

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Heather:smile: I want to come visit you and have a taste of all the delicious food you make....yum!!!! Sure hope you get to feeling better soon, I`m quite impressed all the exercise you did with the strain. Just be careful!!!

    Sandy (Ohiomom):smile: Shout any time you need to, it`s all the better when it`s shouting for joy:bigsmile: !!! Enjoy every minute of your visit!

    Michele:smile: Are you surviving all the rain:grumble: ?? Geez, I`m so ready to see the sun shine:glasses: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Please come in often and chat with us!

    My power went out around 1:15 this morning, my security system started beeping, it lets you know there has been an interruption in power, I had to get up and reset it,(it is on battery back-up, thank goodness) call the power company to let them know, got back in bed and couldn`t go back to sleep:angry: , I think I had just dozed off and the power came back on around 2:45, finally dozed off again and the power company called at 3:30 to see if my power was back on:grumble: . I slept till 6 this morning:yawn: . I`m home today, have an electrician coming to check out the camera system which has not been working since last weeks storm:angry: . And I have a horrible headache this morning:sad: and I`m either getting a cold or my allergies are really bad at the moment, sneezing, runny nose, stopped up head and a cough...yuck! Oh my gosh, while I`m typing there is an ant crawling on my computer screen:noway: , now where in the world did he come from:angry: . Probably all the rain we`ve had, he decided to come in instead of getting washed away.

    Time for me to get myself together. I really need my walk this morning! Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee about to float away from all the rain in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Ok, I lied when I said I wasn't setting any goals for July. I am going to set one. I've mentioned many times about my struggles with DH's candy dish. Well, another struggle I have is in doing my nighttime routine of cleaning my face and moisturizing. I do it faithfully in the morning, but am often too tired at night. So, I have come up with a plan and am making it my July goal.

    Right after dinner, when I get the candy dish craving, I am going to go right then to the bathroom and wash my face, moisturize like crazy, brush my teeth and gargle with mouthwash. Surely I won't want to eat candy after that, and it will have the added effect of working on making my neck look younger!

    Congrats, Robin on the new job.

    Jane, let me know how the socks work out for you.

    I'm going in to the office today to tutor a little girl who needs to pass the graduation test in math. Then I'm going to get my hair cut. Too bad the office is 20 miles south and the hair salon is 30 miles north of my house. (I really need to find a hair salon in town! This one is in my mother's town so I always try to drop in for a visit after getting my hair "did." ) It's a rainy day here in Georgia, but DH and I got our walk in early. There was a slight sprinkle the whole way, but not unpleasant.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Joyce – good for you finishing the workout! I know I can psych myself out on tired days: just to the next 5 minute mark, just to the next quarter mile, etc.

    CritterSue – my dog also suffers through fireworks and thunderstorms (or the construction sounds around us, etc.) We have doggie xanax for her.

    BW – welcome, you joined by posting!

    Haven’t slept worth a flip the past couple of nights – I have a weird stiffness/aches/cramps in my lower legs and ankles yesterday and last night that kept waking me up. Bothered me at work yesterday, too. Coincidentally, after the first night after starting the cholesterol medicine? It does list these as a side effect. I’ll give it a few days, but if it continues I’ll ask them to switch to a different one and hope it improves.

    Hope everyone has a great day --- STORMY in Atlanta today and over the next few days.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    As some may remember from last month's awful fire here in my town, my brother and now my nephew are both firefighters. In fact my nephew started out as a Hotshot there in AZ. My heart has been absolutely broken this week :brokenheart: , grieving those young men who lost their lives protecting others' homes and property. It happens that the national firefighter's memorial is located here in Colorado Springs, I went yesterday to leave flowers and pay my respects to all the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate price protecting the rest of us.

    Robin – AWESOME News!!!!!! I am so incredibly happy for you! Toxic work environments do indeed suck the life out of you. Glad you can break free!

