

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Hubby and I are renewing our vows in church today.
    Was suppose to be cooler today,not 87.
    Have a good one.
    jane:heart::heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    congrats Jane and Happy Anniversary....:heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hello again,

    I have just celebrated getting to normal BMI by buying myself a necklace I have had on my Amazon Wish List for about a year. It's a Coeur de Lion multi coloured one and quite expensive, but I took some money out of my savings because I reckoned I was worth it!:laugh: :tongue: :flowerforyou: I was trying to think of a non food way to celebrate and I suddenly thought of that.

    Today we have a lovely Palamino horse in the field behind. Beautiful! My friend/cleaner phoned to say she couldn't do tomorrow as her dog, that was overdue whelping for the first time has just had an emergency Cesarean and three of the puppies died. She has one left and nearly died herself. I know a lot of you have dogs, but it just reminded me of the reason why I don't have animals. I can't bear it when they suffer or die. When I was a child all my beloved cats and other animals seemed to have horrible endings which put me off for life. The only one that died peacefully was my hamster Bubble. At least dogs get over their traumas quickly as, unlike us, they don't dwell on things. I wish the little dog well.:love:

    It is the funeral tomorrow. Poor DH did not sleep again last night so I will be glad to get it over with. For some reason I feel I have to look my best, though I'm not sure why, so spent some of this afternoon washing hair and fake tanning legs which are so rarely on show! Also had to do one arm as it's nearly always covered up by my lymphodema sleeve and therefore 2 shades lighter than the other one.:laugh:
    It is going to be super hot tomorrow, 95 or thereabouts. Yuk! We may get a thunderstorm in the next couple of days but thry will be very localised. We could do with the rain for the veg. My runner beans are not setting despite the watering - I think we are meant to mist them or something. They are not hot weather veg at all. Zucchini coming along well. The sweet peas smell fabulous, but are pathetically small. I think I will have to liquid feed them. My ex's father was a champion sweet pea grower and judge, so I know what a good one looks like!:laugh: :ohwell:

    Grandmallie - excellent work on the closets. Poor DH can probably see a lot of expense approaching fast!

    Jane - how marvellous to renew your vows. Hope no one faints in the heat!

    I am taking my Chinese sun hat with me to the funeral along with food and water. It is black and large and has a sort of spring so you can fold it into a pocket.! DH says I look like a Jesuit priest or Don Quixote! He hates it, but needs must if we have to stand around outside.

    Tour de France tonight. The final day with a stretch on the Champs Elysees. Our Brit Chris Froome has won it. 2nd year that a Brit has done it. I keep up with the cycling because I like to have something to talk about with DS#1. This week he broke two pbs for 25 miles and 10 miles. He coaches triathletes as a hobby.

    Time to go and make dinner.

    Love to all, Heather in Hot Hampshire U K
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Sunday! Today will be a more relaxed day. Got a call from DH who is on schedule to leave Afghanistan Tuesday and hopefully home next Monday/Tuesday. I’ve been getting things gathered and prepped for a trip he and nephew have planned. They will be going for half of the Sturgis SD Harley Davidson Rally week. It’s been on his bucket list and nephew is excited as well. DN will make sure DH doesn’t push too hard and they will have some great stories, I’m sure.

    Barb – look what you’ve started, sharing your graphics sites :-b

    Critter Sue – to echo all here, it’s certainly not a silly fear. It’s good you recognize it and are sharing it. Just remember you’re being both careful and watchful.

    Gail – you didn’t blow it, you balanced it out with that very cool 5 mile walk!

    Jodios – glad you and DD were successful in your new, better fitting clothes hunt. Enjoy!

    Kate – your story reminds me that when my siblings & I were young my grandmother would let us take turns cleaning my dad’s recliner where change just happened to roll out of his pockets. Whoever the lucky kid was then raced off to High’s (like a 7-Eleven) to stock up on candy, sometimes we’d even share.

    Terri – sounds like a great day – 100, in Oregon, good grief!

    Heather – Simply Marvelous, Darling! Look at you – healthy and happy!

