Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Lose4Good2
    Lose4Good2 Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in too!
  • fmax46
    Join Weight Aug 1: 215.8

    Start Weight Sept 1: 207.4
    Weight Sept 8: 204.4 (3lb loss)

    Haven't got into exercising yet but checking out a Zumba class on Saturday
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello everyone. One week done how did it go?

    I have another tool to help you with your goal to get fit. It is a website called dailymile.com. It is for tracking your mileage. You can track running, swimming, biking, walking.... Then once a week it sends you an email telling you how many miles you have logged and how many calories those miles burned. I love getting the weekly email....it motivates me to work for more miles the next week.

    I am only going to run one more time this week before the 5k in Sunday. I have been logging lots of miles walking.

    Keep moving. Keep eating healthy!

  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    WOAH! Just finished my first Push Circuit 1 in Chalean Extreme. I can really feel it..my muscles are aching lol :laugh: Although I didn't lose last week I'm not giving up!

    I'm also going to try weighing in once a month from now on :noway: I will technically still 'weigh in' but I just won't look :tongue: my mum's agreed to note down what my weight is each week, so when it gets to October hopefully the big numbers will stop me worrying about the scale as much. I don't know if I can resist keeping my eyes shut though :laugh:

    It was my first day back at sixth form today, and I'm really proud of myself as I used to have crisps and a chocolate bar as a snack everyday..now I take a granola bar and some fruit (today it was a whole tub of melon!) and they really filling! Don't worry, I didnt forget to take my big ol' bottle of water either haha :drinker:

    Keep it up everyone! You're doing great :]
    Beky x
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    September 1st - 195.2
    September 7th - 194.2

    Oh well, a pound is a pound! Last week I didn't really watch what I was doing either, could have done more exercising and I could have eaten better...Don't worry though, gonna make up for it this week!!!! :)
  • B_Steppuhn
    B_Steppuhn Posts: 44 Member
    I'm In!!! I know a litlte late but i'll try and make up for it!

    Starting weight : 136
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey everybody. Hope everyone's avoiding the mid-week blues and staying motivated.

    My September Goals:

    1. Food Goal: Pack as much fiber and grains into me every day as I possibly can. Today instead of using flour or corn starch to thicken a southwestern bean salad, I added a quarter cup of cornmeal. Instead of dumping white sugar into it as a sweetener, I added a piece of chocolate. Small changes, I know, but it's the lot of little things that add up, right?

    2. Exercise Goal: Trading the treadmill for the elliptical this month. My knee gives me trouble when I run over 2/3ds of a mile on the treadmill, so I'm going low-impact until the muscles are strengthened. I'm hoping as I lose more, my knees will be happier.

    3. Exercise Goal: Continue towards that 5k. I went 2 miles on the elliptical today.

    4. Exercise Goal: Strengthen arms and back muscles. Lifted weights today.

    Happy Rosh Hashanah!
  • TheRealErinHisc
    Last week, I was really in top form; but I may have been pushing myself too hard and wound up a little burnt out.

    On Saturday morning, I did 65 minutes on the Elliptical.

    Then we went to a wedding on Saturday, and I decided to just go ahead and eat/drink whatever I wanted to. It wasn't that bad, though. I was over goal, but under my total calories burned for the day.

    I was feeling kind of wiped out on Sunday and Monday, and I didn't work out or try very hard to eat right.

    On Tuesday, I was in a bit of a funk, and I gave in to my biggest vice: Timbits (donut holes for the non-Canadians). We bought a box of 40, and I ate at least half of them.

    I completely forgot to weigh in today; but at least I got myself back on the Elliptical (for 45 minutes) and I am making efforts to eat right.

    I'll weigh in tomorrow, and come back to report.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Sept 1-- 178.5
    Sept 7 -- 179

    I gained half a pound but it is soon to be TOTM so that's usually the way it goes.....going to just wing it this week since there is no BMK challange....will have to look forward to next weeks.....hope all is well with everyone else......talk to you all tomorrow!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning one and all, heading off to work but definetly getting a workout in after work....a chilly day here in Ohio (high only in mid 60's--it was 90 2 days ago...go figure, we are all going to be sick)....anyway, hope all is well with everyone, have a great THURSDAY!!:flowerforyou:
  • TheRealErinHisc
    Logging in my current weight for the challenge:

    Sep 1: 255 lbs
    Sep 4: 253 lbs
    Sep 9: 253.5 lbs (after a long weekend of slacking, I gained 0.5 lbs)
    goal for Oct 1: < 250 lbs
    change: -1.5 lbs
  • kmahan76
    Okay, update!
    Starting weight: 174.5
    Sept 2: 170.5
    Sept 9: 171

    A half pound gain from last week, but not too bad considering I went wild this past weekend with an Indian wedding (read: FEAST), a visit to my alma mater, a pizza party, and lots of cocktails. Needless to say, I paused tracking for the weekend.

    I'm back on the wagon! Here's to a loss next week...

    Good luck, everyone!
  • tres1967
    I'm back in, August flew by and was a wash, no loss but no gain.

