Time for us Moms! Group



  • Ferdiebirdy
    Ferdiebirdy Posts: 49 Member
    Got my 20 push ups in yesterday. Did 20 in a consecutively without a problem. Somewhere along this journey I've managed to get fit too. Not much new here today, hoping to make it to the zoo workout this am. I haven't been in a week and a 1/2. I also FINALLY made it back into the 130's. I dropped a bunch of weight with the flu and as soon as I could actually eat again, I think my body retained EVERYTHING for a few days because I shot right back up to well above where I had been consistently sitting around. So that was nice. Hopefully this time it's FOR REAL. My other excitement for the day is after 3 days of trying my hubby is at a new base in Afghanistan. It's the main hub over there, so he's one step closer to home. Hopefully we will have a date SOON!!
  • Hi. I'm a SAHM mom to 2 kids ages 2 and 4 and I have a baking side business so I find time to work on nights and weekends.
    I'd love to join this group if there is still room. I could use motivation from other Moms who struggle to find the time to fit in all that needs to be done in a day and still have time for themselves!
    Take care and best of luck to all of you.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi Sandy! Welcome. Your kiddos look so cute in your pic. :D

    Heather - nice job with the push-ups and getting back to the 130s. Woohoo! So excited that things seem to be moving forward for Matt to come home. I just had a friend's husband leave for there on Monday. :( Yay for being fit and I hope you get to the zoo today! The running with your neighbors sounds fantastic.

    Mary - ear infections are the worst! That's nice that you were able to quit. I think we need to be happy doing what we do. Otherwise, what's the point? Just focus on getting your 20 in today. :D

    Jnel - I just sold my elliptical. Sometimes having it isn't as inspiring as it should be. I have gone through trial and error with DVD workouts. I did Leslie Sansome's walking workouts and had a prenatal yoga DVD that kicked my butt not pregnant! But, I didn't do them consistently. Consistency is the key! Hope you enjoy the DVDs you have.

    Kaitlyn - that's still a pretty long wait. Hope you get into the nursing program. That much stress is just not helpful to any part of our lives. And yes, girly style is fine!

    Got in my push-ups yesterday. Did 'em girly style so I can get all the way down. :D I planned well yesterday and ate well, but after my workout and putting the boys to bed, I came downstairs and fixed my shakeology and felt done for the night. I didn't eat a whole 250 calories that I had allotted. I'm changing the shakeology to the morning today and hopefully I can eat some more tonight. Excited because my Bodybugg comes tonight. Yay!

    Have a great Hump Day!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Hey everybody - things have been a little hectic so I haven't had much time to keep up. Things are pretty good here, I can definitely feel fall in the air which I'm excited about. I've got an exam Friday so I've been cramming for that, hope it goes well. I made the mistake of getting a 4.0 so far so now I feel I have to meet my own standards lol. TOM is finally over so the weight loss is back on track, amazing what a difference it makes! As of this morning I'm down 30 lbs (in about 9 weeks) so I'm excited about that. My "official" weigh in day is Sunday so I'm excited to see where I end up for the week.

    20 push-ups a day, huh? Bring it on! LOL, maybe if I work myself up I won't cry all the way through :laugh:

    Welcome Sandy! It's a challenge to get everything into a day, but you can do this. You just need to remember you are a priority too. A baking business, I'd be in real trouble!

    Heather-congrats on making it to the 130's - I can't even remember what that feels like :laugh: Glad to hear hubby is getting closer to home, how exciting!

    Mk - sorry to hear about your sick little one, sick kids are really the worst. Especially when they're little and there isn't much you can do for them. Hope she feels better soon :flowerforyou:

    Jnel - Good luck with the 30 Day Shred, it kicked my butt! (Granted, I'm a wee bit out of shape). I tried it again about a week ago and actually did much better, baby steps.

    Kaitlyn - Good luck getting in the nursing program, I know up my way it's unusual to get in the first time. Sorry your job is such a stress, I know the feeling and it can just drain away any energy you had. Good luck with finding something else. Nice job looking up lunch beforehand - that's what it's all about!
  • Heather~ :drinker: Congrats for your 20 push ups and your hubby being closer to home!!! I know you are so ready to see him again I know I would be!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Sandy!!