    Katla – sounds like a perfect birthday, congrats! I love taking visitors to the Crab Pot, along the waterfront & Pike Place. There’s also Chihuly glass in downtown Tacoma across from the University of WA Tacoma campus. I love showing people that, too. There’s a bridge from the History Museum over to the glass museum. As you walk it there are multiple examples of blown glass in the walls. If you ever go, make sure to look up because there’re more overhead :-D I’ve clued in more than a few who are scurrying to the next museum and they’re always surprised once they look. Yes, I consider myself a semi-official WA tourism guide. :-b

    DeeDee – what a marvelous weekend you had, perfect way to keep active with little ones, isn’t it? Take care of that ankle, yes, ice is your friend & maybe elevate it for a while?

    Deb – Yea for the break in temperature, it makes it so much easier to work outside, enjoy!

    Tigress – I would really miss my morning tea, glad you’re on the mend.

    Vicki – sounds like a fun evening planned, enjoy the bike ride, hope it cools off soon.

    M- it’s one thing I miss here in the northwest, we rarely get the wonderful thunder and lightning storms. Reading about your workouts always amazes me, good for you!

    Connie – happy that all is well with you. Keep up the great work & good luck with the Mary Kay venture ~

    Grandmallie – fantastic getting that bathing suit top, dropping 3 sizes (oh, my!), and getting rid of baggy clothes. Love reading & watching Anne of Green Gables.

    Jane – wonderful, enjoy your day of renewal :-D
  • LauraPrieto
    I'm new here, I turn 50 in December. I'm on a serious mission..... Going to get this weight off. I'm going to start using "My Fitness Pal" along with my weekly 6 hours of Zumba. Accountability is an awesome tool! I'm encourage to read over all your post and see all the weight that has been lost....

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    welcome Laura
    you will love it here, we are a great group of ladies ,if I do say so myself...
    I feel circled with love from all these friends that I have here.. we are far apart from each other,but close in connection with our common goal
    Lose weight,be accountable, log everything and have fun doing it!!!
  • LauraPrieto
    Thanks for the welcome grandmallie. I have MS and when I put weight on it really makes for some hardships. It seems as I'm getting older it's harder and harder to keep the weight off.... I just wish I didn't enjoy eating so much... :laugh:
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you to all who have given me comfort regarding my ''I'm going to die at fifty just like Mom'' situation. I see there are others who have had the same fear. Any new and strange pain or discomfort makes my anxiety level explode. It is so nice to have the wonderful support here!
    Welcome to everyone new. You will love this awesome group!
    Critter Sue :happy:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Laura, I also have MS and MFP has really helped me lose some of the weight which has then allowed me to have enough stamina to go to the Y. I'm 35 pounds down toward an 80 pound goal.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello my lovelies,

    I’ve been away so long, much has happened …..
    :happy: :angry: :glasses: :sad: :blushing: :yawn: :devil:

    Its rhubarb day today. Before the lightning strikes and the rain comes, I decided to tackle the rhubarb patch. Actually, it’s more than a patch; it’s become a law unto itself. There is so much that neighbours run in my presence, I have replaced the scourge of the neighbourhood, the ‘zucchini lady’.

    The harbinger of spring, the ‘patch’ has multiplied over the past 15 years with stems like the snakes from the head of Medusa and elephant-eared leaves hiding hordes of blood-sucking little dive bombers. I began wading and whacking my way into the mass as if I was hunting for Dr. Livingstone, in the vain hope of reducing the size of the patch by half at least.

    When the wheel barrow was full of leaves and debris, the kitchen counter stacked with ruby stalks like a logging truck, I took aim at the roots. Foolish woman. I dug, and I dug and I bent the tines on my garden fork but I would not be beaten. I got my shovel and I dug and I dug. These things had roots that could audition for a remake of “Journey to the Center of the Earth”. I tried a new tack, I would pry off the offspring first and thereby wheedle down it strength.

    Oh no, that was not to be. It held on to its offspring with a mothers pride till I was soaked with sweat and the air blue around me.:angry: When I finally succeeded uprooting the measliest babe after an hour of ‘rhubarb ‘rastling, it had a root the size and shape of a limp carrot that was two feet in length. My visit to the Doctor yesterday :sad: proved to me that I needed much more exercise but this wasn’t what I had in mind!

