

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi Vit F friends :flowerforyou:

    Granmalie. - sorry I didn't wish you Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: Glad you are getting the bit between your teeth on the in laws issue. Go girl!

    Mary C - I have been thinking of you and glad you are posting again. You must honour yourself and stick with your own integrity and intuition. 'To thine own self be true.' You are a strong woman. You will know how to deal with this.

    Barbie - can't believe it's July tomorrow! It is the day I am going shopping with my new 'friend' . Maybe it will lead somewhere, maybe not. I have lots of friends from school, university, and early adulthood, but in the last twelve years I have only made one close friend. My old friends are very precious to me. Of course, since I married DH I have inherited a whole new family and one or two of his friends. I have no close friends in the local area, everyone lives away, though all the yoga ladies are great and we have a lot of fun. My mother was a great 'joiner' and I am not, but even she felt that there were only one or two old friends that she could really be herself with. As I get older family becomes important, though I haven't seen my brother's huge family for a while as I think there is a bit of resentment about my weight loss. Maybe I'm imagining it! OK, goal for today, to ring my brother.

    DH had a bad night last night after the call from his brother about the get together. Because he was adopted it is all a sensitive area. At least he was able to talk about it and identify the trigger. PROGRESS! :love:

    Sheftali tonight on the BBQ. They are Turkish lamb sausages which I bought when I was up in London and froze. I love them, but they are high in fat so no carbs for me tonight. Loads of purple sprouting broccoli.:heart: Our gooseberries from our bush were gorgeous. More tonight. Michelle. - yesterday I bought a bunch of beetroot and roasted it. It is now peeled and in the fridge.. I can't wait for lunch with 8 oz beetroot, half a packet of Merchant Gourmet mixed grains, and a tiny bit of grated cheese. My mouth is watering just thinking of it. Masses of herbs and arugula of course.:laugh:

    Love to all. You heat is on our news. - stay safe!

    Heather in warm Hampshire UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Just a quick pop in Grandmallie: Happy Birthday with very best wishes Enjoy your Day

    So sorry your FIL is being treated so badly, he is so lucky to have you in his corner.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend

    Juanita in sudbury
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie:smile: Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: !!! Hope your birthday is filled with love, joy and peace!!! Sending good thoughts to your FIL! Hope you get that all worked out, what a shame he`s being treated so badly:cry: !

    Mary:smile: So glad to see your post! Continued prayers for you and hubby!

    Michele:smile: I don`t like the beet greens either:noway: :sick: !

    Carolyn (lulu):smile: Glad it was only a dream:laugh: !

    Rori:smile: Glad those pounds are coming back off! The pounds that jumped on me are quite stubborn:angry::sad: !

    I had a wonderful day yesterday, coffee with a friend yesterday morning, then grocery shopping and coffee with a friend last night that lasted about 3 hours:laugh: . I got home late and just had cereal for dinner...it was quite good too, haven`t had any cereal in over a year...yum! Today I put on my tiara and boss the boys:devil: , actually I think I would rather stay home:ohwell: .

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat with us!
    Those in the oppressive heat please be careful, stay indoors and drink plenty of fluids!

    Have a lovely day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cloudy & humid NC
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all and Happy Sunday!
    Had a pretty productive day yesterday but never did get to go trim up the shrubs. Will try again today but have a couple of commitments in the morning and it may just be too hot later.

    Kathy – I hope you had a good trip to Chicago yesterday; sounded like fun!

    Robin – thanks for sharing your initial post!

    Helen – I can relate to your worries about your parents’ health and how you will deal with potential problems. I am in Ohio and my parents are in Texas; not as far from me as yours are but still, I won’t be available to assist them on a daily basis. I’m lucky that my sister and brother live close to them and I know that they will step in but I know that I’ll also wish I were there if something happens.

    Tonicsapphire, Fastfriend – welcome! You’ve found a great group of women who will cheer you on and share great advice when requested.

    Katla – sorry to hear that you are unwell and I hope that you kick the nasty germs quickly. I hope that your DH’s appointment goes well and that his vision problems can be corrected, at least enough to drive.

    Joyce – I’m glad that you’ve found fellowship and friendship online where you can’t find it in your RL. My DH is very introverted (unless he knows you well) and I wish that he had a place to go like this one.

    Pat – hope you enjoyed your cooked and meeting your friend!

    Grandmallie – I am SO sorry to hear that your in-laws are mistreating your FIL. I agree that something needs to be done, and quickly.

    MaryC – sending prayers your way, that you and DH will work through your situation.