    Lisa~ :bigsmile: Glad to see you got your 20 in!! got my 20 in while I was doing my 30 min aerobic stint at kids nap time!!! They where girly ones though lol

    CG~ Thank you No there isnt much I can do for her except keep pain reliever in her untell her Antibiotics take affect. I Hope you Ace your test Friday for working so hard on it!!! I here ya about TOM it is funny how you tend to gain weight and feel like crap all in a few days lol,,, I am Glad to here you are down 30!! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work!!

    :ohwell: Well Today has been a little better for me! Baby girls fever finally broke!!! (lets pray it don't come back) She is up and playing with her brother!! Got in my 20 (girly style) Push Ups dearing my 30 min Aerobics workout while the little ones where napping!! Me and my Ex-Husband decided that I am no longer going to home school my oldest:brokenheart: (9 year old Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy) any longer we are placing him in Christian School Near by. My 3 year old starts a Home school PreSchool program provided by the County next week! Looking forward to teaching him:tongue: !!! My 6 year old is in public school and is doing great they said he is on the road to the Honor's Program:bigsmile: !!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Peacock - Great news on your kids! Glad everyone is finding their school niche.

    Sandy - Welcome! Your baking business on the side would totally ruin me! haha! Good for you though.

    Cori - I'm the same way with my classes. No one's harder on me than I am. What are you going for again? I want to say accounting...? Good luck on the exam! I'm super freaked out about getting into the program. Fingers crossed!

    Heather - I'm so anxious for you! I can't even imagine what it must be like to have your husband that far away for so long.

    Lisa - OOOH! The bodybugg! Let me know how awesome it is.

    How many of you guys have ever been in the position where you have 8 balls in the air and you're waiting on one of them to drop? I know, we all have. I'm in that position now, but it seems like all of my options are dependent on one another. I have been interviewing for a new job but if I get in to the nursing program this time, it won't work out. However, if I don't get in, it would be a perfect fit. Then, my parents have offered me a position with their business if their contracts go through in the next week. I don't know what to do about this job. It's a live-in care giver position where we would basically live in a house and have a client live with us. All of our expenses would be paid and I would get a small monthly stipend. My concern is having to move out of our apartment to do this job. If I don't get into the nursing program and I have to quit that job (assuming I even get it, which I think I will), then we'd have to move back into the apartments. I don't want to move out and then move back in. On the other hand, if I don't get accepted to the program, I really want this job. What to do?!
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    20 push ups...done. Those aren't too hard for me since my youngest is going through his "I will scream if you put me down right now phase." We like to say, his "hold me" button is stuck.

    Felt a little nauseous this morning, stuffed up (and really tired), was NOT motivated to even get out of the house at all. I finally thought to myself, "Could you feel any worse?" Answer: no. So, I put on my big girl panties, dragged the double jogger down 3 flights of stairs, got the kids ready, put the leash on the dog, and went for a 30 minute jog/walk. Shockingly...I actually felt better afterward! Such a pleasant surprise :) I did however leave the jogger downstairs for my husband to carry back up when he gets home...I still had 2 kids and the dog to contend with up 3 flights of stairs!

    British: I understand about all the balls in the air...I hope everything "falls into place" for you!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - awesome job on the weight loss! Yay! LOL I found that after I had the twins my grades improved (I was a 4.0 student in high school, but had a harder time in college). Nice work. :D

    Mary - how is your baby girl feeling today? Wow, that is an eclectic schooling mix you have. Sounds like it works well for your family though.

    Kaitlyn - oh goodness. I hate that when it seems like plans are contingent on each other. I will keep you in my prayers. I know that the plans that go according to His will are always easier than when I try to do the plans that I think are best, without praying.

    Jp - awesome job! 3 flights of stairs? Holy moly! That is intense. I don't blame you for leaving it out for hubby. How do you feel this morning?

