

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello everyone, hope you are having a good week, we have been away on holiday for a few days....living it up! Back to life today...
    stay well!

    Bj, SWOnt
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    This is an early post for me today. I did get up and go to deep water aerobics and enjoyed it. I think the fact that I've lost weight made it easier for me. Planning to get back over there tomorrow as it's suppose to be 103. No golf for me in that heat!
    Joy - welcome home. Glad you had such a good time on your cruise. Give yourself some time to get rid of the extra's you brought home!
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday and drink lots of water.
    Sue in TX
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today is a day off work…lots of plans and things to do!

    Michele, try Feliway for your visiting cat. It is a feline pheromone that is available both as a diffuser that you plug into an electrical socket and as a spray. It decreases anxiety in cats and people can’t smell it. I would recommend that you get the diffuser for the room and use a small amount of spray on your hands. Try giving the insulin injection while the kitty is still at the food bowl, that way you know he has eaten before the insulin. Good luck!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!

    Terri, from sunny Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,769 Member
    well busy day for me, was at work for 4 hrs,then I went and bought myself an early birthday present. I bought the magic bullet, the nutra bullet looks alot better,but did'nt want to spend the 100.00 did have a 20% off coupon ,so it only cost be 42.00 for the magic bullet. I am hoping I an make myself some healthy smoothies and such to help bring the weight down..
    Chester is freshly groomed and looking dashing..and I am doing laundry and cooking dinner for the DH.
    hope everyone is having a sparkling day:flowerforyou:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Michele- I don't have a DVD, I have a book called the resistance band workout book, by Ed McNeely and David Sandler. There isn't much out there for resistance bands. Even the folks who make them don't have lots of info on them.

    Tigress in GA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Last night I went to Macys and got fitted for some bras. So today was the first day to wear my new bras. I had never worn a sports bra but i knew I didliked riding my bike and my big ol' thighs knocking up against my belly roll and then the belly roll knocking up againtst my 'girls'. So it was nice today to have them so supported. And now I am wearing my regular bra. It sure fits different than my others. I'm just not used to what looks like a padded bra.

    Off the nursing home to see MIL.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,769 Member
    watch out Joyce you will get all the old geezer's hot and bothered :laugh:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,870 Member
    Well the surgery went well yesterday, at least the doctor was pleased with what he did. When he got in there he found in addition to the rotator cuff tears a bicep tear and three torn tendons. No wonder I couldn't use my arm! The surgery took two hours. Today I keep falling asleep every time I sit in one place for very long. results of anesthesia I suppose. Anyway things seem to be going well but rehab will be long and slow because of tendon repairs. I guess if you push too hard they are inclined to fail. Everyone take care and thanks for all of your kind wishes. Sue in SD
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sue,glad the surgery is behind you.Take care.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Only have a sec, but wanted to pop by and let everyone know I'm thinking of them! :flowerforyou: Hugs to all! Don't have time to catch up now on reading but I will make sure to at some point! Been on the go from 8:oo this morning and it's already 5:30. Started the day with a haircut and then spent the day at the college going over classes, financial aid and meeting with career services. Then finished coursework necessary to get excepted at the schools' library. In between meetings, dealt with re-fi. and paid bills. Found out with Federal loans, I will actually be able to get started with classed in Oct. Very excited, going for Criminal Justice AAS. :happy:

    Have to go feed the hubby!

    Kathy from finally drying out IL-Creek by us with filled to the banks yesterday and quite a lot of street flooding!

    Sue- Glad surgery went well and that you have that behind you!!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi all,

    Just on my way to bed, day 2 of a migraine so I'm heading to bed early with an ice pack. I hope everyone is doing well. I promise to catch up over the weekend.

    It's a long weekend here, Canada Day is on Monday AND I am on vacation next week. I am taking my car in to get some body work done so I will be at home most of the week. My DD has to work so if I want to use her car then I have to drive her to work and pick her up.

    Sue - glad the surgery went well. Be kind to yourself while you heal

    Gnite all!

    Sandy in ON
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Kate, and I’m a lurker.

    I think it’s time I come out to you! I really enjoy reading your posts; you are an encouraging and insightful group of women.