    Sue – Standing Abs is a workout for abdominals that does not require getting down on the floor, which is difficult for me due to a long-ago back injury. My belly has always been the bane of my existence (thanks Mom!) so finding a means of exercising them has been really great.

    M – Safe travels! I admire you immensely, I haven’t worn a bikini since I was 13. Even as a size 8 I was too obsessed with my belly to bare it in public. Good for you!

    JB – thanks for the reminder re: “good news”

    Lin – Great job in knowing that enjoying life as is becomes the true goal

    4DogMom – good goals, keep it simple so you can own your successes and not focus on your “failures”. Logging is super-helpful to me to keep me aware and (hopefully) make better choices

    Terri – Safe travels and have a great time in OR making memories

    Heather – Good for you forgoing black, I’m sure your skinny jeans will look fabulous (you looked amazing in your party picture )

    Katla – So sorry that you’re still under the weather, hope the Mucinex does the trick and you’re feeling much better very soon!

    Pat – 2.6 pounds is Awesome!!!! Believe and celebrate it

    Jan – What a great NSV at the gym! That’s really terrific, good for you

    Tina in Maryland – Welcome! Glad you’ve joined us, read and post often for words of wisdom, advice and support on your health journey

    Joyce – That was a huge success at the gym! You really proved “mind over matter” and your time was just what you had set your goal for, that is excellent!

    Eileen – Great photo!!!!!!!!!

    Kat from Maryland – Wow, 119 pounds lost! That’s impressive, so glad you’re here with us whenever you can/want to be.

    Sharon from IL – Holy smokes, 13 pounds in one month????? That’s awesome! I’ve never lost that much in such a short time. Celebrate that as a huge success

    Janie – Excellent advice (for all of us)

    Renny – Love, love your new profile picture! Hope you had a good day

    BW in California – Great to have you join us. I think your paddle-“mate” was quite rude. You should focus on the fact that you’re in shape enough to paddle and hike the Grand Canyon (awesome NSV). It’s been quite some time since I could think about doing those things

    Paula – Welcome, you’ve got great goals for July.

    DeeDee – I’m picturing you floating off in a tiny rowboat and oars, Noel beside you

    DrKatiebug – Your plan sounds spot on! A celebrity from “a previous decade” - - does anyone remember Angie ****inson??? (played in 'Police Woman') used the tooth brushing trick as her diet secret, I remember when she said it years ago thinking it made great sense.

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    My goals for July:

    Keep logging meals and tracking calories
    bump up weights
    bump up steps
    try bicycling (used to love it before I gained so much weight)
    try Yoga
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning ladies. I actually slept a reasonable amount of hours last night and feel a little better because of it. The Mucinex works well enough to make sleep possible. Yay!:bigsmile:

    Today we need to drop the dog off at our vet’s for the fourth. He gets so upset from the sounds that we want him to have a peaceful night away from fireworks central. The office isn’t actually open on the holiday, so he’ll have a two night stay. The fireworks in our little town are all shot off from the tip of an island right across from our house. It is loud here. The good news is that DH got an appointment with a vision specialist who may be able to help with the vision loss caused by his stroke. The bad news is that it conflicts with doggie drop off at the vets. So I’ll call the vet when the office opens to figure out a solution.

    Yesterday I was interviewed for a volunteer position on the city planning committee. I had to be interviewed by phone because I’m contagious. I think I came off as an arrogant @ss. :blushing: I do have prior experience as a city council member in another town. They asked me why I didn’t just run for council. I told the truth. The situation is much different here and I need to learn how this community does things. There is an additional reason. I have my hands full these days with home responsibilities and DH's health, and I don't want to take on that much work. We’ll see.:ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Going to "bump" here to mark my place.This forum just keeps on growing! Have a safe and happy Fouth those who celebrate and those from 'another land' enjoy the day!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm on day 2 of my vacation . So far I have clogged the vaccum and broke the broom...hmm is that a sign that I shouldn't do more housework? Please? :laugh: I could really get used to not working. I've quite enjoyed having the time to myself. My DD is working 11 hour days so it's just me and the cats. Its harder when it comes to planning meals but I think I've done ok. I've got 1/2 way through cleaning out my closet. No point in keeping clothes that I won't wear anymore.

