Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    excluding warm up and cool down I made it 2.8 miles. the treadmill didn't do kilometers, how many miles if 5k? remind me...
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I believe 5k is 3.1 miles.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, so I will have to do better than 6 mph for 30 minutes, that will be tough, and take some time. so I might "graduate" but I will be working on this for awhile.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    You all are doing great!! Keep it up!!

    Nothing too new with me, I have a 5k I'm 'running' next month so I've been doing random weeks to help with that. I'm not planning on running the whole time, but I want to run a lot of it.

    Hope you all have a great weekend :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Done! well, day 3 week 9, done! I guess that's graduated but I am still not running 5k in 30 minutes so I am going to keep working on speed. Think I will add the 30-day shred into the off-jogging days. Going to Vegas Sept 9 and have Rehad at Hard Rock-bikini time.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    :drinker: asjerven, YAY!!! Congratulations on graduating from C25K! Another graduate for me to worship! :drinker:
    BTW, 1 mile = 1.6 km, so you did 4.48 km on that 2.8 mile run! Great job!! To run 5k in 30 minutes, you would need to run at 6.25mph. Since treadmills don't do .05 mph, you could do 15 min at 6.2 and 15 min at 6.3... Good luck!

    Quirky - I had to laugh when I read that you 'slowed down' to 5.2mph; when 5.0mph is my 'fast' speed! You go girl!

    Earin, let us know how your first day back at the gym goes. Don't push yourself too hard - see how it feels, and do what you can. You'll be right back where you left off in no time! And will probably catch up with me in no time. I seem to miss a run day here and there, so sometimes it ends up taking me 9-10 days to complete a week.

    Shari, great work finishing Week 2!! Rolling right along! Have fun with Week 3!

    Bru - I think you'll surprise yourself and end up running the whole 5k! With all the adrenaline and excitement from the crowd, it will be easy to convince yourself to keep going!

    As for me, I arrived at the gym too late for my BodyFLOW class, so after I got the kids settled at the gym daycare, I hopped on the treadmill and did Week 6 Day 1. I used DH's iPod, and spent most of the time clicking 'next, next, next...' - it was like channel surfing over 1000 channels with nothing good on. The run intervals for W6D1 are 5, 8, and 5 min. I increased my speed for the two 5 min intervals up to 5mph, and ran the 8 min at my normal 4.7mph pace. Plus, I ran an extra min at the end of the last interval!

    DH is playing golf, daughter #1 is playing at Grammie's, and daughter #2 is napping (well, she's in bed, but I'm not convinced she's sleeping... however, she's quiet and that's all that really matters!), so that means I have a few minutes all to myself!!! I think I am going to run a bath and soak for a while! :bigsmile:
  • animatedbecca
    Brunnette wife- I'm running, no make that jogging outside. I just figure out how much I walked and how much I ran and I use the estimates that are listed in the exercise database. Personally I let my body do the talking, i'm trying to do it at least every 2 days....Then nice thing is you can tailor the program to fit you. I will probably do week 1, 2 or 3 times before I move on, again just listen to your body. I tried doing it today but it was 95 degrees and HUMID. I did walk an extra 15 minutes to make up for it though.


    IDW2BFA- I downloaded an app on my phone called c25k lite (the lite version is free on the android market) All it does is beep really loudly when it's time to change from run to walk and then I use pandora or my downloads for music...its worked great so far....except the fact that I have to shove my phone in my bra; uber annoying!

    Ok I just downloaded the ap and if my knees will cooperate, then Im totally in. Had to laugh at you putting your phone in your bra! The other day I stuck mine in the waist of my super tight leggings thinking it couldnt possibly go anywhere. Well what do you know its sliding down the leg. So here I am sliding my arm down my pant leg to retrieve it. Thank goodness I was out in the middle of no where so no saw me. Would hate to think that moment would end up on youtube!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Done! well, day 3 week 9, done! I guess that's graduated but I am still not running 5k in 30 minutes so I am going to keep working on speed. Think I will add the 30-day shred into the off-jogging days. Going to Vegas Sept 9 and have Rehad at Hard Rock-bikini time.
    Congrats!!!! Woot Woot!! Rock on chicky!!!
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    I've got as far as downloading the podcasts... It's winter here at the moment (Australia) and too dark to run outside before or after work so I'll have to start on a treadmill and outside on weekends. I have a pretty hectic exercise schedule as it is but really want to do this so will work to fit it in to my week. I used to run a bit and really enjoyed it, so I am using the c25k program to get me back in to it. Once we hit Sept/Oct and start daylight savings I will be able to run after work - looking forward to that as it's so easy at the moment to get home and sit on the couch where it's warm!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi All, just popping in to pledge to do W3D1 today. I've found it has really helped me to pledge it to you guys in the morning. Then my pride makes me do it whether I want to or not.