    Someone, I think Brooke? quoted part of this poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson some time ago. I have this poem on my wall at work, and try to read it every day. I don’t readily let go of things, and can be rather hard on myself, so in part, I use it to try to replace negative thinking with positive. It seems particularly appropriate for many of us on weight loss journeys. Here it is; I’ve only changed the pronoun “he” to “she.”

    Write it on your heart
    that every day is the best day in the year.
    She is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
    who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.
    Finish every day and be done with it.
    You have done what you could.
    Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
    Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
    begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
    to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
    This new day is too dear,
    with its hopes and invitations,
    to waste a moment on the yesterdays.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Kate, in Brooklyn, NY :flowerforyou:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sue in SD..........Just popped on to say I'm completely amazed that you are posting so soon after your op. May you have a pain-free and smooth recovery! Thanks for the explanation of AGO. I would love to be there for the Celtic concert.

    Welcome, Kate!!! You are now officially an ex-lurker.............very relevant poem!!

    yanniejannie...........mid-Atlantic, still no rain here.....
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,375 Member
    Gail - we all make mistakes, don't sweat it. I know I told one person that I had 13% body fat. I don't know what I had that confused with. But it's more like 24%. Oh well...... So glad you had a nice visit!

    Rita - that's wonderful that you're continuing your education! Never too late to learn something new, that's for sure

    jrenee - welcome! Where did you go on vacation and how long were you gone? You'll get those 4 pounds off.

    Sue in TX - Hawaii sounds like so much fun! How long will you be gone for? Is this your first trip to Hawaii? About the leaking, what kind of surgery did you have? I've never had a problem lifting those big rocks (fortunately). Maybe they aren't big enough. Once I did have just a tiny problem lifting a 37 pound container of cat litter into the trunk of my car. Oh, the joys of getting older.....lol

    Carolyn - impressive weight loss! That may not happen every week, and if it doesn't, don't get discouraged. Vince was growing his hair long and to be honest, he looked like a left-over hippie. So I made an agreement with him, if he'd get his hair cut I'd grow mine long. He wants it long. I thought that this would eventually wear off and I could get it cut. But it hasn't. Oh well....a deal is a deal. I do feel that I would like it shorter, especially in summertime when I'm exercising.

    valligirl - welcome! Tell us more about yourself

    Joy - welcome back. So glad you had such a great trip

    grandmallie - great steps!

    Heather - what a wonderful NSV you had! I remember those Undergrounds in London. I don't remember seeing any escalators, tho. Lots of steps. It was so great to read your NSV

    Gail - I hear ya about how things no longer appeal to ya. Yesterday Vince got some Dunkin Donuts. I looked at them and just thought "yuk". There were two that I was hoping he didn't buy thinking that I'd eat them, so I asked him about it. Fortunately, they were key lime filled so they're for him. Even last year they might have appealed to me at one time, but now they don't. Not even a little bite. Now I do have a recipe for baked donuts that I like. All that grease just doesn't appeal to me at all.

    barbie - I put the food in the bowl, both the moist and the dry. I fill the water dish, clean the litter box. This morning we were able to give Lance the insulin. Vince held him down and I gave it to him. I guess what I should do is make up another syringe and keep it in the lunch box in the bathroom so that I can just grab it when he's eating. I don't know how Cheryl (the lady who watches the cats while we're away) will be able to give him the insulin.

    mggriso - welcome! The only thing you need to do to join this group is come in often and let us get to know you better. It's IS harder to lose the older we get and it seems to be so much easier to gain. But losing CAN be done.

    Did an hour of Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000 DVD this morning. This afternoon we have an appointment with an estate planner. Not something that I'm looking forward to but I know it has to be done. Tomorrow I'll do some HIIT on the elliptical.