    I am inside now, my garden fork still stuck in soil beside the remaining patch as a threat. I stare at the pile on the counter wondering what the heck am I going to do with them? There is no more room for rhubarb in the freezer until I remove the last five years of rhubarb reserves. I have rhubarb jam, rhubarb compote, rhubarb relish, rhubarb juice, rhubarb muffins, rhubarb crisp …… is there a rhubarb martini??? I could use one about now.

    So my friends, get your exercise any way you can, drink lots of water, enjoy your day, and above all love yourself,

    Kate :bigsmile: in sunny, stormy, Alberta

    ps. Yes I have put on 5 lbs since I was last here thanks to a cracked foot from a fall down the stairs and visitors from England (we ate well). Though I am not sure rhubarb 'rastling will be my salvation.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy howdy everyone! Nice Sunday here, although we were supposed to get rain and didn’t, it was still very nice outside.

    Took the girls to church while DH stayed home to smoke some ribs and OMG were they good. So was I! I only ate 4 ounces of them! I went over a little bit on cals; DD#1 wanted to apologize to me for blowing off parent-daughter day yesterday (it has been on the calendar since July 1 and she put her schedule right on top then told DH it was my fault for not telling her about it!) and took me out for a treat, so I chose frozen yogurt, which I think was a good choice.

    Joyce: I hope the weight loss ends up being a good thing and not due to something else! I think our two
    “kitties” (they are 3 now) really added life to the old man (elderly, 18 year old, deaf cat on meds LOL)

    Pat: DD#2 is an excellent cook, so the occasional failure at least isn’t a disaster for her. I was secretly pleased that I got a burger instead LOL.

    Vicki: so glad you got a little rain; send it our way, would ya?

    Heather: your bat wings won’t leave you? Oh, my that one was thing I really really wanted to go away. I may give in to liposuction if mine don’t get lost. My arms put me in a larger top size that I need otherwise. I hope that doesn’t continue. HOORAY for the normal BMI….that is probably years away in my world! You ARE worth the necklace. I’ll be thinking of you at the funeral tomorrow. I was pleasantly surprised when I had to put down my last 2 animals. They went so peacefully and I felt honored to be with them at the end. I would have never believed that I would say that before it happened. I do hope my old guy just goes here in the sunlight.

    Janie: love the roaring kitty!!! I’m sure you are so excited about DH!

    Critter sue: so glad the chest xray was fine and it was so nice of them to call on the weekend. I can see where you get the anxiety about being 50! That would be devastating!

    Grandmallie: have fun buying the undies! I can’t wait to hit my 30 pound mark and neither can my “girls”….they are falling down all over themselves!!! I threw out my baggy ones that I kept having to pull up under my pants that one day.

    Gail: glad to hear you are cooler these days!

    Jodios: wow all those new clothes! You must look like a million bucks! And a bikini too? Good for you!!!

    Kate: I bet you are right that some of your eating habits came from that early age. We have 3 cats and a dog. The old man takes meds for thyroid, but believe it or not his kidney function is 100% normal. He used to be a fair sized cat but is now down to about 9,5 pounds. The “kitties” are half rag doll and half domestic short hair and they are large…the bigger one is pushing 20 pounds and not fat. Just BIG. Boy when he jumps on you, you know it!!! I have the funniest mental image of you rhubarb ‘rassling!

    Terri: oh I love a salmon salad. I just found a recipe for a smoked salmon salad…yummmmm. I did enjoy parent daughter day, just not yesterday!

    Katla: what a fantastic birthday you have had! It sounds so delightful. I’m sure you are happy and peaceful. And yay to hubby feeding you when you’re 64 as that old song goes!

    DeeDee: what a great visit you had with the DGDs! I hope your ankle is ok.

    Deb: those days do happen! I have to admit I would have eaten my share of guacamole AND yours…you know…just to keep you from feeling guilty LOL. I love guac!!!

    Tigress: so glad you seem to be on the mend!

    M; your mini-strike reminded me of my mom. She was the proverbial housewife until I got to high school then she became a real estate agent working late evenings. My dad would come home and sit in the den til she showed up at 8 or even 9 and ask “What’s for dinner?” She ended up on a strike of her own and he ended up doing everything for about 3 months before it was all over and after that they split the chores!