    Sandy from ON – I am so glad to hear that your migraine is finally gone! I, too, have used Excedrin migraine with success over the years. When I am in a pinch and don’t have any, I have taken aspirin or ibuprofen with a good dose of caffeinated pop and that sometimes helps. The caffeine seems to be an integral part of the cure for me.

    Meg – I’m impressed with your bike ride! Glad you and DH got some “you” time without the young ones popping in and out.

    Yanniejannie – my younger DD also stayed at school this summer and I hear from her with a lot more regularity than during the school year. Most of her close friends either went home for the summer or got married (don’t get me started on 20-year olds getting married while still in college). Anyway, I hear from her 4 times yesterday – each time with some kind of question but I think she’s also just a little lonely. She’ll be home this Wednesday for the July 4th weekend and I think that will be good for her as she will get to see her two closest friends from HS (oh, and us!).

    Jan – glad to hear that you were able to go to the gym and get in a workout. It sounds like you had a great combination of exercise, fellowship and shopping – my favorite combo!

    Gail – I have never tried sushi with raw fish; just can’t make myself do it. Younger DD loves it and so do a lot of my friends so I keep thinking that I will try it out one of these days.

    Michele – not only am I amazed at how much baking you do but I have never even heard of a lot of the things you make! If I didn’t have to worry about my weight, I would love to live near you so that I could try out all of your goodies!

    Karla – welcome to our group and congratulations on the progress you have made so far! My sympathies for the loss of your mom; that must still be so hard. You are doing the right thing in pressing on and working towards your goal; we’ll be here to cheer you on!

    Janie – welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey! What is a bodymedia armband?

    Carolyn – only one swig is still a big accomplishment in my book!

    Heather – I hope you enjoy your outing with your new friend. It’s so hard to make good friends as we get older, isn’t it? I treasure those I have but, like you, most don’t live near me. I have no family near me either and I really miss that ongoing connection. It’s a $500 flight for me to see them so I only go one or twice a year. Ok, pity party is over! I will follow your lead and call my sister today.

    DeeDee – glad you had a good day yesterday! I have often wondered – what do you mean when you say you are going to “put on your tiara and boss the boys?” It sounds like fun but I can’t really decipher it.

    I had better get going; need to finish a couple of things before I am off to have my hair trimmed and run some errands. Then it’s home to (hopefully) work on my shrubs. Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: Follow the steps to get this reported. I’d be mad, too. On a brighter note, Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou:

    Nonnicee: Good luck to you. You are in my continued prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy: I’m glad to hear the migraine is gone. Yay! You’re doing well with your weight loss, too. Time to celebrate.:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Meg: I have friends who ride 20-30 miles on a weekend jaunt. They’re younger and more fit than me. They’re also addicted to the burn they get from their bikes. After a good bike ride I also feel charged up with energy, but it doesn’t motivate me to go father and faster.:noway: DH doesn’t have his appointment with this vision doctor until August. I will let everyone know what happens but it seems like an age away right now.:ohwell:

    Jan: I think that the treadmill is an evil torture device. :devil: I can’t use one without pounding my knees. I’d recommend an elliptical as being easier on your knees and back.:flowerforyou:

    Today I was planning to meet several long time friends for breakfast, but I simply do not feel well enough to go. This sinus infection is kicking my b*tt. :sick: Last night was NOT restful. If I don’t see any progress by tomorrow, I’m calling my doctor and asking for antibiotics. Our weather forecast for today is 91F. That is really hot for us, but compared to many other places in the US I’ll take it. And feel lucky.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning.

    Grandmallie - Happy Birthday!

    Helen in cloudy, humid Needham, MA
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    I guess we finally got some rain as everything was wet this am. However, it could not have been much as the level in the birdbath isn't up to any noticable degree.

    LuLu.........I laughed about your "food" dreams.......I was awake for ages last night being hungry and debating getting up for a snack; that very early dinner at the benefit really threw me off

    Katla.........hope you are feeling better

    Grandmallie........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Very sorry to hear about the abuse incident with your FIL; certainly hope that gets resolved quickly...so sad......

    Michele........sounds like you are becoming a favorite of the cats; wonderful!

    Rori........good for you, getting those "travel pounds" off so fast

    Ohiomom....... my DD at college will not get home for the holiday :(...she has a work day in the lab on Friday; but she has an invitation to a cook-out at the home of one of her professors on the 4th......he's Indian; I can't wait to hear about the food.........enjoy your visit with your DD!!!

    Sandy......glad your migraine is gone; I used to get those 3 day attacks......much better after menopause Excedrine Migraine is exactly the same as Excedrine Extra Strength, if you can't get the migraine product
    same active ingredients in the same amounts; just a marketing ploy.
    It's a combo of aspirin, tylenol and caffeine.

