

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: I am so happy for you. You’ll appreciate a good work environment in ways many others don’t fully understand, but we do.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Janie: I’m sure it does take more calories to work out in the cold—those it takes to do the workout, and those it takes to shiver.:tongue::wink:

    JB: I love the poem!:flowerforyou:

    Meg: You have to tell us how you & DH cleared the bats out of the attic.:laugh:

    Juanita in Sudbury: Learning how to eat healthy is a very big deal. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Subzero and all newbies. This is a great group. Please let us know where you are. Knowing locations is fun.:flowerforyou:

    I finished up my birthday shopping with a few new pairs of pants, 2 pair of capris and an actual pair of shorts. I pulled several pair of size 10 pants off the rack and they all fit just fine. I am in NSV heaven. I have a couple of other 10’s, but the confidence is a thrill. It isn’t a fluke! I was surprised at how hard it is to find shorts. The summer stuff is disappearing and the fall clothes are coming in. And it is still JULY!:grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    I love going to the gym at night! Nice, quiet, not many people, but enough to keep me putting in my time.

    jb – thanks for sharing the poem.

    Meg – don’t let the half pound bother you; hold onto how much better you felt today! You'll drop it in no time.

    Michele – glad the vacuum came back to life. Hope Vince is okay. Maybe waiting a bit for the river rock is a good thing?

    yanniejannie – I don’t know how you managed with over 400 people, no wonder you’re tired!

    Barb – you are so motivating with everything you accomplish. As I work my way down, I’ll have a vision of getting as much completed as you do. Love the updates on your July goals.

    Subzero – welcome, thanks for sharing your sign – I can use that line;-b Sorry to hear you’ve been bed-ridden; great that you’re now living where you can walk. This is a fabulous group of supportive ladies.

    Juanita – wonderful about the blood work results & seeing a great outcome from healthy eating

    Katla – how uplifting to know you are in size 10s, found a shivering graphic just for you

    Have an uplifting day everyone. Sending kudos to those who are getting their victories (scale or not). Better health to all of you who are down with anything. Wish I could send you all some of our cool weather.

    Janie, Pacific NW
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning ladies from cloudy, but cooler Hampshire, UK:happy:

    I must just tell you about my NSV this morning. Neither DH nor I slept well. I was awake from 3 am worrying about my flat.. At 6 I got up and made a cup of tea for the two of us. As it was cooler I suggested we go out for a 'jalk'. I hadn't been on one for a good few months because of the heat and my knee playing up. We did "the long walk" round the lanes that used to take me 1 hr and 1/2 when we first got here and put me on the couch for the rest of the day. Some of you old timers may remember when I first went out to jalk it - it took me 58 mins. The second time, going round the other way I did it in 54 mins. Today, going the original way, I did it in 52 mins 45 secs ! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: Boy was I shattered! But I was absolutely determined to do it, panting away and almost collapsing at the end. Lucy - I don't know how you do it - hats off to you!:flowerforyou: I wish I could run properly, but my knee is not yet up to it.
    But I feel so good!:bigsmile: I was wearing my new tight running bottoms and my running top, so looked quite the part! What the village thought of the strange panting granny in tight lycra I don't know! I do have to say that DH did not even break sweat, was not remotely out of breath and has now gone to do a session on the recumbent bike while I write this.:noway: :love: But he is so happy for me.

    Barbie - I am amazed at your fitness. If I can do that in four years time I will be over the moon! So far I have only managed 1 min 20 secs on the elbow plank, but I will strive to emulate your 2 mins. And those squats! For ages I was scared to do any because of my knee, but I studied the form on Utube and found it was OK. I still don't do very many, but any is better than nothing - I just have to be very careful. I do use weights. So will do some circuit training today and that is that. Phew! It's so nice to have it a bit cooler, but we have also had the 20 drops of rain that I think Meg posted!!!

    Love to you all. Joyce I hope your headache improves. It sounds horrible. Keep on trucking everyone.:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

    PS to Katla - congrats on the size 10s. NSV heaven indeed! I bet you feel great.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies,
    Barbie- I am in awe` that is all I can say.. I wish I had had the time and stamina to do what you do..
    I am back up to 160 ,I dont know. I am eating under my calories, drinking warm lemon water in the morning before anything.
    maybe not getting enough protien,I dont know..
    just finished up the prednisone but my heel is still bothering me.
    I am terrified what the next step will be with my heel, but will put it in the good lord's hands.
    I would love to go for a walk this morning,but think I better go to the gym instead, do the elliptical and the machines..
    I am going to try and check out how to correctly do squats, I have tried planks,
    well i better get a move on. will check in before I go to work..:drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Linda C :smile: How good to see you again! Strawberry jam…yum! Sounds like you`ve been busy this summer!

