

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words about my jeans. I will wear them tonight when DS and family visit and get DH to take a photo for my profile gallery.:blushing: :laugh:

    Getting ready today for the visit. Groin strain much improved. Fitness must help - 8 years ago it took months to heal. I have asked DDIL to bring DGS's little watering can so he can 'help' us with the veg watering! Bless! :love: :love: :love: I haven't seen him for 2 months so I expect his talking will have come on a lot. He is 2 yrs 2 mths. He will be asleep in the car when they arrive, so they usually try to put him to bed, but I expect as he is getting older he will have other ideas! I have deliberately made food that wont spoil if we can't eat straight away. My trouble is, I am so used to eating at 6.30 that I will be STARVING and under those circumstances I am inclined to swig down a glass of wine! Or two.:huh: I must make sure that I have a snack later in the afternoon than usual so I'm not fainting from hunger.:laugh: I will be able to hear all your voices in my head, keeping me on the straight and narrow! :heart:

    Jb - so happy to hear your news about Mariah.

    Michelle - I'm so envious of your beautiful pool. If I ever won the lotto, a pool (indoor in our climate) would be the first thing I'd treat myself to. I love swimming, but I hate public pools. I used to swim a mile 2 or 3 times a week. That is the last time I lost weight, before the breast cancer. But today I am even lighter! ! ! :drinker:

    We have a HOT weekend ahead of us. It is lovely now to enjoy the hot weather instead of sweating and expiring. I used to dread the temperature going up when I was obese. Now I feel I can cope fine and don't mind going sleeveless, which I used to hate. I still wear my lymphodema sleeve nearly all the time, but did take it off last time it was scorching. I could never wear a skirt either as my thighs would be red raw. I might try a skirt tomorrow, if it is really hot. By hot I mean 82 degrees. That probably doesn't sound hot to some of you! ! ! ! :noway: :tongue:

    Love to all. I will be back with my pic. Heather from balmy Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and join this amazing group of supportive women!!!

    Michele:smile: Beautiful pool:love: ! Yes, yesterday was a strange weather day, cloudy with rain, sunny with rain, sunny with thunderstorms, I think we had 3 or 4 small little thunderstorms and some huge raindrops.....hope the sun finds us soon! I think my flowers are drowning from too much water:sad: .

    Vicki:smile: Congrats on the inches lost:flowerforyou: !!! Now it`s time to buy smaller pants, that always puts a smile on my face:bigsmile: !

    Jb:smile: Woo hoo!!! So happy for Mariah and the family:love: !!! This is the best news ever!!!!

    Heather:smile: Congrats on the skinny jeans:flowerforyou: !!! I`m sure you look fantastic in them, be sure to post pics!!!! Enjoy your visit with your grandson, they grow up so fast!

    Jodios:smile: Ugly babies sounds delish:love: !!!

    Barbie:smile: You have the greatest advice! Thank you for sharing it with us:flowerforyou: !

    Brooke:smile: Fuchsia and purple skirt:love: , bet you look amazing in it!!!

    I had a fabulous day yesterday. I stayed within my calories and had a wonderful time:bigsmile: ! Today I plan on tackling some house cleaning:grumble: , not my favorite thing:noway: , but it needs to be done. Maybe a nap this afternoon:love: , I`m already looking forward to it:laugh: .

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in still cloudy rainy:sad: NC
  • cottagegal1
    cottagegal1 Posts: 161 Member
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning!

    Good news, no broken toe yay! :happy: I got up this morning and was able to stand on it for a half hour cleaning and doing laundry. I doubt if I would have been able to do this if it really was broken. Hoping not to overdo so I can go to Water Zumba tonight. I've been up since 5:30 and feeling pretty proud of myself for being so productive already! Benji (my Yorkie) goes to get groomer in a little bit, DD needs an oil change for her Jeep, so picking her up from the shop and going to Target. Then more cleaning. What the heck, watching GMA and this woman has 55 Llamas as pets! :laugh: She even watches TV with them (not all 55 at once!) :laugh: Anyhow, hope everyone has a good day!

    JB- Fabulous news about Mariah!

