Fit and Fab Biggest Losers



  • debhue75
    debhue75 Posts: 21
    Yay I lost a pound since my last weigh in! I guess I didn't do so bad at Grams party after all.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    way to go deb!!! Thats awesome :)

    Today was my first workout day where I wasnt sure what to do since I'm done the shred.. and didnt want to do a run since I did one yesterday after not doing it for a few days, and the next one is the 20 minute one. I was going to do the 20 min tomorrow but I called into work for the day - couldnt say no, its extra hours which I need since I have had so much time off this summer. I'll work 9-4 and than we are leaving at 6 to go camping - we still need to go grocery shopping, get organized and pack. I'll try to see if I can get it in. Camping is never good for my weight loss, but I am bringing fruit and hummus and crackers - but we will be drinking and I'm sure I'll end up eating some snacks, like chips!!

    For todays workout I did a 30 minute Wii Active workout, went for a 30 min rollerblade and took the roomies dog for a 25 min walk. My brother came over for dinner we had an amazing roast dinner. Havent had one of those in a longggg time - and I was very careful on the amount of gravy I use (at least 1/2 if not 3/4 of what I would normally use)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I see no one has posted anything in 3 days. Hope everyone is ok.
    My surgery went well. I'm walking but still a little stiff. I was told I will need knee replacement soon. Doc says my knee is bone on bone. That wasn't what I wanted to hear.
    I really need to kick my weight loss up. I don't want to face that surgery at this weight. He said both knees are probably the same shape.
    I'm trying to eat healthy but sitting at home doesn't help.
    cnbethea and sundinsgurl: <<HUG>> miss you guys!!
    debhue: congrats:flowerforyou:
  • Troutman
    Troutman Posts: 28
    Can I Join?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    raindancer - missed you too! So sorry to hear that your knees are bone on bone.. but the sooner it gets fixed the quicker you can get back at it!!

    I went away for the weekend to a friends cottage = lots of drinking and junk!! Than we had chinese for dinner last night after soccer, which meant leftovers for dinner tonite. I was training for work last week and this week I am getting lots of extra hours helping out. However it keeps me very busy all day. I need to push my butt into gear
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    troutman of course you can join!! Welcome welcome welcome........................

    Raindancer glad surgery went well sorry to hear about the bone on bone i'm sure I am going to have that problem if I don't already!! I keep trying to fight through the pain.

    Sundinsgurl Insanity is a great cardio program I have never got to the max workouts yet so I can't speak for those but I get a lot of mixed reviews from people some say you get more of a weightloss during the second half then the first some say they lose no weight at all and some say you lose a lot of inches so I guess I am really taking a shot in the dark as far as results go but it is really insane a lot of jumping and strength work no equip. needed all from your own resistance!!

    Day 9 today the plan is to double up!! I went to Busch Gardens yesterday and walked walked walked!! So I didn't get in Insanity!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning,

    Troutman: We would love to have you join in. Your weight loss is awesome. We welcome your expierences and motivation.

    Sundinsgurl: Good to hear from you. You might get a lot of calories from your weekends but you have a very high activity level.
    You are doing great. Have fun! life is too short not to enjoy it.:wink:

    I'm still struggling with stress and boredom eating, but I have gotten a lot of organizing done at home. This week I challenge myself to eat only the 5x daily. 5 small meals or 4 snacks and 1 meal. And to log all this food. I am going to go back to my wall pushups and some crunches.
    This should not have any negative effects on my knee.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Congrats Debhue on losing a lb woot woot!!
  • debhue75
    Thanks Everyone hopefully I'll have lost another lb. when I weigh in tomorrow.

    Hope you all are well and fit! :wink:

    This week I am going to focus on my weekend. During the week I do pretty good at tracking and working out but, the weekend comes and I just can't maintain the same regimen.

    Welcome Troutman! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 10 of insanity in the bag my issue is my food logging I have open up my diary to my friends and my plan is to refocus on my eating ultimately because that is my error I can workout no problem thats for sure I don't have the issue there it's what goes between my lips and down the hatch my goals this mnth is to refocus on my eating and stop letting it take me backwards.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I am losing my focus. I haven't logged my food in days. I have not been eating right. I always do this to myself!!!
    I keep hoping that some miracle will happen and I'll just suddenly be focused on myself and my need to get healthy. My weight loss you see on my tracker is from my highest weight 6 years ago. I just keep having to start over time and time again. I am really tired of the struggle.
    I have never been able to make any lifetime changes. I'm a great started but a non-finisher.
    Any help is welcome. :cry:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey Raindancer I would suggest changing your mindset this is not a pass or fail task it is a lifestyle change and it is one that will take a lifetime!!! You have taken off 77lbs and kept it off for 6 yrs that is amazing so I know your a strong and determine woman because it is sad but I have seen many let the weigh come all back on myself included my highest weight was 186 back in 2005 and I got all the way down to 149 and let it all go back on and I caught myself at 184 this pas Nov and said enough is enough wow 2lbs shy of starting lol. So you see you deserve great respect for that alone.