    Cindy :smile: Glad your daughter loves her job, I do think that`s very important! Dewormed:sick: …ick…just sounds awful!

    M :smile: Yum, your lettuce wraps sounds delish!

    Kathy :smile: Glad the Chiropractor is helping with the pains! Hope you had a fun visit in Chicago!

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: Woo hoo….4 pounds gone…congrats!!! Last time MFP recalculated my goals I stalled and I`m still stalled:angry: . Good for you bumping your calories to 1450!

    Heather :smile: Congrats on all of your NSVs…you are having a GREAT week!!! Keep it up!

    Jane Martin :smile: So sorry you got sick, hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: ! I`ve never been to Chuck E Cheese, I`m thankful for that!

    Vicki :smile: Congrats on the 3.4 gone!!!! I`m sure you`ll enjoy the pedicure with your granddaughter, but reaching 100 pounds…WOW,big mile stone!!!

    Sue in SD :smile: Congrats on maintaining while you had company! I do remember complaining about the cold, however because of all the rain we`ve had this summer, I don`t feel like I`ve had summer yet:sad: !

    Katla :smile: Freezing at yoga, maybe you burned a few more calories by being cold! I have Direct TV and I love it, I`ve had it for quite awhile and never had any problems. Seems I remember someone saying their bill kept going up, mine has not changed since I had it installed, this has been one of the best companies I`ve dealt with!

    Joyce :smile: Hope your headache is gone:flowerforyou: ! Do you think you might have a sinus infection?

    Robin :smile: I`m so happy you`re happy with your job:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: !!!!

    Janie :smile: It`s good when 2nd graders ask you why you`re happy! You must have a smile on your face all the time:bigsmile: !

    Jb :smile: Love the poem, thanks for sharing! Now could you please share a slice of that pie:huh: ???

    Meg :smile: Mid 80`s with no humidity…lucky you:love: !!! I`m sure you`ll get that ½ pound off soon, and more will go with it! Ball of brown fur….and then it hissed at him:noway: …yikes! I had a bat in my house 11 years ago. I had gone to sleep with the tv on and something woke me up, I opened my eyes and the %^$# thing was staring me in the face:noway: . I pulled the covers over my head and kept thinking I had to come out from under the covers to turn on a light, all the while I was praying it was a bird and not a bat, no such luck:grumble: , it flew out of the bedroom. I called the non emergency sheriffs’ dept number, they called Animal Control, I had a guy at my house at 2am, we finally found it around 3:30, it was in the corner of an 18 ft. ceiling, what an ordeal that was. The thing bit me on my neck too:sad: , I had to wait 3 days to find out if it had rabies, thank goodness it didn`t, but I was a total wreck:sick: . Slept with the lights on a long time after tha:laugh: t! Someone told me it was good luck to have a bat in your house….no thank you:noway: !

    Kate in NY :smile: I took this week off, it`s so nice to have a few more minutes to chat here, usually I just get to read the posts, and reply to a few. Just pop in when you can!

    Michele :smile: I bet you didn`t gain over your holiday, you stay on the go all the time! Hope they get the machine repaired to sort the riverrock soon! I certainly would not want to buy it in bags:noway: !

    Yanniejannie :smile: I have a friend who also has the glasses for driving at night, he says they are so worth every penny they cost!

    Barbie :smile: All you do and a movie too, you are inspiring!

    Juanita :smile: Yay for your blood work being good and no change in your meds:flowerforyou: !! A sweater already, I`m not quite ready for sweater weather just yet!

    Katla :smile: Woo hoo on the size 10`s!!!! I`m not ready for fall clothes yet!

    Grandmallie :smile: Did you maybe have a lot of sodium? That can add a pound or two or more. With taking the prednisone you may be retaining fluid too! Hope your heel feels better:flowerforyou: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! This is a fantastic group of women! Come in often and chat with us!

    I spent most of yesterday scrubbing the house, I finished 3 rooms and they are sparkly clean, I`ve got 3 more to do on the main floor, the upstairs can wait, I don`t go up there very often! A quick trip to the grocery store today and then I`m going to tackle the other 3!

