Like minded Lushes - September



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    . I read the South Beach book and they made me think it was "bad" and vodka, wine, tequila are "good" so that should be interesting.

    I am also trying to change my evil lush ways...I used to think beer was a better value...12 oz beer vs. 3.5 oz, I think I have seen the light
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    You promise yourself one water for every drink you slow down on the drinking too.

    It's sad to resort to this behavior
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    You promise yourself one water for every drink you slow down on the drinking too.

    It's sad to resort to this behavior
    It may be sad but it does work.
  • I can only sit back and admire you guys. I wouldn't even try to cut out my glass or 2 of wine each night. Not to mention a little teqila on the weeeeeekends! I'm thinking it's keeping me sane. I do add it into my budget, though....:drinker:
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I did it! I did it! Yeah, OK, it's only been one day...but still :) One BS 55 (such an appropriate abbreviation) and one gin with lemon...yum! AND (drumroll) still like 300 calories under for the day.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    It may be sad but it does work.
    Does lot of ice in the beverage work?? To replace the glass of water...
  • jsg8tor
    jsg8tor Posts: 43 Member
    I jumped onto the thread just before the new one started and feel like I found my family!

    9/1/10: No alcohol:noway:

    Starting out the month with a bang. Worried about the parties this weekend. Going to try to drink vodka with Crystal Light and stay away from the margaritas :sad: I love margaritas out by the pool!

    Tequila shots cut out the calories from the mixers!!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    @ 'like minded lushes' :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Just found this thread and love it. :bigsmile:

    Never been a midweek drinker, but make up for it weekends :noway:

    Have found that I just dont lose weight if I go out and drink weekends. Firstly becasue of the calories and secondly becasue my eating goes to pot.

    So, in order to lose weight I'm restricting my drinking to once every 2 weeks!! It's quite depressing as my social life is circled around alcohol so when I can't drink, I can't go out. :sad: (I'm not that strong minded to be around a group of friends totally sozzled while I am sober!!)

    So, I say to myself, just do it for 3 months. 3 months is nothing in the scheme of things. I've done it once and already feel depressed that I have to stay in again this weekend :laugh:

    Oh well, onwards and upwards to a new slimmer me! :love:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    UGH, a BOTTLE of MollyDooker. :embarassed: :sad:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I am not having a good week. 3 vodka diet cokes last night, late. I am under a lot of mental stress right now. Well at least that's my story and I am stickin' to it.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sunday, 0
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0
    Wednesday, 6 skinny margaritas, with lots of ice (he, he)

    Hubs brought home 3 bottles of skinny margaritas...that was all it, the plan is to not drink tonight and tomorrow

    I will run around the lake to punish myself today.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Couldn't resist that Martini with 2 delicious olives last night for supper. Sent me over my calories for the day. Worst part? Had some pretzels too. Luckily my weigh day is Tuesday, so will be on the wagon until then.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    No drinking last night, but I think I will have a glass of wine today, if it works into my calorie goals.
    I picked up the fixins for bloody marys-with blue-cheese stuffed olives. It's kind of a splurge but I couldn't resist!
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    AAAAAHHHH.... I am proud - I've made it 3 days without drinking. I did buy a pack of smokes - haven't opened them - but definately considering it .

    I'm doing okay - with the eating - but I haven't managed to get to the gym this week. I will settle for slow progress - it is still a step in the right direction.

    RJADAMS - Love the picture of your dogl I too am under a lot of stress - with no end in sight.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Being as good as I can this week. I haven't had any alcohol this week but it is rare that I do during the week. I wasn't too bad last weekend as far as drinks (except for those pesky margaritas). The problem is I know that this weekend is going to be BAD. Heading up to a college football game on Saturday and taligating for several hours, then will probably have to recover with a couple of bloody marys the next morning so I can gear up for Willie Nelson on Sunday night. I am going to squeeze in an extra workout Saturday morning and drink a ton of water but I know I won't be very good all weekend. Picking up the stuff to make jello shots tonight. :tongue:

    Go WYO! Beat UT!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Sunday, 0
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0
    Wednesday, 6 skinny margaritas, with lots of ice (he, he)

    Hubs brought home 3 bottles of skinny margaritas...that was all it, the plan is to not drink tonight and tomorrow

    I will run around the lake to punish myself today.

    What is this skinny margarita you speak of?? I must have one :devil:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Jello shots are yummy...maybe, try sugar free jello

    mom216, hang in there...DON'T OPEN THE SMOKES!!! I just took care of a lady 42 years old with lung cancer spread EVERYWHERE. Oncology was telling her "THERE IS NO CURE" when I was getting off shift. She is going to die and soon. 42 and NO CURE

    Bloody mary's & olives...everyone is in the mood for olives this week
  • This week is going well and the rest of the month is looking good :smile: but only because I've only got the one weekend off work between now and Oct :explode:
    But boy am I looking forward to that weelend!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    AAAAAHHHH.... I am proud - I've made it 3 days without drinking. I did buy a pack of smokes - haven't opened them - but definately considering it .

    I'm doing okay - with the eating - but I haven't managed to get to the gym this week. I will settle for slow progress - it is still a step in the right direction.

    RJADAMS - Love the picture of your dogl I too am under a lot of stress - with no end in sight.

    Ah! why did you buy them? I quit 4 years ago but for some reason, they sound good to me too lately! Probably just fond memories of drinking, smoking at a concert with friends back in the day.
    I might smoke one in Vegas next week, but I won't buy a pack. How can you be in Vegas and not smoke, really? I think even non-smokers figure-all that second hand smoke, they might as well light their own:)
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    The craziest thing happend to me last night.... after a long day at work, exercise, and healthy eating all day, I decided that I wanted a beer. Now here is the CRAZY thing... I only drank HALF! Who does that???!!! :drinker: Certainly not me! :devil: Could this active healthy lifestyle really be working? :love: Of course, I don't think I would have the same results with a glass of wine (which I give myself permission to have on the weekend). :laugh:
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