

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Well two days of eating on the road and one day at the funeral. Very irregular eating but I got back and have only gained one pound. Probably the salt in the bean soup I had yesterday, at least I hope so. The funeral was very large. My DH's uncle was a journalist at the Rapid City Journal for 37 years, retired as executive editor and was very active in his community and at Mount Rushmore. He wrote his own obit and the complete funeral service before he died so everything was just as he wanted it. Also military honors as he was in the service as a young man.

    Well need to do as much as possible this week as rotator cuff surgery is next week. Katla - wish you lived near me, I would loan you my horse for the summer as I am not going to be able to ride her and the pasture is really good so far this year. She looks awesome right now but she may be pretty fat after a whole summer on pasture with not much exercise.

    Everyone take care especially those in danger areas for fire and weather. Healing angels to all who need them. Sue in SD
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :flowerforyou: Crittersue, before you weigh yourself, take inventory of your actions of the week……have you added exercise? Have your added healthy foods to your days and eliminated unhealthy ones? Have you weighed and measured and logged your food? If you have positive answers then don’t let the numbers on the scale make you happy or sad. Just keep on with the good actions and add new ones each day.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, enjoy your trip…..it sounds like you are well prepared.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I want Peter, Paul, and Mary and John Denver music played for me in the nursing home
    except that I plan to be too healthy or active to end up there....I'll be the one line dancing for the residents who are my contemporaries.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sue, best wishes to you on your surgery

    :flowerforyou: Jake worked this morning cutting the grass at his friend’s ranch and when he got home he said he was hungry and we went right out to our favorite Mexican restaurant so he could have chicken mole and I had a cheese enchilada, chili relleno, and pico de gallo….later was nap time and dog walking…..the scale will tell me tomorrow morning that I’ve blown up like a water balloon from the sodium in the Mexican food.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to my vitamin F pals! Very nice day today; pretty quiet. We slept in and didn’t go to church, but got up and went to brunch at a fun little place called the market basket. I had eggs benedict for the first time in ages and ages. I counted it as perkins, I think that was ok. Got some work done, dh opened gifts, we had a big Sunday dinner, then watched a movie that he picked: The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasus. It was really interesting and made by Terry Gilliam one of the writers from Monty Python, so it was odd! It was the last movie made by Heath Ledger (I thought that Batman movie was) and it had Johnny Depp, Christopher Plummer and Jude Law. Ledger, Law, and Depp played the same character. It’s hard to describe!

    Didn’t get my steps in today and I’m over by about 56 calories, but I figure one day out of 2 weeks of being on plan is ok. This coming week will be a bit of a challenge, so I’ll have to up my exercise!

    Jane: hope you had a good walk and it motivates you to keep it up! Baby steps, baby steps! Just put one foot in front of the other.

    JB: your Mariah is a doll. I will keep her and you and her entire family in my prayers for the best outcome possible and for the skill and talent of the nurses and doctors taking care of her.

    Rita: good to see you.

    Critter Sue: I weigh only one time a week. I have trouble with it going up and down and I find I get very discouraged when I weigh one day then the next day it’s up for no reason.

    Juanita: sounds like tackling that tree is a good workout!

    Michele: I sure hope things work out with Brian. I’m having trouble being up a lot too. Last night I was dead tired and went to bed at 9 then was up at midnight and stayed up watching tv for over an hour before I felt tired again. Then today I was dragging but couldn’t fall asleep for a nap

    Katla: If the nursing home plays Pink Floyd, my DH will be in hog heaven!!! What a funny thought!

    Heather: Hairy Dieters? I had the funniest mental image about overweight hairy people cooking light. I do love a good paella though!

    DeeDee: bossing all those boys around takes a lot of energy! Hope you had fun and got your nap!

    Grandmallie: we took dad a balloon bouquet to the nursing home. We often take him “illegal” donuts….he’s a diabetic, but loves a donut now and then and even though I’m a nurse I still feel it’s ok for an old guy like him with nothing in his life to have a donut now and then. There’s a new nurse there I really like…she came there from an intensive care unit so she is really sharp and I love that she calls him “Mr. Blair” instead of by his first name.