    Just take each day as it comes and make sure you do something good for yourself each day so when you look in the mirror before bed you will have something to tell yourself to make yourself feel proud it can be something big or small it's about progress not perfection!! Some people can make a total change and never have desire for certain foods ever again and some can have those foods but just in moderation or some may say they restricting themselves from the for a certain period. What is your method of going about your change? Figure out what works best for you and stick to it everyone success story will be different.

    What if you were on an airplane and the pilot decided to stop in mid flight what would happen to all of us on the plane? Think of this journey as your flight to paradise and I know you don't want to crash and burn so you have to keep flying your past the half way mark so no turning back you have to keep pushing foward you may slow down but you definitely can't stop!!!

    I hope this helps and I am right there with you we can and will do this!! Just one more thing I want to leave you with a few of my favorite quotes I actually have one on my mirror that I look at everyday in the bathroom!! You may want to do that for yourself or even right a list of pro's and con's of this journey and see which list wins and go with that list see how confident I am that the pro list will win!!!

    Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
    -- Mary Kay Ash

    Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.
    -- Julie Andrews

    You will persevere!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Where is Sundinsgurl I sure hope she is okay!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    As you've noticed Ive been MIA - Working lots of extra hours.. and this was a long weekend which has kept me very busy!! Its game on again though... I will be tracking my food again as of tomorrow - and hopefully back to working out each day, or at least every other day. ive got my gym membership set up (since I work for the YMCA I get a free one). I am hoping to take huge advantage of this free membership. Ive got my soccer playoffs and baseball playoffs next weekend so that will be great exercise! I have really been slacking on my Couch to 5K program - so I am going to start that up again on Week 5.

    I am not going to get down on myself for having a bad week! I am looking back on the past 4 months and being proud of how hard I pushed myself and how well I did. I can get back to it I know I can, and I will!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm back to it :):):) Hit the gym up for the first time since my membership has been activated.
    Completed C25K Week 5 run #5 - full 20 mins of jogging without stopping
    also a 5 min warm up and 10 min cool down
    15 mins on the eliptical
    8 on the bike
    10 on the step treadmill

    Darn it felt great to be there! Being around other people really motivated me to keep going - I had taken a week off of C25K because of my foot/being lazy. So I had no clue where to start up again - but I started up right where I left off and completed it! Onto week 6 :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Cnbethea: Thank you, I've just not done well being at home. I have a very active job that I miss. I can't believe I said that but its true.
    At work it is easier to track my food I eat breakfast here and most days carry a light lunch. I have my 2 snacks (100 cal pkg of natural Almonds and a 90 cal fiber One bar) Here I graze all day. I guess I'm just a little depressed.
    I go to the doctor at 2:15 Thursday to be released. If he give me the ok I'll be a my aqua class that night.

    Sundinsgurl: :bigsmile: Good luck at your playoffs...have fun.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    raindancer - its definetely harder to eat less when your at home all day!! I find keeping busy helps sometimes - but there is so many things you can do to keep busy. I am keeping my fingers crossed for good news to come on Thursday! I hope you can make it to your aqua class too! *crosses fingers*

    I didnt do any exercise today.. but working everyday I cant expect myself to do it. My goal is at least every other day! However on the days that I eat more or have a larger dinner I will need to work out so I can eat that many calories!! I got some extra hours at work today which is a great thing as well :) Trying to be as positive as I can be about everything in my life... I applied for a new position at work so hopefully I get it - application deadline is Friday than I play the waitin game to see if I need to do an interview, or to hear an announcement if anyone else gets the job.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Raindancer I know that feeling I had that happen to me for those 3mnths I told you I was fighting with the back and forth on my weightloss which hasn't stopped as I weighed in this morning at 167.6 only .4 from my starting weight on MFP at the end of April I am hoping that it is from the fall I had yesterday because my leg is swollen.

    I hope your released today at your appointment so you can go and do your aqua class. Do you have any hobbies something to keep you from grazing?

    Way to get back into it Sundinsgurl I was searching for you high and low wondering where you were glad to see the job is going well and your able to work out in the gym!! Good luck on your playoff games!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I want to lose some!!!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    maylan - your welcome to join us, we're always looking for more people :)

    cnbethea - sorry to hear that your up to 167, but Id have to agree with you that I think its because of the swelling! Thanks for the luck with the playoffs, I really want to win them!!

    raindancer - waitin on edge to hear the news.. I hope it will be good!!! *keepin my fingers crossed still*

    Ever since last night ive had a horrible pain in my back when I turn and move - I think I strained a muscle in my back somehow (no clue how) What is with all these darn injuries??? Right after my short morning shift I came home and put the heating pad on it and rested and I ended up falling asleep for 3 hours lol It definetely helped it a bit. Its still sore - but I managed to do 10 minutes of jump rope before dinner. I havent jump roped in awhile but I got a skipping rope and 10 mins burned a whopping 127 (according to MFP).
    Still under my calories by a few hundred even before adding my jump roping in. I had considered doing a walk but that would mean Id be even farther under!

    Im hitting the gym tomorrow 100%, and than doing a "Walk of Silence" tomorrow night, its to raise awareness about Suicide (I lost a friend from highschool to it, as well as my uncle). So that will be some more exercise.. and than busy with baseball and soccer this weekend. We do have a baseball party on Saturday night so that will mean drinking and eating at a pot luck but with all the exercise Ill get this weekend it will be ok!