

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    We survived Flossie. It is back to beautiful here in paradise. Just wanted to let everyone know we were okay. Have a great day, Jodios
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    well yesterday was a day, by the time I climbed into bed I had 24,000 steps on my pedometer,
    came home and we had no power and had the generator going...
    ended up having cereal, and a piece of coconut cake for dinner:grumble:
    now I figured,I am triying to keep my sodium lower,not eating my exercise calories and,I get on the scale this morning and I am up 2 lbs,
    what the hell.... after that many steps why am I gaining?drinking a ton of water, lemon and plain and today I am sooo sore from being on my feet all day I can barely move..
    ticks me right off,but will keep on keepin on.
    go in to work at noon, so doing laundry now..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Hi there everyone!:love:

    August approaching fast. It hasn't been favourite month for a long time - I consider it the dog end of summer when everything starts to look a bit overblown and tired. In London it used to be horrible with the underground overheated and all the tourists!:laugh: Now we live in the countryside we just hunker down, try not to go anywhere near tourists and enjoy the bountiful harvest of our garden. Should be some plums this year. Last year we had two! The year we arrived we had buckets full and made our first jam in 30 years.:bigsmile:
    I am going to Winchester tomorrow, although I haven't heard yet from my new friend. I have sold two dresses at the consignment shop, so will pick up that money. Hooray! They were such beautiful and expensive dresses that I am glad they have gone to a good home, even if I haven't made a lot of money. Now I will have to buy a new winter coat as my old, very expensive one is hanging off me. You don't think of outerwear as getting too big! I have my eye on a red boiled wool one from Boden. I would never have worn a red coat when I was bigger.:bigsmile:
    Joyce- I am not saying your husband's approach is right, but, as a bit of a control freak myself, I can see where he's coming from!:tongue: I have to really rein myself in when I get the urge to organise everyone and I always know best!:tongue::laugh: And my mother would always manage to remind us how much she had spent/sacrificed for us. In the end I would tell her that I would rather she didn't give me anything if she was going to hold it over me for the rest of my life! I must have got it from her!:blushing: :embarassed: I deliberately adopted a hands off approach with my boys and tried never to run a guilt trip on them as I so hated my mum's approach. But I still wanted them to be wonderful and independent and clever and . . . . .:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Quiet day today. Done my gymming and weight training. I'm up to 20 press ups! Used not to be able to do one!
    Got to catch up on admin and organising.

    Jodios- so glad the sun has come out. Enjoy!:flowerforyou:

    Heather from cloudy Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time again this morning:grumble: ! I have read all the posts and I`m wishing everyone well:heart: !!!

    Heather:smile: One of the best times for me was when I had to buy a new winter coat:bigsmile: , it just made me so happy!

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in once again rainy NC:sad:
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All..New & Old;
    Not much going on in this neck of the woods..been reading quite a bit finally found a good series to read...Thank God for libraries...I could never afford to buy all the books that I read...started early doing my housework....cleaning from under my cabinets to scrubbing and putting a coat of shine on it...or at least I hope it shines :grumble: cleaning in the bathroom felt like it took forever...gotta put some directions on the toilet for DH..:grumble: or he needs to turn the light on...sheeeeeesh!!!! :noway:
    Going to be a nice day today ...so I am heading out for a walk... as soon as I can walk on my floors to get out :grumble: ...I am doing a lot of grumbling I see ....so I think I will go find that lady who was actually smiling in the mirror this morning.....I hope she hasn't run away :noway:
    Anyway...I hope you ALL have a happy and low calorie day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi All!
    Just checking in - been catching up on posts at work instead of working! But on my phone so I can't really reply - plus, I really need to get some work done!
    Kate in Brooklyn NY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    well weds are NOT good for me, I eat way to much:grumble:
    sorta had a NSV- i was walking the dogs last night, and our neighbor down the street, I stopped to say hi,because he was leaving for cal. for a month. He said I looked HOT :blushing: i just sort of brushed it off. hells bells,im still lumpy and 160 lbs im trying, but I guess not nearly enough:noway:
    anyway did 2 loads of laundry , and now gonna take the boys for a walk... I havent really exercised today because I am so sore from yesterday..
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    well I've spent about 2 hours shredding bank statements that were 13 - 20 years old. But yea I'm done! Remember when they sent you all your cancelled checks! You actually had to do the balancing of your bank statement by using your old noodle! Man this makes me feel so OLD!!! I'd better get on another track. Also have gotten a load of laundry done and now I need to get that put away.

    I haven't exercise yet today but that will come next.

    Yes I noticed that the MFP home page has changed too. All I can say is YUCK. It just isn't too inviting looking.

