

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Oh wow, that worked, only it looks like all of the pic didn't copy, like you can't see the spa and there's only a little bit of the spillover. Now to resize (no clue how to do that)

    This is another one looking from the equipment pad at the house. You can see the pergola (with the lights Vince installed) on the upper patio

  • BigStockings
    HI everybody. I'm new here. My goal for July is to carry my lunch each workday and log each and every bite starting with today. :smile:
  • maureenb93
    Hi Ladies,

    This group is wonderful -- sounds like just what I've been looking for!

    A few facts abut me. I'm 51 and mother to two young men ages 17 and 20. Recently widowed. Unexpected and tragic. I am very close to my goal weight, but not my goal life...haha. Would like to change more than just the outsides. Wouldn't we all?!

    I just found you this morning, and look forward to joining in.

    My June goals were:
    Cut sugar waaaaay down, and fats down to a reasonable level -- Yes goal achieved
    Expect to see drop in weight if meet goal above -- Yes, down 6.5 lbs for June
    Exercise-- just do something every day -- Not so good on this one, but last 10 days or so were better than first 20.
    Me time. Sit quietly each morning and reflect on blessings, enjoy view, de-stress -- So so, but better than all Spring long.
    Spend 10 min each night planning for next day -- so so on this one too. making progress though
    Tasks and Business functions, Organization goals: List has over 100 items. Eliminate at least 20 things, better if 1-2 per day all month -- Met goal of elim 20, but didn't even get to 1 per day, and 13 new things added. Yikes!

    July goals will stay mostly the same, but I will be more specific to foster better chance of meeting them: July:
    Keep sugar and fats down as in June.
    Lose 1.5 pounds per week, despite vacation to NYC and Canada (this will be tough, but I can do it)
    Exercise min 20 minutes per day.
    Find out what the squat challenge is and join it. I am on of those crazy people who likes doing squats
    Me time. Sit on balcony 15 min each morning, and 15 min each evening. Nothing to read or to do. Just ponder/pray.
    Planning time each evening 10 min.
    Tasks, biz, organize garage, closets, taxes, estate, office. 1-2 off of list each and every day!
    Try to put myself out there and maybe go on a date. First time in 22 years...scary and weird. Makes my stomach hurt. Maybe not ready yet, but want to start thinking about it...

    Maureen in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Luckyinlove - I actually did email him. My lovely ex MIL died 8 years ago! She left me a small legacy. We were very fond of each other and she was the BEST grandmother. (My own mother was useless, which is why I am determined to be a good one ) My ex is not malicious, just hopeless. Here's hoping. I could certainly do with the cash.:laugh:

    NSV for me. I went outside and did the gardening while DH was out at the therapist's. I think I told you all I am mildly agoraphobic and rarely go outside in the garden or for a walk on my own. I am fine in town, having lived in London for 40 years. All that space and sky just unnerves me a bit. I did at least an hour's hard work and got more salad and arugula sown. My groin strain played ball. I also made the scones which look delicious, but I have given DH two, with blackcurrant jam, and the rest have gone straight in the freezer. :drinker: :bigsmile:
    Michelle - I sympathise. I have never tried to post a photo, except on my profile which is easier. I would like to show you all the beautiful roses we visited the other day, so maybe I will find the courage. Thank you Jodios for the tutorial.

    Once again, enjoy your 4th!
    Heather in almost hot Hampshire UK
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Michele= That is a beautiful picture! Awesome pool and yard. Your hard work is certainly paying off.

    Have a great, Happy, Healthy 4th , Ladies. I am off to spend the day with friends, and I may spend the night, too. I don't know if I will be able to log into MFP from her computer, but I am not going to haul mine along.

    For today: I am taking it one meal at a time, not grazing around the picnic table, and spending some time shopping at the 4th of July sales.

    Have Fun!
  • maureenb93
    Exermom: Beautiful pool! I have to ask...I see other homes that appear to have access. Is it shared with other homes? Are you all family, friends who built it together? Who owns the land? What a great idea!

