Pregnancy 2010 - September



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    debnu1- So far I'm not feeling better, but I think it's because I'm still not used to the eating regimin. It's different than I expected too. I was eating 6 small meals a day, but yesterday the endo gave me a new diet. It's 3 large meals a day and only one snack before bed!? which is crazy to me! but I'm doing it anyways. hopefully I will get used to it soon. so far my numbers have been good. so I guess that's all that matters. My plan is to never go back to eating what I want. I really don't want to be overweight anymore. esp since the doctor made it clear that I have a good chance with ending up with diabetes for real if I don't get my weight under control after the baby. My mother, father, and grandmother on both sides all have full blown diabetes. So i think I'm going to just continue this style of eating afterwards too. ofcourse with more treats and more exercising! In my first and most of my 2nd trimester it made me sick to drink water. water and meat made me sick. my doctor told me just to sip it and not drink a whole lot at one time. and to drink other stuff instead. you won't get dehydrated as long as your drinking something. i drank some unsweet tea and lemonade instead for a little while to get through the sickness! hope you feel better!

    Thanks mfish2184, That's so neat! I love that! I really don't like my honey's name. Darron Augustus, so I'm really glad I like DJ. It was really important to him though, so I didn't mind.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    So Kim are you counting carbs? When the nutritionist taught me it was all about the amount of carbs and combining it with protein. Vegies were always free foods for whenever--but I never really wanted them. :wink: I was on 3 meals and two snacks a day. But I basically ate about every 2-3 hours. Could you tell when your sugar was too high? I would feel lightheaded and blah. But even a walk after eating made every bit of difference. (2mph on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes):bigsmile:
    You and your baby have a greater risk for diabetes now. That is why I want to be at a healthier weight too. To be a good example, and to avoid the diabetic health problems.

    I think I just drank too much cold water way too fast this morning. I have been fine since, albeit tired as vomiting does that to me.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    The doctor put me on an exchange diet. I would have much rather been told an amount of carbs to eat at a time with however much protein. but nope, i got a sheet of paper with exchange foods i can have. I'm still logging my food to try and make sure I get all 1800 calories I'm supposed to. Whatever I have to do to make sure me and DJ are safe, I'll do it! Only 11 more weeks!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Wow, I know I'm overweight but my tummy is growing quick. Any of you showing this early on? Maybe because I showed early with the other 2
  • With my second child I was heavy but started walking a mile and half twice a day. It really helped the moodiness and kept my weigh in check. I never thought something as simple as walking would have such an impact. The labor went great too.
  • With my second child I was heavy but started walking a mile and half twice a day. It really helped the moodiness and kept my weigh in check. I never thought something as simple as walking would have such an impact. The labor went great too.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Tonight we have to go to a class sponsored by and held at my doctors office. Before you have your first appointment with your doctor, you have to go to this class, and get paperwork showing you attended. Has anyone heard of this? I have no idea what the class is about, as the day I called to make my appointment I was so excited about my BFP, I didn't even think to ask when they mentioned a required class. Should be interesting!

    Also, has anyone heard of a Big Red Wagon sale? My friend signed me up for it, and we are going next Thursday. It is supposed to be a huge baby sale that is held in empty buildings or warehouses....sounds a bit strange to me, but her husband is going with us in case it is sketchy.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    The only thing my last OB required is that I make half payment for her ob services before the end of my first trimester. :laugh:

    I've never heard of the wagon sale. I live in S. Louisiana though.
  • seestellarun13_1
    seestellarun13_1 Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Ladysarah - I've been walking 2.5 miles @ 3.2 on my treadmill 5 days a week. It's probably too much but I was running 2 to 3 miles a day, plus Insanity in the PM before I got pregnant. Gosh, how I miss that! But so glad to hear that it will help with labor after all! Does it help with recovery too?

    ckmama - I live in S. Louisiana as well! Where does your OB practice? I'm at Women's Clinic @ Woman's Hosptial - Dr. Lawler w/ BCBS insurance. I've been put on a payment plan for the whole cost of the delivery that works with my portion minus insurance. But I'm thankful for that...much rather that than being hit with bills after the baby is born. This way it's done and over with and I can enjoy my little angel! I would ask to have a 'sit down' with someone in their insurance department. I did that and it made me feel a lot better.

  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Tonight we have to go to a class sponsored by and held at my doctors office. Before you have your first appointment with your doctor, you have to go to this class, and get paperwork showing you attended. Has anyone heard of this? I have no idea what the class is about, as the day I called to make my appointment I was so excited about my BFP, I didn't even think to ask when they mentioned a required class. Should be interesting!

