You know you're old when...



  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    When you realize you've been out of highschool for four years.hollly efff.

    4? ...I'm a little closer to a decade...haha
    Decade? I'm a little closer to three decades (3 more years).
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    You come home from a doctor's appointment and say, "She looked like she's about 18. I don't know *how* she's a doctor."

  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    When you realize you've been out of highschool for four years.hollly efff.

    ^ Get out of this thread!

    When your friends have grandchildren in school, when your favorite songs from your childhood (in the 60s and 70s) have been turned into Muzak, when you think staying home in your pajamas on a Friday night sound amazing, when you'd rather not have a drink. I could go on but I won't!
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    You realize the volume goes to 11 BECAUSE YOU NEED IT THAT LOUD

    You it's a good night because you only had to get up twice to pee.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    your hairdresser asks if that is your natural colour, you say yes and they say "Wow, aren't you doing well!"
  • jenijen25
    jenijen25 Posts: 137 Member
    youd rather stay in and watch a good rom com than go out lol
  • avlama
    avlama Posts: 502 Member
    when your 5 year old makes that "wow" face when you tell him how old you are :-\
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    When your children are now older than you were when you had them.
    When you reminisce about the smell of a fresh ditto.
    When you remember watching TV in black and white, with a rabbit ear antenna that was built in, and there was no remote, you had to get up and actually turn a knob to change the channel but there wasn't that much on anyway.
    When you had a transistor AM radio and it was cool.
    When TV dinners came in aluminum trays and had soup in them and were cooked in the oven.
    When there were no cell phones and you used to have to hunt down a pay phone and have change to put in it.
    When you used to have a Walkman with tape cassette and roller skated (not bladed) in public rocking out to disco.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    when you dont find 18 - 20 yr olds attractive anymore
  • RudHart64
    RudHart64 Posts: 53 Member
    You attend more funerals than weddings.
    Your chia pet has grand chia's
    You notice Depends on the store shelves :frown: :frown:
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    When the music video's I LOVED watching as a kid/teen on MTV in the 80's is now on VH1 Classic!!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Most of your grooming potions / lotions have a medicinal or preventative purpose (may include your toothpaste) :/
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    When "progressives" is about your glasses and not weight training sets.

  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    Oh and complain about gasoline being $3.55 a gallon, starting stories with "when I was your age I paid .79 cents a gallon for gas...."

    Try .49/gallon! Three bucks could have you cruisin' all night!

    I remember $.29/gallon.

    I remember $0.07 -$ 0.09/gallon during the Florida "gas wars" in 1968 and when gasoline tripled in price during the 1972 oil embargo to $0.39/gallon.

    Of course, shortly after that we slowed down to 55 mph. I started a new career in Kansas. Driving across Kansas (or any western state) at 55 mph wasn't an experience, it was a career.

    And when you pulled into a station and said "Gimme a dollar's worth of regular."
  • grinner30
    grinner30 Posts: 122 Member
    When you realize you've been out of highschool for four years.hollly efff.

    ....:huh: only four about 25 :grumble: :smokin:
  • brboydjr
    brboydjr Posts: 43 Member
    When you start saying things like "I remember back in my day" :ohwell:
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    When you think new drivers look like they're 10, not the 16 the law says they have to be
    When you get excited about getting carded, but look at the guy like "are you serious? It's been about 15 years since anyone's done this"
    When the children you babysit when you were 12 now have children
  • maryrx59
    maryrx59 Posts: 55 Member
    When your children are now older than you were when you had them.
    When you reminisce about the smell of a fresh ditto.
    When you remember watching TV in black and white, with a rabbit ear antenna that was built in, and there was no remote, you had to get up and actually turn a knob to change the channel but there wasn't that much on anyway.
    When you had a transistor AM radio and it was cool.
    When TV dinners came in aluminum trays and had soup in them and were cooked in the oven.
    When there were no cell phones and you used to have to hunt down a pay phone and have change to put in it.
    When you used to have a Walkman with tape cassette and roller skated (not bladed) in public rocking out to disco.
    ^^^^^^^^^^ This!! Haha!! Everything you said, Plus..we thought it was cool to use baby oil and iodine and lay out in the sun. We used to make our halter tops and felt cool going bra-less! We used to make our own cloth pocketbooks..looked just like Vera Bradley. We didn't play video games, we played "kick the can" , red rover, red rover, red light green light, man we had fun as would kick us out of the house after breakfast, and we would come home for a quick lunch, supper and beg to stay out as late as possible. We'd tie ropes to our handlebars of bike and pretend to ride them as horses, find wood and make our own stilts to walk around on! We would go on "adventures" and follow the creek, through a swamp to a pond....go fishing. Ride bikes to Lake Michigan and swim. Grandma would take us to the Keno...outdoor drive in....I loved my childhood!!!!

    Boy do I feel old!! My kids laugh at me because I don't know current bands or what the point of twitter is!! I'd rather have real, face to face interactions with people!!

    ONE exception is chatting with y'all! You guys on MFP rock!! Even the sarcastic, little stinkers that post in these forums!! You make me laugh, and everyone needs a good laugh!