

  • sandyland324
    I'm in.
    CW - 159
    GW - 145
    By Thanksgiving - 150
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    It's NEVER too late!!!

    Hope everyone is planning an active and healthy weekend. Be mindful of your goal at all times..... especially when you are tempted by a treat!

    Thanks, Jodie!!! I'll be posting pics of my progress too!!! I wanna be at 145 by Thanksgiving!
  • derry275
    derry275 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in starting late but I will do this.
    Starting Weight: 332.7
    Today Weight: 332.7
    Goal Weight:310.0:happy:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    So far, so good for me - but weekends are always tougher than weekdays. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Treask40
    not too good at this...........I don't know how to reply to a specific post.

    To reply to a specific post....in the bottom right corner of post, click on "Quote" ..... just start reply underneath message.... when it posts, the original appears in a box, and your response is under it!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i had an amazing moment today. my 8 year old son gave me a hug and his arms could go all the way around my belly. that's never been possible. i wanted to cry, i was so happy.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    i had an amazing moment today. my 8 year old son gave me a hug and his arms could go all the way around my belly. that's never been possible. i wanted to cry, i was so happy.

    That is SOOO awesome!!! Don't slip. Just remember that moment! Thank you for sharing!
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday! At five o'clock I will officially be on vacation! WooHoo! My oldest daughter and her boyfriend are coming here (I live in Va., they live in NY state where I am from). On Monday we are all (hubby and youngest daughter that lives here and her son) we are all going down to Va Beach for a few days. I cannnot wait! I plan to do a LOT of walking while there.... sunrise walks on the beach! (So I can be like my friend Coni!) Hopefully the hotel has WiFi so that I can check with all my challengers every day! I wont be able to weigh in next Tuesday, but I will still be good! I am sooooo ready for this weight to come off, and no vacation is going to get in my way!

    I have mentioned that I have a baked goods addiction.... so, what did I do today.... I organized a bake sale at work for mid-October! I know, silly girl!! But we raise money to buy a family Christmas gifts, so we really need to do it. It's a month away... I will be feeling really strong by then, so I'm too worried yet!

    Talk to you all later!

    Oh jodie, It's so good to see you so motivated... you can do it girl!
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    i had an amazing moment today. my 8 year old son gave me a hug and his arms could go all the way around my belly. that's never been possible. i wanted to cry, i was so happy.

    Now THAT is what this is all about!! So happy for you!

    Thanks Teresa..... I'm trying! Being accountable to all of you is definitely keeping me motivated and on track! Look out... I'm gonna make that scale move down, down, down!! Glad to have so many wonderful Challengers here to get healthy with each other. We can ALL do this!
  • thnkunome
    My starting weight was 198 and my current weight is 191 and my goal by Thanksgiving is to be 180 so i say its on and everyone lets do it
  • nhanson62493
    i would love to do it, even though I am in England and we dont have thanksgiving I am up for the challenge. My problem i:drinker: :drinker: s over the next couple of weeks I am away for 2 weekends so need to watch what i eat and drink
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    Just to let you all know...... I started this challenge to keep myself accountable. I need to know that someone is watching me, and counting on me to live a healthy lifestyle. I believe that to be true for many of us. So, in order to make all of you accountable to me and each other, I spent some time last night and made an Excel spreadsheet of all us. So far, there are 75 Challengers!! I needed an easier way to know who checks in every Wednesday, and with so many of us, the spreadsheet will make it simple. (I wish there was some way to copy and paste it, but I'm not that computer literate!) I had the computer sort us out alphabetically and have columns for each weeks weight post. This way, I will know who hasnt been posting, and then do my best to motivate them back to the challenge. If we have a bad week, please dont feel like you cant post.... from my experience, thats when we need the most feedback and encouragement.