    Kathy from still sunny IL
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Good morning, beautiful friends.

    Michele, Your pool is gorgeous. Way to persevere on the river rock and in trying to post the pictures. Also fabulous news about the progress with your son.

    Great news about Mariah.

    I got up on the 4th and walked in the rain with my DH, but I could not get up this morning to go with him. I slept in for another hour and a half. I will eventually go today, probably around 10:30 or so. Then, I may go again with him when he gets home from work, although once a day is usually all I can handle. My immediate goal is to finish my expense sheet from the workshop I attended two weeks ago. I don't know why I have such an avoidance issue with issue reports. One would think I would be motivated to get my money back.

    Today was weigh-in day and I am down another pound. Granted, I still have 3 lbs to go to be back to my lowest weight of a month or so ago, but at least I feel like I'm on the right track again. That's 3 of the 6 I gained during my little rebellion period (or the stress of finishing the school year, take your pick).
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning,

    Hope those who celebrate had a great 4th. I am relieved it is over. It was sad seeing some of my doggie clients so distraught from the fireworks. Today is a new day, and they all seem to be back to themselves again.

    I am SO thrilled to hear the wonderful news about Mariah!!! :love:

    Hot, hot, hot here. I will certainly drink tons of water today!

    I saw someone I hadn't seen in a bit yesterday, and she noticed I've lost a little weight-yaaay! My ticker says 6 pounds, but I lost a bit more before I joined MFP.

    Enjoy the day, ladies-and drink your water! :wink:

    Critter Sue
  • maureenb93
    Good morning all,

    I survived the holiday with no alcohol or simple carb consumption. Definitely a NSV for me! The bad news is that I ate A LOT of brisket. Oh well. It was yummy and I had a great time at the party.

    Everyone was commenting on how much weight I had lost since they last saw me (about 12-15 lbs since I last saw most folks).

    Believe me, those observations and compliments "tasted better" than anything on that dessert table!!!!

    Built-in motivation that I was not expecting helped get me through the food rooms and out onto the patio to visit with friends!

    Maureen from TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brooke: I log any loss, even .2. My reasoning is that I log what the scale tells me, but in truth I don’t always log when it bounces back up a bit. My flat-line plateaus are a little bouncy if I were to log every bump and dip. Congratulations on being able to wear your lovely new skirt. I love fuchsia and purple.:love:

    Michele: I’m happy that your son gave you a positive reply. I hope he’s coming around to a better-balanced frame of mind. Your pool looks fabulous. I love this weather comment from you: “Mother nature sure does need to adjust her meds!” Gorgeous pool picture, persistence pays.:bigsmile:

    Heather: Congratulations on your new royal blue skinny jeans! Wonderful NSV.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki G: Congratulations on the lost inches! What a wonderful NSV.:flowerforyou:

    Kat from Maryland: I open a word document on my desktop and keep it there while I read posts, making comments on the word document as I go. When I’m all done, I copy and paste the word document into MFP and add smilies.:wink:

    Joyce: DH has chronic hives, which have been troubling him less as he’s lost weight. There are so many other things going on with his health it is hard to know where to give the credit. We’re sure enjoying the improvement. He’s on MS meds now and is doing better. FINALLY!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Rori: I love today’s affirmation, “I replace dieting with healthy eating principles and habits.” I enjoyed hearing about your lovely evening watching baseball with DH. :flowerforyou:

    Kathy: I hope your toe isn’t broken. I smashed my foot into a piece of furniture years ago and three toes turned black and blue. It took weeks for them to heal.:tongue:

    JB: Great news about Mariah’s spinal tap results! :heart:

    Janie: You’re doing great with your steps. Congratulations on the hard work.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was a rest day for me. We walked downtown for breakfast and to see how the festivities were progressing in the park. There were lots of vendors, antique and classic vehicles, and happy people enjoying the nice weather next to the river. The National Guard was there with some vehicles and lots of guys in uniform. We bought a bouquet of flowers to thank the neighbor who told DH about her adaptive lenses, and came home where we spent the rest of the day. A concert was scheduled in the park for the evening, but we didn’t go back to listen. I had a couple of long naps and DH took care of food. We sat out on our deck, chatted with neighbors and enjoyed the fireworks. Our dog would have been miserable. Today we’ll go and get him from the Vet’s. I know we did the right thing for him, but I missed him.:heart:

