

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning ladies,
    I was up early.and went grocery shopping, I have been working on a list for about a week,and I think ya'll would be very proud of me:blushing:
    I bought what was on the list, first I stopped at a farm market we have quite a few of them around here..got some nice organic strawberries, some fresh peaches, and cherry tomatoes there.
    went to the store and bought some sliced veggies and skewers to do on the grill, some turkey breast tenderloins,sliced eggplant,salad fixings, and I am going to try some lemon hummus, I bought some low fat triscuits to try with it..
    bought some banana's and grapes.
    and darn it forgot to try and get some shirataki noodles:{
    I cant afford to do all my grocery shopping there but I have found that I just LOVE Whole Foods,
    my goodness ,just the prepared food that they have looked stunning, but I went in for Chibatta rolls that where the size of your head:laugh: will cut those babies in half,,,, and I bought cranberry pecan bread (fresh) and they sliced it for me I had a couple of pieces toasted with some light butter ,a cup of tea and a few of the strawberries for breakfast.. It was stupendous...
    the party was just lovely and I sure do miss my cousins and uncle..
    my uncle like I said turned 80 this past febuary,but his girlfriend is my age:noway: 53. hey if he is happy...
    well gonna go make my FIL stuff and we will be going over there.. hope you all have a swell day. will catch up later :bigsmile:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Sunday Morning, Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry to hear about all the rain in NC. We love our monsoons here in Az, but we do not have basements! I do have horror stories from living in MN when basements would leak and flood, so I do have great sympathy for you who are in that situation.
    -So, I just had to go back and change my food log from yesterday because I binged last night. However, I am finding that even my binges are healthier because I know that I have to report in writing with my diary open to readers what I have done. I was craving popcorn last night, which is really bad for my tum, so I ate 5 popcorn flavored rice cakes. It was a binge, but I still came in under count. However, I am not happy with myself because I gave in to the craving instead of staying with the plan. I am not really sniveling, but I find it interesting that it is really bothering me that I could not hold to the plan. I guess that is called awareness and growth.

    Sue- I am glad that your arm is getting better, but don't overuse it too soon, or you'll be in that sling for a whole long time!

    SubZero- (What else may we call you, please?) Congratulations on the 2.5 loss! :flowerforyou: That is awesome. I have never heard of that diet, but it sounds very interesting. I have a wonky stomach, so .... I am going to google this! Have fun on your canoe trip, I have never felt safe in one of those.

    Heather- I would love to be there in Winchester with you! You mentioned DH's books. He is an author? or a book addict like me?

    Liz- I am so sad for you and your sister, please, take care. Prayers, prayers and more prayers.

    Melfitnesspal- Congratulations on the loss!:flowerforyou:

    GrandMallie- Sounds like a wonderful party! Glad you enjoyed it. You only took one cupcake home for later? I would have stolen the whole batch! :embarassed: Oh, my that sounded yummy!

    Jodios- Have a wonderful trip!

    Michele- I hope nothing was ruined in the basement. It is hard to explain what kind of cards I make. I use various techniques. I will try to take some pictures and post them. I am just a beginner, do not expect anything professional

    M- The quinoa salad sounds good..... which leads me to my confession.... I have had a bag of it in my cupboard ever since the Dr took me off gluten. Yup, it's there, sitting there, getting dusty because I really am afraid to try it. Does it really taste good? What else can you do with it besides salads? Help me, please!

    For today: I have a friend coming over to visit and meet the cat that I am care-taking. It was her house & cats I was taking care of for a while, and she is a crazy cat lady just like I am. We may go to a movie, or we may just hang out here. Either way, for today, I will get some of those nasty greens into my meals, and I will stay away from popcorn flavored rice cakes in such great numbers!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed Sunday!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi all, just woken up from a doze on the sofa after getting back from London. I think it must have been the night I had!