    I read an interesting quote on someone's else profile the other day and would like to share it with my fellow challengers...... "What you eat in private, you wear in public."
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    i would love to do it, even though I am in England and we dont have thanksgiving I am up for the challenge. My problem i:drinker: :drinker: s over the next couple of weeks I am away for 2 weekends so need to watch what i eat and drink

    Great to have you.... please post your Challenge starting weight and your goal weight for November 24! Thanks!
  • vickyajones
    vickyajones Posts: 12 Member
    Just to let you all know...... I started this challenge to keep myself accountable. I need to know that someone is watching me, and counting on me to live a healthy lifestyle. I believe that to be true for many of us. So, in order to make all of you accountable to me and each other, I spent some time last night and made an Excel spreadsheet of all us. So far, there are 75 Challengers!! I needed an easier way to know who checks in every Wednesday, and with so many of us, the spreadsheet will make it simple. (I wish there was some way to copy and paste it, but I'm not that computer literate!) I had the computer sort us out alphabetically and have columns for each weeks weight post. This way, I will know who hasnt been posting, and then do my best to motivate them back to the challenge. If we have a bad week, please dont feel like you cant post.... from my experience, thats when we need the most feedback and encouragement.

    I read an interesting quote on someone's else profile the other day and would like to share it with my fellow challengers...... "What you eat in private, you wear in public."

    Way to go Jodie! You are super organized - even on your vacation! Well done. Hope you're having a good time!
  • fattyellis
    its 4.30pm sunday....thinking back over the weekend...I had a so so weekend with regards to food...I ate a hot dog for lunch on saturday and when I got home entered it in my diary. I was horrified to see that the hot dog was 605 calories....WHAT A WASTE!! but I did manage 2 very long walks..so I am hoping this will even out the 'bad' food I consumed. hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • glasielady
    glasielady Posts: 34 Member
    its 4.30pm sunday....thinking back over the weekend...I had a so so weekend with regards to food...I ate a hot dog for lunch on saturday and when I got home entered it in my diary. I was horrified to see that the hot dog was 605 calories....WHAT A WASTE!! but I did manage 2 very long walks..so I am hoping this will even out the 'bad' food I consumed. hope everyone had a good weekend.

    I know what you mean about a waste of calories. I went to Steak N Shake last week with a group of friends for lunch and had a strawberry shake and found out lately it was 631 calories. Needless to say I didn't have dinner that night.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Yesterday was NOT a good day for me.:sad: I didn't sleep well, had to work and then came home to reorganizing some of the rooms here.:huh: (There will be more reorganizing today, too)

    My food choices were absolutely horrendous!--I wish all it was was a 600 calorie hot dog!:ohwell:

    The most important thing I have learned here at MFP is this--Get right back to my plan!:smile: Today, my food and exercise are all planned out and I will have a good, healthy, productive day.:happy:

    Thank you for that quote, Jodie. I have printed it out and am going to post it in a few strategic spots. :wink: Have fun on your vacation.

    Now, to get on with my day! Have a good one everyone!. We CAN do this!:drinker:
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    @pmjsmom... you are so right! If you make a bad food choice.... immediately acknowledge it and learn from it.

    If you absolutely must have something like a hot dog (or taco, in my case!), choose a healthy version of that item. If this is truly a lifestyle change, we need to learn how to make healthy options of our favorite foods. Whats great about the internet, is that we have an endless number of recipes right at our fingertips. No matter what food you like, you should be able to find a way to tweak the recipe to fit into our new healthy way of living!

    I'm loving my Challengers!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So I have been really slacking since I made my 8/15 mini goal. So I am stating that tomorrow I bring it all on again. I am going to get serious.

    I have planned out my meals thru Friday already and I will stick to the plan.
    I am starting my new exercise program tomorrow so I should be working out a minimum of 3 hours a day monday thru friday. More if I feel like it.

    I am going to visit my daughter in 2 weeks and I will be back to my 8/15 weight by then and maybe even a little lower.

    Since I have publicly stated this it must now be so because I don't lie:tongue:

    thanks for the challenge!
  • fattyellis
    its 4.30pm sunday....thinking back over the weekend...I had a so so weekend with regards to food...I ate a hot dog for lunch on saturday and when I got home entered it in my diary. I was horrified to see that the hot dog was 605 calories....WHAT A WASTE!! but I did manage 2 very long walks..so I am hoping this will even out the 'bad' food I consumed. hope everyone had a good weekend.

    I know what you mean about a waste of calories. I went to Steak N Shake last week with a group of friends for lunch and had a strawberry shake and found out lately it was 631 calories. Needless to say I didn't have dinner that night.

    it really was a waste of calories as the hot dog tasted like an old shoe....!!