Nerds Unite!



  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
    *waves* Aspie nerd in my little happy neuro-atypical nerdy Aspie family. We all have our separate nerd favorites and mostly communicate to each other by texting or emailing each other from our computers in our own rooms across the house. Fitness... is a challenge >.> We're working on it!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I still have my D&D (2nd edition) character sheets stored away that I rolled up 30 years ago.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    My nerd heart beats strong, and beats to the same rhythm as the Doctor Who theme song, all while I am debating the plausibility of a bootstrap paradox...........and have raised my daughter to love that madman in a blue box.

    I will watch Star Trek: TNG reruns on BBC America..........why?............because it's on.
    I enjoyed Firefly and Serenity, but I might be alone in appreciating what we have and won't demand another season for fear that new episodes might taint the posterity of the others.
    Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Harry many others to mention and/or remember.

    I am a PC gaming junkie, with most of my games played through Steam hymen was broken by the purchase of The Orange Box. "Hmmmm, I've heard of Half-Life, but what's this Portal and Team Fortress game"........words uttered by a naive younger version of myself.

    I still read the occasional comic, X-Men (The New, Uncanny, Wolverine & the), Avengers, and The Walking Dead...........I'm still waiting for the release of the 13th issue of Saga...........that one is so good.

    I am also an NFL nerd (the oxymoron itself needs a wedgie, swirlie, and a good stuff in a locker).

    I am happy to be among you, and will be more than happy to call you "friend", along with any who dare.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    Don't know if I am a nerd or a geek.

    Love Big Bang Theory, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, anything to do with renaissance fairs and history. My favorite period is the Tudor period and I just soak up all the information I can about it. Also big into dressing up for the fairs. Couple of years ago my husband and I joined a Pirate Group and we dress for everything! Recently the group went to a transportation museum to see an exhibit of items recovered from Blackbeard's ship and everyone went in pirate garb.

    My husband and I even had a pirate/renaissance themed wedding. We wore garb instead of the traditional tux and dress. Most of our guests even dressed up, it was a very grande affair.
  • AlistairBernardNormal
    AlistairBernardNormal Posts: 989 Member
    Am I a nerd?

    My daughter’s middle name is Leia. My son’s is Luke. My wife has never seen Star Wars and has no idea what I’ve done.

    My son first made the noise of Vader’s respirator at about 6 months (totally true.) His ‘security blanket’ is a stuffed Artoo – he rubs the tag on his chin as he falls asleep.

    I am also a beer nerd, a trekker, a religion nerd (it’s just so fascinating!) and on and on and on. I am a collector of completely useless knowledge.

  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I prefer the term "geek", but YES!

    I play Warhammer 40K (Waaaagh!!!), board games, D&D, and other non-video games.

    I also own a comic book/gaming store.

    AND I go to Dragon*Con for vacation every year. :)

    AND my secondary hobby is costuming! (I hate the term cosplay since I'm not into anime.)

    AND my bestie is a female Sheldon.
  • glitterexploding
    *stares at action figures on office desk*
    ....Yep. Huge Marvel nerd here!! Pokemon/Marvel/Doctor Who/Action Figures/Tea nerd/Coffee nerd/graphics designer/Mac & windows user & abuser/Donkey kong/huge fan of the muppets/lover of ancient history/PC gamer/lover of Nintendo.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Atari, Commodore, NES, SNES, PC, 360, Wii ... I even got the Steam app yes I'm still crying from the Steam sales this summer as my wallet wouldn't let loose anything more the dust bunnies!


    Nerd, Geek, whatever we are the legends that will rule the day!
  • Mothercruncher
    I'm a nerd, married to a nerd, and happily raising little nerdlings.

    I would like to enter into evidence the names of my children:

    Xander, he's almost 15. I was quite the trendsetter back in the day.
    Dresden, after the only wizard in the yellow pages.
    Liam Maxwell, because someone else in the family was already named Ralph.
    and Sarah Jane. If you're a fellow nerd then I won't have to explain why.

    I also collect comic books, made my own gaming dice, and my baby carrier has Boba Fett on it.

    Should I mention that I typed all of this one handed, while fixing the five year old's sonic screwdriver.