    Liz from Halifax - so glad you're feeling better but not glad that you weren't for a while. Sometimes I think it's more traumatic when your hairdresser moves away than the MD or counselor. I'm sure you'll find a good one. I would ask people whose styles I liked who they used

    CritterSue - Vince held onto Lance today while I gave him the shot. From what Jessica tells me, he doesn't like when you stand over him so you need to be behind him when you give it to him. Maybe there's something that happened to him before he was adopted. I really was getting concerned because I felt that the water dish was going down too fast and that there was too much urine in the litter. Admitted, not as much as when our cat (PJ) was diagnosed as diabetic (we no longer have him). With him the urine would, literally, be puddled in the litter -- it just couldn't absorb that much. That's not the way it is with Lance. I had to be in front of him today, but he got the shot. I'm trying to do everything that I can to get him used to me. I don't think the degree of diabetes is that great. I remember if we missed giving PJ a dose, there were times when he went into insulin shock, but I don't see that with Lance. I just wish I could give it to him on a semi-schedule at least. My plan is to try to give it to him while I'm going to the bathroom and he's eating.

    Robin - glad you got your windshield replaced and it wasn't that expensive.

    Tonight there's a homeowners association meeting. They usually have it in Feb (when we're in FL) but they didn't this year. They're pretty loose but I'm glad we're at least having an annual meeting.

    yanniejannie - at least you know you're a DES baby. My mother passed away when I was 9, her MD passed away, my father couldn't remember what she was taking (it might also have been B-12, I know she was taking that later in life), so I don't even know if there's something that I'm passing onto my children.

    I got the engagement and wedding rings (diamonds) out of the safe. I'd been wearing the ring (a plain band) that my mother wore when she worked. She was a hairdresser and couldn't wear diamonds. Anyway, I'll take that with me to the wedding. I'll offer to Dianna if she wants something from our family. Truthfully, I suspect she won't accept it, but at least I'll have made the offer. The rings were hard getting over my knuckles. Guess that happens with age. But once I got them on, they fit fine.

    bj - welcome back. Did you go someplace special?

    Terri - thanks for the suggestion of the feliway

    tigress - you're right, there aren't many at all DVD's using the resistance bands. I only know of the one by Cathe Friedrich. I was hoping you had another DVD, but not to be...oh well.

    Sue in SD - glad the surgery went well. Remember to have lots of protein to help with the healing.

    Kathy - yea for you being able to start your classes in October

    Kate - welcome. "Come out to you" put a smile on my face! Thanks.

    Michele in NC
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi lovely ladies. I haven't had time to read through all the posts - just skimmed a bit. :noway:

    Today was finally a day without thunderstorms (although the sky is starting to look very threatening).

    We have been giving the dogs nice long walks in the early evening. Tonight was very hot and we could tell the 2 fur babies were a bit tired so we did a shorter walk. It's a great time for my DH and I to catch up on the day and a nice way to get some additional exercise calories in.:smile:

    I did my strength training this morning which is great for toning up and upping my metabolism but does little for the calorie count. I'm upping my weights...my DH says I'm starting to have a more defined, athletic look (which is a great compliment from him). :heart: I'm still losing a little bit of weight so I'm considering adding in a few more calories to my total.

    I've made my diary open to my friends per my sister's request. She says she like looking to see what people are doing. I have to say dinner was wonderful tonight. I made Rachel Ray's Prosciutto wrapped rosemary chicken breasts, a tomato, basil and feta side salad and a TJ's potato and haricot vert sauté. the entire meal was only 420 calories.

    We are going to golf 9 holes tomorrow morning. The river trail is still flooded so no bike riding for awhile. :cry: I haven't played golf in while so I will be practicing patience. :blushing:

    Sue - so glad that the surgery went well

    Hope all those experiencing flooding are doing okay :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening everyone - Jodios from soggy N. Il :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :bigsmile:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Ugly weather around my area of metro Atlanta tonight -- thunder and lightning outside, and my doggie close under foot inside! It was very muggy and close today, so I'm actually glad for the rain.

    The boss took us all to lunch today and we got a big surprise, too. He is giving each of us an extra day off around the 4th of July, so next week I work just Monday and Tuesday, then am off until the following Monday, when the 2 fellows will be taking off. Pretty cool, but I'll see if it actually happens or not. This is a very busy time of year with lots of policy renewals, each of which has invoicing, etc., and as we know, money won't wait. Hopefully it will work out.