    I forgot to mention that it looks like I’ll get appointed to the city committee. I got a call from the City Manager day before yesterday. The process isn’t complete, but I was the number one choice and a recommendation has been sent to City Council. They’ll need to approve it before I’m appointed. I guess I didn’t come off as too arrogant after all.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Everyone –

    Hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July. Well, I have slacked off for 2 days with the exercise, but was back on program today. Like everyone here, sometimes it seems like life gets in the way of fitness and healthy eating!! Had my family over yesterday and we got a bushel of crabs (shew were they expensive this year) and made macaroni and cucumber salad. We also had some nice sweet yellow corn. So overall, it was a pretty healthy eating day and it was nice to visit w/my mom and aunt.

    :smooched: Lucy – I like your goal of lower sodium. I notice when I eat soup I am always over for the day.
    :smooched: Phoo – you make me laugh when you talk about those nasty green stuff. You did a great job steering clear of all the fast food stops, you earned a Gold Star in my book!
    :smooched: Exermom – that pool looks awesome. I need a pool like that for these hot and muggy east coast days.
    :smooched: Maureen – great goals, I like the “me time”.
    :smooched: Heather – congratulations in getting into those skinny jeans, how fabulous.
    :smooched: JB – great news on your niece.
    :smooched: Brooke – congratulations on your NSV, always exciting to try on new clothes and see they fit perfectly.

    July Goals:
    1. Log all food
    2. 14000 steps each day
    3. Cardio 5x a week
    4. Limit alcohol to 2x a week

    Warm Regards,
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Good Morning Pals,

    No time to respond individually, but am sending positive thoughts to all who are struggling with health or family issues. I have a few of those, too, and some days are better than others. Try to stay positive as much as you can.

    Congratulations on your weight loss if you've had some. I love looking at everyone's tickers and seeing all those pounds gone. I'm hoping that the number on my ticker will grow this summer.

    Pulled weeds this morning for an hour-and-a-half before the sun came around and enjoyed working in the damp earth. Thanks to all the rain we've had the weeds are going strong so I barely made a dent. Will try to do more tomorrow. It's a nice way to start my day I think.

    DH retired last month, and so our lives have been in an altered state lately. He is wanting to "play" a lot, which is such a nice change from our usual summer habits that I can't say no, but it's wearing me out. :tongue: None of my summer tasks are getting done, and since we are taking a big trip with our 17-year-old son at the end of the month (Denver to Mt. Rushmore to several national parks to Seattle) for 3.5 weeks, my at-home time is compressed. I need July to catch up on all my doctors' appts and chores before school starts again at the end of August. I have several professional books to read, home projects that aren't getting done, time with friends that isn't happening, plus my fitness goals. I'm starting to stress myself out just thinking about it. I have to remind myself that it will all be okay. I'm just struggling to find a good balance between helping DH celebrate his new status as a free retiree, and managing my own responsibilities knowing that I'll be returning to work in August. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

    July goals:
    -Log food, exercise, and water intake every day
    -Do some form of exercise at least 5 times a week
    -Stick with the Readers Digest diet (It has really helped me reform my eating this year, and most of the recipes are good.)
    -Think happy thoughts

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good afternoon,
    I was able to get my exercise in yesterday even though the weather wasn't so great. It's hot & humid today and will be over the weekend so it will be working out inside for me. I checked out our local Y and couldn't believe the price to join. yikes, I can't afford that much so I will continue what I've been doing. I have a treadmill at home and some weights and a wii with wiifit.

    My DD surprised me last night and is buying me a fitbit one. I'm so excited, we pick them up tonight.

