Clean Eating DOES make a difference



  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    Wow can't people just congratulate her on her loss in-opposed to flaming her on what she considers clean eating or not? I think she looks fantastic!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    p.s. we should generally be "eating to live vs. living to eat"....just a matter of being in control.

    Personally, I've been 'out of control' for much of my adult life. I've reeled it in but that doesn't mean I can never, ever have a 'treat' now and then or however I want to incorporate's MY body, so I finallly realize I should HANDLE WITH CARE.

    But eating clean does not mean that you can't have a treat. You can have as many as you like or can justify. It just depends on the treat. I am a clean eater and if I have the desire I would eat a huge piece of German Chocolate cake, Black Forest torte or ice cream baked/made at home with healthful ingredients, including a mountain of whipped cream in a heart beat. But I would not touch anything factory made with a ten-foot pole. Nobody ever said that eating healthful is a sacrifice one has to suffer through. It is only a lifestyle where quality of food counts more than quantity.
  • elawoman72
    elawoman72 Posts: 76 Member
    p.s. we should generally be "eating to live vs. living to eat"....just a matter of being in control.

    Personally, I've been 'out of control' for much of my adult life. I've reeled it in but that doesn't mean I can never, ever have a 'treat' now and then or however I want to incorporate's MY body, so I finallly realize I should HANDLE WITH CARE.

    But eating clean does not mean that you can't have a treat. You can have as many as you like or can justify. It just depends on the treat. I am a clean eater and if I have the desire I would eat a huge piece of German Chocolate cake, Black Forest torte or ice cream baked/made at home with healthful ingredients, including a mountain of whipped cream in a heart beat. But I would not touch anything factory made with a ten-foot pole. Nobody ever said that eating healthful is a sacrifice one has to suffer through. It is only a lifestyle where quality of food counts more than quantity.

    Couldn't agree more. love cooking/making homemade treats for my family. they (and I) prefer that deliciousness vs. any store-bought/factory-made dessert. Life is meant to be lived! I, but true.
  • jp_cullen
    jp_cullen Posts: 9
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Congrats on your loss, that exercise paid off, but I just came in to say the people who call eating dirty made me giggle.



  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    ^^^^^ this ??
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    Your calories sound very low and it doesn't sound like your having enough protein.? Just veggies for dinner can't be enough.
    Sounds like a low calorie/carb/fat diet :s
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member

    My doctor, who I'm pretty sure knows a little bit of biology, has never mentioned clean eating to me. Instead, his comments have mostly been "holy cow, you are doing an amazing job, and all your health indicators are improving. Unbelievable, I've never seen a transformation like it. And you eat whatever you want? That's great, keep doing what you're doing."

    My step-son's dietician, who I also believe may know a bit about biology with a side order of nutrition, has also never mentioned clean eating. Instead she is mostly focused on keeping his blood sugar under control, because his dad and step mom let him have too many simple carbs in relation to the protein he eats. Her advice - increase protein, decrease carbs to find a better balance, but other than that choose from a wide range of foods you enjoy. Sounds an awful lot like IIFYM to me.

    Your doctor and your step-son's dietician, also know who pays their bill. They want you to come back! Why they would talk to you about clean eating?
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    I looked at your diary and your protein is very low compared to your carbs are quite high. If your working out and weight training you should have more protein
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206

    I'll just eat it like this:

    OMG! You had me in tears!!!!!

    Haha, I love that llama. That's exactly the way my mouth goes when I eat a hotpocket and forget to wait until it cools.

    - Came back to this thread after nomming on my free Chik-Fil-A.
    - See the llama gif.
    - Chuckle.
    - See the above quote with llama imagery.
    - Begin choking and rolling from hysterical laughter.

    I almost peed my pants! Gawwwwl!
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)
    are you high?
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)
    are you high?

    It only works if you're suffering and miserable. Didn't you know?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)
    are you high?

    It only works if you're suffering and miserable. Didn't you know?

    This thread is loaded with clear demonstrations of why I avoid eating "clean." It has nothing to do with looking at nutrition content and everything to do with things that are not shown by science to matter. Next time I'm at the store though, I'll try to find the foods that I find most unappealing. Twinkies instantly come to mind . . .
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)

    At least you're pretty. :flowerforyou:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member

    My doctor, who I'm pretty sure knows a little bit of biology, has never mentioned clean eating to me. Instead, his comments have mostly been "holy cow, you are doing an amazing job, and all your health indicators are improving. Unbelievable, I've never seen a transformation like it. And you eat whatever you want? That's great, keep doing what you're doing."

    My step-son's dietician, who I also believe may know a bit about biology with a side order of nutrition, has also never mentioned clean eating. Instead she is mostly focused on keeping his blood sugar under control, because his dad and step mom let him have too many simple carbs in relation to the protein he eats. Her advice - increase protein, decrease carbs to find a better balance, but other than that choose from a wide range of foods you enjoy. Sounds an awful lot like IIFYM to me.

    Your doctor and your step-son's dietician, also know who pays their bill. They want you to come back! Why they would talk to you about clean eating?

