Anyone else addicted to fast food?

So I've been successfully been losing weight for four months now and every once in a while I fall back into my old habits of eating greasy fast food everyday. This past week has been really terrible because I've had burgers, fries, soda and junk food almost everyday. It's so tempting, easy and convenient. It's like I'm addicted to it. Does anyone have any tips to stopping this madness? It's really hindering my progress. I have gained back 5 of the 35 pounds I have lost my willpower and motivation all of a sudden. Just a few weeks ago I ran 80 miles in 20 days and this past week my exercise has been zero. Looking for some motivation and tips. Thanks.


  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If it's that important to you, you can incorporate it into your goals. Even daily. Keep within your caloric goals, hit your nutrient needs, and enjoy.

    You're not addicted to fast food, no one is. Habitiual, maybe, but not addiction.
  • Angel862
    Angel862 Posts: 1
    Omg ! That's exactly what happens to me and I really don't have any motivation to keep me going, looking for advices too..
  • emzyloo88
    emzyloo88 Posts: 145 Member
    Yes, im a sucker for it :(
  • awesomeshark
    Yes, im a sucker for it :(

    Is it an everyday thing for you or once in a while?
  • marylovehellokitty
    marylovehellokitty Posts: 146 Member
    yes! I have it when I want and try to make room for it in my cal budget and do a good workout lol.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I use to eat fast food every day, now maybe once a week. I found out I can eat a lot more food for the calories if I eat at home. So now I have a sandwich for lunch and I fix my eggs and bacon instead of my usual sausage egg biscuit at McDonalds. Also my sodium is a lot lower which is a health issue. I really don't miss it any more. I like getting more food.
  • athyraslove
    athyraslove Posts: 145
    It can be. It's easy, cheap, and once I start eating it it is hard to stop. I dunno if it's the salt or what.

    I try to plan for it now, and pre-log what I want and work my day around that meal. I probably eat out once a week now. But I also don't leave the house. ;) So it's easier not to stop for fries. lol
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I'm in the process of giving up fast food. I will still eat Subway, though....and, I really do need a fountain Diet Pepsi once in awhile. Okay, more like every day. Lol! But, I'm giving up greasy fast food.
  • Scrogglez
    Scrogglez Posts: 26 Member
    lol @ this guy

    Try not to stuff your face with it. If you have to, go out once every few weeks and enjoy whatever it is you want.

    I had a 5 layer beefy burrrrito from taco bell last saturday , ice cream cone from tcby, ate some ****ty hamburger for lunch too.

    **** yeah cheat days.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I'm uncomfortable with labeling the frequent consumption of fast food as an addiction. Sort of depreciates the struggle a person with say a drug or alcohol addiction may go through? That being said. Maybe you could begin cooking more at home, then do some more exercise so that you have more calories to fit in a fast food treat here and there?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Watch supersize me, you won't want fast food for a while.
  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    If you cold turkey it you're going to keep following this pattern.
    Like someone else says, watch what you eat, exercise and treat yourself to it!
    Worked out super hard? Go get a big mac.
    Haven't worked out? Well, then you certainly shouldn't bother with one!
    You don't need to reward yourself with food, but hey, if it helps! lol
  • duvella
    duvella Posts: 30 Member
    I really struggle with this.. once i get the thought in my mind, it won't go away until it is satisfied. I don't want it, I hate buying it & feel yuk while eating before/during & after but I just can't say No. I'm not helped by my partner, he always wants take out - i try & suggest alternatives but he thinks it is easier to just grab a burger - it is literally killing me.

    How do I say No, what tips do you guys have to fighting the urges - alternative food options for takeaways? This is my biggest weakness/killer.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I rarely have it anymore. Most of my bad habits came from three things. Sugary drinks, restaurant food and lack of moving. I try not to reverse the progress I've made in changing habits.

    However, if I'm seriously needing a filet o fish, I have it without the bread. If I want the sweet tea, I bring stevia and order unsweetened tea. I've even ordered a whopper, took out the "meat" and had the sandwich without the crappy patty and ditched half of the bread.

    What are you willing to do to fit your current obsession into a good meal plan?
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    I've found that restricting things completely all at once does not work for me. When it comes to making changes, I've found that having the mentality of making small changes and ADDING good things in will eventually crowd out all of the bad.
  • leed12345
    leed12345 Posts: 21 Member
    Try limiting yourself to the children's menu portion sizes and giving up the sugary drink. It will help you hit the caloric goal. Avoiding it altogether is a better option, but if you must, go for the smaller portions and get a side salad. If you eat cleaner at your other meals, eventually the fast food will taste awful to you. Think about how you are poisoning your body with every bite. Truly think about it. Your brain is hungering for the food, not your stomach or body. Get your brain to reject it. I've been there and I'm fighting it, and it's working for me. Good luck!
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Yes. I was as addicted to fast food as a person could be and it made me "biggest loser" big. My solution is still considered not good but it has helped me kick the other habit. For some reason a glass of coke zero gets me past craving other junk. There is some sodium in it and other things that probably aren't good but health wise it has been a productive trade off for me. Good luck.
  • this_life_is_my_life
    I'm uncomfortable with labeling the frequent consumption of fast food as an addiction. Sort of depreciates the struggle a person with say a drug or alcohol addiction may go through? That being said. Maybe you could begin cooking more at home, then do some more exercise so that you have more calories to fit in a fast food treat here and there?

    No offense, but please don't negate any type of addiction. There are many process addictions (which are addictions that do not affect the chemical process of the persons mind or body), such as gambling, eating, shopping etc, and there are chemical addictions (which interfere with the chemical make-up of your body), i.e. drugs, alcohol. I am an addiction studies major now going into my third year and it really flips my ticker when people think that eating cannot be a "real" addiction. Yes it is in the mind, yes it may be a mental thought, but it is an addiction none the less. Either way, no matter the choice of the "drug" everyone struggles and everyone fights their demons in their own ways.

    With that being said are an adult. YOU make your own decision and YOU have the choice to say no. When you choose to say yes, you overlook the negative effects it is going to have on you for the immediate pleasure, and deal with the guilt and possible shame AFTER the deed is done. This IS a classic sign of an addiction. Fast food can be acceptable if you can fit it into your macros every now and again. Is it possible to eat fast food every day and stay in your caloric budget? Sure...but it would suck and it wouldn't be very healthy as far as nutrition goes. Your body needs fresh unprocessed foods. If you honestly feel like you have a problem with fast food, you can always look into over eaters anonymous online for extra support.

    eta: definitions of chemical and process addictions for more clear explanation
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    Hey, any chance you're becoming lax now that you've really accomplished something? 35 lbs is a lot! To keep the motivation up, make a list of the reasons WHY you want to reach your goal weight, so you keep up the motivation to get there. The fast food is irrelevant, it could be anything. The problem is letting up on your desire to achieve this goal. You CAN do it, and you obviously want it. You just need to stick with it :)
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    If it's that important to you, you can incorporate it into your goals. Even daily. Keep within your caloric goals, hit your nutrient needs, and enjoy.

    You're not addicted to fast food, no one is. Habitiual, maybe, but not addiction.


    Allow yourself a treat every once in a while. Be accountable. Calling something an addiction is the same as saying 'it's not my fault'. Learn moderation.

    It''s difficult but we all have to do it.