    When I moved into this apartment after the divorce I thought that not having carpeting will be so much easier with 2 cats. Boy was I wrong. The cat hair doesn't stick to any carpet it just flies everywhere. Now I can't get carpeting because I have a cat that vomits every single day. If there is any type of carpeting or even mats she chooses those places. She is 16 and I've taken her to the vet so many times for it and they have no idea. Once all the testing was done and all was normal, she thought maybe it was acid relux, we tried meds for that and no difference. She suggested hypoallergenic food and my cat hated that food and dropped over 1 lb in a month, she started at only 7 lbs. I have her now on sensitive stomach food and I go through a lot of paper towel. I have to cover the furniture too. I feel so bad for her and wish I could find something to help her. Other then that issue she is perfectly healthy.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and stayed hydrated.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day so we'll see how I did being home all week. Monday I'm back to work.

    michelle - I love your pictures of your pool. I am envious and would love to have a pool :smile:

    Have a great day everyone!

    Sandy from ON
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Just popping in to say my skinny jeans photo is the last one on my profile! :heart:
    Heather (waiting expectantly for the family to arrive )
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Whew..... made it through the 4th! I was a little over on my calories, but not as bad as it could have been or would have been w/o the MFP support group behind me. Knowing that I have to log every bite, and admit what I have eaten really does help me. Thank you, all, for being with me yesterday! :smile:

    I am going to be staying at my BFF's home for 2 weeks to take care of her 2 cats and her yard/plants. It will mean running back and forth to also take care of my plants and yard, and keep up with the commitments I have here on my end of the Valley, but that is OK. What it will mean for me is a little more stress trying to get everything done in the right way. My friend and her husband lead quite a different life-style than I do. More formal, more upscale, so taking care of their home always makes me just a little nervous. I don't know why, they love me to pieces and would never be angry or anything, I guess it is just my own insecurity. Anyway, I need to spend the next couple of days getting my house ready to leave, and my suitcase packed.

    The real issue with this whole thing is taking my cat with me. He will be fine once we are there, but the poor old boy just doesn't do well in cars. He cries, he poops, he throws up, ... Do any of you have any suggestions? I can't leave him home alone, but that is one long 32 mile car ride with him being so miserable! Critter Sue?

    Maureen in Tx- Congratulations on the 6.5 lbs! I like your idea of "me time".

    Heather- Congratulations on your gardening outside.
    Big CONGRATULATIONS on the skinny jeans! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Kat- Great job with the virtual 5K. Creative way to deal w/ the situation. BTW, I can drive 5K, does that count? I am so not a runner! Your diet counselor sounds like a wise woman. That healthy person mind set is important, and I think that it is something many of us find hard to sustain. We can hold it for a while, but a little bump will knock us back to sick thinking. I am very happy that you seem to be rock steady with your mindset, it gives me hope that I can get there, too. Thanks for sharing that. BTW, another wise woman told me to jot my thoughts on the computer's notepad, then copy & paste them into my reply. It's the only way I can keep up.

    Joyce in IN- My partner thinks Cracker Barrell is just part of the heaven that includes Lowe's and the golf shop! Enjoy!:laugh:

    Jb- Awesome, awesome, awesome news about Mariah! Blessed Be!

    Melody- Welcome! Glad you are off the prednisone- it is just plain nasty. Using this site and logging everything will be positive steps towards your goals.

    Barbie- I always enjoy your posts, you are so supportive and positive! Question- what is a 'plank'? BTW, I couldn't do a squat challenge anymore than I could run a 5K, but, boy, it would be fun..... I just don't have a catalog that will let me order the new knees! :laugh:

    Michele- All of us know why you are tired- You are a veritable Whirlwind of Activity! My gosh, I get tired reading about all you do! I enjoy playing Mexican Train, too, except for the actual train whistle! My partner loves to hear that sound!
    The new view of the pool is gorgeous! I love the lights. Wow, you and your DH should really be proud of this.

    Today I am cleaning, mowing my little yard, and getting my clothes ready to go. I would love to get up to the pool, but I might run out of time and energy. I must also pay a visit to the local nursing home/ rehab center to visit a 98 yr. old friend recovering from surgery. That is the most important thing on my list today. She is such a sweetheart, and so tough! She is treating this surgery and rehab like it is a broken fingernail instead of a 'major' event. I can learn a whole lot from her.