    Bet that got your attention! We were fast asleep in the spare room, sleeping on a double mattress on the floor, when I was woken up by a large male person trampling all over me. The next thing I realised in my stupor was that he was walking back over me the other way and I caught a glimpse of a naked bottom vanishing out of the door. I thought it was DH getting a bit disorientated in the dark, but when I looked DH was sleeping next to me. Then I thought I must have had a particularly vivid dream!
    It wasn't until the morning that DH asked me if I had seen (felt) DS as he came into our room. Apparently DH said ,"Oi, what are you doing?" , thinking it was me, and DS said, "Sorry, wrong room!". :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :noway:
    Of course he was blind drunk after the wedding, (DDIL came back earlier) and normally sleeps in there on such occasions. Whoops. So I will say it again because I like the sound of it -


    We left after breakfast, after a suitably contrite son had apologised, but couldn't remember anything. DGS was sorry to see us go, but it's not too long until the next time. Took in the Lowry exhibition. He was trained, I found out, at Manchester, and influenced by artists like Utrillo. Then we made a dash for the train and I managed to pick up a not too damaging egg and tomato baguette.

    So, an exciting weekend!:laugh: No wonder I was shattered and fell asleep!

    Tomorrow will be having a dash around the downstairs sweeping up the dead flies and dust, then cooking dinner in the am. DH will dash to the shops for a few bits we need. Then it will be all smiles for our lovely guests and their children. I want them to relax and enjoy themselves. I think it's been a bit of a hectic visit over here from Colombia with so many people to visit and the children all out of routine and not settling. As we say here - knackered!

    DH said today as we were setting off for the bus, " You are looking really slim you know - it's like a different person." ! ! ! ! ! !:drinker:
    I carried a heavy rucksack around London with no trouble. Yeah!

    Barbie - love the sweater. I wish I could wear a nice cuddly sweater, but I can't wear wool, even soft wool, unless every bit of me is heavily covered underneath. Yours looks great and so do you!:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie - that store sounds fab. I would love to go on a shopping trip with you.:bigsmile:

    Well, must see to dinner. Veal escalopes with gremolata (parsley, garlic and grated lemon rind) , cauliflower and fresh peas. DH will have the almost last of our own potatoes. And yes, the garlic is our own - it came good in the end, if a bit small.

    Love to all from a temperate, at last, Hampshire, UK.
    Heather x x x x
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hello, ladies!

    "TRAMPLED ON THE BED BY MY NAKED SON"... That got my attention, lol! Funny & creepy at same time! Glad you were not hurt!

    Enjoying the cooler weather. Spent morning weeding my waterfall that leads to the koi pond. We have about 70 fish. Some eat from my hand! Sitting there lowers my blood pressure, so relaxing. I love the frogs too. They are pretty tame at this point...

    Liz, so sorry about your sister. I hope you can have some quality time with her...

    Barbie-fabulous picture-so inspiring!

    I bought some tops on sale one size down from my usual-and they fit with some extra room. I was shocked, but happy!

    Off to give a kitty client some fluids. He is an older kitty that has an infection and isn't eating well.

    Hope everyone meets their goals and has a great week ahead!

    Critter Sue
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun all.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Stomped on in the middle of the night by a naked 34 year old son.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That can never be duplicated by anyone. That would be a video to send to Americas funniest home video.

    When I can't sleep at night I put my pillow down at the end of the bed and put one of my favorite quilts over me. But that is my cats sleeping spot. So in the middle of the night my face was being stepped on by Miss Melody getting settled in after some night time wanderings.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yikes! Our humidity is back with a vengeance!!! Hit me like a wave when I opened the back door to go feed the birds this am. Headache is gone........YAY!!

    Food is much better today. I have soup on the stove now; had some browned mushrooms left over from lunch so I added some beef stock and barley and seasonings.............poof!!!
    passable soup, ready for dinner. I can eat soup if it's 110 degrees out.

    Sandy.........when I used to get migraines, certain perfumes would trigger it every time; I remember this one called "Heaven Scent"....within seconds my head would feel ready to explode.........my dd gets them too, esp. at period time..........my mom didn't but her maternal aunt did.........does anyone else in your family have them? Thankfully my headaches are rare now and not migraines............score one for menopause!!!

    Pat........I was told that you use quinoa any place you would use rice

    Grandmallie..........Whole Foods fan here, too!!!! Have tried and loved some of their soups, esp. mushroom off the bar, think it might have a drop of sherry

    Heather...........still laughing over the naked son story
    he must have had a VERY good time! He is to be envied. King Alfred: I remember him from quizzing my dd on a timeline last spring; one of her majors is English and she took a course entitled "History of the English Language". Enjoyed it greatly, if I remember correctly.

    Michele..........in total agreement that stress will make you lose weight........lost 5lb. in a week once waiting to see a cardiologist because of a blip on my EKG

    Dee Dee.........hope you didn't have to reign in the rain!!!