    Also, has anyone heard of a Big Red Wagon sale? My friend signed me up for it, and we are going next Thursday. It is supposed to be a huge baby sale that is held in empty buildings or warehouses....sounds a bit strange to me, but her husband is going with us in case it is sketchy.

    I have Kaiser and they require that you go to a prenatal class before your first appointment. This is when they have you fill out all of your paperwork and pre-register for the hospital. They also take urine and blood so that when you go to your first appointment your doctor has all of the information available already. I am not sure what a Big Red Wagon sale is but I do watch 19 kids and counting and when Ana was pregnant with Mackenzie they went to something that sounds a lot like that. It was a giant warehouse full of gently used baby items. Not sure if it is the same thing or not.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    i think I am showing a tiny bit...but no more than just looking like I've gained a few pounds :laugh: It's definitely not the "baby bump" yet! I have noticed this week that my jeans are feeling uncomfortable, so I may start bringing out the bella band. My dress pants I wear at work are fine because they are a little loose anyway from when I lost weight and hadn't bought any new ones. I don't want to get into that just feeling/looking fat stage...I want to look pregnant! lol
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    OMG I sooo do not understand insurance... :sad: This is what moms are for...I always have to ask her insurance questions...I guess I better be listening since I'll be the one having to answer all the questions soon! I'm just frustrated....i really need to sit down and talk with my doctor's office insurance people, too. I'm the kind of person that needs to know things upfront - don't like surprises! Especially when it comes to $$! (Unless of course I'm receiving the $$
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I'm sleepy this morning. I'm so impressed with all you ladies exercising. I haven't, I'll be honest. I hurt so much. The first 3 months was horrible sickness and throwing up non stop. As soon as that left came the pain in the back, buttbone, hips, and legs. And that pain hasn't left yet. I walk a little, but the pain is worse on the days I walk. I barely can walk at night, it hurts so bad. I have been one of those moms that I've gotten every bad symptom possible! Acne! Stretch marks! m/s! GD! pain! cramps! You name it, I've had it! but I thank God that these things are only temporary inconveniences that will be well worth it! and I know that all that matters is me and baby being healthy in the end. I'm lucky to be blessed as I am with a healthy lil one inside me.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am showing enough to have switched to PG pants, but I am just wearing long shirts to cover. I still just feel Ifat though.

    Kim have you thought about doing water aerobics? It would probably help your joint pain. Although sometimes I am sure you just don't want to move...

    I woke up with a massive headache this morning and it won't go away. I guess I must be dehydrated--time to pull out the crystal light, plain water just doesn't work sometimes.

    Have a great Thursday!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I have a massive headache too. I actually am getting ready to head home from work for the day. Just feeling miserable:cry:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Amanda and debnu1, I hope you guys feel better! I went through a phase of headaches around 10-16 wks, but it passed. I hope it passes for you guys too. They are the worst!

    debnu1, not water aerobics, but I have swam alot and it does feel great. I've gone about 1-2 a week the whole pregnancy. My gym doesn't have a pool, so I have to just go to the public swimming pools. Last weekend was there weekend to be open too ;( I live close to an indoor pool so I may have to check out what they have to offer. I think it would help.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Has anyone heard from Angela? 2 women i know had their babies this week and they were both a little early! :-)
  • I have PCOS and underactive thyroid. What I wouldn't give to be healthy and pregnant right now...
  • seestellarun13_1
    seestellarun13_1 Posts: 33 Member
    Oh those horrible migraines! How I loathe them - one of those mini diet Cokes does it for me sometimes.

    Hope you ladies start feeling better soon! Since I hit the 2nd tri everything seemed to have lifted but now that I'm 1/2 way there I've been getting really bad leg cramps at night. Any suggestions on curing these? I drink 64+oz of water a day...

    Question: Who can watch A Baby Story the whole way through without tearing up? :cry:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    not me! I cry over every tv show, the baby ones are the worse! but def whenever anybody is crying on tv, i'm going to cry. I was watching America's Got Talent the other night and a lil girl fell and she was crying while she was being judged and I was just bawling! My honey made fun of me big time!

    about the leg cramps, try stretching real good before you go to bed. I assume your taking your prenatals, and sounds like you got the water thing down. I hate to say it but besides those things, I think it's just one of those things we get to live with for a while ;)
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