
  • Ok here we go!!! we can do it!!! I am going to set it at 15 lbs i thought 10 but I can do 15

    starting weight was 246
    current weight: 216
    goal weight: 201
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Today, I weigh in at 164. My goal weight for Thanksgiving is 144. I also set exercise goals:

    September run/walk 125 miles. (as of 9/7 for the month of September I have logged 34 miles)

    October: run a 5 or 10K every weekend.

    November: run a half marathon.
  • jsc74
    jsc74 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in. I have really been struggling with the last 10 pounds.
    Starting weight - 197
    Current weight- 120
    Goal weight - 110
  • I would love to join all of you! Sounds like a great challenge!

    current weight is 193.5

    in 11 weeks i would like to be 178.5

    for a 15 lb loss.

    I believe this is a reachable goal. We will see.:flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Here we go friend:

    Starting weight 190 6/12/10
    Current weight 174 9/8/10
    Goal weight 163
  • Stating weight : 185
    Current weight : 183
    Goal weight : 163

    Good Luck Everyone and here is to hoping we are all able to reach our goals.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    What a great challenge and right for when I'm shooting for my target goal anyways (my brother is getting married Thanksgiving weekend)!

    SW - 135
    CW - 132
    GW - 122

    I weigh in Mondays, but will post Wednesdays as directed. :tongue:

    I'm really hoping to be 120 lbs by Thanksgiving which would be 5 pounds lighter than when I got pregnant last year, so I'm giving myself a few pounds gap for a 10 pound loss. I will get rid of this last bit of baby weight!!

    Good luck to everyone! I'm excited to be in a challege - it's my first too!
  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    Good Morning!
    SW- 170
    CW- 166
    GW151 by Thanksgiving

    I thought an average of 1.4 pounds/ week would be reasonable.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Very excited to jump start this challenge:

    SW:: 169
    CW: 169
    GW: 150

    19 pound loss! I cannot wait to say that for real! I started off the week with a bang. Have logged my food. That's the key everyone. You have to count every morsel. I also love to run (well not really haven't felt those endorfines in a while!:laugh: ) my lastest obsession is Zumba!

    Good Luck to all. Look foward to hearing your messages.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou: I'm excited and ready to do this! My goal is to lose 17 pounds by Thanksgiving!! Let's do it! :drinker:

    SW: 192
    CW: 192
    GW: 175
  • sey719
    sey719 Posts: 8 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    SW - 193
    CW - 187
    Thanksgiving GW - 175
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'd like to join this, too. I will be visiting family for Thanksgiving and they have not seen me since I started losing weight over 2 years ago (and almost 100 pounds ago!)! I started at MFP at 220 but have been stuck at around 200 since I quit smoking in April. I plan on losing 10 pounds by November 22 (when we leave for Phoenix) and THEN my plan is to not gain anything during my visit!

    SW 220

    CW 200

    GW 190
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    SW - 229
    CW - 219
    Thanksgiving GW - 199

    I would be so THANKFUL to be under 200 lbs by Thanksgiving, it's been a few years since I've seen my weight start with "1"
  • smalloneday
    smalloneday Posts: 10 Member
    Starting weight - 323.5
    Current weight- 309.6
    Goal weight - 300.0

    Ok I hate challenges I never make it but i'm in need to get on the ball again I set my challenge low so I do not see this big number to lose.

    I got a new scale a while back and it read more then what my old one said I do think I weighed more when I started but I left it as a gain (but I really think I weighed more when I started January this year) I need to get back on track and start losing again.

    Good luck to you all we can do this
  • vickyajones
    vickyajones Posts: 12 Member
    I've decided on 16 pounds. That's about 1.5/week. I can manage that!

    Start: 195
    Goal: 179

    Good luck!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Glad I found this challenge:

    Starting weight - 180
    Current weight- 178.8
    Goal weight - 158 by Thanksgiving
  • I want to join! I want to lose 10% of my body weight but 23 pounds might be too much to start but I am going for it anyway lets see if I can do it!

    Start weight: 241
    current weight: 235
    Goal weight: 211

    Great posting by the way!
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 702 Member
    I am loving everyone's excitement so far!!! Wow, some of you have already lost a great deal of weight.... Congrats to you! Please feel free to offer any advice to each other along this challenge.

    I have a work dinner to go to tonight at a restaurant that I have never been to, so I have no idea what I will be eating. I'm a bit nervous. I've had a very small breakfast and lunch to help with my overall calories for the day. It's all about choices, and I will be sure to make smart ones tonight.

    I will check back in when I get home tonight to read more posts!

  • treehuggngirl
    treehuggngirl Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am new to Myfitnesspal! I would love to take part in the challenge!
    I currently weight 185 and hope to lose 20 lbs by Thanksgiving! That would be amazing!
    Thanks for the challenge!
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm in and in need of some good motivation. So far so good, but we all know how it gets sometimes. We just need that little extra umf!

    My goal by Thanksgiving is to be down 15 pounds.

    SW - 210 (7/27/10)
    CW - 200.5 (9/7/10)
    GW - 185 Thanksgiving

    Good Luck All! Here we go!!!
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