    DH pulled my beach cruiser out, washed it, polished it, and added air to the tires so I suppose I should take it for a spin as I'm out of excuses..........maybe later if it cools a bit........

    Take care, everyone!

    Just clicked on weather and headline says: Tropical storm Flossie to cross Hawaii Monday...............poor Jodios; hope you stay dry!!!!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning ladies – and a lovely Sunday it is as well…..I slept in, must have been the extra dog walking (which I forgot to log anyway). It’s a little cooler today, nice fluffy cumulus clouds and a light breeze to keep it pleasant. Good day for dog walking – good thing seeing I volunteered for this. Bought myself a new pedometer yesterday - I know the old one is somewhere in this house but I have no idea where I placed it (you know, that place where you put things so you know where they will be when you need them - lol).

    I’m taking advantage of that nice breeze and all of the linens are drying outside today.

    Deb (ileen) – yup, double duty on both fronts, good thing those plastic shopping bags breed in my broom closet. I wonder if there is a calorie count for bending and scooping?

    Michele – the broccoli mango salad is just one chopped up fresh mango, a fresh apple and about a cup of blanched broccoli broken into about 1 inch florets. Mix with homemade coldslaw dressing (mix together tablespoon of half fat mayo, tbsp. white or apple cider vinegar and sweetener to taste – I use Stevia but about a tsp of sugar or Spenda whatever works). If fresh mangos aren’t in season I use the frozen, seems to work just as well. Ah yes, new fridge – it is a GE Profile, bottom freezer, French doors. And I am so mad I could spit. I spent the morning pulling out this old heavy monster, stacking and sorting stuff, cleaning the monster top to bottom and back and underneath because even if it’s being taken to the dump, it must be CLEAN before it leaves my house (go figure but I’m sure a lot of us have this affliction) and then at 1:00 PM I phoned Sears just to check and see if the delivery was going to be much later as it was already past the morning. Bless their little cotton socks, the delivery man never showed up, can’t be reached and Sears had no intention of even phoning me. Not impressed big time. I'm sort of the opposite of you, stress makes me lose weight, calm makes me gain.

    M – if the quinoa, peaches and pickled onion salad was good, please post the recipe. I, like Phoo, am always trying to find ways to use quinoa, other than just a substitute for rice. (oooh, and the tea poached plums and cardamom pound cake sounds amazing!) I get a magazine here called Taste (comes free to the Liquor Store with wine and alcohol pairings/adverts) and sometimes the recipes are wonderful but I do wish they would post calorie counts. I have a magazine subscription that always posts nutritional info on all their recipes and I love that.

    Dee – my hair has that “naturally curly” – read frizzy, nature as well. Today I decided to let it dry naturally so I look like I have a head of feathers at the moment. At least you can wear a ponytail, I would look like a taxi with the doors open (ears – not so good!) Enjoy the coffee time with friends – one of life’s little pleasures.

    Meg – cracked up about the brick bread. I bought a breadmaker (which is still in my corner cabinet way at the back) and the 3 loaves I made probably would have rivaled your brick bread. However, I threw them away immediately so as not to have to face the failure. I think your kids (and you) must have a great sense of humour to have it show up as door stops and book ends. I can't decide if I like that better or the mental image of your husband stalking the dog with a cup for the sample.

    Barbie – I remember when you posted that last time and I found it so encouraging as I was just starting on my journey. I too have a photo that I plan on using as a before and after as soon as I hit my goal weight. I think I was in serious denial about what I looked like. At least my sister says I take a bad photo at the best of times, so that makes me feel a little better – not much, but a little. And you look amazing, and I know even better now from other photos you posted. You have been an inspiration for a lot of us on here.

    Liz in Halifax – words fail me to say how I feel for you. Just try to cherish the time you have with your sister and build more memories. Life is a gift but we all have to return it at some point. Love to you and your sister. I have long talks with both of mine every weekend and can't imagine them ending. There is always hope though. Some of the other ladies on here have some truly inspirational stories about their or their loved ones journeys through the disease.

    Sandy from Oshawa – I lived in NWO 200 km east of Thunder Bay in a little town called Schreiber but spent a lot of time in Toronto because both of my girls were in university there. I was one of those people that had to see as much of Ontario as I could so I travelled almost every weekend (put the dogs in the car and off I went). Did a fair amount of flying too! Did trips as far north as Attiwapiskat, Moosonee and Moose Factory and south as far as Point Pelee, east to Ottawa and west to Kenora. You may have guessed I love exploring. Just give me a couple of weeks to spare and a cross Canada trip is in the cards. Now I live back in BC in a little town in the Kootenays called Fruitvale (but no, we don’t grow fruit) but as DD1 is now heading back to Toronto again, I guess I’ll be spending more time back there in the next couple of years. Originally I’m from Vancouver Island and plan on retiring there. You have a beautiful Province and I love it all except for the southern humidity – lol.

    Kathy – yes, raccoons are adorable looking but can be very dangerous critters. If only they didn’t look so cute! In a previous house I had a grape trellis they used to climb around on and pick the grapes to wash in the pool. If you went out there on the deck while they were there it could be quite unnerving to see a whole tribe of them peering down on you through the leaves. I understand they can be quite ferocious with pets. They are quite curious so if you had opened the door, you might have had a house guest. So glad about the market research job, hope you really enjoy it.

    Time to go, dog walking calls again. Salmon for dinner – mmmm.

    Bye for now
    Lila in the comfortable Kootenays, south east BC Canada
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I am behind on reading the posts this weekend just got away from me and I have been having areal bad case of the blahhhs. Not sure what is wrong. Found out this last week a guy that works with me has cancer and sounds like it might be pretty far along. Skeeter is 76 and says he will more then likely not do any treatment. He is such an active person and works hard. He is very spiritual and at peace. Then I had an interesting experince yesterday. They were having an suicde awareness poker ride and a friend Jan and I voluteered to help. Well I belong to CMA which is an christsen group and the group doing this ride was called the Tribesmen. I must say I got an education and made me feel my age. Well tomorrow is the start of a new week and I am praying for a better one. Have a good night and will get caught up.
    Vicki NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is another Isagenix cleanse day…..the day for laundry and mindless chores, TV watching, and an afternoon nap.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee and Michele, hearing about all your rain is very interesting since I live in NW Washington, an area that has a reputation of being rainy all the time……we have had a dry month and I’ve enjoyed the luxury of having dry feet day after day and not having to wear different shoes to walk the dogs.

    :flowerforyou: Phoo, isn’t it amazing how different our “binges” are now compared to before……5 rice cakes is such an improvement over whatever it used to be.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, what a wonderful and kind compliment your DH paid you…..I know that you know how lucky you are to have him in your life.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, my sleep is routinely disturbed by Bernie, the cat, wanting some extra attention or a comfy place to sleep on my legs.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, my hubby lost his pedometer recently and we had to buy him a new one. I always put mine in the same place in the bathroom every night just before I go to bed so I can find it in the morning. One morning a few months ago, it wasn’t there and I discovered a few minutes later that Jake had picked it up thinking it was his……now we have stickers on them so we can tell them apart.


    This is the lily that just bloomed in our front yard

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Joyce in IN - I'm sure you will ned your bp meds adjusted. You don't want your bp to go too low. Vince had that happen to him one time and he got very lightheaded, they needed to put his feet above his heart. Congrats to your sister

    DeeDee - the sun is out SOME today, not much, just some. I went and tried to get some of the wood chips that went on the rocks from that horrendous rainstorm yesterday. Normally, something like that doesn't happen, but this time it did. I got some up, am waiting for the sun to dry out the remainder. Maybe I'll go out later and pick up some more. What a mess! We even had water in our basement. Never before has something like that happened. I'm hoping the wood flooring in my exercise room is OK, but I'm starting to wonder. If we need to replace it, I'm not sure what kind of flooring to get. Tile can be so hard on the joints that I'm not inclined to want tile. The good thing is that this pushes Vince to get things done that I thought he should have done earlier, like putting up my bowling picture. I've only had it since May. We also have a mirror that should have been put up. Now the brown wrapping that it was in is soaked so he'll have to do it.

    M - what is your favorite magazine? I liked Taste of Home Healthy Cooking, but now it's just Taste of Home. But they do have some of their items with the nutritionals.

    grandmalle - I only like the organic strawberries. To me, they taste more "strawberry-y". Not to mention that they're on list of the dirty dozen

    Pat - the only thing that was rouined in the basement was an empty cardboard box. Still don't know about my exercise room floor, tho. At least it can be walked on, tho. Oh, I love quinoa. Sometimes we have it just plain as a side instead of a potato or something like that.