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in partly sunny NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janie: The shivering graphic is wonderful. How did you know what I look like?:laugh: :wink:

    Healther: Congratulations on your best ever “jalk” time! As to the village wondering about grannie in lycra—the kids are saying, “whatever….” and the women our age are jealous but may not admit it.:bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: My mom gained water weight when she had to take prednisone, and so did my cousin.:grumble: I’m sure it will drop away now that you’re done with the medicine.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Chuck E Cheese is noise hell. :devil: I haven’t been in more than 25 years, but would do it again for DGD if her mom asked me. On the other hand I never put my poor parents through that torment.:noway: I’m encouraged that you’ve had such good luck with Direct TV. I liked it before and hope to like it again. Getting an installer here was a trial that almost caused us to cancel. The local guy was great, but the national “support system” is ridiculous thanks to the national marketing system. Bleah!:angry::explode: . Your bat experience sounds like a total nightmare. I am glad it all turned out reasonably well.:flowerforyou:

    I’m off for a mammogram this morning. :ohwell: The last one I had was in my former doctor’s office and was more pleasant, (less unpleasant,) than any I’d experienced up until then. He’s retired and I moved to a different practice closer to home, so we’ll see what I think of this experience.:huh: My weight took a bounce up while I was sick and is slowly returning to its last low. :tongue: I know I made a few poor choices, but was nearly always under my calorie goals and never more than a few calories over, so I think the plague itself caused water retention. :grumble: Good news on the boating front—DH has agreed to go on the downriver cruise with our sailing friends. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We leave Friday and I won’t have reliable internet connections for about a week. If I disappear, you’ll know where I’ve gone. DS and DDIL will be joining us for the trip back up river if all goes well. Keep your fingers crossed that this happens.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies,

    Took me days to catch up with all the posts! You guys have a lot going on!

    Yeah! The Ghiradelli peppermint bark was spared!! I put them in the refrigerator for a day, and they look and taste just fine. Unfortunately, I forgot to order the dark chocolate ones, but these will certainly do! They are like a little taste of heaven!:tongue:

    The beach was wonderful, and we even went in the ocean. It was chilly, but refreshing in the heat. Thankfully, there was a breeze, so sitting on the beach was bearable. In fact, we brought our chairs down to the water and sat there and read (and talked) and it felt great! Then we went to this great little Mexican place in Lewes, DE. for dinner and did a little shopping. It’s amazing what a little “girl’s day out” can do!:glasses:

    My daughter came over on Saturday with my DGS and DGD. The older DGS stayed at his friend’s house. The five year old (Julian) is a ball of fire! He does NOT sit still for one minute, and my DD doesn’t correct him much. She says she has to “pick her battles”. I was waiting for her to pick one when he kept going in and out the deck door over and over, but I guess it didn’t bother her. I, on the other hand, was exhausted by the time they left! Now I understand what my mother meant when she said “That’s why God gives children to the young”. I always say “I love to see them come…..and I love to see them go”! WHEW!!!!:yawn:

    A lot of you have been saying that you aren’t eating as much in the heat. I don’t seem to have that problem...hmmmm….I think it’s too much A/C for me. I’m one of those people who just have a big appetite no matter what. Even when I’m sick, I still want to eat! It’s not fair!:mad:

    :flowerforyou: Tigress – I hear ya about the grandchildren….See my comments on my visit with mine. Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well and hope you are feeling better soon. I agree with Katla that an 8 pound weight loss in two days is just too much.

    :grumble: Sveltewisher – Bat wings are a common problem in women over 50. Mine actually got a little worse when I first lost weight. Reps with barbells are helping a bit, but I’m not sure they will ever go completely away.

    :tongue: Barbie – I am so curious about lavender ice cream! Sounds exotic!

    :smile: Janie – Loved the animation!

    :flowerforyou: Kat – We have our cucumbers on a trellis, but although most are long, we have a few that are roundish. Doesn’t matter though…they all taste good!

    :happy: Alison – Congrats on your continued success! Every ounce counts and you should be proud of your accomplishments! It always amazes me how many steps you get in so early!

    :smile: Sandy –Congrats on your fantastic weight loss! Keep up the good work!

    :heart: Amanda – Wonderful news! You both must be thrilled! I am sending positive thoughts your way for a healthy and non-eventful pregnancy.

    :ohwell: Kate – I can relate to eating even when not hungry. We just have to re-train our brains. You are doing a great job in logging all of your foods, even when you are over calories. The changes come over time, so be patient, and stick around! We are here for you!