    Take care and have a wonderful day today!
    Pat (Phoo)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Excellent news about Mariah:drinker:
    Love the pool pics,wish I had a pool to swim in,love the water.
    Have a great day!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Just popping in to say my skinny jeans photo is the last one on my profile! :heart:
    Heather (waiting expectantly for the family to arrive )

    You look wonderful!:bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    afternoon chica's
    Well Doris and I ran round and had a good time today, went out for lunch and had what I said I would.
    I also spend 53.00 on orthodics for my shoes..Walmart has one of those things you stand on, and so I bought the ones for my feet, also i can send in for a 10.00 rebate. so for 43.00 bucks hope these help..
    I did go to a specialty shoe store and did the same thing, but they wanted 60.00 for theres.
    so I bought them and hope they work...
    It is a scorcher out here today, tryin g to stay cool
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    Hello over fifty's! I am so glad to have found MFP site! I have found so much advice on this site and forum. I am finally making progress based on the diet plan here. My first month goal of 4 kilos (8.8 pounds ) was not only reached but beyond. The diet plan I follow, I am never hungry and the exercise is do able. I feel like I finally am getting control! And, after menopause ! Thank you MFP!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Viv - yes, post those pics! Inquiring minds want to know

    Brooke - how wonderful that that skirt fit!

    grandmalle, I just got this recipe from Taste of Home. Truthfully, I'd probably leave out some of the ingredients that they have listed (like the bacon) and I'd make my own barbecue sauce. Then I'd put it into the recipe calculator here and see what I came up with. It's a starting point, tho

    Fourth of July Bean Casserole Recipe
    Prep: 20 min. Bake: 1 hour
    Yield: 12 Servings
    1/2 pound bacon strips, diced
    1/2 pound ground beef
    1 cup chopped onion
    1 can (28 ounces) pork and beans
    1 can (16 ounces) kidney beans, rinsed and drained
    1 can (15-1/4 ounces) lima beans
    1/2 cup barbecue sauce
    1/2 cup ketchup
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/2 cup packed brown sugar
    2 tablespoons prepared mustard
    2 tablespoons molasses
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon chili powder
    In a large skillet, cook bacon, beef and onion until meat is no longer pink; drain.
    Transfer to a greased 2-1/2-qt. baking dish; add all of the beans and mix well. In a small bowl, combine the remaining ingredients; stir into beef and bean mixture.
    Cover and bake at 350° for 45 minutes. Uncover; bake 15 minutes longer. Yield: 12 servings.
    Nutritional Facts 1 serving (1 cup) equals 278 calories, 6 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 15 mg cholesterol, 933 mg sodium, 47 g carbohydrate, 7 g fiber, 12 g protein.

    Hope your orthotics help!

    DeeDee - Yet ANOTHER weird weather day. Weather.com keeps changing every hour. Maybe the weatherman from FL got lost up in NC? FL's weather is sunny, then showers, then sun

    Kathy - that certainly IS good news

    Did an hour of spinning workout today. Tomorrow is the farmer's market (it better NOT rain!) and then yoga

    We're supposed to go to this lady's house today. They're having a celebration for their 50th (yes, you read right) anniversary. Also, one of her grandchildren is getting baptized in the a.m. So after spinning I bought a little gas, came home to have some breakfast and give Lance his insulin, then had to take my car for a wheel alignment, went to Aldi to get confectioner's sugar (I found a recipe online for Spanish wedding cookies. You're supposed to roll them in confectioner's sugar but I'll probably take a bag with me and Bryan will need to do that. I wasn't going to make anything, but since his email, I can't help it, I just want to help out in some way), stopped at Babies R Us and got this thing where you can make a mold of a baby's hand/foot print. Vince did that when he was in kindergarten and we STILL have it. Then went to Hallmark to get cards for tonight. When I was at the Y I was talking to one gal about how she was doing their bulletin board. She'd made this beach chair out of craft sticks, so I mentioned about these paper umbrellas I had and wondered if she could use one, so I took it to her. Then it started raining!