    Heather - what a dream you had! What a lovely thing for your husband to say! Doesn't something like that feel so good?

    Critter Sue - WTG on the tops!

    Lila - I LOVE my bottom freezer/french door refrigerator. Ours is a GE Profile, too. Vince thought the lights inside it were neat....lol I personally love the French doors. My MIL had a side-by-side and I didn't like it one bit. She was sorry she got a s-b-s. Mine has the water and ice on the door, I'm assuming yours does, too. It seems to take a long time for the ice to crush. I usually keep a bag of ice cubes in the freezer, that's easier than getting them from the door. I hate when we don't get a delivery ontime. I have a program on my computer called Mastercook. You can get the CD from Amazon. I got the older version and I think it cost me something like $9. What you can do is enter the recipe and it will calculate the nutritionals for you.

    Vickie - so sorry to hear about your friend. Tell us more about the ride.

    Barbie - lovely lilly

    Tomorrow I'll do some yoga then take the extreme pump class. Haven't taken it in 3 weeks. Then I'll come home and Vince said that we'll vacuum out the pool. that there's just too much dirt on the bottom for the robotic cleaner.

    Michele in NC
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    I just got back from visiting with two of my sisters for a long weekend. It was great to laugh, play, and remember the past. We all had a great time and would have loved to extend the visit, but each of us had other obligations to return to. We are going to try to get together at least once more this summer.

    Tomorrow I will need to catch up the housework and laundry. I also have to go into work to help interview for a new teacher for our department. I am going to get up and go to the gym early so that everything else doesn't get in the way of getting in my exercise. I really need to step it up!! Tuesday will be kayaking for several hours with friends up north. I WILL do some form of exercise everyday this week, including at least two days of weights.

    Michele and DeeDee- Wow it sounds like you are getting a lot of rain!! The weather has been crazy this summer! Michele- I hope there wasn't any damage in your basement.

    Jane- Congrats on DH's new job! Sounds like things are starting to fall in place for you. I hope all goes well!

    Robin- I am so glad to hear that your job is going well.

    Liz- I am so sorry your sister is going through so much. I am praying for peace for both of you.

    Barbie- I love the pictures! You are such an inspiration! It helps a lot to see that we can reach our goals for healthier living- and maintain them!! I knitted a wool sweater with cables when I was in high school. I only wore it once or twice before Mom washed it and shrunk it!! I couldn't even get it on after that.

    I guess I had better call it a night. Hope everyone has a restful night and wakes up with lost of energy for the new day!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning all,
    was up at 4 this morning, because I went to sleep early, like 7 pm.
    went up to my dad's yesterday afternoon and visited with friends we haven't seen in 38 yrs, can you believe it?
    It was wonderful to see them,they live outside of Memphis and Bob, the dad is retired Master Chief in the Navy.. the oldest daughter and one of the grandaughters came up with Bob and Anne, we grew up together..
    well I am back down in the 150's barely but at least it is something...
    I am going to get moving and sweep and wash the floors, and i have been to the gym, and did a little bit of elliptical and bike, and the machines...
    going to take a pack of tunafish and some veggies for lunch.
    Im tryin ,really I am,
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Well I finally weighed in this morning. I am .8 up from the last weigh in in April. About 21 lbs heavier than I would like to be. This week I want to continue to focus on exercise but also back to journaling my foods.

    My husband and children and I went yesterday and looked through a quaint little farm house that is up for auction. My son and his new bride would live in it and we would have a much bigger space for a garden and hopefully some laying hens. We are planning to go to the bank today and then make an offer. It is within walking distance of our house. We've prayed about it and if it is to be I'm sure God will open the doors to make this happen. I know the kids will be really disappointed if it doesn't go through but I know God goes before us.

    OK off to exercise. It is a nice cool morning so I will go walking.

    BBL to read posts.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: That lily is just gorgeous:love: ! My flowers haven`t done very well this summer, all the rain drowned several of them:grumble: .