    I called my oldest brother's house tonight to wish him happy birthday, but he was at work so I talked with my SIL about 45 minutes, which was very nice. I'll call him again on Saturday morning when our schedules will mesh. He is 71 today.

    DH should be leaving work/heading home soon. Guess it is a YOYO night again. We ate out last night and our work lunch wasn't until 2p today, so I don't much care about it. Maybe I'll just have an icy cold smoothie.

    Glad to hear the surgery went well, Sue. I'm surprised you're posting, too!!

    Good night all,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    I am also a DES daughter. So far I have not had any issues (that I'm aware of). I think there are a few of us in the same boat on this thread. Very scary not knowing what could happen in the future from this awful drug...

    Still feeling pretty awful. Anxiety level is not helping. Probably more tests to see why I'm feeling so yucky. It's actually been hard to eat lately. Never thought I'd say that!

    I have a jewelry shop on Etsy, so I tried to be creative today. Will take pictures tomorrow and hopefully list some new stuff soon. With my pet sitting business I don't get much extra time-especially next week with the 4th approaching!

    Off to let the dogs out. It is raining, so all 4 will come in and try to dry off on the furniture! I wonder if Yankee Candle makes a ''wet dog'' scent???

    Have a great night! Welcome to new members!

    Critter Sue
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    PS-Michele, just saw your post! Glad you were able to give kitty his diabetes shot! It should get easier! :happy:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    I tried to post earlier today, but lost the whole post. I don't know if it posted someplace or if it is just out circling in the ozone.

    Thanks you all of your kind thoughts about my healt. The Dr says it is a strees induced bout of diverticulosis. I will be fine, he said so. (Yes, I am still a bit crabby!) He was just tickled that I have lost some weight, but I still have a long way to go.

    It is hot, hot, hot here in Green Valley, but it is even warmer 25 miles north in Tucson, and Phoenix is just crazy hot. I love my air conditioning!

    Here are a few random thoughts that appeared while reading the posts:

    Joyce w/ Happy Girls- The only place anyone can quickly tell I have lots weight is in The Girls! They have never been big, but now it is ridiculous! Yesterday I went swimming at a friend's home & private pool. It is a good thing the pool is private because the Girls kept wanting to come out for a little sunshine! It was pathetic! Enjly the experience of buying pretty undies and bras. I can hardly wait to do the same!

    Jb- Somewhere or sometime while I was sick, I must have missed a Mariah update. Could you let me know how things are going? I am still sending healing prayers.

    Rita in Tn- Hope your back is better. If you are going back to school, get yourself a support for behind you at the desks, tables, computer stations. I would go to school forever (if I could find someone else to pay for it!) Good luck w/ the classes.

    Welcome, jrenee! Take it easy out walking in the heat. Nice to have you as part of the group.

    LuLu (Carolyn) Loved reading your post. I liked being told to go and pamper myself.... it is one of my favorite things to do!

    Valligirl30- Welcome!

    Heather in Hampshire- Great NSV! I have two questions which will prove that I am a pretty boring cook! First, how do you make shrimp paste? Second, do 'broad beans' have another name that I might be more familiar with? Also, have you ever cooked with 'wild rice'? It isn't even a rice, it is a non-gluten grass which grows in lakes. It is excellent in many dishes.

    mggriso- Welcome! Bikini Days? I think I had one of those once, when I was about 3 years old! Never could bring myself to even think about putting one on! I am a retired teacher. I hope you love your 'job' as much as I did. What is the 5:2 diet? Sounds interesting.

    Liz- Take care and be well.

    I had better figure out what I want for supper. In this heat, I'd rather wait until about 10 to eat, but that is not good for people who tend to have acid reflux. I am never to to talk about all of this stuff again! It makes me sounds like a very, old hypochdriach!

    Take care, be well, stay cool!

    Pat (Phoo)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: today Jake announced that the vacuum isn’t picking up anything so he bought a new vacuum today and the carpets looked better than they ever have….he said that with the new easier to use vacuum that he will clean more often.

    :flowerforyou: This has been a busy day with three hours of dog walking and two line dance classes---two hour class in the morning and two hour practice for the county fair in the afternoon……I’ll be in bed early tonight.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Barbie from sunny and drizzly NW Washington