30 pounds by Christmas..Who's with me?!



  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Our first holiday is lurking around the corner, here inthe US, a holiday best known for EATING!! Keep our eyes on our goal and save the splurge for CHRISTMAS DINNER!! That is OUR BIG PICTURE! Best advice is PLAN PLAN PLAN!! If you are hosting the party or bbq that is great then you have a lot more control over the situation and will know better how to track, because you know exactly what is in things. Things like butter added to veggies, salt ect. If you are going to someone elses shin dig help out the hostess and bring a big beautiful salad loaded up with all things good(good for you:wink: ) and that way you know for sure you'll be able to eat something! And hell yeah you should bring a small bottle of your fave light dressing stashed in your purse! Seek out the bbq pit and locate the leanest meat they have. We can still have fun at these types of fun if we plan! Without the plan you are going to have no choices and NOT have a good time because in the back of your mind, you know that scale will be waiting to see you on wednesday!! Don't blow this weeks weigh in over a little ol' holiday!!

    And if for some reason 'stuff' goes terribly wrong......:explode: leave the party a little sooner, rather than later, and head home for a nice brisk hour long walk or workout OK??? We got this!!:wink::happy: :flowerforyou:
    OH And Happy Labor Day everyone!!:drinker: << Thats is LIGHT beer!! LOL
  • I'm in! I weigh in on Monday so I'll post then! Good luck everyone over the holiday weekend!
  • bpclark
    bpclark Posts: 13 Member
    ok, i just got back from a week-long road trip, and i think i did pretty good, but i won't get to weigh in until later today or in the morning. i really am so proud of this road trip - we kept only healthy food in the car, and i got 4 good days of exercising. we had a few really nice (yummy & big) meals, but we split an entree, so it ended up being so much better than it could have been!! will post weight as soon as i can!
  • diana1211
    diana1211 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new to MFP, but love the idea of a group with a common target. Sounds great to me! Thanks! :flowerforyou: Diana
  • diana1211
    diana1211 Posts: 3 Member
    Stick with it! When I did this before, I would plateau for a while, then drop down again. If the plateau lasts too long, mixing up your routine a bit can help. Hope that helps! Diana
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hi everyone, looks like everyone did great this week. We can do it 30 lbs by christmas, no sweat. LOL. I lost 1.4lbs this week. YEAH. Have a great weekend everyone. Remember to plan and get in some exercise
  • bpclark
    bpclark Posts: 13 Member
    ok, i did my weigh in this morning, and i'm at 250.2 - that's down 2.4 lbs. yippie!! my little tracker isn't moving, though. hmmm.
  • birdgirl01
    birdgirl01 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone! Did weigh in this morning...down 2 lbs this week. Yippie!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    looking good all heading in the right direction.....
  • Mind if I join you? :D
    I joined this website at the start of the week and have been getting into the habit of logging my food, but today I start for real.
    Hopefully this group will provide some of the motivation I need. ^_^
  • Fruchtzwerg
    Fruchtzwerg Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in, too. It's worth a try :happy:
  • Fruchtzwerg
    Fruchtzwerg Posts: 37 Member
    ok, i did my weigh in this morning, and i'm at 250.2 - that's down 2.4 lbs. yippie!! my little tracker isn't moving, though. hmmm.
    Ha, had that problem, too. You have to do that manually I think (at least you CAN do it manually). Go to: Tools - Tickers - Update Weight Data.
    Anyway, well done for losing 2.4lbs!
  • I've been losing wight for some time now. Limiting calories to around 1500 and exercising three times a week. Weight loss has plateau'd. Don't know if I can reach 30 lbs weight loss goal by Christmas. Think the only way I can acheive it is to increase exercise to 5 or 6 times a week. Even losing a total of 30 pounds by Christams won't put me at the "normal" weight for a 5'9" man at 148-160. Anyone think these "ideal" weight charts are retarded?
  • smartyinaz
    smartyinaz Posts: 4 Member
    That's my goal, too, so I'm in. I am new to MFP - what is 30DS? Maybe we should have a name for group.
  • I'm in. I hope no one minds me jumping in after you have already started your challenge.
    I would so love to lose 30lbs by Christmas. I have already lost 10 so I have 20 more to go. It would be nice for hubby to get me some new clothes for Christmas after I lose that weight.
  • smartyinaz
    smartyinaz Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome! You didn't need that stupid cake anyway!
  • Down 2.6 pounds this week! So 27.4 more to go! Good job everyone and hopefully everyone has a good week!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Down 2.6 pounds this week! So 27.4 more to go! Good job everyone and hopefully everyone has a good week!
    Great Job!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I'm in. I hope no one minds me jumping in after you have already started your challenge.
    I would so love to lose 30lbs by Christmas. I have already lost 10 so I have 20 more to go. It would be nice for hubby to get me some new clothes for Christmas after I lose that weight.
    Of course we don't mind! Welcome and Good Luck!
  • My weigh in today lost 1.1kg (about 2.4 lbs) feeling really great especially since I went under the 100kg mark today.
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