    :wink: Meg – We went to our first concert in the park this year and plan on going to many more. Even though I never heard of the group, they were great. It’s such a fun (and FREE) way to spend an evening! Next time we plan to pack some treats (healthy ones!) and drinks.

    :laugh: Pat – There’s no place like home! Glad you’re back in your own bed! I can relate to your struggles in so many ways and your posts just crack me up! Keep ‘em coming please! Also, congrats on your unexpected weight loss! That’s the best kind!

    :wink: Critter Sue – I hope the doctors can relieve your anxiety. I once heard a saying that goes “Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, and that’s why it’s called the present” So try to live in the present and enjoy each day as it comes.

    :smile: Jodios – A bikini!!! You GO girl!!!

    :happy: Heather – Doing the happy dance for you!!! Congrats on getting into the “normal” range. You deserve a present for all of your efforts, and jewelry is just perfect! Hope you enjoy it and wear it well.

    :smile: Katla – Happy Birthday and so happy you are enjoying your visit! It’s great to have a DH who appreciates you when you get back!

    :laugh: DeeDee – Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with DGD’s. Good thing you didn’t sprain your ankle until AFTER the girls went home!

    :grumble: Deb – We all have our good days and our bad ones. Every day is a new opportunity to start fresh! I’m with you on retirement. I do much better with diet AND exercise when I’m home. Work just seems to suck the life out of me these days.

    :embarassed: M – Milo (the wonder dog) and I are wimps when it comes to storms. Neither one of us wants to go outside.
    If we want to watch, we’ll do it from INSIDE thank you!

    :wink: Connie – Stop by whenever you can….we’ll be here!

    :heart: Janemartin – Happy Anniversary!

    :laugh: Kate in Alberta – ROFL at the visual of you fighting the good fight in the rhubarb patch! Thanks for making my day!

    :tongue: Rori – You’re right…who DOESN’T love Mexican food? And it’s even better when you’re IN Mexico! Enjoy your trip.

    :noway: Katla – That’s just horrible for your poor DD and DSIL. I hope they get some justice (in the form of payment hopefully) soon.

    :brokenheart: Michele – It is so heartbreaking to hear how things went with Bryan, but at least it seems that Diana was somewhat receptive. Maybe in time Bryan will come around. Sounds like he’s just being stubborn right now. The reception sounds interesting. You sure had your share of adventures along the way! I’m glad Vince is doing better, and I hope the insurance issues get resolved. Anyway, glad to have you back safe and sound!

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug – Is your family getaway going to be at your house? Breathe, girl, and don’t worry about the labels (organizer). A girl’s weekend is just the thing to help re-energize your spirit.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy – Whoot hoot!!!!! You go girl!!! Great job getting your exercise in early. Changes happen one small step at a time.

    :tongue: Lila – How nice to have a Monday off! I struggle too with wanting to snack. I guess we just have to start fresh every day and take it one day at a time.

    :ohwell: Tere – Hang in there. Men can be such babies sometimes!

    :laugh: Suzy – I’ll trade you cherry tomatoes for zucchini!

    :tongue: Joyce – The problem with Chinese food is that it’s so high in sodium. Of course, that’s why I love it! You can’t go wrong if you stick to grilled items and vegetables. Drink lots of water to flush out that sodium and you should be just fine.

    :flowerforyou: Vikki – WOW!!! WTG on your amazing weight loss! Your dedication is truly an inspiration! You should be getting that pedicure very soon now!

    Well I think I rattled on enough for today, so if I missed anyone, know that you are ALL in my thoughts every day. Welcome to all of the newcomers….the more the merrier! Stay tuned……

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (NOPE, but working on it!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Morning all & happy Wednesday! Got up early to walk the garbage can down to the street & do first round of dog walking ;-)

    Heather – oh, my, how utterly and perfectly encouraging that you cut SO much time off of your jalk (love that term!) I cannot yet even imagine jalking, need to drop some more weight before I try doing that. It does not matter that you almost collapsed – YOU DID IT! Fantastic NSV! You rock! Who cares what the village thinks, YOU DID IT! All day long you can tell yourself I DID IT! You’re also motivating me to check out squats. I have the same concern you did, afraid that my knee couldn’t handle it. Thank you,

    Grandmallie – good choice to get to the gym and give your heel the rest it needs. Perhaps if you look back at your food diary it will give you some insights into what you might be doing differently lately? Don’t obsess over the scale, just stay aware, sending affirmations your way

    DeeDee – I’ll be joining you scrubbing down the house today ;-b and sometime today trying to find the ‘perfect’ gift for a 4 yr. old grand niece. hmm. . .