    Connie: we miss you too! Come back when you are able!

    Janemartin: congratulations and I’ll be thinking of you renewing your vows.

    Laura: welcome to our chatty little group!

    Well ladies I’m off for now. Need to start studying for Pediatric Advanced Life Support on Tuesday and get the last of this shellac polish off my nails. I swear they have grown ½” since my last manicure! I look like Dragon Lady! Take care all. Meg from unusually nice Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Kate in Brooklyn – my friend had already gone home so it was just me on the 5-mile walk yesterday. It was in my general neighborhood area. The round-trip from my front door to the nearest traffic light is 3.5 miles. They have nice wide sidewalks all the way and it is nicely landscaped, etc., so a very pleasant walking area. Then I added in walking inside my subdivision for the last 1.5 miles. Our area is quite hilly. I don’t much care for earphones/buds, but I usually set a metronome app on my phone to keep a pace.

    I loved the movie “Happy Feet” – great graphic, Jane.

    Critter Sue – I worried about my DH all through his 40’s as his dad passed from colon cancer in his 40’s. 25 years later, DH is still alive and kicking, but it was real to me at the time.

    DH and I went to Carrabba’s for lunch after church. We are hosting an upcoming ‘wine dinner’ for 8 people there and wanted to see the menu ahead of time. DH won it with his bid at a golf tournament silent auction. The restaurant designs the menu and wine pairings. We just had no idea how their prices were and what would be appropriate tipping for the full group at the time, so now we know. He had the fried calamari and I had a grilled flatbread with grilled shrimp and roasted tomatos on it, along with a side salad.

    After we got home from the restaurant I headed out to the Y and decided to stop at a local store to check for workout clothes and ended up going into Dress Barn. Found a cute dress for fall. The 12 fit, but it has very close-cut long sleeves that seemed uncomfortable to me, so I went up to a 14 for that reason. It is a body-skimming style, so fit wise that part didn’t make much difference. There was a second style I liked, but again, the 12 arms were odd so I passed on that one. I guess that is the sleeve style coming up as most were that way. More incentive for arm work, I suppose!

    Kate, the rhubarb story reminds me of our neighbor’s asparagus. Would a local soup kitchen take it? Or is there a restaurant for pie in your area? Maybe you can ‘donate’ it somewhere.

    Once back from the Y today I again :grumble: reorganized the freezer, planned the menus for the week and started a pot of chicken soup. Potatos are baking in the oven and we will steam squash to go with them for dinner. DH will add a meat, but I don’t know that I will tonight. What are we having this week, you ask? Fish tacos one night, pork slices in a light gravy with mashed potatos another night, stuffed shells and the soup (we had 2 stuffed shells I found in the freezer), and then something with ham slices on another night. There will likely be a YOYO night as well.

    As the weekend has turned out, I haven’t really done any housework, but at least laundry is in progress.

    DeeDee – the heat and humidity are back full-on today! Summer in the south and I am so grateful for air conditioning.

    Tigress – glad you’re starting to feel better.

    Grandmallie – do you have southern roots? Your use of the phrase “bless his heart” made me smile!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Well- I have been reading, writing responses on the notepad, and now that I am ready to post, they have disappeared. So, I know I complimented people on weight loss, hula hoops, new undies, gardens, DH's leaving Afghanistan, renewed vowed & anniversaries. I surely hope you can all figure out which compliments are meant for you, cuz I am just plain too lazy to go back and reread three pages! Dang, I hate it when I hit the wrong buttons and can not undo the damage!

    It has been a very lazy Sunday here in Az. We have had rain off and on, but the clouds that are gathering now look like they may be more then just a little rain. I think staying out of the pool would be smart.

    I will check back in tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday evening. I think I am going to read a book.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Etak 17 - neednewundies club - absolutely LOVE it!! Yep, that was a big milestone for me. Hopefully, I will experience that again before the year is out.

    Trying to keep calorie intake pretty steady, work out twice a week (cardio, weights) for about 1 1/2 hrs each time. Hoping I will lose steady and slow. I tend to not get on a scale for a month or more - afraid it will be bad news. I had gained a chunk of weight as a side effect to my diabetic meds and no matter what I did, never could seem to lose. But with the meds changed a year or so ago, I have been losing (almost 50 pounds before joining MFP).

