Do you guys drink diet sodas?



  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    Never smoked, only drink on occasion but cannot... will not... give up Diet Coke. Hey I'm allowed one vice aren't I?
  • fervc6060
    fervc6060 Posts: 18
    I drink diet Pepsi everyday. I'm trying to cut back.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    i have completely ditched the sodas and am down to 1 monster a week. I was at a soda and a monster a day. I have found that mostly I need some carbonation so I have carbonated water. I also stopped the milk accept for the 100 calorie chocolate milks if I am in need of something before bed.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    No, cause it's chucked full of chemicals that slow your body's "clean up" crew (fat loss).

    I drink water with lemon, with strawberry, with orange slices, with lime, with raspberries, with cucumber....
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    No - not at all! If I'm going to drink pop, I'm going all out and doing the regular Coke. Is it good for me? No, but at least I know I'm not guzzling aspartame.

    You called it "pop" Canadian perhaps? :)
  • I used to, but I quit and now drink nothing but water. I feel so much better, and I was a diet coke JUNKIE! :happy:
  • bareblade
    bareblade Posts: 4
    I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners but will tolerate Splenda(Diet Coke come w/Splenda) as does Diet Rite. For other things I like Stevia as it is from a plant. As with everything though, diet soda in moderation is the way to go.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    I drink water 95% of the time but if I absolutely have to have soda I will have a Pepsi Max
  • dollzil
    dollzil Posts: 6 Member
    I don't drink any kind of soda whatsoever. But I do think it's okay to drink diet sodas every now and then as long as you limit them, because they still are not good for you even though they are "diet".
  • i started another thread because I feel like I am addicted to Sugar Free V! i just try very hard to moderate how much of it I drink and have V free days lol. I know it has no calories, but from a long term health point of view i am just wary of putting all that artificial stuff in my i'm forevor on sugar free v detox lol
  • I completely gave up soda and now I don't feel bad about it just because it has no calories doesn't mean it's good for you.
  • erichunley
    erichunley Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, I drink it daily, but I drink a lot of water. Make sure that you have enough water to be hydrated, and it won't really hurt you.
  • dawnyh79
    dawnyh79 Posts: 2
    I haven't had diet sodas in the house in over 3 years. Now it's maybe once every other month that I have one. Bad, bad stuff!
  • Basia_and4345
    Basia_and4345 Posts: 61 Member
    I seem to have a hard time parting ways with diet coke. Do you guys indulge in diet sodas? And if you do, how often?

    I keep telling myself the diet coke is not adding any extra calories to my diet but I have heard that artificial sweeteners tend to pack on the pounds all the same.

    What's your take on it?

    I rarely drink soda, and if I do it's not more than 8 oz once in a blue moon. Diet Soda, never touch the stuff... Here is an article you might be interested in:
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Yes, several per day.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I have a diet coke IV.
  • poupoush
    poupoush Posts: 3 Member
    is no one else here worried about the amount of caffeine in diet sodas? in most cases there is more than in a regular soda. Not to mention if you are already a coffee/tea drinker.
    i reckon you're better off enjoying a regular soda in moderation or sparkling water (with a slice of lemon or orange) if its the fizz that you miss
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    is no one else here worried about the amount of caffeine in diet sodas? in most cases there is more than in a regular soda. Not to mention if you are already a coffee/tea drinker.
    i reckon you're better off enjoying a regular soda in moderation or sparkling water (with a slice of lemon or orange) if its the fizz that you miss

    I like Diet Mountain Dew. It's got the same amount of caffeine as regular Mountain Dew. Of course, I tend to drink almost a pot of coffee most days too so I don't worry about it too much.
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    Try looking for Zevia... It's a "diet" soda that is sweetened with Stevia which is an all natural sweetener with zero calories. No Aspartame so you don't need to worry about the long use side effects of artificial sweeteners. I buy Zevia at Target.

    Why did I not know about this until now?!? No food dyes either - cool.

    I currently have one or two baby cans of diet soda a week... Not really a soda drinker. Good to know there is a better alternative out there.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I do
    but iv e been cutting back cuz im worried about the effects of the fake sugar