    Katla – nice planning with a reward of a boating trip after your mammogram – hope it is as less unpleasant as possible. And good for DH going with you on your cruise, enjoy!

    Janie, Pacific NW

    keep moving 227035xiktrwi02p.gif
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning, all. I'm felling slightly better today since I do not have to leave the house (i.e. get in the car and go anywhere) at all today. I plan to get some chores done and some cleaning/decluttering/flinging as well as cut the grass. I got up at 5:30 and went with DH on the morning walk (2.7 miles).

    The getaway is not at my house. We have rented a cabin with hot tub in the North Georgia Mountains. But Sunday is DH's birthday; my daughter is coming up with the grandchildren, and my sister and niece will drop by for dinner so that they can see the kids. My niece has never seen the baby and hasn't seen the 4-year old in a while. The thing that worries me most is that DH is will be here all weekend by himself; I won't have much time between getting home and when they show up here. I know it will be okay. It's not like they've never seen a messy house before. Honestly, it's really pretty clean, comparatively speaking. It's just that I like for it to be perfect!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Today was weigh, measurements and blood sugar day. I am down another 3.6 pounds:smile::smile: :smile: and my weight down 2.6 pounds :smile: :smile: :smile: so to you ladies out there who are in a slump, so down on yourself because you you haven't see that scale budge anywhere, just hold on. It will come :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I actually lost 1/4 inches in my bat wings. I don't know if some of this loss is due to where I am placing the measuring tape or not. I try to make sure it's in the same spot every time but who knows. My blood sugar was a few points higher but still in the normal range. I did wake up about 2 hours earlier today so who knows what it would have been at the usual time.

    As far as my headache, I tried to find the brightness control on my computer and can't find it. I was looking under 'control panel'. I was sure I could find it but I didn't. That's when the headache starts, when I am in my office on my PC. So I just made sure I tried to keep my head in a position where it didn't feel strained and I went to bed headache free and got up this morning the same.:smile::smile: :smile:

    Sounds like it has been a read letter day with all my Vit F friends. Lot's of progress in one thing or another either in your diet or your lives. I think one affects the other. When we are finding success in our diet some how that gives us success with our private life.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Lots of catching up to do.
    Our weather is cooler,low 70`s nice to open the windows and get some air.
    Gotta get some laundry and cleaning done.
    Have a great day~~
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to All: Canadian cold front came through and we have cooler, drier air. Thanks to you ladies in Canada for sending it our way! Went out to see my horse last night and found my saddle with mold all over it from the warm humid weather and my not being able to ride. Yuck! Brought it home and am in the process of cleaning. Having to take it in baby steps with this silly sling on. Jule my horse is however having a wonderful summer. Nothing to do but lounge in the pasture since I can't ride.

    grandmallie - You can thank the prednisone for being back at 160. My daughter is on long-term prednisone for sarcoidosis and she has gained about 17 pounds over the last year and one-half. I also have sarcoidosis but only have to take the prednisone in short bursts when it flares up so I can usually get through without gaining. Good luck with the heel.

    Everyone enjoy summer. Congrats to those with victories and healing angels to those who need them. Sue in SD
  • deedeebyrd1
    I am on day 9 of MFP plan. I feel so much better since I started again and have decided to really stick to the program plan. I also do water exercises 3 to 4 times a week. It is really motivating to see women my age lose from the program thanks for posting notes so I can read. I did not weigh myself when I started afraid of being disappointed if I see no weight lose and then I will stop tracking my progress in MFP. Any suggestions?
  • deedeebyrd1
    Happy for you!
  • deedeebyrd1
    Happy for you!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- Happy Wednesday!

    I am being a slug today. My PeeVee even let me sleep in till after 9 a.m.! He is also happy to be back home. My plan for today is to take this computer in to get debugged. It just isn't working right. I am afraid that it may be time to give it a service and let it RIP. However, I do not want to put out for a new one, so let's hope they can perform a proper exorcism on it and get it up and running again! So, if I am not online for a few days, it is because the computer doctors have kept the silly thing.

    Heather- That was an awesome NSV report! How fun to have people notice and comment!
    I am sorry, but there is nothing you can do to make eggplant taste good to me, but the salmon sounds yummy!

    Janemartin- I am sorry that you got sick at Chuckie Cheese, but let's put a positive spin on this. It means your body and your new healthy eating habits are rejecting foods that probably aren't very good for you, anyway.