    Eileen – what a great picture. You are farther ahead of me, I haven't even tried to post a picture yet, nevermind resizing one

    Kat from Maryland – welcome, these are a great bunch of ladies. Just post when you can.

    Sharon – fantastic loss, congratulations

    Renny – happy belated birthday. I hope it was a good one. :flowerforyou:

    BW – wow the grand canyon trip sounds awesome. Sorry to hear about your divorce. I too am just waiting for my divorce. It is time for us.

    Grandmallie – that sodium gets me all the time. I'm glad you aren't stressing over the little weight gain, I'm sure that once you drink your water it will disappear again.
    You were up at 4:15? seriously? I'm impressed. I'm sooooooo not a morning person :yawn:

    Sandy -ohiomom – I'm so happy for you that your DD is coming home. I love having my kids around. My son is moving at the end of July to Toronto. It's not that far but far enough that he won't be just dropping in after work. Visits will have to be planned

    paulastewie – welcome to the group. I'm fairly new too but it's always nice to see another fellow Canadian.

    Heather – yikes sorry to hear about waking with the groin pull, those are horrible. Good for you for doing your workout anyways. I love the recipes on skinnytaste website. Everything I've tried has turned out wonderful

    DeeDee – what a horrible night you had, no wonder you have such a headache today. I feel your pain. There is hardly a day goes by that I don't have some sort of headache and frequently it's a migraine for me. I hope it's “just” allergies, even though they can be just as horrible as a cold. Take care of yourself.

    Katiebug – I absolutely love the idea of washing your face & brushing your teeth when you get the candy dish craving. Let me know how it works. Evenings are my worst time for snacking. I might try the brushing teeth after dinner and see if that helps.

    Gail – sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well. It makes the days so much harder

    Brooke – I don't have any firefighters in my family but my heart breaks for them & their families. So sad. :cry:

    Katla – YAY that you slept – made me think of that commercial when the woman sleeps through the night and then flies a flag saying she slept. :laugh: I'm so glad to hear that the mucinex works.

    Have a great day.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
    “Sweat is fat crying”
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!

    I'm slowly getting back into my routines with this stupid back. I don't even know what I did to it. Just starts cramping and feeling tight when I stand or walk for too long. Weird thing is I can sit on the ground and putter in the garden and it not bother me. but I walk around for exercise and I'm aching like crazy.

    Anyways I'm off to a decent start on my goals. I'm trying really hard to measure and log every thing I eat. And to do some sort of movement every day. Today is a rest day from the gym and they are open tomorrow morning so I'll go in and do another run through my circuit.

    I'm about to go clean the filters and the hot tub and get it set up for the first time this season. Hopefully the rain will hold off long enough for me to do this.

    Jan, who is following DeeDee in a canoe built for 2 in soggy NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Ohiomom :flowerforyou: I know what you mean about having DD physically IN your home. I now understand why my Mom would just sit and stare at me when they had their own home and we would visit. You are just soaking up those memories and storing them for later. I love it when I watch my DGD play in the same back yard their Mom grew up in.

    Today was weigh in day :huh: officailly gained one pound but lost another 1 1/2 inches. So for the month of June I have lost 11 1/2 inches. My blood sugar was 95 which is so wonderful. I can't wait until my annual physical in October. I just wish the weight would go down also

    Everyone have a good day

    Joyce Indiana
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    We are getting ready to leave for a 4 day camping trip, so not much time to post. Very early this morning I got a call from my DD letting me know that their refrigerator died. They can't afford to replace it, so my DH and I came up with a plan. We will get the refrigerator we have been thinking about getting and give them ours. It is only a few years old and in good shape. We just wanted a larger one. Unfortunately we need to make the exchange today. Just when we thought we were right on schedule to start our mini vacation!! Oh well, it is all doable- just need to move faster.:smile:

    Brooke- I love all of your quotes! Thanks for sharing.

