my dog ate my Fitbit One



  • CherylGardner
    CherylGardner Posts: 75 Member
    If it's a fitbit one, they are much more water resistant than the old Ultra. I jumped into my pool accidentally with mine and it was fine. DIdn't even have to put it in rice or anything.

    If the battery was charged recently, it should still be ok. Takes over a week for them to fully run down, from what I've experienced. Especially if it hasn't been syncing a lot.

    I'm rooting for the dog to have not eaten it... that would be way worse... a dog eating something like that.
    The fitbit one seems to be mostly plastic to me. I don't think a metal detector will pick it up. If you, or someone you know has a iphone 4S or newer (or one of the android devices that they support with the right Bluetooth version), download the fitbit app and try to sync out in the yard around where the dog was. Even if you can get the laptop out to the yard with the network connection, give it a go. If it syncs, at least you'll know it's not in the dog (which it doesn't sound like it is).

    But this was a couple of days ago. If the FitBit gets wet, it won't work. Dew or rain might have destroyed it by now... if the battery is even still good. For that matter, if the dog did swallowed it, I fully expect that thing to be shot functioning-wise.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Having followed this from the beginning I'm kinda relieved the dog hasn't come to any harm. Dogs are people too!!
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    I LOVE that you had him sit by the computer to "sync up". Oh god, the mental image. "I'm syncing my dog up to the net."

    That's what had me laughing out loud here too. It's okay though. Everyone but the cat is gone and the cat knows I'm weird. :laugh:

    OP, I do hope you find your Fitbit.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    But this was a couple of days ago. If the FitBit gets wet, it won't work. Dew or rain might have destroyed it by now... if the battery is even still good. For that matter, if the dog did swallowed it, I fully expect that thing to be shot functioning-wise.

    I accidentally ran mine thru a full washing and drying cycle and mine still worked. I'm not recommending anyone try this, but it's not necessarily true that water makes it not work...
  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    But this was a couple of days ago. If the FitBit gets wet, it won't work. Dew or rain might have destroyed it by now... if the battery is even still good. For that matter, if the dog did swallowed it, I fully expect that thing to be shot functioning-wise.

    I accidentally ran mine thru a full washing and drying cycle and mine still worked. I'm not recommending anyone try this, but it's not necessarily true that water makes it not work...

    I hope you mean your FitBit and not a dog. Or else jaz050465 might have some words for you...
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Thank goodness the dog seems ok!!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    But this was a couple of days ago. If the FitBit gets wet, it won't work. Dew or rain might have destroyed it by now... if the battery is even still good. For that matter, if the dog did swallowed it, I fully expect that thing to be shot functioning-wise.

    I accidentally ran mine thru a full washing and drying cycle and mine still worked. I'm not recommending anyone try this, but it's not necessarily true that water makes it not work...

    I hope you mean your FitBit and not a dog. Or else jaz050465 might have some words for you...

    I'm glad you all find it so hilarious. Wouldn't have been quite so funny though if the dog had got a blockage and died.

    I presume the OP did as the vet suggested and took the dog in for an X-ray after 12 hours.

    I'm also hoping the OP is now looking into pet insurance.
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks for the update OP. Good to know the doggie is doing well. Sucks about your fitbit, but it is certainly easier to replace than our furry family members.
  • 1BigMidge
    1BigMidge Posts: 17 Member
  • Xzombabe
    Xzombabe Posts: 7
    we swept his running path with the metal detector and didn't find it.
    Swept the dog (without a collar) and it went off.

    Poop patrol.....ugh. or should I force him (somehow I have no idea how) to vomit?

    Probably not a good idea to do that. I recommend calling the vet, some items do not pass through a dogs systems and can harm them.

    ^ I second this.
    If it harms him, you could have another issue on your hands.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    As of yesterday afternoon, we got a new collar for him and so he was no longer penned up. He did start pooping immediately when we fitted the collar and he was able to run around as he likes. His stool is normal in color and texture. We have looked through a couple deposits but did not find the fitbit. We must assume that since he is acting very normal, playing, eating normal (I bought treats for him to make sure he did not get constipated from his day of being quarantined) and drinking water as usual, that he must not have swallowed the tracker, or that he has eliminated it where we did not notice (we didn't stay outside and follow him around all evening and night and this morning).

    I have been in contact with fitbit, their customer service is very good, and we are discussing a new fitbit. Whether or not it is replaced or I have to buy one I don't know yet.