    Here's my method of carrying all my stuff when I run: My husband is super paranoid and overprotective, and he was making me run with not only my cell phone but also a tube of pepper spray. Since he was making me do that, I made him take me to a running store to buy a very nice quality little teeny runner's fanny pack for $20. It holds my phone, keys, and a photocopy of my drivers license with emergency phone numbers written on the back. The pepper spray clips onto the elastic belt. The belt has clips for race numbers too. It's water resistant and has a cozy soft backing. Very nice. The only bad thing is that with the elastic wastband it tries to bounce up and down from all that weight, but i wear it in back and tuck in inside the back of my spandex running pants/shorts. That holds it firmly in place and I don't know it's there. I'm really happy with this system and highly recommend it. And I gotta say, I do feel safe and secure armed with the pepper spray, phone, ID, and emergency phone numbers. The pepper spray was mainly prompted by two pit bull attacks on people we know - my sister on her bike was bitten in the leg by a charging pit bull and my son's girlfriend was walking her little dog and a pit bull attacked it. However I like having it in case any creepy guys are around.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    After a much needed two weeks off due my back, I hit the gym yesterday for the first time. I backed up to Week 5 Day 1 and was able to do it with no problem. I kept my speed a little slower than normal~ started at 5.5 for first three minutes and up to 6-6.5 for last two minutes of each run. I felt great when I was done and was happy I didn't lose too much of my progress. Watching all the drama on Jersey Shore (which I have NEVER watched not wanted to watch) while on the treadmill made my runs go by much quicker. I find that I am getting bored just running to music. I set my iPod next to me and just checked the time every few minutes.

    I am a teacher and go back to work tomorrow for teacher work week. My plan is to go to the gym in the am for my run and then possibly depending on my progress in the classroom go to pilates plus after work.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I did W3D1 of C25K. I was a little aprehensive because there were two 3 minute runs in there, but I did fine. In fact, I did the C2k5 on the way to the local fruit stand which is 2.4 miles away, got a few things, then walked home. That was pretty exciting.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I attempted to W5D2 today. It was a LOT harder than yesterday's 5 minute runs. It may have been that it was early in the morning, my first day back at school, and I was running late. I had to stop in between each run for a few seconds to drink my water. I will not be moving on to D3 yet.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!

    Congrats asj on graduation!! and I feel that i too will have to go back and work on speed but nevertheless you are running 30 minutes straight!!! congrats!!!!

    wmchick!! dont be too hard on yourself you are doing it and thats the best thing!!!!

    Shari...your hubby sounds like my boyfriend!! LOL :))

    DMG sorry to say that I did not complete my runs....two days I got up and got dressed to run and my friend (who I was visiting) wanted to go with me...she doesnt run soo we walked...which was good and the campsite was hilly so I am not sure I could have completed my runs anyhow!!! sooo but I still walked and thats better than nothing...soo I hope you arent too terribly disappointed with me....I will be doig Week 3 Run 3 on Wednesday!!! ;)) then I will start hopefully week 4 on Friday!!!! :)) not too behind but its all good!!!!

    Thanks for always being supportive!!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 complete!

    I normally run on Mondays, but just didn't yesterday. I normally go to Pilates on Tuesdays, but my instructor is on vacation this week, so I wasn't going to go to the replacement class, but DH is used to the routine and was ready to start bath and bedtime with the girls, so I thought I might as well get out of the house in order to let him do his thing (if I am home, my girls want me to do b/b), so I headed to the gym to do my Couch to 5k. We had gone out for supper (pizza), and I ate WAY too much for pre-workout. My legs are no longer what makes me want to stop running. Today, it was the full tummy. I took a few extra minutes during the walk interval, instead of 3 min, I walked 5 min between my two 10min runs.