    You are joking right???? So your saying the doctor doesnt give a crap about his or her patients just the almighty dollar.. Well at 560 lbs. I crawled into my endo dr. office needing to lose 300+ lbs. and he set me up with a dietician who actually did give a crap about me and set me up on a meal plan with a caloric intake of 2500 calories and a macro ratio of 40/30/30 with carbs being my main focus. I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and from the get go she set my carb intake at 240 grams a day. She told me to hit my macros with veggies lean meats and whole grains and if I had any calories left then treat myself with whatever I wanted as long as it fit my caloric intake. She never once demonized any food so there was never talk of so called clean food or dirty food. That was my own problem to deal with which was why I also worked with a therapist to help me conquer my addictions to my trigger foods. Fast forward 4 years (3 years of weightloss and 9 months of maintenance)and my caloric intake is currently 4000 calories a day and my carb intake is 425 grams a day and that is to maintain... My dietician has approved my increase over my 312 lbs. of weightloss and now maintenance. I have A1c averaging 5.3 the last 2 years and a lipod panel my endo dr. Called Perfect the last check up (his words not mine). I am sorry I just don't agree that doctors are in it strictly for the money... Atleast mine aren't. ... Best of Luck
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    My doctor, who I'm pretty sure knows a little bit of biology, has never mentioned clean eating to me. Instead, his comments have mostly been "holy cow, you are doing an amazing job, and all your health indicators are improving. Unbelievable, I've never seen a transformation like it. And you eat whatever you want? That's great, keep doing what you're doing."

    My step-son's dietician, who I also believe may know a bit about biology with a side order of nutrition, has also never mentioned clean eating. Instead she is mostly focused on keeping his blood sugar under control, because his dad and step mom let him have too many simple carbs in relation to the protein he eats. Her advice - increase protein, decrease carbs to find a better balance, but other than that choose from a wide range of foods you enjoy. Sounds an awful lot like IIFYM to me.

    Your doctor and your step-son's dietician, also know who pays their bill. They want you to come back! Why they would talk to you about clean eating?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)

    At least you're pretty. :flowerforyou:

    :zipperforyou: Zipper.gif
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    My doctor, who I'm pretty sure knows a little bit of biology, has never mentioned clean eating to me. Instead, his comments have mostly been "holy cow, you are doing an amazing job, and all your health indicators are improving. Unbelievable, I've never seen a transformation like it. And you eat whatever you want? That's great, keep doing what you're doing."

    My step-son's dietician, who I also believe may know a bit about biology with a side order of nutrition, has also never mentioned clean eating. Instead she is mostly focused on keeping his blood sugar under control, because his dad and step mom let him have too many simple carbs in relation to the protein he eats. Her advice - increase protein, decrease carbs to find a better balance, but other than that choose from a wide range of foods you enjoy. Sounds an awful lot like IIFYM to me.

    Your doctor and your step-son's dietician, also know who pays their bill. They want you to come back! Why they would talk to you about clean eating?

    You are joking right???? So your saying the doctor doesnt give a crap about his or her patients just the almighty dollar.. Well at 560 lbs. I crawled into my endo dr. office needing to lose 300+ lbs. and he set me up with a dietician who actually did give a crap about me and set me up on a meal plan with a caloric intake of 2500 calories and a macro ratio of 40/30/30 with carbs being my main focus. I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and from the get go she set my carb intake at 240 grams a day. She told me to hit my macros with veggies lean meats and whole grains and if I had any calories left then treat myself with whatever I wanted as long as it fit my caloric intake. She never once demonized any food so there was never talk of so called clean food or dirty food. That was my own problem to deal with which was why I also worked with a therapist to help me conquer my addictions to my trigger foods. Fast forward 4 years (3 years of weightloss and 9 months of maintenance)and my caloric intake is currently 4000 calories a day and my carb intake is 425 grams a day and that is to maintain... My dietician has approved my increase over my 312 lbs. of weightloss and now maintenance. I have A1c averaging 5.3 the last 2 years and a lipod panel my endo dr. Called Perfect the last check up (his words not mine). I am sorry I just don't agree that doctors are in it strictly for the money... Atleast mine aren't. ... Best of Luck

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    @stumblinthru...Any good dietician or Dr does know the benefits of a healthy diet. And they should be promoting that regardless of whether someone is lean or overweight. Blood sugar levels are controlled by eating 'clean' or a healthy lifestyle. Depends on what someone's goals are I guess. Nothing wrong with going to Nando's once a week as long as you can control yourself and not turn back to unhealthy foods everyday! I eat 'clean' everyday but that's just me. I would just say to be careful not to fall into these FAD diets like Atkins etc etc because your mind set will be wrong from the start. Eating clean is part of being a healthy person and being healthy is a lifestyle which means its something we do day in day out over a long period of time. There is no use of going in to dieting looking for a diet where you can eat foods you want, because the mindset to change is not there. in fact look for the diet with the most un appealing food on it thats probably the healthiest lolIt just seems like people see diets as a means of losing weight and that's it! But there are many more benefits to it than that. But yeah u guys are right it's still good that people are thinking about diet and how to reduce weight etc. Well done to anyone who is trying to become healthy and has lost weight as a result. It's a good achievement :)

    At least you're pretty. :flowerforyou:
    The bold part doesn't make sense so I'll throw that out there. You can be a clean eater, obese, and have terrible blood sugar.

    Then there's the guy who went on a twinky diet and cleaned up his blood sugar yeah...that's a pretty poor argument there. But I quoted someone who gave you a compliment so yay don't get mad :p
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Good job on working hard for your new body!
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