Nerds Unite!



  • Terra_Incognita
    Terra_Incognita Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am a dorktastic nerd ready to unite:) I get geeky over lots of things like gaming, quarks, comics, 80s, music on vinyl, Sci-fi, paperback romance, zombies, metal detection, lasers, Rush, Bowie, Tolkien, GRRM, RISK to name a few. Proud Goonie. Unfortunately, I haven't let my own fitness be one of those things and I am working to change that- likeminded folks welcome.
    Soooooo here is a ...

    \___warm FL invite___/
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    Surely we are the coolest collection of people ever.

    Oh I'm a former Warcraft addict

    Used to play Horde .... of course
  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36
    Surely we are the coolest collection of people ever.

    Oh I'm a former Warcraft addict

    Used to play Horde .... of course

    No truer statement has been said here today... FOR THE HORDE!!!!
  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36

    Something that was incredibly hard for me when I started my journey of health was prying myself away from anime and just about everything else that I love to do. Anyone else have this problem? I haven't 'given it up' completely but I feel like I'm not giving my hobbies enough attention. I can't even go on without getting the itch to start a new 100+ episode anime and just blowing off exercise for the rest of the month in order to veg out in front of my PC.

    I did at first. MMORPGs were a big time sink for me. I had to quit cold turkey. I still play video games, but only single player. I avoid MMORPGs because I don't have the free time to play.

    I found in the beginning I naturally stopped playing games. Mentally I think I swapped out gaming for exercise. So even after I gott home from the gym and had a good few hours up my sleeve before bedtime I still didn't game. It did the job though, because I didn't have the discipline to find a healthy balance. Gaming had always gone hand in hand with a big bag of M&Ms as well. Mmmmmm M&Ms.... *drools*... so yeah, my point being is that I gave all my vices up in the beginning to make the life style change to what I wanted, and now I'm slowly adding back in some of those things (gaming mostly). I'm not saying that's how everyone should do it... because I'm crazy, but do take note of the activities in your life that are counter productive to your goals and manage them. I still believe you can have your cake and eat it too... just not the whole cake in one sitting. :P
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I consider myself a nerd. I'm a huge anime fan and I love Pokemon. I'm hesitant to call myself a gamer since I'm more of a classic gamer (I have yet to invest in any modern consoles).

    For the other gamers out there, DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) is an AWESOME way to exercise.
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    Nerds unite! (Gamer nerd here haha)
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Nerds unite! (Gamer nerd here haha)

    Hehe! +1

    I'm a nerd too! :3
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Not a nerd, but I'm looking for my first hot me!
  • MisChef
    MisChef Posts: 48 Member
    re: making a spreadsheet

    i guess it makes me a <strike>nerd</strike> geek to think, "what... doesn't EVERYONE do that?"
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I identify with all the things that people say nerds are, but you won't ever see me calling myself a nerd. I prefer, "really awesome person." :laugh:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
  • CHC94
    CHC94 Posts: 55 Member
    LOL! Me too! I love shows on History, Military Channel... anything where I can learn something new. I'm a former teacher on my second career as a paralegal.

    I don't play RPGs but I'm a big Tomb Raider fan and the Hidden Object games on Big Fish Games are my faves.
  • klight1236
    klight1236 Posts: 69 Member
    I love Dr Who! Don't even let me get started on my love for that show!
  • Revlish
    Revlish Posts: 62 Member
    NERD! I think of myself as more of a geek. Some of my freaky geekery includes, but is not limited to:

    Joss Whedon (as a person) and his work (FIREFLY!!!!! Browncoats: I'm thinkin' we'll rise again.)
    quantum physics
    Oblivion- any video games, mostly fpshooter and rpgs. Some mmo's. I don't play that much right now, 'cause I'm trying to make money. arg.
    swords and martial arts
    Martial arts flicks (Korean, lately)
    comics, superheroes, graphic novels, some anime (just diving into that world), WOW porn (TMI?)
    board games
    books books books! Mostly SciFi and fantasty, but anything's fair game except for romance novels. Ray Bradbury was one of my first loves. Laurie Marks, Mary Gentle, Octavia Butler, Tolkien... Reading Wheel of Time right now and just getting into Glen Duncan (The Last Werewolf- excellent!)

    and ooooooh so much more. I luv me sum freaky nerdy geekery

    Great thread.
    I'm totally new to fitness pal. Anyone feel free to add me if you want. I'm mostly geeking out on the tracking software right now...

  • barrattandrew
    Lots of awesome people on here.
    I'm a pro-geek/nerd whatever! Can't game too much anymore because of work, so am now off the "WoW crack", happy to accept connections !

    I've also noticed I can't game as much and keep on top of exercise, so I'm now a nerdy track everything when I exercise type too!
  • rgbushphd
    rgbushphd Posts: 35
    A nerd since the day I was born...and proud of it! Feel free to add me!
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    Surely we are the coolest collection of people ever.

    Oh I'm a former Warcraft addict

    Used to play Horde .... of course

    No truer statement has been said here today... FOR THE HORDE!!!!


    Just started playing again lol.
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member

    Something that was incredibly hard for me when I started my journey of health was prying myself away from anime and just about everything else that I love to do. Anyone else have this problem? I haven't 'given it up' completely but I feel like I'm not giving my hobbies enough attention. I can't even go on without getting the itch to start a new 100+ episode anime and just blowing off exercise for the rest of the month in order to veg out in front of my PC.

    I did at first. MMORPGs were a big time sink for me. I had to quit cold turkey. I still play video games, but only single player. I avoid MMORPGs because I don't have the free time to play.

    I found in the beginning I naturally stopped playing games. Mentally I think I swapped out gaming for exercise. So even after I gott home from the gym and had a good few hours up my sleeve before bedtime I still didn't game. It did the job though, because I didn't have the discipline to find a healthy balance. Gaming had always gone hand in hand with a big bag of M&Ms as well. Mmmmmm M&Ms.... *drools*... so yeah, my point being is that I gave all my vices up in the beginning to make the life style change to what I wanted, and now I'm slowly adding back in some of those things (gaming mostly). I'm not saying that's how everyone should do it... because I'm crazy, but do take note of the activities in your life that are counter productive to your goals and manage them. I still believe you can have your cake and eat it too... just not the whole cake in one sitting. :P

    I've done the same. Not happy with it though. I think I've read maybe 3 books in the last month and I used to do that in a week. I did just renew my subscription to WOW. Hopefully I can keep a balance. Wish me luck lol!
  • SirAwesomenessThe3rd
    Greetings fellow nerds. Anime lover, cosplayer, gamer and mtg nerd here. Elfen Lied is my favorite anime which only recently topped my previous favorite of Rurouni Kenshin. Yes, I actually cried at the end of Elfen Lied and was extremely pissed that they only did one season seeing as how the actual manga goes much more in depth. It is truly some S class anime. Oh...and I absolutely freaking love dbz and team four star's parody of dbz abridged. Yes, I'm a Marine, and a complete nerd. When you think about it, it makes sense. It's just like call of duty in real life...minus the respawn points.
  • SirAwesomenessThe3rd
    And star wars.... I ****ing love star wars. I don't know how I forgot to add that on there. SWG used to be awesome until Sony ****ed it all up. Then WoW was awesome for a bit until SWTOR came out. Then that went to **** and I returned back to my first love, xbox and mtg!