    Maureen in TX
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Welcome Newbies,
    I just found this group a few weeks ago and its terrific, very movitating. It has really helped me to see others goals and to be accountable when posting mine.
    July goals: continue to exercise at least 20 minutes 5x week
    try to keep calorie intake close to 1200 calories
    weight goal 159 by the end of the month-getting close at 163.5 now
    Everyone have a wonderful 4th of July.
    Julie in Sunny and HOT, CA
  • nanasorchid52
    Been out meeting friends today - but just popping in to say Happy 4th July to all my friends over the pond!!

    Have fun

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    HAPPY JULY 4TH all of my US neighbours, hope you all have good weather and an enjoyable family day !
    Michele; your pool looks very inviting and shows your hard work Bravo!
    Barbie : love your fur babies mine are yours in miniature form and don't walk nearly as long or far well unless I carry them home, lol

    Welcome to all those who are new great group of Ladies who can answer all your questions and will listen to all your woes!!

    Well wishes for all who are not felling well hope your better soon

    Have a great day everyone

    Juanita from hot and humid sudbury
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Kalley – If I can’t go to the Y (like today’s holiday or if it is bad outside), I’ll walk inside the house as we have a floorplan conducive to that circular flow. Sometimes I’ll just march in place during a TV program, then walk the circles during commercials, etc. (I got started on that after my surgery, when I couldn’t yet drive or walk outside due to the hills.)

    Michelle – the pool is beautiful. I think I need a road trip to see it in person…I’d even move rock!

    Elaine – welcome! You ‘joined’ by posting.

    Maureen, TX – welcome to the group! I’m so sorry about the loss of your DH and we look forward to hearing more from you. You sound a lot like me with lists and planning. (I found that especially true when our oldest son had a medical crisis. I think it was my way of controlling something in my life and putting feelings aside until I could better cope.) Though not stressed that way now, I still make lots of lists, must to my husband’s dismay.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Michele, that is beautiful. All that hard work with the rock and lights was certainly worth it!

    My dh and I started moving a pile of dirt in the backyard to make way for a new shed. I don't know how you work so many hours, Michele. I was done after an hour and a half. It is warm out there though. That's my excuse. :blushing:

    Everyone (in the US) have a wonderful Independence Day! Everyone not in the US...have a wonderful day wherever you are.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy 4th!
    Welcome newbies.
    Prayer for Mariah.
    Enjoy your day.
    Lovely pool pics.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Sorry to be hogging the thread today but I am soooooooooo excited.!
    My new royal blue skinny jeans have just arrived and I tried them on and they FIT! DH thinks they look terrific.:love:
    I can't believe it! My first pair of pants other than black, and they are skinny and they fit!:drinker: :bigsmile:
    It took me an hour to summon up the courage to try them on, but I knew I must. They were just sitting there in their packaging looking at me! :laugh: Two minutes ago I did it. Happy girl! :blushing: :tongue: :bigsmile:
    Heather x
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    OHHHHHHH..........Michele---I just want to dive in!!! It's beautiful!!! All this time I've been trying to imagine what it would look like. Seems to be thawing a bit with your son, too.....best news on that situation so far!!! Fingers crossed here for you.

    Heather.........OK; so now we need a "skinny jeans" picture..........major congrats to you!!!

  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Fourth of July to all in the US!

    City Jane - Great feeling isn't it when you can fit into something unexpectedly; it's one I plan on reacquainting myself with soon.

    Michele (exermom) – what a pool! Fantastic!

    I've done my morning dog walk and will hit the gym later today. Shooting for doing more than 3 minutes of vigorous exercise that I did yesterday according to my armband. Also only 153 steps short of 10,000 yesterday! I'll pick those up today. Staying close to the house since out here in the country many buy and shoot their own fireworks & don't always think clearly about the trees and field grass that could catch fire. I'm a bit paranoid about my property as well as my animals.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    WOW!! Here it is the 4th of July already. Hope everyone has a chance torelax and enjoy the day. I am working but plan to go to some friends for BBQ this evening. Take our own so that will help. Last night we went to our DS's and had BBQ and watched the town fireworks. For a small town (Phiiips) they do a very nice show. Our DD and family was also there, so nice family time.
    I did not do very good with June goals. So trying to be more realistic.
    1. Log everything bite I take
    2. Drink more water -less Diet Soda
    3. Think postive, forgive the past and let it go
    4. Cut back on time spent on computer playing games
    5. Start on getting pictures put in books. I used to be so good at this and have not done it since Christmas.Have acouple hundred to do. I love taking pictures for every family event. Put them in books labeled and dated. I enjoy spending time with the grand children looking at pictures and of their parents growing up.