    Those who use OTC drugs with "PM" in the name
    if it has diphenhydramine, that's simply Benadryl and that's what causes the mild sedative effect.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone!!!
    cloudy, humid mid-Atlantic
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I had a great sleep and I'm facing my day one room at a time! I'm decluttering and cleaning this place up! Then I'm going to work on some things for school. Going back will be here before I know it!

    HI Katie, I have tried an elliptical and I cannot use one due to knee and ankle damage. I even bought one! Now I'm trying to sell it. even my orthopedic says not to the elliptical for me :sad: Normally I can walk for hours, It's been recent developments in my hormone levels due to my thyroid that are effecting my abilities right now. Fortunately things are getting better :drinker:

    I'll make it.. Just like weight loss, getting healthy enough to exercise takes time .

  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I don't know how so many of you keep up with all the posts!
    Granmallie-Happy Birthday! Sorry for the problems that you are going through.
    Jan so sorry you can not use your elliptical, since my knee surgery I use it a lot but my husband has a fused ankle and can't use it.
    Would love to be outside today and in fact have to go to the dump but then back inside for me it's over 100+.
    Keep hydrated!
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, ladies- I have to confess that I did not get to the pool, and it showed on the overage in my calorie count. Was not a good day for maintaining control of my food intake. Not good at all. I get very frustrated 'starting over' on such a regular basis. I want to be better/healthier/smarter at this. I know there are plateaus in the weight loss which is the body's way of readjusting to things, but is there also a plateau or readjustment pause in the mental and emotional parts of this journey? Is the addiction to overeating trying to reset and stay in control? Or, am I just a lazy, slug? (don't jump on me, I am just thinking in print here.) Carolyn asked for suggestions for zero calorie pampering, may I ask for affirmations or suggestions for getting the positive thinking and actions back on track? Thank you, my friends.

    Katla- Sending healthy vibes; summer colds are evil! I hope the Dr gives you the antibiotics, and that they actually work!

    Grandmallie: Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
    Document everything the care giver tells you, take lots of pictures, and report every abuse! The pictures will help you get a restraining order, if you need one. What a nasty excuse for a person she is! :angry:

    Sandy from ON- I am glad that your headache is gone. Enjoy your day! :happy:

    Meg- I have to drink water because I am one of those "half a glass and under the table people"! My SO says I'm a really cheap date! Sounds like you had a great ride this morning. In my fantasies I would love to ride bike like I used to (112 years ago!), but then I remember I live in Desert HILLS! I think I will stick to the recumbant stationary bike at the rec center!

    Michelle- It sounds like you are going to one busy baker! Have fun with that. I love making food for others, but I have such trouble staying away from it myself that I don't do it very often.
    If the pain in your tum recurs, you might want to get it checked out. Take care of yourself.

    Karla-:flowerforyou: Welcome to the group. It sounds like you have had a rough emotional and physical year, but you are doing well at taking care of yourself. That is wonderful. Your loss this week was awesome. I look forward to learning more about you.

    Janie12835-:flowerforyou: Welcome! Oh, it is fun to get to know so many people with the same mindset and goals!

    Carolyn- zero calorie pamper? Pedicure and manicure. A swim in the pool for fun, not exercise. A class at the scrapbook store. I am curious to see what other answers you get. What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?

    Jan- Good luck with the decluttering! I just cringe everytime I open the one closet because it seems to catch everything! Would you like to come to my house when you are finished with yours?
    I can not do the elliptical, either. It really stress the arthritis is my knees and ankles, and yet they are advertised as being easier on those very joints. Hope you get your money back when you sell yours.

    Julie- It may not have hit 100 here yet, but it is supposed to be the hottest of the weekend. Stay inside and stay cool, and I will do the same!

    Hope Everyone has a great day!
    Pat (Phoo)
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Just a quick pop in to wish Grandmallie a happy b-day. Hopefully I'll have some time tonight to catch up on all the posts. Time to start thinking about those July goals!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I spent an hour yesterday and an hour this morning working on a project that was one of my June goals to finish......it is far from finished but I feel a huge sense of accomplishment. I'll be putting the project on my list of July goals.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: remember to be watching for the link to the July thread around 7 PM PDT.....I go to bed early so I can walk the frisky poodles really early in the morning when no one is out except the squirrels, the birds, the deer,l and us.

    Happy Birthday, Grandmallie


    :heart: Barbie from surprisingly warm NW Washington
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    The bodymedia armband tracks your calories burned and supposedly does so more effectively because it uses input from 4 sensors that contact your skin. I'm a numbers person so I like the idea of accurately tracking my steps, workout time, etc. and I'm much less likely to lose it compared to a pedometer ;-) I told my sister that I think between knowing it/the armband is tracking all my activity for the day and MFP for food intake/calories and weight and support, this may be what just what I need!