    I had started gaining back a bit, so my doctor told me of this site. Love this group too. Even if I am still mostly a lurker, I read the posts most every day and find it really motivating!
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm beat. One of my cousins from California came with 3 friends to NYC on vacation to celebrate their 60th's. So another cousin (from NJ) and I joined them today. I enjoyed seeing my cousins - I didn't see too much of them growing up and have very rarely seen them as adults - but it was a lot of fun to catch up. However, being a tourist is exhausting!

    So I've skimmed the posts but am too tired to comment much!

    Katla . . . a very very happy happy birthday! :flowerforyou:
    Jane . . . congrats on renewing your vows! :flowerforyou:
    Grandmallie . . . my husband and I might go to Nova Scotia for vacation in Sept! Although I read like crazy as a kid, somehow I didn't read the Anne of Green Gables books - I'll have to get on that.
    Meg . . . I think you've confused me and Kate "the rhubarb rastler" in Alberta.
    Kate in Alberta . . . what a tale of rhubarb - I was spellbound!

    Kate in slightly less hot Brooklyn
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Sunday evening to all! I’ve been to the library, to the store, done some work outside & it’s about time for dog walk and then dinner. Nice lazy day & I have a good book to settle in and read.

    Laura – this group will inspire you, no doubt. Sounds like you have a good plan to follow. Drop in often, it’s a very friendly bunch.

    Kate – hilarious description of your rhubarb encounters! And it really takes something to outdo a zucchini lady:-b Be careful with that foot & don’t let the rhubarb take over – shades of Audrey II in Little Shop of Horrors.

    Meg – I’m so impressed that you only ate 4 ounces of ribs, don’t think I could have resisted. Good for DD #1 taking you for a treat!

    Dragon Lady Gail – oooh, I like that idea of a metronome to set a walking pace. I may have to try and find one.

    Pat – glad you all are getting some rain, where are you in AZ? I was born in Phoenix & have family scattered all around there. Enjoy the book, guess what I have right next to me waiting for me to finish reading posts? ;-)

    jfenner141 – glad you find the reading motivating, me, too.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies. Tonight was our last cooking lesson as we go on vacation next week and then the kids all head back to their respective schools after that. Tonights lesson: french cuisine. We made Coq au Vin Blanc and Bittersweet Chocolate Souffles for dessert. Everything was so yummy and I'm really stuffed! I hope my new clothes still fit after that meal.

    My DD was quite tough on me as we went through my closet. I have quite the donation pile...she didn't cut me any slack. Hopefully someone else will get to enjoy those clothes I liked so much. Tops and pants are done...dresses, skirts and jackets still to be sorted. Exhausting but feels so good to be making progress.

    Amanda - glad to hear you are home and congrats on your future grand baby. I'm praying for a healthy pregnancy.

    Katie - Happy b-day...so glad to hear it is the best one yet!

    Heather - congrats on hitting the normal range and good for you getting that necklace. Can you post a picture of it?

    Grandmallie - congrats on the 150's and I'm right there with you - I'm not going back to my big clothes

    Dee Dee - sounds like a wonderful weekend with your DGD's. Hope your ankle feels better soon

    Vicki - I'll send my DD over to you but she is tough. Your closet will be purged!

    Michelle - I'm behind on the posts but I'm gathering that your DH is in the hospital. Hope he feels better soon. How did it go with Bryan - did you get to talk?

    Jane - congrats on renewing your vows

    Janie - so glad to hear your DH is coming home and love all the graphics

    Kate - LOL...I'm sure you will whip that rhubarb into submission. I've tried to grow it twice and failed - what is your secret?

