He called me fat..



  • Ouch.

    Wasn't a public thing, but I was in a sexless marriage and my wife told me it was because of my weight. Imagine my surprise when I lost 100 pounds and nothing changed.

    People can be mean, sometimes on purpose, other times without intent. I really wish I had some magic words for you but I don't. You've got some insight into what sort of character this person is and you can now make an informed decision about whether this is the type of person you want to surround yourself with.

    Oh wow...what's the point of being married if you can't have sex and both ppl are physically able? Man oh man I feel for you. Glad you got out of that mess.

    To the OP I agree with AnninStPaul. The focus should be on your friend and not him. A true friend would have handled that situation in a flash. She is not your friend. Cut all ties.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    First of all I'd like to say that this isn't a call out for attention, nor am I fishing for compliments. I thought I was a strong girl who could deal with negative comments until two nights ago when I went out to meet some friends, and well, I was wrong.

    I'd just finished a ten hour shift at work and I was really tired and a little cranky however that evening I had promised to see some friends our local Wetherspoons as it was one of my friend's birthdays. There was my best friend, her partner, let's call him Dave (not his real name, I don't think I can even bring myself to say his real name) Somebody who Dave used to work with and his girlfriend, both of whom are overweight. Dave and I have a history of bickering, like brother and sister, but never ever anything personal. My boyfriend was working away that night and so couldnt make it, so it ended up two couples and me. I kind of felt like the spare part at first because my boyfriend is almost always there but after a couple of drinks I began to feel better about the situation. There were also lots of people in the beer garden.

    Anyway let's get to the point.. as the drinks went down the conversation got loud and turned to sex. I was tuning in and out of the conversation at that point as I was texting my boyfriend. Something along the lines of "you should get a fatty, they love a bit of sex" was said to Dave to which he turned to me and said the exact words infront of about ten people "Yeah, fatty's love it, don't they (my name)?" ..everybody started laughing, including the overweight people.. hysterically actually. I just sat there holding the tears back for ten minutes wondering whether to just get up and walk away or.. well I don't know what else I would have done. After about 20 minutes Dave went up to get a drink. I turned to his girlfriend, my best friend and asked her how she could put up with him doing that sort of thing to her friends, told her that I wouldnt be coming to her flat ever again and that I just can't believe what just happened. Meanwhile overweight couple are still sat right next to me laughing their heads off. I still feel like crying. There's no way he would have spoken to me in that way if my boyfriend was there.

    I was wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation where you are with a large group of people you see as friends, and then being humiliated and just wanting the ground to swallow you up there and then?

    Not sure if anyone will actually read all of this. Just needed to get it off my chest.

    Dave a *kitten*. I am sorry you had to put up with that. I would have put him in his place without a doubt. ("yup! We fatties love to get us some sex - too bad none of us would want to screw you, Dave!)
  • never had to deal with that because I was always the butt of my own self depreciating fat jokes... I figured I would beat them to the punch... how stupid of me! I've since stopped and I would have told him exactly how I felt and left had I been in your situation. some people are just crass... him drinking had nothing to do with it... sorry you had to deal with someone like that...:flowerforyou:
  • Yes! I have been in that situation! A few weeks ago My colleagues and I went out to lunch. A new guy in the office asked if I was pregnant....OUCH I have a ten month old and am struggling with the post baby weight. I told him right back he had man boobs.... And the problem was solved. Its how men relate to one another they talk crap. I found it kind of fun. We all laughed, but Im still a little hurt about looking pregnant, but I have to be honest it's kind of true... So im changing it at the gym and with MFP
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Yeah that's a little tacky but maybe he didn't mean it. Sometimes I call my sister fatty and she's about 8stone ( 112lbs) Or be honest with yourself, are you overweight? Fat is just another word for it. It's just a word after all and maybe it was just banter. Maybe he shouldn't have said it but maybe it hurt you because it's true? If that's the case use it to fuel you and help you get to your goal. Don't let a word get in your way or stop you or allow you to wallow! It won't hurt you when it's no longer true x Best of luck!
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    "Dave" would have gotten a quick kick to the nads, had he said that about me.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    First of all I'd like to say that this isn't a call out for attention, nor am I fishing for compliments. I thought I was a strong girl who could deal with negative comments until two nights ago when I went out to meet some friends, and well, I was wrong.

    I'd just finished a ten hour shift at work and I was really tired and a little cranky however that evening I had promised to see some friends our local Wetherspoons as it was one of my friend's birthdays. There was my best friend, her partner, let's call him Dave (not his real name, I don't think I can even bring myself to say his real name) Somebody who Dave used to work with and his girlfriend, both of whom are overweight. Dave and I have a history of bickering, like brother and sister, but never ever anything personal. My boyfriend was working away that night and so couldnt make it, so it ended up two couples and me. I kind of felt like the spare part at first because my boyfriend is almost always there but after a couple of drinks I began to feel better about the situation. There were also lots of people in the beer garden.