    Sure would like you all to send some rain our way. It has been so dry and hot. I am counting the days till Fall. My thoughts go out to the family and friends of the firefighters that passed. My step dad has been on the voluteer fire dept for years and was an officer for the State Fire Dept. I have several cousins and a son who are voluteer and I worry every time they are called out.

    Welcome to all the new people and keep coming back. This is a GREAT group.

    Amanda- Good Luck with your surgery and recovery

    Kay- Great loss, 26 pounds in a year is something to proud of

    Sandy- Great weight loss for June. My big problem is I would rather drink Diet soda then water. Working on the water as one of my goals for this month.

    Carolyn-Thanks for affirmations- I copied them down to keep handie with my goals.

    Katla- Hope you are feeling better soon. Being ill when it is so hot makes it worse I think. Good news about DH and his eyes.

    Molly- Great news about DD. Keeping you in my prayers. God does GREAT work

    Joyce- Patience is something I need to work on and I want it NOW! lol

    SueSD- Glad you are doing well, Keep up the good work

    Robin- Congrates on the job. When do you start? Hope it is everything you want.

    Dodiemae- Welcome and it's nice you and your sister can walk to together. I have a friend that we talk about getting together to walk and seems something always comes up

    Meg- What a shock about the women shooting the paramedic. All I could think was not in Nebraska- but no place is really safe.

    Gail- Just think of the cholesteral med as a tool for your health. I had heard it is best to take at night.

    Michele- Keeping you and Bryan in my prayers. Our children have the most power to hurt us. All we want is for them to be happy and not make the same mistakes we did.

    DeeDee- glad you are not leaving.

    Heather- Prayers to your family and your DD partner. Cancer is such a scary thing.

    jb- Thanks for the good words. Sounds like your visit with your mom is going well. What a great memory.

    Pat-Congrates on the loss. I understand about those voices. Sometimes mine and I have some real knock down drag out talks. Sounds like a good day keeping away from temptations.

    Jan- Way to go!!

    Deb- Great attiude

    Kat- Welcome- just post when to can

    Critter Sue- I have nights like that when I get up to go to the bathroom in the dark and stub my toe on the bed or dresser. I see stars. Our puppy is about over the edge with the fireworks. I will be so glad when they are over tonight. Our puppy Toby since he is the only one we have right now has really been acting out. He thinks whenever we leave he needs to go, which we let him when we can. But we he has to stay home he barks until we get back and most the time he is horse.

    maureenTX-Welcome and remember One Day at a Time and One Step at a Time.

    I dicided to check my measurments since I try and do that once a month. And since Jan I have lost 7 inches on waist and 8 inches on the hips. Guess that would explain why my pants keep trying to fall down. I just hate shopping and afraid I will gain it back so working hard at getting rid of things that are to big. Slow and easy I am getting there.

    Blessed- Vicki GI Nebraska
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    OMG Ladies, I cannot keep up with you all! I love reading this board... how do you guys do it? Do you keep 2 windows open and read in one and comment in the other? Help!

    Thanks to everyone who welcomed me, I appreciate it.

    I had a large fitness achievement yesterday. I was challenged to a virtual 5K for the 4th of July. Since I have a bad knee and can't run, I decided to try it on the Arc Trainer machine in the gym. I've done 2 miles before, but didn't know if I could manage 3.2. I did it! It took damn near an hour, but I finished it. I felt like crying, because just 6 months ago it would have not been possible.

    I have a monthly session with a phone diet counselor from a program though work, I think it's through Cigna, and my counselor shared an insight with me that many of you may find helpful. She said that I have changed the way I think about myself... now I see myself as a healthy person, and have the attitudes of a healthy person in terms of my relationship with food and activity. When we first started, I really didn't see myself that way. So, even though I still have a significant amount of weight left to lose, it was really cool to realize that I've changed my outlook on my inner world, not just my outer world. I never thought about it that way, until she brought it up. It gives me a lot of hope that this change is permanent. :happy:

    Hope everyone is having a glorious 4th. Thanks for being here ladies!
    Kat from Maryland
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Does anyone here have psoriasis??? Mine has improved with my weight loss, or inches lost. Or maybe it is related to my blood sugar being normal now. I have it the worst in my rolls and there isn't as much skin touching skin now. I don't know what it is but I''l take it. Off to see MIL at NH and then to Cracker Barrell. Our youngest will meet us. She lives here in town and we don't see her very often.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Happy Independence Day to my US Friends and Good Day to All!