    So, I think I have a love/hate relationship with my Bodybugg. I charged it for a bit yesterday so I could wear it to my workout last night. I was working out hard, sweating like crazy and how many calories did it say I burned: 289. Really? So, I wore it last night and it said I burned about a calorie a minute while I slept. Okay, I can agree with that. Then, I reset the "trip" counter for our morning workout. It's a hard hitting workout - Core Synergistics - tons of push-ups, weights, lunges, etc. It works your whole body. Sweat pouring, heart rate up, and the total - 387 calories. For now, I will take it as what it says. I think it is low, but I don't have anything to really go off of. I was putting about 450 for Slim in 6 and 500 for Core Syn (and thinking I was lowballing). It has me at 1500 calories, assuming that I burn 2500 calories a day. (Puts me at goal weight around November 16!) It has motivated me to not just sit on my butt today. I am looking around the house to see what chores I can do while the boys work on school.

    Ready for football? LOL

  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Very excited for football! My Seahawks got their butt's handed to them by Hubby's Raiders in preseason last week. Too bad. We'll come back in the real season though.

    Well, the balls dropped. I didn't get the position after all, which in hindsight is kind of a blessing. However, they did give my number to someone looking for a care giver for an elderly couple nearby who do not want a live-in. That would be greta too, maybe even better! I'm hoping that will work out. I'm supposed to call the guy this afternoon.

    I ordered a new kettle bell workout DVD last night. I stopped doing mine because I was bored with the only workout that the bell came with. This DVD allows you to mix and match the workouts or put it on random for a new workout every day. I need variety, so I'm glad for it.
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I haven't checkedin in a while.My week has been sortof up and down. Over the weekend I got a little burned out with exercising and slightly depressed didn't understand why just felt like nothing. so labor day I did about 3 minutes of my 30 Day Shred and stopped. I was so upset with myself but couldn't make myself get up and finish it. Well we were hosting a cookout and I knew i wanted to enjoy myself so I needed to do something so I convinced myself to go for a walk since hubby was home with the kids. This time I had my new heart rate monitor which made a big difference. I walked with an occasional jog and burned 450 calories in like 35 minutes YEAHHH! Needless to say I was excited when I got home and even stayed under 1240 calories for the day!

    So all week my food choices have been soso :embarassed: but still under my goal just not the most nutritious and then today takes the cake literally. It was grandparents day at the day care where I teach after school program. And the cook (MY MOM who knows I am on a diet:grumble: made this delicious cornbread cake. Anyway I kept finding myself sneaking in for another small piece. I logged it as best i could in my diary so for dinner of course I did 1 piece of chicken and a giant salad w/ fat free dressing. I am stil under my goal so that is good anyway I realized why my eating is so crazy, mother nature is on her way.

    Do you guys usuallly keep your weigh in day during your TOM or do you wait until after? Sorry it's so long tonight hopefully tomorrow will be more pleasant and I will gain control again
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey Faith,

    I usually do it anyway, although this week I haven't (also my TOM) because I've ben waking up so late in the morning. It's a good way to see how your body reacts to its natural course. Don't let the gains discourage you. It's not your fault; it's supposed to happen that way. That takes some getting used to, but if you can keep that part in perspective, I think you'll find it helpful.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Kaitlyn - how did the call go with the guy? It will work out. Which Kettlebell DVD did you get? Sounds like a good one. I didn't get to really watch the game last night, but it was just so nice to have it on in the house! LOL I had to go do Slim in 6 though. Made a good football dinner of extra lean organic burgers, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli with some cantaloupe and watermelon. yum!

    Faith - just try to eat as well as you can. Sometimes a break from the normal routine is a good thing with exercise. :) How is today going for you? TOM - I don't have one anymore really, so I never see a side effect from it. I have the Mirena IUD and spot a little bit during the month but nothing like my horrible periods used to be.

    I had my bodybugg on for the first 24 hours yesterday (took it off to shower) and I burned just under 3000 calories. Woohoo! I hate that I am burning so little during my actual workouts, but it's nice to see the residual burn that I get from my workouts. It's 3 o'clock here and I have 2250 calories I have burned already and still have another 300 alone from Slim in 6 tonight. I dropped my calories down to 1500 in my log, since my goal was 2500 calories burned, but I need to eat more I guess. I'm ok with that! The strap has gotten a lot more comfortable to wear as well. I'm pretty used to it now. The digital display sometimes goes out of sync with the strap, which is a little annoying but not hard to get it synced up again.