    Tigress: Russians eat perogies too or however you spell it. Boy that is a long process to make them by hand. I found some frozen ones that the kids love and say taste very authentic.

    Heather again: OMG I was right! Hairy dudes cooking, only I didn’t picture the biker part! Now I’m laughing my head off.

    Colleen: nice to see you and hope your weekend was great

    Barbie: there used to be a store in Lincoln (about 45 miles from here) that was entirely licorice!

    Yanniejannie: now you have made me hungry! LOL

    Gail: I gotta start having yoyo nights here!

    Sue : Good to only have gained a small amount. If it’s sodium, drink extra water and it will be gone in no time!!!

    Well, time’s getting late here; dh is snoring on the floor with the dog curled up right next to him. I guess that means it’s getting close to bedtime. Tomorrow is aquacise and more work on the test bank; I’ll be done this week. I need to do some yard work too. I am wishing our builder would get his butt in gear and get the flooded basement fixed so I can get on with things!

    Stay safe if you are in CO with the wild fires.

    Take care, Meg from Omaha, home of the college world series
    June goals:
    90 ounces of water
    6000 steps
    <1800 calories/day
    Exercise 5x/week
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I think I did OK at the diner tonight. I ordered a house salad with plain grilled chicken (no salt / marinade) and just put some balsamic vinegar on it. DH, DS2 and I shared 1 piece of cheesecake. It was so delicious! Didn't have any of the spanikopita or bread,, etc.

    Michele, is the pain in your elbow when you move or when you grip? When I had the problem with the tendon in my wrist, I also had some elbow pain (the other end of the tendon). Perhaps it is overuse from all the shoveling you've been doing. Hope it feels better soon.

    Need to sleep!
    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I had a lazy 3 day weekend and it's time to get back on the wagon tomorrow! My pedometer registered 200 steps today!!!:blushing:

    We had a good day though. Our youngest daughter was with us and our older one called her Dad later this eve. So all in all it was a good Father's Day. But I really think I treasure it more than my husband does. He has no expectations of any love from anyone so therefore he never gets disappointed if it doesn't meet up to his expectations.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Evening ladies, :flowerforyou:

    It seemed like this weekend went on forever! Don't know if that's a good or bad thing. We discovered a nice long crack in car windshield yesterday, luckily on passenger side, but no idea how it got there! :grumble: No spare money for anything right now so hopefully won't get bigger. Then I was all excited to go to a hot air balloon rally about 45 min away to see balloons launch and an evening glow with them all lit up at dusk. We've been talking about going to it for the last few years. When we got there the launch had just been cancelled due to bad weather expected but glow was still on. Thought we'd walk around a bit and see the vendors but almost all of them had closed up shop by then. After waiting around almost a hour the glow was cancelled due to expected storms. :noway: Oh well at least we met up with other family members for a bite to eat on the way home. DH had a nice father's day with phone calls and visits from all his kids but had to spend time at Immediate Care in between because I noticed his eye was all red and thought maybe he had pinkeye. Come to find out it had been hurting him for a few days but he never said anything about it until I mentioned how bad it looked. Doc didn't think pinkeye but unsure what is wrong. He has antibiotic drops to use 4X day and if it's not better by Wed. needs to see eye doc. Also got a note for work, he drives truck 12-14 hrs a day for work and doc doesn't want him to do any "prolonged" driving. Not sure how his work is going to interpret that note and if they will just send him home tomorrow or keep him at the shop for light duty. But I know I need to hit the sack since I'll be getting up in 4 hrs to do drops for him.

    Please send positive thoughts my way! I applied for a job this weekend that I'm really interested in and hoping to get an interview!
    It's really crunch time for us and I need to be employed again sooner than later!

    JB- I'm keeping Mariah and all her family in my prayers!! :heart:

    Best wishes to all and to all a good night!