    DeeDee- Sorry you aren't feeling well. I just got over bronchitis that started as a sinus infection. Take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    M- Congrats on the bikini!! I was never brave enough to wear one. I did however buy a red bathing suit last year. I am using it again this year as I love it!

    Heather- Love the idea of not black pants. I haven't bought any yet, but am thinking about it.

    Jan- Sorry to hear about your back. I injured mine years ago and have times when it still bothers me. They are far less frequent since I have lost weight. Will using the hot tub help it? I have always wanted one. I may meet up with you and DeeDee in my kayak if the rain doesn't stop soon!!

    Better get back to packing and cleaning out the frig. I think I will be able to log while I am gone, but if not- happy 4th of July! We should be enjoying fireworks with our beautiful DGS and DGD!:love:

    Deb A in CNY
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy July 4th to all the American Vit Fs...and Barbie, thanks for the rousing Canada Day image!

    Still in a tunnel of work, and missing being here...will be back though!

    Have a great week,

    BJ, SWOnt
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Have a good one
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy July 5th everyone! OMG, I actually got to the gym today! I did about 30 minutes on the treadmill – focused on walking without holding on except to check heart rate, and then did some ab work. Funny but true story – long, long ago when I was much fitter I would alternate days of 90 minutes brisk walking on treadmill with 45 minutes treadmill followed by circuit training. One of the 90 minute days as I was basically zoned out speed walking, I placed one foot part way off the belt. Next moment, I’m on the ground trying to figure out what happened. I was fine but embarrassed and have really had a problem since then keeping my hands off the side rails just in case. So, two major hurdles cleared today – actually took myself to the gym for the first time in forever AND got over my “fear of flying!”

    Happy birthdays to Grandmallie & Renny
    Sandy (ohiomomof2?) – totally with you on the exuberance, GREAT DAY, isn’t it?
    Brooke from Colorado – I send prayers to all firefighters and their families especially after an event like this, they are our country’s heroes
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon - good luck on volunteer position, if it’s meant to be it will happen &, if not, more free time for you

    Love this supportive group!
    Janie in the Pacific NW
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Janie - having been one who passed out on the treadmill booking along at 4mph, I ALWAYS hold on now! Never did before, though.

    Tonight I'm making salmon, cooked on cedar planks on the grill, stuffed eggplant and either pat-a-pan squash or zucchini. I'll go ahead and cook/eat now and then DH can eat when he gets home ~ 10p. It is a treat to be home from the gym and thinking about dinner before 8 or 9pm. I did feel a bit unsettled this morning with an extra day from work so I did a little housework, did a return to Walmart, popped into Michael's and didn't find what I wanted, then to the bank and on to the gym. I did 65 minutes on the TM and 35 minutes on the weight machines (27,500 lbs). Guess I'm not quite ready for retirement yet!

    Have a good evening,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Interesting article I read today that I thought I'd share with others. Might be worth talking to our medical professionals about this test/supplement and it efficacy:

    The Four-Letter Hormone You Need To Know
    July 2, 2013
    By Phuli Cohan, MD
    On betterafter50.com