    Have a great weekend! So looking forward to resting tomorrow.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    faith - I usually still weigh in during TOM, but mine are pretty infrequent so it's not a big problem. I make sure to drink more water and eat water filled food (lettuce, cucumbers, melon, etc) to help flush out some of the water retention. And I agree with Kaitlyn, like it or not our bodies are designed to hold on to that extra weight :explode: If you keep plugging along you'll see the results you want when your visitor has left town.

    Kaitlyn - you'll have to keep us posted on the job front. Sometimes things happen for a reason, it just takes a while to figure out what reason is :laugh: I've thought about picking up the kettleball dvd, I need something new. Is it easy to follow? I'm probably the least coordinated person on the planet :blushing:

    Lisa - yea for eating more! Look for the silver lining, you must be in awesome shape to only burn that few calories during a workout. All your hard work has paid off! Sounds like you're pretty happy with your choice of birthday gift though.

    I'm so glad it's Friday - even though it was a short work week I'm ready for the weekend. I can't believe we're already almost halfway through September, time to start thinking about Christmas! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekened, fall is right around the corner enjoy the last of summer!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cori - you are right, it is time to start thinking about Christmas. When hubby and I are ready to start our next 90 day round, will finish around Christmas. I don't think I am ready for that! LOL thank you! Yes, definitely a silver lining. I do love it - I took it off to go shower and uploaded the data and charged it and I am already at 3241! Good thing too, I ate about 2200 calories today expecting a big number. LOL

    Saturdays are the hardest day of the week for me, eating wise. It's my rest day, so I don't workout and then I'm at church or driving around for about 5 hours. I don't eat potluck (carb heavy, sodium laden food) and bring some for myself, but I prefer to eat at home. I don't like my food sitting in the car for 3 hours before I eat. :) Anyway, I pre-filled in my diary like I always do and just kept it at 1200 for tomorrow (not sure what my calorie burn will be). That is not a whole lot of food. LOL Guess I'll find some way to throw a salad in there or something. To all of you ladies who stick to 1200 calories, kudos!

    Have a great night and a great weekend.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks for all the interest in the job hunt! So I have been in touch with the son of the elderly couple who need the care. Get this - they are 98 and 100 and are still living independently in their own home! I can only hope I'm in such good shape at that age. Anyway, the lady had a fall over the weekend which is why they've decided to get a caregiver. We're still playing phone tag right now, but I'm hoping to set up a meeting sometime in the next few days.

    It's parent weekend at the treatment center. Five of my 11 students had parents some to visit. I get to do conferences with them to fill them in on their student's academic progress. Most of them go fairly well, but we have one parent who is ridiculous. She's seriously delusional. Anyway, it was quite the day. We went out to lunch at the new burger joint in town: Smashburger. Have you been? It was okay, but really greasy and made me feel sick after. Plus, I was really pissed I wasted so many calories on such a mediocre meal. At least I can say I tried it, and it wasn't for me. The fried pickles were good though. I love pickles.

    Sleep tight, ladies! Lisa, keep me updated on the bodybugg. I'm considering adding it to my Christmas list. I'd like to hear more about it as you become more accustomed to it.
  • I'm not sure if this is where I need to be posting or not, but I'm new to the website so I'm learning.

    BOGmama2010 invited me to join and I'm super excited to have other moms to talk to who understand what I'm going through.

    I just had my 2nd baby August 12, 2010 and I'm anxious to get this weight off. I weighed over 200 lbs. at delivery...we aren't sure exactly...I was in the hospital already for an infection and went into labor...but my last weigh in at 37 weeks was 199.5 lbs.! I started my pregnancy overweight (for my height) at 158. Anyway, I'm down to 173...the first 25 pounds came off really fast...I guess it was fluid. But, I noticed the scale sort of stopped at 177.

    I've been focusing on pre-portioned meals lately because my husband is working nights...it's easier when I'm not cooking and helps me not to overeat. I've been trying to get at least 64 ounces of water daily which I've done pretty well in that dept. I haven't started exercising yet (unless you count chasing a 2 year old while tending to a 1 month old, exercise!)...my 6 week postpartum visit is the 23rd...hopefully I'll get the go ahead.

