Men, what do you REALLY think of girls w/ stretch marks?



  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I've had no children, but i have stretch marks. I have them on my upper arms, a few on my tummy on one side, my butt, my upper thighs all over, and my calves. I don't wear shorts and I don't wear bathing suits. As I lose weight, I feel more coming in. I don't even look at my legs because I can't stand seeing them there. I wish I could go out feeling comfortable in a tank top and shorts, but that'll just never happen.

    They almost make me want to stop losing weight. Almost. I will continue to lose as I only have about 28 more pounds to go. But I hope they come up with some kind of laser to take them away. Please don't bash me over the way I feel. I can't help it. I don't mind them on other people, but I hate them on me.
  • j4m8
    j4m8 Posts: 32
    My husband had me look up sites to see women's bodies after birth, so that I could see that I had bounced back (just got some tiny white stretch marks on my thighs that everyone keeps saying aren't even stretch marks). But, when we were looking at the pictures my husband said that he doesn't find any of the stretch marks unattractive. He said they just look like patterns. He said they even look pretty. He said that my stretch marks are like imaginary friends because I'm the only one that can see them. He even showed me that he has them too. And I didn't even know. That's how hard to see and unnoticeable they are. Mine are like that. I asked him how he got them and he said, "From having skin".

    Your husband is GD awesome!
  • Katey12891
    Katey12891 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't care about my stretch marks and neither does my boyf. They were bright red colour when I was fatter but now they are just white. Anyway, he has little stretch marks on his butt! hahaha so cute.
  • aftonslater
    aftonslater Posts: 69 Member
    I'm obviously not a man, but I'm getting better about stretch marks...I never had any from puberty (i'm 5'3 so i guess i didn't grow quick enough to get them haha) I got 3 on each hip from my first pregnancy and i kinda loved them! they were really light and i figured what better reason to have stretch marks! then after getting significantly bigger with my second pregnancy i got more on my belly, which made me wanna vomit to be honest. because i knew it was my fault for gaining too much weight, not from my baby so i hated them because i saw them as fat stretch marks not baby stretch marks. I'm now pregnant with #3 and i've been much better with weight gain this time around so i figure if i get more i'll deal with it, and if not then super! my husband doesn't care i don't think he really notices...then again they're from his kids so he shouldnt haha
  • Janran02
    Janran02 Posts: 1 Member
    I think several men have them too, from weight gain or loss from either muscle or fat. My husband has more than me. I love him either way. If someone judges your appearance because of them, they do not deserve you.
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    I just wish someone had TOLD ME that this could/would happen! I never saw stretch marks on anyone on TV, in movies, magazines, etc. I got a few of the little slivery ones on my hips when I became a teenager, but I had no idea they could look even close to the ones in the pic that has been posted a few times here. When I first got real ones recently I was shocked. I'm completely self-conscious about it (though I try not to talk about it) and I hate my body so much more than I ever did. (I think I'd feel better if I had them because of children instead of my own disgusting choices.) Couldn't we just get ONE magazine image or something that doesn't have them photoshopped out to show that it's normal?

    As for the opposite sex, my boyfriend (who I got fat with) has them now too (in basically the same places) and his don't bother me at all. Maybe we are all just harder on ourselves, go figure. Thanks for this thread you guys, I stupidly felt like I was one of the few people with this problem.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Ok, so I am clearly really late to this party but I found this thread while searching for a different one.

    To me it really doesn't matter. I don't see them as a "flaw" or "imperfection" in the slightest, and I feel the same way about little wrinkles and other things so many people obsess over.

    OP and others may think this is something guys say to make them feel better, and maybe in some cases it is, I can only speak for myself and I am just giving you my honest perspective. For me it's about the entire package (inside and out) and how it all comes together not a little detail here and there.

    Reading that I know it sounds like what the "nice guy" is supposed to say. There is really no way I can think of to convince you of my sincerity, but if you think of one let me know.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Thanks to medical issues, accidents, and acne, I have enough scar tissue on my neck and face that Edward James Olmos looks smooth-cheeked by comparison. I could care less about a few stretch marks. That said, I'm acutely aware that when a woman asks me this question face-to-face, I'm firmly in "there's no right answer here" territory, where every response will likely be deemed either harsh, insincere, or both.
  • Twinkielingus
    Twinkielingus Posts: 147 Member
    I do have a few from having my daughter. They did initially bother me. But they aren't too bad. As I became much more comfortable with my body, I really don't care what anybody else thinks. I want to be with a man who loves me for me and my whole package.

    Hydration, exercise, tanning, and even some lotion specific for stretch marks have worked for me to minimize the look.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    They dont bother me just be healthy and happy. :bigsmile:
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    ^^^^^ Amen!!!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I askes my husband if my stretch marks bothered him and he said "no, mine bother me though." I literally didnt believe him and made him prove it. He actually has quite a few and I never even noticed and, honestly, haven't noticed them since.
    1: the man I love doesn't care.
    2: they truly are not really noticeable.
    3: The is no logical reason to be concerned with them and no point in being emotional about them.
    So, I don't. They are there and never going anywhere. Moving on.
  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member
    I just asked my husband...If my stretch marks bothered him. He said, "No, you want me to lick them?"... lol.

    They do bother me tho..but, I don't obsess over them. I work on what I can change.
  • mteague277
    mteague277 Posts: 145 Member
    I couldn't care less what anyone thinks about my stretch marks. Mine were really bad right after having my daughter. They're pretty faded now but they will never be gone without laser, but I really, really don't care.
    My husband doesn't care either.

    If I were single and a guy told me he didn't like them, he would be way too shallow for me anyway. As someone else said, they aren't something that you can prevent (mostly genetic although you can minimize them, they're not 100% preventable). Out of all the things I don't like on my body, I hardly think about my stretch marks as a problem.
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
    I think they're fun to trace with a finger, just like freckles or tan lines. If you have a pen its fun to draw clouds above them on your partner and pretend they're lightening bolts.
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    Why does it matter what men think of girls with stretch marks?
    Surely it is only your own thoughts on your stretch marks that matter? And from the sounds of things, you need to work on that, as confidence is more of a turn on for men, than stretch marks would be a turn off.
    If a guy were to judge you based on something so common and trivial, would he really be right for you anyway?

    It matters because OP feels it matters, take your feminism spiel elsewhere!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member

  • johan1585
    johan1585 Posts: 44 Member
    I 28 could not care less about strech marks
  • sportochick
    sportochick Posts: 8 Member
    I had a friend who once dated a wonderful women who lost tons of weight. He couldn't get over her sagging skin. Or the scars left from surgery to remove some of it. I was so disappointed in him. He himself had stretch marks and was over weight.

    Life isn't perfect neither are our bodies. I earned my stretch through having children and when I sprouted up at 12 but I look at them and I think wow my body has character. Who cares what the guy thinks! If he can't see through the stretch marks to the person, I am not interested he's too shallow for me.

    My sister has some from when she almost died in a car accident. I feel they are a celebration of her living. She is going to cover them with tattoos. I found a beautiful tiger stripe one and posted it to my FB page for her. It was beautiful and I don't have tattoos.