    Vicki- Congratulations on the loss! I will be cheering for you to hit that 100 pound mark, and may go have a pedicure in your honor when you do hit it! Any sacrifice for a friend, ya know.

    Meg- Thank you for your generous offer, but I think I will let you keep that 1/2 pound and dispose of it yourself. I am sure it will disappear quickly.
    BTW, my old tom cat will not eat anything he considers people food, except ice cream.

    Subzero- Welcome, and I love your sign!

    Katla- Congratulations on your NSV w/ all of the clothes! So glad you are taking such good care of yourself. Your confidence should be over the top, you have worked hard to earn this victory!

    Joyce- Congratulations on the weight loss! I was struck by your closing line today. It is true that our diets, our eating habits, and our body sizes do have a huge impact on our whole lives- mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing, but I do know that I am enjoying a more positive life because I feel better about myself. Thanks for giving me something to think about today.

    Everyone have a great Wednesday, and I will check back in soon.

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello all!

    So glad the humidity has finally become more bearable here in western Massachusetts! I'm taking advantage of the change to open all the windows to let that air in. Also been cooking/prepping food for when the nasty hot stuff comes back again. The freezer will have some new goodies we can pull out and warm up without heating up the entire kitchen.

    For those who like to use soy sauce, but shy away from all that sodium, I was given a recipe to make a mock soy sauce that sounds really good. I do need to keep a close eye on salt, so this is going to help me.

    2cups sodium free beef broth
    2 teasp. cider vinegar
    2 teasp molasses
    1/8 teasp ground ginger
    dash of pepper, onion powder and/or garlic powder

    Combine everything into a pan and boil until it is reduced to 1/2 cup total. Store in refrigerator.

    And am heading over to skinnytaste.com to check out those baked eggplant strips - sounds great!!

    Have a great day!

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day –

    We are finally having a nice summer day here in Delaware. Just might be able to turn off the air conditioning tonight as it is supposed to get down to the low 60s. Someone posted a great recipe for zucchini on my FB page that I thought I would share:

    Slice the zucchini in half, slice off the bottom to keep stable. Brush with olive oil and top with garlic or garlic powder. Top with sliced tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Use mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese or mixed blend. Bake 375 for 20 to 30 minutes until soft.

    We actually grilled ours and had with fish. Turned out quite tasty. If anyone else has any good zucchini recipes please share as my garden is now producing way too much for us to eat.

    :smile: Heather – what a great compliment to get from your yoga partner. Also will have to try the eggplant sticks.
    :smile: JB – thanks for the poem!
    :smile: Lucy – glad you had a good time at the beach. Hope to get to Cape Henlopen this weekend. I have plenty of tomato’s but am happy to provide you w/zucchini.

    Be well and for all on the east coast enjoy the respite from the heat and humidity.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Caught up on all the posts earlier and decided to wait until after the chiropractor to post. I actually found the visit quite informative! He went over my x-rays with me and informed me that I have an extra vertebrae and an extra set of ribs! I've had plenty of x-rays in the past and when I questioned why I never heard of this earlier, the doctor said often the radiologist doesn't count them. Then he showed me the neck x-rays which indicated not only arthritis (which I already knew) but also my neck is not aligned right probably due to too many falls/whiplash in the past. He said that literally my head is not on straight. My DH will have a field day with that remark. :laugh: I'm pretty impressed with this doc so starting a four week treatment plan with him to hopefully improve things. I can do water aerobics but no more zumba (cheated and went last night) which I'm pretty bummed about. I see his point though because it's just too hard on my body at this point. I may try yoga although I not very flexible or coordinated. Maybe I'll practice on the WII before attempting a class. I have to admit even though I trust this doc, I'm nervous about the neck adjustments. I've had 2 already but get imagining things going wrong with that kind of manipulation. I am going to get DH to see him for his back next week.

    Congrats to those with NSV's and losses and sending positive thoughts to those, like me, who are struggling. :flowerforyou:

    Hugs to all!

    Kathy in gorgeous IL :drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had a wonderful time at lunch. We have a group of us from work, just call ourselves 'the old nurses'. All of us are retired now, the last one retired a couple of months go. We went out to a Asian buffet. I tried to be good and only ate a small piece of beef tenderloin and one of those grilled chicken on a stick. Other than that was salad, a spinach cheese casserole. I did have a small piece of coffee cake. But I ended up having quite a few calories. One bad thing is that today is DH birthday and we are going to Cheddars. I figured out the calorie difference between my chicken salad and salmon with a couple of veggies and the chicken is less. Got to go!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana