Have you ever been insulted about your weight loss?



  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Not really insulted, but I don't get insulted that very easily, mostly ignorance for me doing Paleo. Like "Isn't it boring to eat a salad every day?"
    I just returned the question and asked them "Isn't it boring to have a cookie with your coffee every day?"
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I get people saying "your not still trying to lose are you?"

    Im still 150lbs at 5"6.. I think I can stand to lose a few more pounds!

    I also get the "are you eating?"

  • ailbheoconnell
    ailbheoconnell Posts: 48 Member

    Another very overweight woman (morbidly obese) told me when I'd lost weight that my face looked too thin. I told her I did not normally have a round face, that was fat. Hahahahaha

    love this.
  • RoninLife
    RoninLife Posts: 64
    A few years back, I got into kick boxing and lost 34 lbs. My best friend told me I looked like a lollipop. You know big head, little body. I punched her. No not really but at the time that she said it, I really wanted to, lol
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    A guy says to my DH while point at me "get this one a cheeseburger!?"

    "anorexic" comments. I am nowhere near anorexic look wise/weight wise.

    Someone who I had not seen in about a year at that time, sees me and goes "holy shlt, now I'm the fat one!" Ummmmm... thanks? No, wait... What?

    I really don't think MOST people mean to be malicious about it, more clueless and ignorant but it can still feel irritating and hurtful.

    As weird as this sounds, I have noticed anymore I think I just make people uncomfortable, the new 'me' and all. Sad :(
  • rsimoneau1
    rsimoneau1 Posts: 35 Member
    From my doctor: "You've lost more weight, was this on purpose?"

    From some of the "ladies" at work "Ron, stop losing, you're starting to look sick". I have to tell them I am healthier right now than I ever was during my 21 year military career.

    Meh. I don't care. I have specific goals. And when I hit them, I'll keep rolling.....
  • lolalament
    lolalament Posts: 73 Member
    Someone I used to work with lost a lot of weight, and someone asked me if she was ill.

    Also, last time I lost weight my sister was very against it.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    My worst was from my husband, actually. "When are you going to stop thinking about being healthy all the time?"


    I thought about it for a day and decided to ask him why he would ever want me to go back to feeling ill everyday and having a negative self image and how was it better - for him - when I was thinking about THAT all the time? He's been incredibly supportive since. :)
  • TheatreLover23
    I've heard "you must be starving yourself" and your too skinny !! A bunch of times. I'm 5'10 180...I mean really. I
    think it's because overweight has become the norm in our society.
    I get that too and I'm like, "Uh, no!"
  • TheatreLover23
    My worst was from my husband, actually. "When are you going to stop thinking about being healthy all the time?"


    I thought about it for a day and decided to ask him why he would ever want me to go back to feeling ill everyday and having a negative self image and how was it better - for him - when I was thinking about THAT all the time? He's been incredibly supportive since. :)

    That's good that he's supportive.
  • TheatreLover23
    People have told me I looked better chubby. I also get warned not to get too skinny (not possible with my body shape and chocolate addicition :tongue: ) People at work make fun of the healthy food I eat and all the exercise I do, telling me I'm a little too obsessed with it all. Or they'll pick on a part of my body and say "your thighs need a little more work" or the other way and "your face looked better before when it was fuller". I am not skin and bones.

    Honestly, these comments come from people that mostly are overweight. I think it's jealousy and I ignore them. I am proud of myself and how fit I now am and how I look after my body and the little abs I see in the morning pre food :happy:

    "Obsessed is what the lazy call the dedicated"

    Wow, I sense jealousy.
  • jamesdrobbinsiii
    I get the same thing too..."You're not losing anymore weight are you?" "You eat way too healthy." " If you lose any more weight you'll almost resemble a skeleton."

    I think its just people getting used to seeing us weight less than we have before. I just eat healthy and exercise...like sorry I don't gorge myself with fast food burgers, candy, cookies, and processed crap everyday...
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Last week a friend told me that I am the last person on earth who he imagined getting fit. LOL!
  • kaylang78
    kaylang78 Posts: 9
    I have been told I am getting too skinny. I am 5'10 and I am currently 157.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    "Well it's easier for you to lose weight because you are so overweight"

    I had someone say that to me when one week I lost 5 lbs and she lost 2. No *****, I just worked my *kitten* off while you didn't.

    So true!
  • 2moonNback
    2moonNback Posts: 61 Member
    My sister who lives far away and has been here to see the journey says to me when she finally saw me "Well you finally look good!" Seriously! I wanted to punch her in the face!

    An old lady at CHURCH says to me in front of my husband, "You better not lose anymore he wont have anything to hold onto when he wants to do pushups" I was speechless!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Sometimes I've felt insulted that certain weight obsessed friends and family members haven't mentioned my weight loss. They were always happy to point out my tummy bulge when I had one. They say nothing now. I'd be happy to gloat over a negative comment.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    My sister who lives far away and has been here to see the journey says to me when she finally saw me "Well you finally look good!" Seriously! I wanted to punch her in the face!

    An old lady at CHURCH says to me in front of my husband, "You better not lose anymore he wont have anything to hold onto when he wants to do pushups" I was speechless!

    Is "doing pushups" some kind of euphemism for sex?
  • queenmolly68
    Biggest insult ever? My in-laws not noticing that I lost 135lbs. Thanks, guys.
  • doingItIn2012
    doingItIn2012 Posts: 80 Member
    Not an insult but remarks when I decline to eat something everyone else is eating.

    "Why are you trying to lose some weight or something?" This is usually asked in a condescending manner as if that is a bad thing by the person stuffing their face with junk food.