    I've always been an athlete, but I doubt I'll be playing any organized sports until my youngest gets a little bigger. It's too hard to find a babysitter for two kids. I normally play volleyball in early winter (Jan/Feb) and softball in the spring and fall. It's just so much fun to get exercise while competing! I'm not a huge fan of the gym...it bores me to death, but 2 weeks before I got pregnant I had started the couch to 5k plan because I wanted to start running. It was awesome and I felt great! But, I wasn't able to keep it up...the first trimester has killed me both times with exhaustion.

    If you've lost alot of weight after baby, please message me with advice and/or tips...I'm open to any help or suggestions! :o)
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome, momoftwo!

    I think the majority of us in this group are here for the same reason - to take off the baby weight. I have a fifteen month old, and have just now started focusing on the weight loss. I've been here since June and have lost 24 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race :o) Keep up the fluids, and make sure you log EVERYTHING. I mean, if you have a grape off of your two year old's plate, log it. If you have a sip of their juice, log it. Every little bit makes a difference. I started doing that after I realised how many little bites I was taking while I fixed my daughter's meals, and it really did add up over time. You're here, and that's the first step!

    Hey kids. What a whirlwind parent weekend has been. It's always this way. I'm glad it's over and I get at least one day off. haha! I've bee a cleaning fool this morning. I went through the big stack of papers on my desk and paid bills, organized things, and threw a LOT of it away! I feel much more zen.

    About to fix some lunch now... we need to go grocery shopping. ASAP. It's pathetic what's in these cupboards.

    Where has everyone been lately?

  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Momoftwo - welcome to the group! Congrats on your new addition! I miss the days of having a little baby in the house, but it's fun seeing them grow up and get some independence. Sounds like you are off to a great start - and for the record I absolutely think chasing a 2 year old and taking care of a newborn is exercise! I hear ya on finding a babysitter, the only person who usually watches my 5 is my mom and I feel guilty the whole time.

    Kaitlyn - At least your parents' weekend is over and you can move on. Nice job with cleaning - nothing like a little more zen to reieve stress :happy:

    Yesterday we took the kids to Antelope Island, a state park here, and did some hiking, walked around an old ranch that's now a museum, and saw a ton of wildlife. Today I'm studying for my test tomorrow, yuck! Next week we're planning to hit the state fair, the kids like seeing all the animals and I'll get some good walking in. Luckily for me I'm a picky eater so fair food isn't really a temptation. I need some suggestions from you ladies on some new workouts to try - with the weather turning cooler something inside might be a good idea. I'm about the least coordinated person ever, so anything that resembles dancing and I'm just stumbling around :laugh: Another weekend is almost gone - hope everyone has a great week next week!
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ladies,
    It's been an interesting weekend. I was feeling depressed and sorry for myself yesterday I think it was PMS which I never used to get (I think:grumble: ). I didn't feel like cooking so we had Chinese which I didn't want to do but needed someone to deliver I s[lit the plate with my kids but still felt disgusted with myself. I wasn't even going to way myself today but passed by the scale and said might as well. Somehow I miraculously dropped 2.5lbs despite it being my TOM and having pizza this week as well as Chinese food. Now I am super excited but still really keeping my calories down today and tomorrow I've got to get the yucky but tasty food out of my system and refridgerator so I won't crave it.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Cori - How far north are you? We're still in the 90s down here, and I'm sick of the heat. Ready for winter! I don't know how you feel about the kettlebell, but I really love it. It's easy to do inside because there's not a lot of moving from one place to another, just a lot of swinging.

    Faith - we all slip up here and there. It's okay to have a day where you eat "yucky" food as long as it doesn't become a daily habit. Don't beat yourself up too bad.

    I cannot seem to wake up today. I'm about to head down to the college. We have to write our entrance exams for the nursing program with a proctor. Guess they want to make sure we;re really the ones writing them! I'm not too worried about it. I am an English teacher after all. :o) Just need to get this fog out of my brain so I can actually focus on what I'm writing. Wish me luck!
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