    Today’s affirmation: I replace dieting with healthy eating principles and habits.:happy: :happy:

    So sorry to read how many of you are suffering with hot, rainy and/or humid temps. Come to Denver! We’ve had a spectacular week. Last night DH and I went to the Rockies game and even though they lost we thoroughly enjoyed being comfortably warm outside. Today is about 88, and there is a nice breeze reminiscent of the Hawaiian trade winds. :glasses:

    Your wise ‘voices’ were with me last night at the stadium. Before MFP, I behaved as though calories at a stadium, restaurant or party don’t count. After reading so many of your feats of strength and discipline I can say I have recalibrated my thinking and now consciously make smarter choices in challenging situations. I actually walked the perimeter of the stadium looking at all the food choices, settled on a burrito bowl with no cheese and one small good imported beer. I split both with my DH. I had a Lara bar in my purse for a late evening snack.

    Jodios: Thanks for the tips about water, especially ice water. There is a little more clinking in my glass from this day forward. :drinker:

    DeeDee: Hope you have a fun day today to balance the craziness from the night before.

    Viv: Welcome back.

    DrKatieBug: Very smart goal! I’m going to try this, too.

    Barbie: I love how your fur babies pose for the camera. Such cuties! Does Bernie ever walk with you and the dogs?

    Heather: You’re such an awesome cook. One day I’d love to meet you for tea and scones in Hampshire. My NSV was wearing PINK walking shorts purchased over a month ago during a short meet up with JaneH at the mall. So glad she was there to talk me into buying them because they really represent a fresh start for me.

    Brooke: The article on DHEA is fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

    Katla: So glad to hear the visit with the eye doctor was positive. I’m adding my prayers to yours for improvement in your DH’s vision.

    jb: Crossing my fingers that the MRI results bring good news, and that you have a most pleasant visit with your mom.

    Yanniejannie: Congratulations on coming soooo close to goal. Happy dance for you!

    Michele: I’m happy to hear you got a reply from Bryan. Hope the private face to face meeting goes even better than you imagined. Say when for the pool party!

    ElaineRN: You’ve already joined just by posting. Welcome to this group and congratulations on quickly dropping the first 30 pounds. Great job!!!

    BigStockings, Maureen and Julie: A warm welcome to you, too. Keep coming back.

    Pat: Have fun with your friends ‘one meal at a time’. Thanks for reminding me about the sales.

    CritterSue: When I hear fireworks tonight I will think of you and send thanks on behalf of all the furry friends you are helping. I used to cat sit and know the awesome responsibility you must feel.

    Vicki: Sounds like you need new pants! Great NSV.

    Kat: What incredible personal growth to have turned your thinking around to such a constructive and positive mode. As for writing these long posts, yes, I open one window on a word doc which already has my signoff and monthly goals. When done writing, I copy and paste my reply to the thread.

    It’s time to get outside and enjoy this fantastic sunny day. :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    July Goals:
    Nourish my mind and faith with daily positive affirmations.
    80 oz of water per day, except on flight days (projecting only 5 plane days in July).
    Try a new vegetable recipe.
    Try a new exercise activity at the nearby community center.
    Get a double digit number on my weight loss ticker.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy 4th!

    Finally got planting done! Spent over 3 hrs. planting hollyhocks and various other perennials, along with weeding and general outside clean-up. Definitely got a bunch of walking in too, since we went to Lowe's, Home Depot and 2 nurseries before we found the plants we wanted. When we were all done, I smashed my little toe into a trunk in my closet and hoping it's not broken. :noway: :sad I was really looking forward to Water Zumba tomorrow. Crossing fingers that it feels better soon! Now I just have to tackle the inside of the house before DH's daughter arrives Sat. and we have everyone over for bbq Sunday.

    Michele- Love how your pool looks! I'm very happy for you that Bryan responded positively to your e-mail!!!

    Time's up for now. Have a great evening all! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in gorgeous IL