Here's why I don't eat back my exercise calories.



  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    *sits back and eats popcorn* :bigsmile:
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Actually, I will report my own post.

    Two ticks

    You know what you could have just edited it. And apologized to him on here or on PM's. Instead of leaving that laughing face on there.

    LMAO What happened? I read the first few and then posted. Something crazy must have happened 3 pages in. Checking now......
  • JCSwneu
    JCSwneu Posts: 4 Member
    I ate my exercise calories back and still lost weight. However, I never exercised to the point where it made a hugely significant difference in my daily caloric totals. Generally a couple hundred calories, a couple days a week.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    Just admit it. People LOVE to argue! That's why despite several people trying to stay on topic OVER AND OVER we just keep going round and round lol.

    Anyone want a cookie? *munch munch*
  • janinealfke
    I do not eat back my burned calories. I have had weight loss surgery and couldn't if I wanted to. I have managed to increase my caloric intake slightly since starting to work out every day. I want to keep losing, so I do not want to eat back all I gain!

    Janine Alfke
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Actually, I will report my own post.

    Two ticks

    You know what you could have just edited it. And apologized to him on here or on PM's. Instead of leaving that laughing face on there.

    I did apologize and the laughing face was for the shouting.

    Besides which, it is useless editing it as it was quoted a few times.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    I ate my exercise calories back and still lost weight. However, I never exercised to the point where it made a hugely significant difference in my daily caloric totals. Generally a couple hundred calories, a couple days a week.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    This thread is great. I burned at least 15 calories reading it. Ummmm all the hate and discontent aside does anyone really know what the OPs question was? Asking cause I have no clue.


    Okay I think I figured it out
    So. Do you eat back your calories that you burn while exercising? Why or why not? I am interested in opinions on this one and how well eating them back or not works for you.

    No. With the workouts I do its impossible to eat back my calories while exercising. I would throw it all up, it would make a mess and would be a waste of food and $$. /End Thread

    Gnite Everyone! :drinker:
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Who else likes Taunto's profile pic?
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    This thread is great. I burned at least 15 calories reading it. Ummmm all the hate and discontent aside does anyone really know what the OPs question was? Asking cause I have no clue.

    I burnt more typing in it but I will not be eating the calories back.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    This thread is great. I burned at least 15 calories reading it. Ummmm all the hate and discontent aside does anyone really know what the OPs question was? Asking cause I have no clue.

    She was stating what she was doing already in the hopes she could get some other opinions on it. The thread got hijacked because it was too redundant for some people. Good thing I read your edit! LOL ;)
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    This thread is great. I burned at least 15 calories reading it. Ummmm all the hate and discontent aside does anyone really know what the OPs question was? Asking cause I have no clue.

    I burnt more typing in it but I will not be eating the calories back.

  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    Who else likes Taunto's profile pic?

    now I need to scroll for tauntos pic....
  • swhiteism
    swhiteism Posts: 71 Member
    Oi, staying on topic:

    I don't make it a habit to eat back my exercise calories. I only do it if I want to. I'm not eating when I'm not hungry. That's what got me into this situation in the first place. Besides, I don't always trust the caloric calculations or the amount of calories I supposedly burn by doing my exercises. I do Zumba pretty much everyday, which allows me 637 extra calories. MPF doesn't know how much energy I put into, how often I stopped for water, if I got lost and stopped in the middle of a dance move, etc. It's just a rough estimate, so I don't want to run the risk of overeating. I also don't measure my food (I am trying to avoid becoming too obsessed with all of this and I think that would do me more hurt than good), I just estimate visually. I could very well call something 1 cup when it's a 1 1/2 cup. I just rather be safe than sorry.
  • Aylawade
    Aylawade Posts: 22
    I try not to eat mine back. If I am really hungry and need to I will eat some back but not all.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I have been reading lot of controversy on why one should or should not eat back their exercise calories. I have also been reading the entire spectrum of response, from those who believe if one does not eat back their exercise calories they will shrivel up into nothing and blow away as dust particles in the wind to those who believe that eating back your exercise calories will cause you to not lose any weight at all.

    Here's my take. I MOSTLY elect not to eat mine back. *gasp* (cue the waste away to dust crowd here.) However, before that bunch starts spraying me with sealant to keep me together before the next wind comes, allow me to elaborate. If I have a particularly brutal workout, and I am ravenously hungry that day then sure, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will eat back and not feel bad about it in the least. Most days, this doesn't happen. I am actually less hungry on days I have especially trying workouts than on my rest days. Now, on days where I run/walk/use the elliptical or stationary bike for 30-45 minutes I will not eat my calories back. I tend to believe MFP overestimates caloric burn in cardiovascular exercise and I feel like eating them back at the point where the calculated burn is somewhere around 500, or less that eating them back could be counteractive to what I'm trying to do. I honestly believe that if one is hungry then one should eat. Starvation is not necessary when making a lifestyle change.

    So. Do you eat back your calories that you burn while exercising? Why or why not? I am interested in opinions on this one and how well eating them back or not works for you.

    I lost all the weight I have lost so far by not eating back my calories. I agree with your reasons completely.

    I also have a very small deficit, since my TDEE is so low, so any exercise I do, supplements my deficit so I can lose more than a quarter pound a week. I have been on maintenance for a couple of months, due to a lot going on right now, but am starting to get back into losing mode to get the rest of the weight off, and I will continue to NOT eat back my calories as long as I am losing a healthy 1 pound a week.

    Now for those who don't have much weight to lose, eat at a large deficit, and exercise like a fiend every day, then they most certainly would need to eat a bit more.

    You do what works for you!
  • lillith1991
    Wow this thread went bad really quick. I don't eat my callories lost back, because I plan my exercise and eat around that. 1500 is a defficit for me. Therefor if I exercise and eat 1500 then I'm ok.

    Moving on. Concentration camp comparisons are never cool, just like other comparisons or jokes dealing with race, Religion, or even sexual orientation aren't cool. Not that you meant it to be offensive or that it would be to everyone but it still was bad form to make such a comparison. Not to be mean but that's my opinion. Wholes bloodlines(entire family trees) or whole branches were killed in those camps.
  • glutesandabs
    glutesandabs Posts: 68 Member
    Just admit it. People LOVE to argue! That's why despite several people trying to stay on topic OVER AND OVER we just keep going round and round lol.

    Anyone want a cookie? *munch munch*

    Will you still give me a cookie if you find me unattractive?
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I don't eat mine back because even if I religiously count/weigh everything I know I'm going to miss some calories somewhere. So I take my 'food' number with a grain of salt, understanding I probably went over anywhere from 100-400 with simple stuff (like forgetting to count that olive oil in my stirfry)

    So basically that's my buffer. Seems to be working.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I always eat half back. This keeps me from being hungry and feeling like I never ate anything on the days I have to workout. Works for me so far, no problems, no plateaus!