    Kathy in humid IL

    Almost forgot to mention, thanks to whoever mentioned the book, "The Art of Racing in the Rain". I just finished reading it and it was very moving!
  • colograndma
    Sorry I have been MIA lately... just busy and can't seem to keep up with everything! Hugs to all, be back soon!

    :heart: In busy Colorado
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Evening, all---

    It's been a strange couple of days for me. Had a bad episode w/ food, and spent most of Friday night sleeping in a semi-sitting position to keep the acid reflux at bay. Then, today, I went up to Tucson w/ a friend and had a most pleasant food experience. It amazes me how food is such a source of both joy and sorrow..... just like people!

    So, today I went into an Italian restaurant and asked about gluten free options. They had none, but offered to make any of their signature dishes if I wanted to walk next door to the health-food type store and purchase the gf noodles. I did and they did and dinner was delicious! They didn't have to make that offer; they could have simply said no and left me to order a salad. I was so please that I almost kissed the waiter! So, if you are ever in Tucson, stop in at Florentine's on Broadway and Pantano for very good food and wonderful service!

    I did manage to stay under calorie count today, but I feel like I could eat my way through a bakery! I don't know where this craving for sweets came from, but I hope it goes away quickly!

    -Our praise team and our choir are praying for Mariah, please keep is posted on her progress.

    - Someone on the site made a suggestion that I try to include leaner meats into my diet plan. I openly admit that I am a carnivore, and I really love beef and pork, but I will try. With that in mind, after dinner when I went back into the health food store to do some shopping, I was looking at the frozen, organic meats. They had everything! Beef, pork, lamb, venison, wild boar, buffalo, ostrich and Kangaroo!!! I have never seen kangaroo offered in any store, so I just had to buy some! It is very lean, even leaner than venison. When I cook it, I will post and let you know how it was. If any of you out there in the world have an idea for how best to cook it, please, let me know.

    OK- time for me to head for bed. Tomorrow I need to get to the pool for exercise, and then I have to call a plumber because the water pipes are making strange sounds. Oh, the joys of owning my own home :laugh:
    Good night! Sweet Dreams! Pat
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    morning ladies,
    yesterday was a day for me..finally got my fitbit up and running..again..had to plug in the toggle to my laptop:blushing:
    I did over 12,000 steps yesterday,alot of it because of my walk.. the walk felt good until later when my heel started throbbing.the walk felt great but not so much the heel. damn wish this would just heal up.. it is hindering what I want to do...
    well I dont know if anyone watched the miss USA pageant but the young woman who won grew up here in Portland,Ct. to say we are proud is an understatment..
    Wont be going to the gym today,just to let the heel heal for a bit,but will go tomorrow am.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I had a great time bossing the boys yesterday:devil: , what`s so odd is I think they really like it:laugh: :tongue: . Even one of the workers joined us, he is absolutely adorable, 23 years old, just a baby:laugh: .

    Back to reality this week:sad: ! More exercise and less food :tongue: ! Time to get serious once again:drinker: !(That`s more water:wink: )

    Have a lovely day beauties!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in slightly stormy NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning! I'm checking in after about a week from not posting. I have been reading the posts most days. At the mid-month check-up, my June goals are not working out so well. I am going to have to do better. I finally broke down and owned up to the weight gain in my tracker. I usually only log when I have a loss. I'm going in to the office today to put my stuff back together (custodians moved it all around to shampoo carpets) and tutor a rising senior on the graduation test. Then I'm heading to a math conference for three days, then I have TWO WHOLE WEEKS at home with nowhere special to go. During those two weeks, I'm going to concentrate on following the plan with no excuses. I'm thinking about adding the 30 day squat challenge to the mix!

    On the plus side, I ordered 6 pairs of new underwear in a size smaller than my old and they are still too big! I also ordered a new bathing suit, got a bit ambitious and ordered a 14W. Although it is slightly snug in the bust area, it actually fits! I will not continue to undo the hard work I have accomplished over the last year. I am recommitted to doing the right thing.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Monday!

