eat to much..I worked all weekend and stayed at my inlaws so I kinda slipped....But I am back on track and hopefully next week is better:)

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