Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    missed the Weigh in. Hopefully will remember to do a weigh in for October and see you there :)
    Never too late......weigh in and go from here!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning to eveyrone! It it great to see so many new faces. Hopefully everyone is still here at the end of the month. We tend to lose people as the month goes on. I know it is hard to stay motivated but it is really worth it.

    This month I decided to share some ideas from a shape magazine on eat more eat less to beat belly fat.


    MELON At fewer than 50 calories a slice this is one sweet treat you can fee free to indulge in. Both honeydew and cantaloupe are high in potassium. This mineral keeps sodium levels in check and beats belly bloat.


    SUGAR SUBSTITUTES Although they curb calories, those pink, blue, and yellow packets can make your stomach swell.. Some people have trouble digesting artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol and xylitol. That can cause bloating and diarrhea. Try weaning yourself off them by using a small amount of real sugar. One teaspoons has 16 calories.

    Time to go shopping and buy some melons!

    Have a great day!

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    No actual workout yesterday but I did spend an hour sword fighting with a 3 & 7 year old. Was exhausted when I went to bed so I overslept and missed my run this morning. Guess tomorrows will have to be longer, I need to work on my endurance anyway!!

    Good luck to everyone this holiday weekend!!


    MELON At fewer than 50 calories a slice this is one sweet treat you can fee free to indulge in. Both honeydew and cantaloupe are high in potassium. This mineral keeps sodium levels in check and beats belly bloat.

    I've noticed this is true. After eating melon my weight always goes down it seems. I have a huge honeydew sitting on the counter in the kitchen now. Need to get that thing cut up and going. I love melons.
    Thanks Terry!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm looking for a challenge similar to this one, so I can lose major weight by christmas and say hello to the new year with a big bang.

    SW: 167
    GW: 162
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Got in a 4.0 mile speed workout (run) in last night with 1.2 miles walking additional for cool-down/warm-up. Got to get my 55 minute run in sometime Saturday/Sunday (depending on Earl's rain and winds). Also have to make up a cross training session, get in another cross training session, and get a 45 minute easy run in by Monday evening. I'm tired just thinking of it all :)
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Bump :bigsmile:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi all, well I did make my August Challenge to reach 119 pounds and stay there!!! But this past week all has gone haywire and i have put on 2.5 pounds :sad: but i have been good today and hope to be back to 119 by next Friday :laugh: and my September Challenge will be to reach 119 (again) and stay there!!!
  • Ooo, I'm so in on this. I need a challenge to get me going I've been slacking on healthier foods lately.

    Current weight: 150 lbs
    End of Sept. Goal: 145 lbs
  • I was in the challenge in july and never made it to the final weigh in but going to try harder this time. I am losing just not as quick as I would like. It would be great to go into the new year down versus starting over again...
    Today down to 224.2 goal is 219 lbs.
  • shug1
    shug1 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks, great info
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Oh boy! I'm in for sure! My husband and I are going on vacation this week, but have a ton of 'active' activities planned! I need to lose 8 more pounds to be at my goal weight so this will take a good chunk out!
  • Jalah
    Jalah Posts: 14
    Day 3: It's been a hectic one! I'm looking forward to a jog tonight! My husband and I are then heading to a high school football game tonight and then back to my college for some Fightin Texas Aggie Football tomorrow! It's going to be a great weekend with lots of eating and exercising challenges. We are prepping for the fun by packing our own cooler with lighter and healtheir options than what will be available at the tailgate tomorrow!

    What are things y'all are doing to make sure you meet your 5lb goal?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    ok so today has not been the greatest food day. I know i said today would be better but hubbys mom brought over icecream and i had a big ole bowl and i had 40 oz of soda but then i started to feel bad and gross so i dumped the rest of the soda and got a 50 oz cup of water instead which i almost have finished and will start on my next cup soon : )

    So i am planning on cooking 400 calorie meals once i move into my brand new house at the end of september and i decided that tonight i would cook one of them to see how it is... it is something i have never had before called pork piccata and some lemon soup really yummy sounding and looking : ) and it comes in at 253 calories just the start i need one of these days i will come up with the perfect thing to go with it but this is a trial so low on calories doesn't bug me much concidering my calorie intake today already is quite high : ) this is just the meal to end the day and stay in my calories but as for fat im conciderably over bad day but this gives me the tools to try again : )

    i just hate cooking in my one wall of countertops that is supposedly called a kitchen in this cramped tiny basement but soon that will all be a memory and i will have a wall of nothing but counterspace and a big pantry and new style fridge lol making all my cooking needs better and i might just want to cook healthy meals that actually require a prep
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I am surprised to say that I did reach the 5 lbs. in August and 1 to grow on for Sept. That means I reached my final goal! :smile:

    I like keeping in the challenge for everything else. My challenge will most definately be NOT gaining 5lbs. in Sept. I will need your inspiration to keep me focused. This has always been my fear, even when I didn't think it was possible to reach my goal in the first place.

    Off to a horrible start now that I'm back to work. Glad the kids come back Tuesday so there are no more lunches "out".

    Thank you all for the support since March...it has meant the world to me. Keep up the good work and I hope to keep up with some of the tough fitness challenges on here.
  • Hello, everyone! Just a quick check in. Managed to get in 79 minutes of exercise tonight. I had to do something after having those onion rings at Red Robin tonight. LOL Tomorrow is only suppose to hit 74 tomorrow, so we are heading out to hike at a state park.

    55tolose: Have you checked out eatingwell.com yet? I have made about 6 dishes off of this site so far and each one has been approved by my husband and kids....what more can you ask for!

    Have a great Labor Day everyone!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Dinner was a success i ate 300 calories worth and it was supprisingly filling! :) amazing and only took like 15 minutes to prep and cook even tho i had about a square foot of space to do it in haha. and the best part my son and baby daughter loved it. he is three and she is one so i cut up the pork realllllly small even tho all she did was taste each piece and throw it on the floor haha.
    Unfortunately i have the pickiest hubby in the whole entire world who hates lemon and pork and so he had hamburgers but he does buy the 95% lean ones and doesn't especially like condements so ya know what can ya do lol.

    I havent seen that website yet but i sure will give it a look. : ) The one i use is the 400 calorie meal blog or something like that all the food looks sooo good. I cant wait it will be great.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning one and all, heading out for the weekend.....my hubby and I are going away for our anniversary (16yrs)..and my mom is coming here to stay with the kids, ...so after my son's football game this morning, I will be gone until Sunday evening so I will check in then.....have a great start to the holiday weekend everyone!!...Oh, won't be doing much exercise while gone and won't be logging in....will be very busy in the lovin' (spending time alone without kids) kinda time......
  • Hi everyone,

    I would like to join this challenge. As I need to get my motivation back and this sounds like a good place to start.

    Good luck everyone,
  • agrima27
    agrima27 Posts: 13 Member
    I am in
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