Looking for geek friends. :)



  • flabbydabbydoo
    flabbydabbydoo Posts: 13 Member
    man i used to be a massive computer games geek (still am, sad i know), especially the real time strategy games like Civilisations and Age of Empires. it all started with Dune on the old Windows 95, then onto Command & Conquer, then Age of Empires then Civilisations. With a good old helping of Championship Manager (Soccer Management game). i still play computer games now, just not as much, i like MLB Road to the Show atm on the PS3, i think its the most challenging sports sim out there.

    Ha, champ manager 2 almost took over my life :) I'm not into football but I like statistics lol, I was pretty darn good at it too, not bad to say I never watched football and only knew what the offside rule was because of my Manchester United mad family. Man, I even had a champ folder! So that when my brother was on it I could work out my next move, geez, maybe I'm more of a geek than I tend to think.....
  • I'd rather spend my Friday nights curled up with my cat, Schmendrick (bonus points if you know where his name is from) watching a nature doc. than out with friends. I've seen every episode of Star Trek TNG and Voyager at least twice. I've also got an obsession with my Sims. I regularly quote lines from The Princess Bride. Does that count ? :) If you'd like to add me, please do.

    Really named your kitty after the last unicorn?!?!?! Awesome! and TNG and Princess bride! sending friend request now!
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    HUGE Star Trek fan here!!

    My husband got me into some anime (Full metal alchemist and Bleach are the only two I know by name, I've watched more than that though hahaha)

    I love The Twilight Zone (does that count? I don't know)

    Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a big deal to me for a long time.

    I love to read, mostly mystery but my husband got me into Ender's Game type books when we first started dating. I'll read mostly anything though, minus romance.

    Original nintendo lover (can't beat Mario, Zelda, Solstice or Dizzy)

    Got into D&D a little but didn't like the local crowd that was into it too so I got out of it and stuck with MTG. That's probably my biggest love.

    I love music, mainly 90's "grunge" and classical

    There's more but I can't think of them at the moment, feel free to add me though!!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    man i used to be a massive computer games geek (still am, sad i know), especially the real time strategy games like Civilisations and Age of Empires. it all started with Dune on the old Windows 95, then onto Command & Conquer, then Age of Empires then Civilisations. With a good old helping of Championship Manager (Soccer Management game). i still play computer games now, just not as much, i like MLB Road to the Show atm on the PS3, i think its the most challenging sports sim out there.
    Command and conquer was the reason my parents me a 2nd phone line. Ah early multiplayer taking up phone lines
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    man i used to be a massive computer games geek (still am, sad i know), especially the real time strategy games like Civilisations and Age of Empires. it all started with Dune on the old Windows 95, then onto Command & Conquer, then Age of Empires then Civilisations. With a good old helping of Championship Manager (Soccer Management game). i still play computer games now, just not as much, i like MLB Road to the Show atm on the PS3, i think its the most challenging sports sim out there.
    Command and conquer was the reason my parents me a 2nd phone line. Ah early multiplayer taking up phone lines

    Your ticker is a 'sploding TARDIS and you didn't mention Doctor Who in this post about your geekiness.

    Bad Whovian. ;)
  • a1wonder
    a1wonder Posts: 95 Member
    I heard Tardis? I think the Geek and Tech community are very well represented on MFP. Feel free to add :)
  • I am a major Doctor Who fan and am obsessed with criminology and lab work.
  • Hey! Glad your getting into Anime! It's nice to see some of my own people trying to take care of themself! I'm 4 foot 11 inches SW 193 with a GW of 115. I just started today myself =D lets do well okay?
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    man i used to be a massive computer games geek (still am, sad i know), especially the real time strategy games like Civilisations and Age of Empires. it all started with Dune on the old Windows 95, then onto Command & Conquer, then Age of Empires then Civilisations. With a good old helping of Championship Manager (Soccer Management game). i still play computer games now, just not as much, i like MLB Road to the Show atm on the PS3, i think its the most challenging sports sim out there.
    Command and conquer was the reason my parents me a 2nd phone line. Ah early multiplayer taking up phone lines

    Your ticker is a 'sploding TARDIS and you didn't mention Doctor Who in this post about your geekiness.

    Bad Whovian. ;)
    I posted it in my profile. ????I have a long list of things I didn't mention but if you look will see. My diary is labeled under the hobbit meals like second breakfast and elevensies. The tardis, a quote from hitchhikers guide, and other such Easter eggs. Just too many interests to mention them all off
    Whovian sounds foreign to me. Living in Texas all my life I don't think I meet a single doctor who fan growing up. Watched it on PBS with my mom, when PBS would do a pledge drive and play a marathon of them all day. I didn't know there was a word whovian until Matt Smith became cast. Suddenly everyone in the states is a fan which is great, since then my sister in London doesn't have to ship doctor who merchandise to me for my daughter anymore. But as soon as American stores started carrying who shirts,sonics, and daleks I hear whovian all the time now. Funny how I went 10 doctors never hearing whovian before. Is this a new word or just as old as trekie only new in Texas?
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member

    Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a big deal to me for a long time.

