reading while at the gym, really?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Exercising is hard work. Finding the motivation to start or keep on going after the burn sets in is a killer for a lot of people. It can be sweaty, painful and uncomfortable.

    Entertainment can be an effective way of forcing yourself to exercise, "I will only watch this show while I work out". I don't cycle any faster/harder when I'm not watching TV, and the entertainment makes the time pass faster so I can burn more calories.

    I exercise at home though, to avoid judgmental bros. It's hard enough to try and better yourself without being conscious of the narrow-minded people around you that love to tell you how you're not doing it right and will almost certainly talk crap about you later, possibly on internet messageboards.

    I never judged anyone...I simply asked for opinions on a topic..

    please find the comment where I made a judgement...

    first post = epic fail...
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Screw the Ipad, my gym has TV's on every cardio machine. Doesn't hamper my workout...okay the commercials piss me off. But hey, don't have to worry about dropping my ipad!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I guess I shouldn't text the next time I do my 7mile/1 hour workout on the elliptical tomorrow? Does texting count as reading? Am im not working hard enough during, even though ive made progress from 10 to 7miles? or am i still not concentrating on my routine? I'm done for the night I've got adult things to do like mind my own business lol

    if it fits in the palm of your hand you are good ....that is paragraph 50 subsection 10 of the gym book...
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    If I don't watch Netflix while on the machine, then I get bored. I'm much more motivated during a really intense scene with Mulder and Scully than when I'm just staring at a wall.

    ETA: Reading on any cardio machine makes me nauseas...haha kind of like being carsick. Too hard to focus on the small words. o.O
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If I don't watch Netflix while on the machine, then I get bored. I'm much more motivated during a really intense scene with Mulder and Scully than when I'm just staring at a wall.
    interesting, but off topic...
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I cant concentrate on the machines if im reading (i have trouble running in a straight line if im not concentrating :noway: )

    But I have seen people in my gym bring their tablets and watch their own programs.. which sounds like a really good idea (beats the hell outta the news channels)

    I listen to music on my phone and watch what ever the gym has on their screens to help pass the time (without these distractions i get bored and my motivation runs as far from me as it can)

    might try taking my tablet with me next time and see if it helps
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I wish I could walk and read or ride a stationary bike at the same time. I bounce too much to concentrate. At least at the gym I use we have TVs on the machines so I can watch mindless drivel to keep me occupied.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    A friend of mine reads while on the treadmill. She works full time, goes to school part time and has a family. It is her school work she is reading. If she does not have time for everything plus working out too so she at least walks while she reads. She said if she did not do that she would not have time to work out at all so she feels like she is doing something.

    I can't read while working out, but if i could i sure would!
  • cragen01
    cragen01 Posts: 22 Member
    I bring my tablet with me whenever I workout. If I'm on a strength machine, I'm just listening to music, if I'm on a cardio machine I might watch netflix or something similar. I find it hard to really read when doing cardio unless I am doing a less intensive longer session.

    I find having something to distract me helps the time go by faster, and I get better results. Otherwise I tend to focus on the time calculating how much longer I have to go before I can take a break or go to another machine...that's just a personal trait however, I do the same when working with most anything else. Whatever helps you focus works for me.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    I never judged anyone...I simply asked for opinions on a topic..

    please find the comment where I made a judgement...

    The title of your thread doesn't help. It connotes incredulity and skepticism. Do you speak that way when you're just honestly curious...really?

    Anyways, I can't read while on the treadmill, not even on my cell. I get a headache. But, for sure, I will read my stack of magazines while on the elliptical.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Well, you don't know if this is that persons "real workout" or just something they're doing to unwind.. I enjoy a good cardio class or 45 minutes of vigorous work on the treadmill/elliptical... I'm pouring sweat.. completely out of breath at times and can't even watch the TELEVISION let alone read a book. NOW, for me my "reward" for completing my cardio at a good intensity is that I get to spend a leisurely hour on the recumbent bike and pedal a dozen or so miles. When I'm on the bike I might watch TV, close my eyes, gaze out the window or read a trashy "guilty pleasure" magazine like US weekly or People. I'm not getting a fantastic workout but I'm enjoying practicing maintaining my consistent cadence and just RELAXING away from the responsibilities of home and work.