    My next run is a 25 minute run. I definitely need to find a better musical option - the music on DH's iPod just isn't cutting it.

    k1979k - we're nearing the end of our summer, and I am NOT looking forward to winter! Although I can't say it would impact my running, since I do all my running on a treadmill anyway...

    Shari - great work on those 3 min runs! You're doing fantastic!

    Earin - yay! so happy you're posting with us again! How is your first week back at work? Sorry you were finding W5D2 harder than D1. I know I definitely have a much harder time with morning runs, so that could have been the issue!

    JulieSue - I'm not disappointed in you at all! Or at least I won't be, as long as you keep your promise to do W3D3 on Wed! :wink: There's no such thing as being 'behind' - I'm working on Week 6, but have been on the program for close to 9 weeks. As long as you keep coming back, you'll get to the end eventually!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hey guys!!!

    Well I did Week 3 Run 3 today!!! and I didnt feel as good as I have in the past with this week and IDK if it was the heat or me taking a few days off??? who knows but I did the whole thing and just like I did with Run 2 after my last 3 min walk...I ran for two minutes into my cool down and then cooled down for 3 minutes...soo it was a good run!!! i was tired and I feel like I didnt run as far...who knows?? I run outside so I have no clue how much I am actually running/walking BUT Friday I will begin Week 4...not goin to lie I am a bit nervous!!!!!!

    thanks DMG I am glad you were not upset with me!!! ;)) and WTG on going to the gym!!! at least you did something instead of nothing on that day!!!! :)) that is better than nothing for sure!!!

    Happy Running Everyone!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    It is official, running my first 5k 9/18!!! Woot Woot!! I'd never have registered for this without the C25k plan :)

    Keep on going everyone, you are doing great!!
  • wmchick81
    UGH!!!! I attempted Week 5 Day 2 again today and still couldn't do it!!! I just cannot run for 8 minutes straight. I don't know how I'll be able to do 20! Any advice? I am getting frustrated. The am I going to die doesn't work with me! I feel like I'll never be able to finish 8 minutes~ let alone 20 minutes!!

    DMG- good for you... I am sure you will stay ahead of me. I am having such a hard time now.

    Everybody else- great progress!! Keep it up!
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    It is official, running my first 5k 9/18!!! Woot Woot!! I'd never have registered for this without the C25k plan :)

    Keep on going everyone, you are doing great!!

    Good for you Bru!! I signed up for a 5K where I work to that benefits the Children's Miracle Network in November. Now I'm trying to get people to pledge donations in my name for this great cause. :happy:

    wmchick81: Don't give up.
    I felt the same way when I was working my way through the program. If you aren't comfortable moving on then just repeat that week until you can complete it without feeling like you're going to fall over. I did week 4 twice because I couldn't manage the final run comfortably. Slow your pace if you need to to get through it. You can always work on speed to get the distance later.

    I'm running 5K 4 days a week now and working on my speed. Today I ran the entire 30 minutes at 6.5 MPH at a 1.5 degree incline on the treadmill at the gym for a distance of 3.25 miles (It's too darn hot to run outside in Florida this time of year).

    You can do it! Just take your time, listen to your body.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I ran 5k last night at the gym. It took me 40 minutes, though. I just heard about Gateway to 8k so maybe I will get started on that!
    wmchick81: I will echo jrk, don't give up. Slow down! I think you would do this if you were running outside but on the treadmill sometimes it's hard to back of a few ticks but it makes a difference. What are you setting the treadmill at? I know I struggled at 5mph sometimes. It will get easier, I know. I was disappointed that I didn't sail through the 9 weeks easily. But I think if you keep at it you will have a breakthrough, something happens with your strength, lung capacity and you'll be really excited. Don't give up.
    Good job on all that are sticking with it. I haven't signed up for 5k yet, but I will. It's just, they start early in the morning!