    There should be more mystery science theater love on here
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    But as soon as American stores started carrying who shirts,sonics, and daleks I hear whovian all the time now. Funny how I went 10 doctors never hearing whovian before. Is this a new word or just as old as trekie only new in Texas?

    lol...I actually don't know! It is new to me...but I've only been watching Doctor Who since 2010. I personally think its a lame word.
  • I'm just gonna add as many people in this thread as possible :)
  • gsop22
    gsop22 Posts: 84 Member
    Geek checking in.

    Love this thread! Here are some of my interests and there are too many to name. I am an engineer also and some of this probably inspired me to go that route.

    I am a huge movie/TV fan in general, really anything. Love, Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek(always second to Star Wars though), LotR, Game of Thrones, Firefly, Walking Dead, etc… too many to name but if it is sci fi I probably have seen it or it is on my list.
    I had an apple IIC when I was a kid, played on my Atari, NES, Xbox, and PC. Don’t really have any time to play that many games now. I played WOW a few years ago but didn’t have that kind of time. A few of my favorites include Neuromacer, original Might and Magic, Bards Tale, Civilizations, Starcraft, Borderlands, Fallout, etc. Currently playing FTL.

    I use to collect comics when I was young. Still read some manga and watch anime if I have time. But that is getting to be less and less. Some of my favorite anime started with Akira and progressed around to Ghost in a Shell, Robotech(one of my favorites), Full Metal Alchemist, etc.

    I also read a lot. Here are some of the book I have read but really took many to list so I will have a few of my favorites. Song of Fire and Ice all five books, LotR, World War Z(movie was horrible), Enders Game, Foundation Series, Neuromancer, Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and many more.

    Add me to your MFP list if you want. Always nice to have geek friends.

    Also, my dog is name Chewbacca, and I have a cat called Frodo.
  • ElusivePete
    ElusivePete Posts: 50 Member
    Howdy, fellow geeks! :) I'm a newbie here, and this thread seemed like a good place to pop-by.

    I'm a total computer geek, working as a Software Engineer by day, and writing up my PhD thesis by night/weekend. I'm really into the usual sci-fi/fantasy stuff, and am a moderately hardcore gamer too (computer and board varieties).

    I'm something of a Karate nerd as well. Have been training in Shukokai Karate for a couple of years, and have done a few other martial arts in the past. It's not easy when you weigh as much as I do, but that's part of the motivation to lose weight!
  • Miss_Maree
    Miss_Maree Posts: 33
    Convention geek here.

    I've been to just about every kind of subcultural, popcultural, nerd-tastic convention under the sun and have traveled all over the USA for them. (Guess you can call me a geek seeker!)

    Not gonna list all my "geek cred" here, but I love me some videogames, Japanese music, and 90s cartoons.

    Friend me if you wish!

    ~ Maree
  • beckerkra
    beckerkra Posts: 80 Member
    man i used to be a massive computer games geek (still am, sad i know), especially the real time strategy games like Civilisations and Age of Empires. it all started with Dune on the old Windows 95, then onto Command & Conquer, then Age of Empires then Civilisations. With a good old helping of Championship Manager (Soccer Management game). i still play computer games now, just not as much, i like MLB Road to the Show atm on the PS3, i think its the most challenging sports sim out there.

    I actually just bought the Age of Empires 2 HD rerelease on the last Steam sale. Miss the good ole days of RTSs for sure!
  • dlpau
    dlpau Posts: 25 Member
    Wow so many nerdy/geeky people on this site.

    I'll just go with the general things of liking video games/sci-fi/anime/computers and other generic responses.

    Last geek type thing I done was go to my first convention(pax au) down in Melbourne last weekend.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Feel free to add me too people :P I love Star Trek, Star gate, BSG, Farscape etc, but I also love anime and do cosplays :) I've been a gamer since I was a little girl and got my original nintendo :P My idea of a good time is still hanging out with a friend playing video games (: *forever a kid*
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I'm a geek! I love to play computer games. Currently playing "The Last of Us" but I also play Dark Siders, Guild Wars 2, Command and Conquer etc

    I love roleplay games, especially Cthulhu :-)

    Other geekery include Game of Thornes, Star Trek (especially Deep Space 9), Stargate, Defiance etc

    Just putting together my first cosplay for London Film and Comic Con in October! Feel free to add me :-D
  • EasilyLed
    EasilyLed Posts: 23

    I love Pratchett novels more than life itself, I live by them word for word, Tom Holt, Douglas Adams and other than that I read a lot of historical non-fiction, I also love the harry Potter books.

    I love all those too! I find Pratchett novels to be such a release from the real world I re-read them obsessively. As I get older and read more classic literature I realist more jokes and puns TP has referenced. It never gets old.

    In other news has anyone heard of Robert Asprin? I found a handful of his books by accident (both Myth Adventures and Phules company) in the UK and LOVED them, but I don't know anyone else who has ever heard of him!