    Michele:smile: Wasn`t it nice to see some sunshine early in the day:glasses: :love: ! Of course it had to rain in the afternoon here:cry: , Noel just stood on the front porch around 7:30 pm and looked at me as if to say "Are you really going to make me walk in the rain again???" I did blow her dry with the hair dryer when we got back in. She does a cute little happy dance when she gets a blow dry:laugh: . I was lucky, no water in my basement, hopefully it hasn`t ruined your floor!!! The next two days are supposed to be fairly nice, no rain:bigsmile: !!!

    Deb A:smile: What a wonderful weekend for you:love: ! I always wished I had sisters, I have two older brothers :ohwell: . Have fun on the kayaking trip!!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Congrats on being back in the 150`s!!!! Sounds like a nice visit with dear friends!

    Cindy:smile: Hope the farm house works out, sounds like a wonderful place!!! I think being up only .8 since April is good, you`ll have that off in no time:happy: !

    I have a funny story. Last weekend a friend of mine gave me weights, 5, 8, 10, and 15lbs, well they are still in the trunk of my car:embarassed: , a guy carried my groceries out for me the other day and went to put them in the trunk, and there was the weights, he looked at me and asked "are these yours?", I said "yeah they`re mine", he then said "wow, no wonder you`re in such good shape". I just kind of chuckled to myself and thanked him for the compliment. Didn`t tell him I wasn`t lifting them yet:laugh: . I told my friend Gary who gave them to me about it, he just laughed and said "Just think if you were lifting them, how much better you would look":laugh: . Anyhow it was a nice compliment:love: !

    Well I am running behind again today:noway: :grumble: ! Have a fantastic day ladies!!! Drink your :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC where the sun is supposed to shine for the next two days:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: DeeDee, if you need to walk less, then those weights are just what you need to keep up your fitness.:bigsmile: There are lots of great books (try the library) like Strength Training for women by Joan Pagano with good plans for strength training. It raises your metabolism and buns calories and builds muscles.

    :laugh: dogs staring at me....gotta go

    :heart: Barbie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Meals are all planned. Cleared some not so good for me things out of the house yesterday and I am ready to start fresh again. I know I can do this because I have done it before. The stress of a bad boss is gone and I am going to get my mojo back. I didn't get up and exercise this morning because I slept horribly last night but I will do double when I get home. Today is aerobics for 20 and arm strength for 20. I also need to mow the lawn. I am excited that I feel like I am living again and I am looking forward to the scale moving back in the correct direction. :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! I hope everyone is safe and dry this morning. NC people, how are your basements today? It sounds like you got blasted again yesterday.

    I have been out on the web reading lots of articles about everything we are not supposed to eat because it is dangerous. No artificial colorings, flavorings or sugars; no genetically mutated vegetables; no pre-formed meat patties, lunch meats, smoked meats, chickens( arsenic in feed), pork (chemicals to make them lean), beef, farm-raised fish, swordfish, canned fish, canned meats; no magoes from Hawaii, no apples, no strawberries; nothing with wheat or gluten; nothing w................ It is truly fightening to think of how we have ruined the pure gifts we were given. Is any of this true? Is the truth really that everything is ok, but they are trying to manipulate us into buying the organic (expensive) foods? Whom do we trust? Anyone else have any thoughts on all of this? Or am I just being a Chicken Little this morning?

    Heather- You certainly know how to capture our attention! :laugh: My oldest son sleep-walked when he was younger, and he often had night terrors. He was a tall, strong young man, and more than once I had to wrestle him back into the house because he would be walking out the door in his skivvies. You would have thought the cold snow on his feet would have woken him up, but it didn't! I am glad that your son stayed in the house!

    Lila- I know where Thunder Bay is! I grew up in Duluth, MN, and, of course, used to love the drive up to Grand Marais and Grand Portage! Beautiful country! Did you ever get down to Duluth?

    Barbie- That lily is gorgeous! :flowerforyou:

    Michele- I just had a friend down here spend thousands to take all of the tile out of her house and put in wood flooring because of the sore back/sore feet/ sore everything from walking on the tiles. If the flooring in the exercise room is ruined, what about looking at a composite wood flooring? They look like natural woods, but are made for hard traffic areas.

    Cindy- You have set good goals for this week to help you back on track. We are all pulling for you!

    Robin- It is so nice to hear you sounding so happy and positive!:happy:

    Have a great Monday!

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hello to Everyone,

    I have missed reading this wonderful thread for weeks! I have finished two major projects, now starting last one...

    will try to stay more connected though!

    Cheers, BJ
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    Have a good one.