    Meg - fro yo - yummy and a good choice

    I'm going to try and stay up to speed with you all but I know life will get in the way so know I'm thinking of you. Have a great evening, Jodios
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    A quick hello,

    I had a nice Sunday...walking, swimming and dancing :happy:

    Katla...Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Jane...Congrats on renewing your vows, Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou:

    Kate...Funny rhubarb story...good luck! :laugh:

    Terri, from cooler Oregon (only 98 degrees today :smile: )
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    It’s been a struggle this week. Been fighting a stubborn bug which has drained my energy and will to exercise in the gym. I have pretty good resistance to viruses, so this experience is throwing me for a loop. :sick: :sick: Fortunately, controlling my food has not been an issue, and I have dropped the 2 pounds I brought back from my business trip to NYC earlier this month. :smile: Now the challenge will be to keep them off while in Mexico for a week starting tomorrow. I’m presenting at a conference, where we have a lot of banquet and regional fare. Who doesn’t love Mexican food? I can eat my weight in guacamole. Wish me luck!

    Katla: Happy Birthday!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: So glad you treated yourself to a fun time with DD and DGD. I feel your DH’s pain. Did Mucinex and cough syrup work?

    Heather: Thanks for the explanation of mange tout. Sounds a lot like sugar snap peas. I’m doing a happy dance for you hitting your normal BMI.

    Grandmallie: Congratulations on arriving at the fabulous 150s. So impressed that you and DH walked in the high heat and humidity.

    Amanda: Very excited for you and your daughter. Prayers going up for you both.

    Meg: Russian chocolates have me intrigued. I have many Russian friends who must have been holding out. Now I know to ask about them.

    Pat: Welcome home. I know the feeling of relief of coming back to your own bed, own kitchen, own routine, after being away. Keep up your good tracking of all those little bites between meals. I’m a fellow grazer.

    Janie: Love the rawrin’ kittie! So happy to hear your DH will be back from Afghanistan soon.

    Critter Sue: I wish I could get a second cat. We were adopted a year ago by a handsome stray tabby. I took him to the vet and he weighed 10 pounds. This week, he’s a hefty 13.4 pounds…Um….guess who else in our house now has to measure and weigh his food? Maybe I'll set him up with his own little MFP ticker. :laugh:

    Jodios: How wonderful to have your DD as your personal shopper and seamstress. I spend a fortune getting alterations done on business apparel I would rather not give away. Be proud of that bikini bod! :glasses:

    Kate in Brooklyn: Glad you’re not lurking anymore. You have some interesting things to say to this group. I can relate to the pilfering of coins to buy nickel candy bars. Took me years of therapy to finally forgive myself and move on.

    DeeDee: I can just imagine you running around and playing hula hoop with two happy little girls. Hope you and Noel have recovered. Take care of that ankle.

    Connie: Great to hear from you. Stay well and pop in when you can.

    Kate: Wish I lived close enough to help relieve you of some of your rhubarb. I love it, and just reading your post made my mouth water.

    Gail: Your menu for the week sounds fabulous.

    Thank you all for sharing your successes, stories and strengths. I am pulling for all of us to hit and exceed our goals and enjoy radiant good health. Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    July Goals:
    Nourish my mind and faith with daily positive affirmations.
    80 oz of water per day, except on flight days (projecting only 5 plane days in July).
    Try a new vegetable recipe.
    Try a new exercise activity at the nearby community center.
    Get a double digit number on my weight loss ticker.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: I’m an Anne of Green Gables fan, too, and have always wanted to see PEI.:bigsmile:

    Heather: Having the funeral behind him will surely allow your DH some peace and a chance to let the past go a little bit. You are wise to dress up a bit for the occasion to show your respect.:flowerforyou:

    Janie: The kids took me to Chihuly glass, too. It was amazing and I had a wonderful birthday.:heart:

    LauraPrieto: Welcome to the group. DH also has MS. He started dieting when I did and has lost 29 pounds so far. It has been slower for him because he is limited in his ability to exercise, but he is successful, feeling better and looking better. I hope you’ll be successful too.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I came home to find DH doing much better, but he’s not completely over the virus yet. He is on the mend and I’m grateful for that.:flowerforyou:

    I want to thank all of your for your kind birthday wishes. I had a a great time with DS and DDIL. Now I am home! Yay! I had a wonderful dinner with DH tonight. He received a distress message from DD this evening. Her husband was working for a family member and has not been paid for about 2 months wages. At least he's home now, and that is excellent. I sent her an email message but haven’t heard back yet. I don’t know if she’ll call tonight, because it is getting late. I expect we’ll talk to her tomorrow. Please send prayers and good thoughts for our ability to handle this situation with grace and wisdom.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.