    Edit: I totally prefer Geek as well.. LOL
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Any of you wish feel free to FR me. Always welcome more geeks, nerd, gamer's whatever label you want!
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member

    I enjoyed Firefly and Serenity, but I might be alone in appreciating what we have and won't demand another season for fear that new episodes might taint the posterity of the others.

    ^^ This x infinity.
  • BraidedKitteness
    BraidedKitteness Posts: 21 Member
    ^.^ I prefer to call myself a geek, but I still fall into this category. I enjoy video games (handheld more than console.) My geekdom incorporates everything from music to animals to anime to books. Never got into roleplay games like D&D and LARPing but if it's a board game (other than Catan) I'm in. Yes, yes, everyone loves Catan... well...I have no luck and fail at the game so Nyah! :-p

    Anyways... that a quick summary of me. Just joined, so hopefully this will work out. :)
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Re the 'geek' vs. 'nerd' labels, many random, rambling, daytime or drunken nighttime (hey, we were all in our twenties once), goofy, and philosophical debates have led me to this conclusion:
    Geek: collection based
    Nerd: knowledge based
    We all love Dr. Who (Tom Baker, FTW, even if that does show my age) and Star Wars and Firefly and Star Trek and Babylon 5 (I'm not sure anyone's brought that last up yet, but it's a favorite of mine). Most of us are gamers and/or readers, too. We *love* these other worlds we can visit and enjoy. We love sciency things and techy things and arty things. We spend way too much time at our computers, and probably have had more of them and for longer (my first was the TI-99/4A, but that shows my age again, so maybe I should stop).
    But if you're more a geek, you probably have an *awesome* DVD collection or game collection or book collection or whatever (I'm guilty on two of these). You probably have an obscure hobby or two. You probably collect something excessively geeky or nerdy, like action figures or comic books or Pantone books (20 years in graphic design introduced me to *several* people who collect Pantone books). You drool over things in the ThinkGeek catalog (who doesn't?!). You probably watch anime or play JRPGs.
    If you're a nerd, you might have some of those things, but what you really hoard is knowledge. You probably have some even weirder hobby that involves a lot of research and know-how. You read a lot more than you watch TV or movies. You probably write, too (yep). You probably sew (me!), knit, do metalworking, know how to make chainmail (yep), brew beer, make soap, or have at least some arcane knowledge that the people around you think is black magic - for example, probably half the wireless home networks on my block were set up by, you guessed it, *me*. And probably three quarters of the printers. You have a fascination with some incredibly nerdy or geeky subject (usually history or mythology/religion, but sometimes not. I have a language thing. Los idiomas me fascinan). You were probably "that one kid" all through school. You know. *That* one. Who always had over 100% in every class, who everyone made fun of in public but asked for help in private (only some classes for me, if I got bored - which was always - I'd sneak out and go do something else and show up on test days). Who tutored for extra credits/grant money/grade points in college (algebra and calc, in my case).
    Obviously, there's a lot of crossover. We're all basically subcultures of one larger subculture.
    So, yah, I'm a big geek. But I'm a bigger nerd.

  • vanderlogt1712
    in the realm of nerdom i most closely identify with Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. if that's the nerd you're lookin for add me! lol (ocd issues and all just to forewarn lol)

    TheDarlingOne--- That is the EXACT same answer I would have given. Actually diagnosed with severe OCD, no less. :)
  • a1wonder
    a1wonder Posts: 95 Member
    Social science nerd married to an engineer we went to CERN on our honeymoon and have a 3rd printer and CNC machine in our basement. We aren't just entertained by the community but we live it (forced to or sometimes willingly)

    Feel free to add
  • ChrisBrockway12
    ChrisBrockway12 Posts: 32 Member
    I must say, this thread was a success!
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Nerd looking for more Nerd's! Add me!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Nerdy kid right here!
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    Although I am much older then you Chris I have two teenagers one 14 one 16 who are both nerds/geeks if you will. My son loves steam games magic the gathering full metal alchemist etc etc. My daughter and I are dedicated whovians potterheads and we love Sam and Dean Winchester and the whole ensemble cast of Supernatural just to name a few. I say Nerds Unite Indeed. Please feel free to add me I would be happy to be support and motivate if I can . Nerd on my friend Nerd on !
  • zedgt87
    zedgt87 Posts: 379 Member
    mechanical engineer here.. does that make me a nerd?