    September 1st weight 190.5
    September 9th 188
    September 30th goal weight 184

    this time i'm actually working on it :)

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    ok so i weighed 168 yesterday which is a pound down from the first yay but my real weigh-in day Is sunday so i will see what it is then and hopefully change my ticker : ) lol also today my weight was 167.8 down another 0.2 from yesterday so i think im back on a downward trend : ) which makes me really happy.

    also congratulations everyone for your losses this week im so proud to be in such a great group lets keep it up. : ) even if i dont hit 145 by the end of the year not a big deal as long as you guys keep helping me and eachother lose as much as we can.

    oh my lol i just realized that once i hit that 167 mark for real on a sunday then i will be down 10 pounds since i got serious in june and 5 pounds since july : ) yay my first 5 pounds with you guys lol im a month behind on the goal but at least i will be able to say i got there
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    ok so i weighed 168 yesterday which is a pound down from the first yay but my real weigh-in day Is sunday so i will see what it is then and hopefully change my ticker : ) lol also today my weight was 167.8 down another 0.2 from yesterday so i think im back on a downward trend : ) which makes me really happy.

    also congratulations everyone for your losses this week im so proud to be in such a great group lets keep it up. : ) even if i dont hit 145 by the end of the year not a big deal as long as you guys keep helping me and eachother lose as much as we can.

    oh my lol i just realized that once i hit that 167 mark for real on a sunday then i will be down 10 pounds since i got serious in june and 5 pounds since july : ) yay my first 5 pounds with you guys lol im a month behind on the goal but at least i will be able to say i got there

    Great Work. Keep it up. Cant wait to see what your finally weigh in comes up as. I too am thankful to this group..
  • BellaCoconut
    Hi all, I had my first weigh in today-

    SW :217(adjusted since my first post, weighed myself on Monday and was higher than I first recorded)

    CW:215 !

    Thats 2 pounds down, 3 pounds to go!! :bigsmile:

    Congrats to all on great losses so far! I'm looking forward to next weigh in as am about to join a local gym :happy:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Everyone, my challenge is to stay at 119 pounds for all of September ( I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August) and i'm very pleased to report that i am at 119.5 today (as I have had a few bad days!!!!).

    9/10/10........119.5 pounds
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    Well the good news is the lump on my leg below my knee is not a tumor. The bad news it was a fluid filled cyst and the fluid was probably joint fluid. I had it drained yesterday and hopefully it does not come back...if it does I may need surgery to repair the joint that is leaking. So the bad news, I am out of my first 5k on Sunday and the even worse news no running, biking...or exercise that puts a lot of stress on the leg for 1 week. Heres hoping I can do that and not gain any weight. Toes and fingers are crossed.

    I came across an article about why you are not losing weight so I will try to post some of the ideas over the next week.

    “When people embark on an exercise and food program to lose weight, they automatically think that ‘magic’ will happen,” explains Susan Kraus, MS, RD, a registered dietitian at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. “In theory it sounds great, but it takes much longer to lose weight and more effort than this simple combination, even when all good intentions are there.” It’s easy to trip yourself up along the way with common diet mistakes or by not being vigilant in your efforts. Here are 12 reasons your weight loss could be stuck.

    “Many people overestimate how much they are burning when exercising. Many factors determine calories burned, including duration and intensity of exercise, whether the intensity is varied, and the type of exercise. Weight-bearing exercise, like running, walking, and aerobics, leads to burning more calories since gravity requires the body to work harder. With non-weight-bearing exercise, like cycling and swimming, there isn’t as much gravitational stress on the muscles, which means fewer calories are expended,” explains Kraus. “The best way to truly monitor your exercise would be via a journal and heart monitor to see the actual duration and intensity, and how they could be increased.


    There are many regulatory hormones secreted at night and during periods of sleep,” says Kraus. “The lack of sleep could possibly affect the proper sequence of hormone release.” Staying up late may lead to extra calories if you snack when you watch late-night TV or party with friends.


    A study done at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and the University of Pittsburgh found that stress can lead to weight gain in women, particularly in middle-aged women. “There seems to be a link between having altered sleep patterns and fat conservation — both possibly hormonally related — but also many women simply manage their feelings with food, eating mindlessly, because food is a very accessible and quick soothing resource,” says Kraus. And unfortunately, an easy way for the calories to add up.

    I will share more tomorrow.

    Have a healthy Friday!

  • beesus
    I'm in like Flynn - nothing like a challenge to get the engines running...engines in this case being...my metabolism? Or something?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning all and Happy soggy Friday from Illinois! Which means no outside exercise for me today. I'm headed out of town again this weekend due to a weekend of 3 birthdays and I was informed that I won't have phone service, but I will try to pre-log everything and I'll tweak it Sunday when I come home. What are your weekend plans? We're headed to my in-laws clubhouse and she has made the comment on if the 'youngin's (myself and the hubby) can keep up with her drinking...well, not me! Ill be drinking Rum and water, hold the rum! I may have a few but I plan to pace myself and log them Sunday. Then it's time to head home Sunday for an event at our local reptile shop called C.R.A.B.S to promote some fun stuff (hopefully we make it there!) and then to Grandpa's for everyone's birthday dinner. Kinda busy, kinda relaxing...we'll see what's in store for us later this evening. Have a wonderful weekend all!!!

    Here's my stats:
    Sept 1st 205.8
    Sept 7th 205.4
    Sept 10th 204.8
    Sept 17th
    Sept 24th
    Sept 30th