    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement already :-D
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    :noway: I think I did to much yesterday. I am so sore, especially my head, neck and upper shoulders. I took an Ambien last night because I felt so bad which made me move even less during the night and so tight today :sad: I wish I had a spa tub.

    Beautiful day today. DH is taking advantage of the cooler temps and is mowing the lawn. I wish he would hire it out or buy a riding mower but he says as long as he can walk he will mow his own lawn.

    I have a pizza scheduled in my calories for tonight :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a good day:flowerforyou:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun to you all.
    Happy birthday grandmallie:drinker:
    Woke up with terrible leg cramps down the front of my leg.Talked to dr last week,she recommended magnesium.Anyone else get this?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!!! had a nice day, overcast here,but hubby took me down to the Niantic Bay boardwalk and it was misting but we walked a couple of miles:love:
    Then came home and started cooking,made blueberry muffins, butterscotch pudding, hard boiled eggs,and backyard burgers and froze those.
    planning on having some steak with mushrooms tonight for dinner.
    thank you all again. :heart: all my weight loss sista's
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Sunday to all! It is cooler here today(80) and sounds like it is to be the next couple days. I am excited as after today I am off the next three days and have alot I want to get done. My goals for June did not go well so thinking about goals for Jul.y.
    I was really bummed out this moring as I weighed since I am off the next couple days and I gainned 2.6 pounds. So I am trying to keep to my calories do more walking. Last couple days I have started walking every two hours around the floor where I work. Ups my steps alot. See what happens this next week.

    Sandy- glad your migraine is gone. Congrates on the weight loss.

    Michele-I think you are so ambitious with all the baking. When I was married the first time my DH would not eat anything that was not homemade. I was young and stuipd. I gained over 100 pounds as seems all I did was bake and eat. Now I don't cook all that often my DH now cooks and I clean the kitchen up afterwards.

    Deb- Sounds like you had a nice vacation with family. I find that time with my sister is very relaxing most the time.

    Mary- My prayers go out to you and your DH. Marriage is hard work and it takes alot of work. Rebuilding trust takes time. Be sure and take care of yourself.

    Karla- Welcome. I also have a blended family. My DH and I have been married 28 years, I have one son and he has 6. His oldest boy came to live with us when we got married so he was rasied with my son. We have 28 grandchildren and one due in Jan 2014.

    Janie12835- Welcome

    Carolyn- My favorite 0 calorie drink is diet Coke or Dr Pepper. I drink ALOT more then I should. I keep trying to cut back and will for acouple weeks and then I am back up again. My plan when I reach 100 pounds lost is for two of my DIL and GDs are going to have pedicures. I have had one and really looking forward to it. My DH husband says he will go also.

    Joyce- Hope you feel better soon.

    Well hope everyone is having a good day. and planning goals for July.

    Vicki GI Nebraska
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Happy Birthday, Grandmallie! Glad you are having a nice day...

    Still hot and muggy here in New England. Feels more like the tropics. Thunderstorms are predicted later. My dogs are not acting funny yet, so I guess it won't be for a bit.

    Busy week coming up with my pet sitting business. The 4th is tough, I have to medicate two of my dogs, and a bunch of doggy clients who have a rough time that night-poor babies.

    I'm also trying to make some more jewelry. I have some earrings and a necklace to give my sister for her b.day. I also want to list some pieces in my Etsy shop. Never enough time...

    Ate pretty well over weekend, but didn't get much exercise. Haven't weighed myself in a few days, so I think I will tomorrow, gulp. ''The Curse'' is coming in a few days and I will not be weighing myself at that time, lol...

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Critter Sue

    PS- I'm usually good at figuring out word abbreviations, but am stumped over ''NVS"...
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Grandmallie...Happy Birthday. So glad you are enjoying the day.

    Critter Sue NSV is non-scale-victory...Something other than weight loss. Like a dress fits that didn't before or someone notices how good you're looking now that you are losing weight.

    It's much cooler here today than yesterday and Friday....barely in the 90s. I love hot weather so this is nice for me. We don't have a/c in our house though, so I hope it doesn't last too many days. Our ceiling fans keep us comfortable unless it stays hot for too long and really heats up the house.

    Looking forward to a new month and all of your posts.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Critter Sue - Non-Scale Victory (weight loss forums). I looked it up online because I didn't know either. Just home from Costco shopping on a Sunday - EEK! I'm counting that as some of my walking time today since it's 95 degrees outside and I'm not exercising, or doing anything strenuous with those temps. I may walk around a few stores this evening although it works better when I can speed walk around early when nobody's there. Happy day!