    Anyway let's get to the point.. as the drinks went down the conversation got loud and turned to sex. I was tuning in and out of the conversation at that point as I was texting my boyfriend. Something along the lines of "you should get a fatty, they love a bit of sex" was said to Dave to which he turned to me and said the exact words infront of about ten people "Yeah, fatty's love it, don't they (my name)?" ..everybody started laughing, including the overweight people.. hysterically actually. I just sat there holding the tears back for ten minutes wondering whether to just get up and walk away or.. well I don't know what else I would have done. After about 20 minutes Dave went up to get a drink. I turned to his girlfriend, my best friend and asked her how she could put up with him doing that sort of thing to her friends, told her that I wouldnt be coming to her flat ever again and that I just can't believe what just happened. Meanwhile overweight couple are still sat right next to me laughing their heads off. I still feel like crying. There's no way he would have spoken to me in that way if my boyfriend was there.

    I was wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation where you are with a large group of people you see as friends, and then being humiliated and just wanting the ground to swallow you up there and then?

    Not sure if anyone will actually read all of this. Just needed to get it off my chest.

    You should have just kicked him in the taint and insulted his manhood. As it stands, spend time with your friend, but keep him at arm's length.
  • Montarosa456
    Montarosa456 Posts: 133
    Thanks for your replies Ladies :)

    And yes, my best friend and her boyfriend are exactly the same. He is an absolout a-hole to her aswell and has been for ages. She wont leave him though. Nor will she do much about him calling me fat either. He also told me to "go have a shave" once, because I have quite obvious blonde facial hair. I think you might be right about kicking them both to the curb..

    Sadly...You realise when you get older who matters, who will always matter and who should not matter.
    This couple should not matter.
    How dare he insult your shape? or blonde facial hair? you/him/us we are all human and everyone has hair and most of us will struggle with our weight at some point in our life..
    Once I was dating a guy..This was back in say 2003 (I was around 12stone back then - I'm 5'7 so did not look 'huge') and he said 'Look..your really, really pretty...but I just can't get over your size' and I've never ever forgotten it...even when weighing in the late 9's it still sticks with me..
    Please don't waste a single moment of your precious life on people like this!
  • ced1389
    ced1389 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for your replies Ladies :)

    And yes, my best friend and her boyfriend are exactly the same. He is an absolout a-hole to her aswell and has been for ages. She wont leave him though. Nor will she do much about him calling me fat either. He also told me to "go have a shave" once, because I have quite obvious blonde facial hair. I think you might be right about kicking them both to the curb..

    Well Dave sounds like an absolute tool and if your friend wants to put up with that, let her. But you sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, a great outlook on life, and your own boyfriend that loves you for exactly who you are. Ditch the dead weight (your best friend and her joke of a man) and move on. Just wait for the day when she comes crying to you that he did something terribly mean and she's crushed -- cause that will happen. That's my little friend Karma.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    Don't discount your friend just because her guy is a tool. She probably has become so accustomed to his rude remarks that she no longer recognizes them as possibly being inappropriate when said to other people/friends. Skip any future couples events and keep your friendship intact by telling her you don't need to be friends with him to be friends with her. It may even give her a boost of confidence that she obviously needs.
  • Laac68
    Laac68 Posts: 55
    I can relate to how you feel/felt. It does hurt and if being overweight or my case obese, didn't have such a negative outlook in most societies/cultures, I believe I wouldn't get my feelings hurt as much. I have not had friends or acquaintances to say such things but have had family members point it out. Mostly, extended family members when we would gather at reunions. I use to be reed thin and when I started to put on the pounds, someone would point out how fat I got and I need to watch it, that I am too young to be so fat. I would laugh it off and then go off to myself and cry. Now 20 something years later I am not where I would like to be as far as my weight goals but I am learning to not allow what others opinions or words said about my weight issues effect in a way to where I become withdrawn from society. You never know, some people say thing inadvertantly, or just because they don't feel that confident with themselves so they have to choose someone else who appears to be not so perfect to point out that person's flaws. I wish you well. :happy:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Truthfully, I don't think his comment was so much a "I'm going to make fun of you and call you a fatty" thing as a "let's shock and surprise the girl who's distracted, ignoring us and texting her boyfriend."

