Pizza is not a "bad" food.



  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member

    By your list of requirements and restrictions, I'd say the perfect "pizza" for you would be to just eat an organic tomato.

    we need a "like" button! :)
  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Isn't this where someone jumps in and starts talking about how cauliflower is awesome?

    Seriously, though, how can anyone defend pizza as a "good" food? It has white bread, which has almost no nutritive value and has gluten in it; cheese, which has way too much protein and fat and probably has hormone issues; oil, which is non-nutritive; and tomato sauce, which is fine. Plus the toppings, most of which are meat, and most of which are too high in fat and protein, and could have all kinds of hormone issues as well.

    To make it healthy, you'd need gluten-free dough, goat or soy cheese, way less oil (and probably healthier oil), with the tomato sauce. Plus maybe some healthier toppings.

    Does anyone have any home-made/healthier pizza recipes to share? That, I could use right now.

    what da f..........
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    everybody that eats a pizza dies.


    everybody that doesn't eat pizza dies.


    Strong sarcasm detection.
  • sweetpeas317
    sweetpeas317 Posts: 44 Member
    Jeesh! People are acting like you are sitting down eating an extra large, extra cheese, bacon, hamburger, pepperoni, and sausage pizza by yourself in one sitting.

    I usually make my own pizza using multi-grain or whole wheat tortillas for the crust. It is like thin crust pizza and the kids love making their own. It is around half the calories and tastes great! I have learned that completely cutting something out of my diet is not the way to go; if I want to eat something, I eat it. M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N

    Absolutely agree
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I love me some pizza! We order gluten free pizza from Fresh Brothers but I'll eat regular crust if that's all their is. We get it loaded with sauce & meat, no cheese...YUM!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Pizza is a bad food choice if you are trying to lose weight, compared to healthier food choices.
    Only if you don't believe in portion control.

    In for the pizza party.

    Enjoy your sliver.
    Enjoy your starvation diet. I eat half of a large pan style pepperoni lover's Pizza Hut pizza on most weekends and did so while I was losing weight too. Hardly a sliver.
  • n4t4sh4
    n4t4sh4 Posts: 4 Member
    This -
    I don't want to cut any food totally out of my diet because, for me, that's not feasible for the long run.
    & this -
    No food is bad for you if you eat it in moderation

    Exactly, what next!

    I eat pizza, always have always will! However I can't eat chain pizza's, well I can but I hate that heavy feeling afterwards and it makes me feel awful for days. So I now make my own pizza and wanted to share it with you all :)

    One tortilla topped with... salsa, mozzerella, cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions & peppers. Cooked until the tortilla starts to catch then top with lettace, spinach, rocket and mayo. 450cal per whole pizza! Its tasty, light but still tastes of pizza, its cheese heavy though so I dont have it often but its so much better than chain pizzas.

    That being said if I were to be offered a slice of texas bbq domino pizza (UK) I would have it with salad and make it fit within my calorie limit for the day. Eat whatever you want as long as its within YOUR plan and within YOUR calories. If you want to spend you life eating just chicken and celery go ahead I won't judge :happy: Each to their own :wink:
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Here is my deep and meaningful addition to this terribly important discussion of people freaking out because PIZZA OH NOES!


    In other news, went to Pizza Ranch last week. Had pizza and broasted chicken. Oddly, I am still alive.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Here is my deep and meaningful addition to this terribly important discussion of people freaking out because PIZZA OH NOES!


    In other news, went to Pizza Ranch last week. Had pizza and broasted chicken. Oddly, I am still alive.

    Ohh. I like pizza ranch. They have the best broasted chicken....
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Its a bad food for me, I can't digest it correctly anymore. no gallblaadder+liver disease=no pizza
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Its a bad food for me, I can't digest it correctly anymore. no gallblaadder+liver disease=no pizza
    No, pizza is not bad for you. No gallblaadder+liver disease is bad for you.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    No food is bad, in moderation.
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    I always make my own and NO not with cauliflower crust I can cheat and still make it healthy and good! I buy my dough at the local pizza place ( un cooked) the use 1/8 th of dough and stretch the crap out of it .. Love thin crust any way then grab the toppings at go! I always put cheese on last , seams to make the taste more obvious since I use so little. Come to about 400 cals and this is large! :). Lots of veggies

    I commend you! :flowerforyou: My boyfriend and I grill pizzas. Everything from scratch except the cheese. We don't make the cheese lol. We grow everything else though. Tomatoes, bell peppers, lots of herbs, jalapenos..... and if we want extra stuff, we buy as fresh as possible and work out harder that night. Not that big of a deal!
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I love places that serve pizza by the slice. One slice is enough to satisfy my craving, and it isn't more calories than I would use for a meal.
  • wrests
    wrests Posts: 84 Member
    As others have mentioned, eating something like a Dominoes would be the full calorie intake for some people, so it wouldn't be worth it.

    I personally enjoy pizza, and I get thin n crispy crust pizzas, usually the roasted vegetable ones. The whole pizza is usually around 750 calories, so you could get away with eating the whole thing, splitting it in half and having some rustic oven cooked chips is just as nice. Throw in some low cal mayo and ketchup - lovely!
    I'm not sure why everyone's talking as if you have to eat the WHOLE pizza! I eat two slices MAX and I'm stuffed- I assume most women are the same/in relation to their weight.
  • amt49
    amt49 Posts: 5
    I just ate one piece for lunch and it was 225 calories with my toppings and I was satisfied. It was just a splurge for me on one of those frantic days.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Isn't this where someone jumps in and starts talking about how cauliflower is awesome?

    Seriously, though, how can anyone defend pizza as a "good" food? It has white bread, which has almost no nutritive value and has gluten in it; cheese, which has way too much protein and fat and probably has hormone issues; oil, which is non-nutritive; and tomato sauce, which is fine. Plus the toppings, most of which are meat, and most of which are too high in fat and protein, and could have all kinds of hormone issues as well.

    To make it healthy, you'd need gluten-free dough, goat or soy cheese, way less oil (and probably healthier oil), with the tomato sauce. Plus maybe some healthier toppings.

    Does anyone have any home-made/healthier pizza recipes to share? That, I could use right now.


    Just kidding.

    But seriously, as other have said--a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats are necessary for every single person's diet. I'm not sure why you villify some and champion others. Seems like categorizing "good" and "bad" foods are pretty subjective. For instance... I wouldn't eat soy cheese... It's bad.

    Bad... bad... cheese.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member