    Thank you all for your concern about our dog. He is well-cared for and in good hands.

    Btw, he eats anything that lands on the ground. Just a few minutes ago a napkin from my lunch blew off the table onto the ground and he ran off with that too. I found half of it when he eventually let it go. I'm sure that he's going to be just fine.

    That's a relief! You know... he probably picks up things and runs off with them as a game. If you stop chasing him when he does that, he might stop.
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    My dog used to eat EVERYTHING, Brillo Pads, t-shirts, crayons, steak knife once, 14 chocolate cupcakes, 5 lbs of dog bones, a pair of horse back ridding boots.... the emergency vet ended up telling us moving forward give him 2 turkey basters filled with hydrogen peroxide to make him throw up... worked for us (ps. my dog is approx 80lbs in case you go this route)
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    My dog is just as silly as that. I've found all sorts in his poos. I know because I always check for worms. So far, no worms, but once he ate a tube of my food colouring (I make cakes). I was terrified he was bleeding internally as there were jelly lumps in his poo. He'd eaten pink, but it looked red. So I was on the phone to the vet making an appointment when I noticed the case for the colouring. They sure can make us panic.

    Another time, he ate a 200g bar of dark chocolate. It was on top of a washing machine in a box which was on top of a worktop. About 9 feet from the floor. No idea how he got it. I was terrified, he was shaking, and while I was on the phone to the vet THIS time, I was holding him to sooth him and he vomited ALLLLLLLL over me. Smelled like hot chocolate....
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Relieved to hear the dog is okay. If the dog did actually swallow the One in the very place he could have easily passed it without the OP finding it - it's black, small and very smooth/sleek without the case on.
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    on the upside your steps are going to look great! Ive thought about pinning it to my dog's collar
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks for the update OP. Good to know the doggie is doing well. Sucks about your fitbit, but it is certainly easier to replace than our furry family members.

    ^^^ This. Thanks for letting us know and so glad all is well with your little one :)
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    As of yesterday afternoon, we got a new collar for him and so he was no longer penned up. He did start pooping immediately when we fitted the collar and he was able to run around as he likes. His stool is normal in color and texture. We have looked through a couple deposits but did not find the fitbit. We must assume that since he is acting very normal, playing, eating normal (I bought treats for him to make sure he did not get constipated from his day of being quarantined) and drinking water as usual, that he must not have swallowed the tracker, or that he has eliminated it where we did not notice (we didn't stay outside and follow him around all evening and night and this morning).

    I have been in contact with fitbit, their customer service is very good, and we are discussing a new fitbit. Whether or not it is replaced or I have to buy one I don't know yet.

    Thank you all for your concern about our dog. He is well-cared for and in good hands.

    Btw, he eats anything that lands on the ground. Just a few minutes ago a napkin from my lunch blew off the table onto the ground and he ran off with that too. I found half of it when he eventually let it go. I'm sure that he's going to be just fine.

    That's a relief! You know... he probably picks up things and runs off with them as a game. If you stop chasing him when he does that, he might stop.

    this EXACTLY. Don;t chase him. calmly look at him and in a stern voice tell him to drop it. He will eventually get board of the game and stop stealing stuff. Also teaching him the "Leave It" command is good!. it is a simple command to teach it should only take a little research how to do it and could save your pets life! What would you have done if that was a high dose pain med or something? It could have killed him almost instantly! The leave it command prevents this! when something falls to the ground you simple state leave it! and if properly trained the dog will do exactly that! My mom's 3 dogs know this one well as it is necessary. With out it her biggest (120 pounds) would eat almost anything dropped in front of him and not even care. he's a vacuum cleaner lol! So please if you don;t want the high vet bills or a dead dog teach him a few basic commands! and remember chasing a dog makes him think your playing! that's why he steals your stuff to began with!
  • caseydevil
    caseydevil Posts: 11 Member
    Chocolate is poisonous for a dog. Expecially dark chocolate.
    I should take extra care with that.
    My dog isn't aloud to come anywhere near chocolate :-)
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Hope your dog is OK.

    But the dog syncing is seriously hilarious!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Glad to hear he sounds okay - keep an eye on him though, as it could take a few days if it is lodged somewhere in there. Any sign of discomfort or change of eating/drinking/pooing habits and get him straight to the vets. xx