    I understand feeling hurt by the comment, but if the guy teases you like brother and sister, I think he would expect something along the lines of "Why don't we ask yo mama?" instead of putting you in tears. I don't think he meant to hurt you.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    He sounds like a complete waste of space. It's interesting how we let the words/actions of scumbags like this guy affect us when they're the ones with the obvious problem. These people will always find something to make a smart comment about, because they have nothing else to offer other than a few cheap laughs. It's his damage, not yours. Some people never leave junior high mentally. Poor guy. We should pity him, really.

    You're super cute, by the way.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Every person will have to give an account for each and every careless word that ever fell from their lips. Not going to be a "fun day out" for anyone, but especially for guys like "Dave".
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    This woman is not your best friend. No best friend would allow someone she loves to be ridiculed, not by her partner nor by her other obnoxious insensitive friends. She is a toxic friend surrounded by toxic people. Hardest thing in the world is to rid oneself of toxic relationships, but it is empowering. No one allows someone they love to be hurt in their presence unless they are so messed up they truly can't contribute to any relationship until they find ways to raise their own self esteem. No friend is better than one who damages.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Well I haven't been in exactly that situation, but I know how you feel. A family member said something in a different language about me and everyone chuckled. Not knowing what had been said, I asked a cousin, "What'd he say?" I was completely unprepared for the answer... my cousin said, "Oh, he just said you're fatter than ever." I always try to be strong and consider the source. (cousin is a first class a-hole -always has been) I usually get through okay... but that one stuck, and even though it was 10 ish years ago, it still hurts.

    I'm sorry that 'Dave" did that to you. Nobody needs to be like that. You certainly don't need that in your life. Chin-up and learn from it Sweetie... It's hard for other people to be as great as you are, that's why they have to act like that. <hug>
  • donsun51
    donsun51 Posts: 20 Member
    I was at my wife's church last Sunday. I was in line for coffee and snacks (donuts, fruit, etc) and I actually had a guy look at me and say "You should go on a diet!" in front of everyone enjoying coffee hour. I was SHOCKED! I have dropped almost 60 pounds since January and this guy had the balls to tell me that! He then went on to tell me how much better I'll feel and I won't have diabetes anymore (which I have never had an issue with even at my heaviest!). I went on to explain that I have already been working on it and could out run him any day. He felt it would be great to ask me why I was so fat and what I couldn't stop eating to lead to my obesity. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be returning to her church anytime soon.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Truthfully, I don't think his comment was so much a "I'm going to make fun of you and call you a fatty" thing as a "let's shock and surprise the girl who's distracted, ignoring us and texting her boyfriend."

    I understand feeling hurt by the comment, but if the guy teases you like brother and sister, I think he would expect something along the lines of "Why don't we ask yo mama?" instead of putting you in tears. I don't think he meant to hurt you.

    That's a good point.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Truthfully, I don't think his comment was so much a "I'm going to make fun of you and call you a fatty" thing as a "let's shock and surprise the girl who's distracted, ignoring us and texting her boyfriend."

    I understand feeling hurt by the comment, but if the guy teases you like brother and sister, I think he would expect something along the lines of "Why don't we ask yo mama?" instead of putting you in tears. I don't think he meant to hurt you.

    Voice of reason. I agree with this!

    Personally I don't think "fat" is an insult and I don't know why we give so much power to that one word. It's just a descriptor like any other. Tall, short, blonde, brunette, fast, slow, fat, skinny, athletic, etc. If I was overweight and someone called me fat I probably would just be like, "yes, I am. Good job on your observation."

    I'm not saying it wasn't hurtful and I'm really sorry that you felt so sad, OP :( But just try not to let it get to you, I really don't think he meant it as an insult, and you're beautiful no matter what size you are. Also, you're on MFP, so if you don't like your size you can change it! And that's awesome! :drinker:
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    First I know you are not looking for compliments but here is some anyways. You are very beautiful and young and you have been doing a great job at losing the weight. They aren't true friends, and he is a big jerk. I am sorry that happened to you. I can't recall anything like that happening from a friend( because they all know if they said something I would kick their butt. lol) but occassionally I have strangers ask me or come up to me and ask when the baby is due. Or what gender my baby is. I am not pregnant. And sometimes I don't correct them because they are old and I just wanna leave but sometimes I say NO I am NOT pregnant and walk away and at first it really makes me mad, because they assume since I am bigger I MUST be pregnant, but later when I get home I get sad/ depressed and cry. Oh and I forgot to mention the people that ask when im pregnant...ect.. are bigger then I am, so it is like seriously? your judging me? sorry I ranted a little but what i was getting at was that It is very frustrating but you handled it pretty well and I think you stood strong. And you made your self clear to her about how you feel about him. And if she still doesn't feel the need to protect her friends or herself I think that it is time to kick those "friends" to the curb.