    Now what confuses me is the women who work out in full makeup. I'm not knocking them, I just don't understand HOW or WHY they'd want to subject themselves to that.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Have you ever considered the fact that there are a lot of people who are physically incapable of "hauling *kitten*" on the treadmill, elliptical, etc? My mom has a leg and a back injury that prevents her from walking faster than 3-4mph. She happily reads her kindle on the treadmill because she enjoys reading and it helps pass the time. She's lost almost 30lbs so far. Far from an "epic fail".
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I never judged anyone...I simply asked for opinions on a topic..

    please find the comment where I made a judgement...

    The title of your thread doesn't help. It connotes incredulity and skepticism. Do you speak that way when you're just honestly curious...really?

    Anyways, I can't read while on the treadmill, not even on my cell. I get a headache. But, for sure, I will read my stack of magazines while on the elliptical.

    umm I phrased a topic and asked for opinions on said topic...

    I mean you need a snazzy topic to draw people in 101...

    if anyone has a problem with it, they are free to exit cyber stage left...
  • ton40orbust
    ton40orbust Posts: 155
    I bring my textbook or one of my sign language books with me to the gym and study while I'm on the elliptical or bike. I got in the habit of reading while on a machine during my sophomore year of college when I was taking 20 credits and had a full time job. My options were save my reading for the gym, or dont go to the gym because I needed to study.

    I'm in school to be a sign language interpreter and eventually a cop. I study alot and when I'm at the gym my work outs tend to go better when I'm reading then when I'm not.

    I also have a knee injury from a train crash, doctors said they can't do anything until I lose weight so the other thing I like about reading while exercising is I can ignore the protests from my knee and push myself further whereas if I'm just listening to music the pain feels 10x more intense and I feel like I have to stop.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I'm constantly trying to find ways to distract myself from the fact that I'm on a cardio machine. If I don't, I'm literally staring at the seconds tick's excruciating. I need my mind engaged in something. I've tried music, movies, books, everything.

    In the end, though, it's kind of like you say...I'm working too hard to pay attention to a book or follow a plot. I can listen to an entire podcast and not hear any of it. Reread the same page of the book 40 times. So it doesn't work for me, but I totally get it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Have you ever considered the fact that there are a lot of people who are physically incapable of "hauling *kitten*" on the treadmill, elliptical, etc? My mom has a leg and a back injury that prevents her from walking faster than 3-4mph. She happily reads her kindle on the treadmill because she enjoys reading and it helps pass the time. She's lost almost 30lbs so far. Far from an "epic fail".

    i never said it was an epic fail..I asked for opinions and that was one of the options...

    don't put text in my mouth...

    maybe she would of lost 50 if she put down the kindle...??
  • rachvale
    rachvale Posts: 15 Member
    My friend weight lifts and brings a book to read in between sets.

    There is nothing wrong with multi-tasking if you can do it efficiently and with care. ;)
  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member
    To the OP: I understand what you mean. Yeah, yeah, it's better than sitting at home, but I'd be curious at how much benefit they're getting. I think it speaks to that people seem to need to be distracted all the time, no one can live in the moment. Case in point: I did some spa time with the wife on vacation, and people had their f*****g cell phones with them, really? I do hiit, I barely notice the good looking women in my circuit, because I need to concentrate when doing halos with a 70 lb kettle bell.

    And yes, lifting heavy s**t doesn't get old. And yes, I've done the tv while on the elliptical, not any more.

    Music is different, it enhances the workout, not dstracts. It's like dancing that way.

    If your workout is so boring you need distraction, get a different workout, and experience the joy of being in the zone, not zoned out.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member

    I never judged anyone...I simply asked for opinions on a topic..

    please find the comment where I made a judgement...


    In my humble opinion, if you are reading book or watching a tablet while at gym then said person is not working out hard enough and/or are not concentrating on routine.

    Found it!
  • cplanoue41
    cplanoue41 Posts: 34 Member
    Some people are not idiots and can do more than one thing at a time. Just because you can't doesn't mean others can't....smh....