    DHEA is the most abundant hormone in your body, yet few women have ever heard of it. Fewer can pronounce its twenty-two lettered scientific name, Dehydroepiandrosterone.
    Think of DHEA as your battery, your reserve fuel. Without DHEA you have trouble activating your thyroid hormone. You can take all the Synthroid, (the most commonly prescribed thyroid medication), in the world, but without enough DHEA your body may not feel any beneficial thyroid effects.
    DHEA is made by your adrenal glands. Young men and women have a lot but as we age our levels fall. When you are busy, chronically stressed and not taking time to refuel, DHEA levels fall faster than normal.
    Most doctors just accept low levels as “typical aging,” but do you want to age typically?
    DHEA helps an “over 50 woman” regulate cortisol, and make serotonin, estrogen, and testosterone. If your DHEA is low you are at risk for immune problems like frequent colds or autoimmune disease. Low DHEA can also result in bone loss, depression, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, dementia and even heart disease.
    Could low DHEA be why you can’t lose weight, can’t sleep at night, or stay awake after lunch?
    Ask your doctor to measure DHEA-S in your blood. (DHEA-S is the stable form of DHEA) Most labs can do this and most insurance companies will cover testing.
    When your doctor tells you “it’s normal,” ask for the number. You want to keep your DHEA-S level above 150, some suggest aiming as high as 200.
    DHEA is available in most health food stores, but most doses recommended are too high for most women. Most women need only 2 to 10 mg/day (a typical male dose is 25 to 50 mg/day). If your level goes too high you could develop pimples, facial hair or hair thinning. The 7-keto form of DHEA is less likely to cause these side effects, and is readily available over the counter.
    Start with a low dose, say 5 mg in the morning, on an empty stomach. Use it for a few weeks. You should notice more energy and a better sense of well-being. If not, increase to 10 or 15 mg.
    I recommend taking breaks. Use it for a couple of months, then break for a couple of weeks. DHEA can also be used vaginally. Your doctor can write a script for DHEA vaginal suppositories and any compounding pharmacy can make it for you. Most women notice 25 to 50 mg inserted 2 to 3 times per week enhances orgasm and improve vaginal dryness. Think of it as female Viagra.
    Don’t be afraid of DHEA. It is an important adrenal hormone, sadly overlooked as we age.

    Brooke from Colorado

    “You can lead a human to knowledge but you can’t make them think.”
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Brooke - all I can think of is the scene in "When Harry Met Sally"..... "I'll have what she's having." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been a beautiful day…..took the dogs for their walk at sunrise and it was so nice that if I hadn’t planned to get to a meeting at 7 AM, we would have walked longer than our usual two hours. Today was the first day for the line dance class at the new location and it felt like the first day of school---where will I park? Where in the room will I dance? Where will I put my water bottle and my bag? Where’s the rest room? All turned out great. I walked to the library after class and came home to find that Jake had fixed lunch (beautiful salad, green beans, and Morningstar Farms sausage patties). I cleaned the kitchen then walked the dogs for almost an hour and came home to find Jake vacuuming the inside of the car and washing the inside of the windows. I told him I’d work on my garden project til he needed me to help with washing the car but he did the washing himself and I got to work on my project for over an hour. The dogs will want another walk soon.

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, I thought I wanted to see The Heat, but if there’s all that language, I may change my mind.

    :flowerforyou: BW in CA, I have many reasons for not going to a gym,, so I bought “Strong Women Stay Young” and bought some ankle weights and dumbbells and followed that program, later adding to the workout with the help of some other good books…..you can survive divorce…..stay in the moment

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, as long as you eat bread, cheese, lunch meat, and pasta sauce in jars, you’ll have issues with sodium

    :flowerforyou: Heather, have you tried an ice pack on your groin sprain? My chiropractor says “ice is your friend”

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, technology is a blessing and a curse.

    :bigsmile: Drkatiebug, your candy and face goals sound great

    :flowerforyou: Katla, boarding your dog to avoid fireworks is a great idea.

    :flowerforyou: from ON, enjoy your time off and ignore the housework…..enjoy your cats, instead, and go for some long walks.

    :flowerforyou: M, congrats on buying and wearing a bikini….that’s something I’ve never done and will never do.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, enjoy your camping trip…..what a blessing that you were able to help your daughter with a refrigerator.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, I’ve never had a fall on the treadmill but I always keep my hands on the rails….I admire people who can run or walk briskly and not hold on.

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, thanks for the info on DHEA.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Bumping to find my place.