    :flowerforyou: Thank you all so very much for your kind words of support and prayers for Mariah. The surgery will be tomorrow. Another day of waiting, I feel so sorry for her and her parents, they're all so terribly frightened.

    I'm off to the track in a couple of minutes, time to get this bod moving. On a mission this week to hit the track early every morning and do my walk/jog routine - the one I haven't done since gardening season started in early this spring. Stretching first, then walk a full lap to warm up, followed by intervals of jogging and walking. I won't push it too hard this morning. Sun's shining bright, I'll need my shades :glasses:

    Everyone have a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb in Portland

    ‘Remember that beauty works from within, it cannot be put on and off like a garment.’ - Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm getting ready to travel but can't resist all of you, so here I am instead of loading the car. DIL cooked the asparagus. she poured about two tablespoons of olive oil onto a baking tray and rolled the asparagus spears in it, then popped it into the oven at 350 to roast. She checked it often and took it out while it was "aldente." It was yummy.

    Thank you for all your good wishes.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon, soon to be east of here.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies

    It is Monday, and my list of things to do today is long, but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

    Grandmalie- What is wrong w/ your heel? It sounds very painful. Hope it feels better soon.

    drkatiebug- Congratulaions on your nsv! I am looking forward to the day I can order 'pretties' instead of huge, ugly undies! We are easily pleased, aren't we.

    jb- I love that turtle logo. You run slowly (although, probably not) and I swim slowly. I feel like one of those sea tortoises that lumber through the water, but do manage to get where they are going. Enjoy your runs!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    For today: stay under count
    get to the pool
    eat something green and leafy :ohwell:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Yesterday, I bought my DH a new grill for father's day. He was excited! I also bought myself a little portable stair stepper I found at Aldi's marked down from $40 to $20. Set that up and played with that a bit yesterday. DH has 2 daughters, only one called. My DD2 lives here in TN with me so she came over and gave my DH a card and gift certificate. He was surprised and happy. My DS and DD1 called and spoke to him as well. I feel so sorry that DH's 2 daughters never call or visit. On the other hand I am so proud on my kids who take the time to acknowledge my DH. Too hot and humid here to walk outside. I am training someone here at work so can't type much. I will give the new stair thingy a workout tonight to make up for the not walking!

    June Goals:
    8 - 8oz glasses of water daily
    burn 200 calories at least 3 times a week
    25 jumping jacks daily
    7,000 steps a day
    yard work or outside at least 15 min a day
    Complete squat challenge
    Arm weights 3 times a week
    45 min cardio 5 times a week

    Rita from Humid and Overcast Tennessee!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Good wishes for Mariah and family tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie - I didn't go straight up from 2kgs to 7.5kgs, I had some 5kg ones as well, but I bought cheap ones and they are a bit large and unweildy. The 7.5 ones are much neater.

    A Hampshire guy, Justin Rose, has won the US open. His club, Fleet, isn't far away from us.

    More shiritaki noodles arrived today along with 100 sachets of Stevia, which I have not used before. We have some kind of stewed fruit almost every evening, along with my home made yoghourt, so I hope the Stevia will cut the calories. It is supposedly all natural, so we will see. My gels arrived for my sandals so I have stuck those in and hope I will be able to stagger to the party! :laugh: DH ironed his shirts today and found a pair of pants that are suitable, so we are all set. The necklace I am wearing is a vintage American one from the 50s and will go with the nail varnish. :blushing: I can't believe I am being so vain and it's not even my party! For my 60th I just wore trousers and a top I'd had for ages, but I was much fatter then!

    NSV - a friend told me today that my size 14 UK skinny jeans were "all baggy at the back!" This time I have lost a lot from my thighs. - it always used to be the last bit to go, but my waist has decided it wants to cling on to the fat this time.:bigsmile:

    My friend is coming over for a cup of tea later. I will ask her when she gets here if she wants me to get a slice of cake out of the freezer. Then I won't have it lying around tempting me if she doesn't want any. I have got quite keen on the sesame Ryvitas as a afternoon snack, with a tiny spread of low fat Philly. Bit high in sodium, but a 'girl's gotta eat!'