    katla - congrats on the appointment! They're lucky to have you

    Polly - how well I remember when Vince retired. I think he thought that I'd change my schedule to his. NOT HAPPENING! For 23 years I was used to the kids going to school, Vince going to work, then I'd have the rest of the day to myself until the kids got home. I wasn't about to give up my friends and things just because he retired. At times he'd come into the kitchen and tell me how to cook. Like I didn't learn anything in the last 23 years! Finally, I said to him "go downstairs, just go downstairs". Eventually he did find some of the hobbies that he enjoys, his computers, music, his trains. But it was rough at first so I sympathize with you

    Sandy - I don't know if this works or not, but someone suggested to me to give our cats some pureed pumpkin, that it would stop the vomiting. Never did it, they don't vomit that much

    Heather - wooo on those skinny jeans. Wish I could wear them. You look great!

    Pat - our vet recommended Feliway and I know someone on here suggested it for the hyper-cat

    Siegel - welcome! Which diet are you on?

    Michele in NC
    who is off to the 50th anniversary party now
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good Afternoon from HOT HOT Nebraska. I so hate this weather. Today I am at work so in the AC alday. I am such a baby about the heat. Today was my weigh in day and I lost 3.6 pounds, so lost what I gained last week and alittle more. Makes a total of 89 pounds since Nov 2012. Still have 111 to go to get to my goal. Doctor says once I get there we will talk. I am just happy to be lower then in over 20 years.
    I am not real smart about computers. DH has to show me most things and then I just get comfused. So I take notes when I read the posts and then type it up. We still have no rain and temps are going up. Tomorrow is our yearly family picnic and it will be hot. Most the time I don't notice the heat as enjoy being with family that I only see once a year. We play a silly card game called sh-- on your nieghbor and we all have 4 quarters to start. Who every stays in the longest gets the pot and we usually have about 15-20 playing at one time. My DN even made a trophy several years ago we pass around., All in good fun and it gets everyone out of their groups.

    Barbie- Tell Jake he can grill at my house anytime. My DH thinks cooking on the grill means burn it. He tries.

    Michele- I finally got the pictures to show,. You have a done a fantasic job. Looks so relaxing. Thanks for the heads up about HisEminence. I agree he sounds fishy.

    Viv-Good Luck on the Race for Life. Such a great cause.

    Brooke- Great NSV on the clothes. I am aftaid to buy smaller as what if I gain it back and can't wear them. I know I have to get past that.

    drKatiebug- Congrates on the weight loss.

    MaureenTX- Good work on your NSV at the party.

    Katla- Sounds like they want to pick the right person for the City Committe appointment. They will be lucky to have you.

    Heather- Fantastic skinning jeans. I checked out the picture and you look ready to take on the world. Hope you are enjoying visit with you DGS. I just love spending time with the grand kids. I can play and have fun and then send them home when they get tried.

    Kat- Godd for you on 3.2 miles. I understand how you see yourself. I have lost 89 pounds and can not see it when I look in the mirror.

    Joyce- I understand as I will brake out and bleed. Seems to happen over night where the skin toudhs. My doctor said to come in every time as then down the road if I end up needing to have skin removed the record will help with the insurance. I have seen the pictures of those surgerys and I am not interested. My doctor told me that if I drink enough water it could take up to two years but most of the skin should fit. We will see.

    Kathy-Glad your toe in not broke. Getting up in the dark and running into thinks is something I do quite often.

    jb-FANTASTIC news about Mariah.

    Janie- good work on the steps. I am trying to get more steps in each day. I take the long way around to the restroom at work and come back around the back way. They add up fast when I do that.

    Polly- Sounds like you have your hands full. Take a deep breath and remember One Day at a Time. I repeat that to myself several times a day.

    Hope everyone has a good evening. I have our CMA meeting tonight. Guess as the secerary I am as ready as I will be. I love riding with the group and have good fellowship at the meetings. After I work alday I just want to go home and put me feel up.

    Vicki GI Nebraska
  • chekerr
    chekerr Posts: 5 Member
    Yay I am on the right page at last. Just starting but hoping to finally make the changes needed to reach my goals. I love MFP so glad to start tracking my eating habits. Didn't realize just how much I was eating. Each day on MFP has taught me domething new. Chat with everyone soon.