    DH now has a CBT therapist appointment for Thursday pm. Hope it helps him. I have my lymphatic drainage massage tomorrow. I always have a good laugh with the therapist so it's worth the journey.

    Love to all. Keep up the exercise and don't eat too much! ! ! ! :drinker:

    Heather in golf winning Hampshire UK
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies. I worked hard in the front yard on Saturday, enjoying our beautiful weather. I over did it a bit and I am very sore. I woke up in the middle of the night on Saturday and couldn't get my work situation out of my head. It really brought me down and Sunday I was a total slug. I barely got in 1200 steps for the day. I sat at my computer most of the day playing silly games and doing about 2 hours of work for the good boss. I was grumpy all day and I didn't want to go to bed. I stayed up way to late last night but I am not tired today. I am just grumpy about being at work.

    Okay that was a little ramble. :blushing:

    Today is a new day and I will get in 12000 + steps and I will do something productive when I get home from work.

    Have a great day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!!

    So 2 weeks in, and have done a reasonable job in meeting most of my goals. The scale isn't moving south as fast as I would like, but at least it isn't increasing.

    Had a nice long 90 minute walk yesterday and today I was up early before work to get my run in. I'm hoping to get a 20K step day in today.

    Everything is still a little water logged here in Delaware due to all the heavy rains we have gotten in June, hope we get a little bit of a dry spell. Although, my garden is loving the water.

    Be well,
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Monday moring to everyone. Glad to read all the goings on for the weekend. They called me after I got to work this morning and said they are going to start work on my roof this morning. I am excited to see how much they get done. Little Toby is doing well and can sure eat about anything for only having three teeth left. He does think that every time we leave now he should go along. I know he is lonely as he follows me all over when I get home. A co-workers mom passed away last week and she had a black toy poodle about the same age as Toby. So I told her if they don't have anyone who will take him we will. I did not another one so soon after Sassy passed, God must have another plan.

    Sandy- Congrates on the weight loss. Sure hope your migraine is better. Those are no fun.

    Joyce- That nursing home sounds like they have alot of fun. I like the idea of John Denver when I get to one.

    Meg- We have had rain Friday night. Sure clouds up and looks like we could get something in the evenings. But last couple days just been windy. I said to DH looks like we will be turning the sprinkles on soon.

    Critter Sue- I just weigh once a week. I work at a hospital so I use the same scale each week. I do it on either Monday or Tuesday which ever day I work and since I work today and tomorrow I plan to do it tomorrow. I come in at 5:30 am so weigh before I start work. I think if I did it everyday I would get depressed on days it was up.

    SueSD- Good luck with the surgery. I hear that is a painful rehab. Best of luck.

    Kathy- Good luck with the job interview. I know it is not easy to put yourself out there like that.

    rjadams- Sure hope things inprove for you at work. Somedays I wounder how much longer I can put up with something going on, but I just tell myself no matter where you work there are going to be people that drive me nuts.

    I can not get the pictures to come up on posts. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. I can see the pofile pictures and tickers.

    Blessings-VickiL giNebraksa
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki, my Mom lived in a wonderful place. It was on old teachers retirement home and they eventually changed to accept anyone. My parents used to refinish and refurbish old things. They loved old wood, big baseboards, old homes. They would carefully scrape off all those old layers of paint and find the beautiful wood under it and then stain it. Well this retirement complex had an old and a new part. The old was cheaper. But it was exactly what Mom needed. She rented a small one bedroom apartment that was over 100 years old, had old wood, just fit her. The food was good, housekeepers so sweet. Mom was pretty depressed when she first go there but just held on the the fact that when God closes a door, He opens a window. And Rathbone was that window. She found her ministry there and flourished. Oh I could go on and on about my parents and home life. It was the best.

    Time to go to the Y