    Well BBL

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.Another rainy day in the midwest and cool temps-60-70.
    Hope u all have a good day.
    My Best friend finds out today if the chemo has helped or if the cancer has spread.Could use some prayers for her.Weve been friends for over 30 years.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    HELP!!!! I can't find on this new web page way they have done it where to weigh in and put my measurements in. I am so proud of them I have to shout it out!!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I found it!!!! I have now lost 40 pounds. That's almost my 1/2 way point. For the month I lost 6.25 pounds and 10,75 inches. Going swim suit shopping this afternoon.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Greetings from sunny Hawaii. We just ate a nice healthy breakfast out on the balcony and are just relaxing before we go work out. Today I think I'm going to do some yoga out by the pool/beach area. Later we are going to go snorkeling if the surf dies down a little. My husband gets a little sea sick so we need very calm waters or he'll literally turn green and the rest of the day is shot for him. We are going to a favorite restaurant tonight and I'm going to wear one of my new dresses. Life is good!

    Grandmallie - good for you you hot mama!!!!

    Heather - I might have been one of those tourists!!! I like the sound of the coat you are thinking of. You are right about outer wear...I didn't even think I may need to replace my coats. I got a black leather "moto" jacket for x-mas last year that I have been wanting for years....this was pre my weight loss. I am really really hoping it still fits.

    Jane - sending prayers

    Liz - we've all whined...sometimes you just need a safe place to get things off your chest - I would also be peeved if my DH had poor aim

    Well, enough time on-line...sorry I didn't get to everyone. Sending happy aloha thoughts everyone's way! Have a great day everyone. Jodios

    P.S. this new look is going a bit wonky for me...I can't add any smiley faces and its like the formatting disappeared?????? I think they must still need to work some bugs out
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Wow three pages already on the new thread. Sorry I was mia yesterday; I had a bad headache and sort of passed out in the recliner! Today the grill computer board is getting replaced and the guy is also going to look at a couple of the awnings, then the basement guy is coming over to set a schedule for getting that done. DH is calling to say we want the wood floors in the dining room, so that has to be scheduled too.

    Did well on food yesterday but due to headache, I didn’t do that yoga tape. I can’t get to the pool today because I am waiting for all these people to show up and one has already called saying he would be “very late”. Then I need to take DD#2 to get DH’s birthday present and I might stop at a meat market (no, not to see the boys LOL) and get some steaks if they look good.

    Jodios: I hear that the storm is fading away. I hope you get to enjoy some nice weather. I haven’t been back there since I moved in the early 70s.

    Polly: glad you find our thread helpful. You have a big goal! That will be quite a wonderful accomplishment and you’ll look great for your reunion!

    Helen: so glad you are enjoying your holiday, but it’s always nice to get home, isn’t it?

    Grandmallie: I have heard that warm lemon water is a natural diuretic, but I have never tried it.

    Deb: wow another wonderful kayaking trip!

    Jb: your tart sounds amazing. I am thinking about copying you and having my own “phase 2”. I need something to keep me going as work starts up again. I typically eat a ton mid October through the holidays from stress.

    Katla: enjoy the rest of your visit and safe travels back home!

    Kathy: you have some great nsvs to celebrate. Congratulations. I’m sorry you are feeling down right now.

    Yanniejannie: you’ll get your weight lifting in by hauling 10 watermelons around!

    Sue: glad your arm seems to be improving! I bet your horse misses your rides!

    Eileen: nice to see you!

    Heather; happy hens! I love it!

    Crittersue: yes that sounds like quite the zoo at your house! Does everyone get along?

    Joyce: hope that nasty dizziness goes away soon! What a fabulous weight loss! We are proud of you!

    Paula: welcome to the group. Come back often!

    Vicki: I too am enjoying this great weather. We were in the 40s the other night and have been sleeping with windows open.

    Sue: I hope that UTI (or whatever) goes away soon. Feral hogs? That must be quite the sight!

    Jane: great pic! Thanks for sharing

    Well I know I have missed many of you. But the basement guy is here in the driveway, so off I go. Take care, Meg from omaha
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good afternoon and what a beautiful day it is. Our temps here are staying in the low 80's. We did turn our AC back on last evening as it was so muggy. But I love the lower temps. I do not like this new look. Lastnight when I first saw it I thought something was wrong on my computer so had DH do a fix it scan and it didn't help. Then when I got to work this morning and logged in I realized it was not my computer. So having to figure it out again.

    Joyce- I found that to log new wieght and measurments I had to to the home page and click on check in.

    Michele-Tell Vince I know how he feels. First the water in the basement. Then our trike had a short in the wiring and when DH came to pick me from work it took off and hit the front of the hospital. I would of never believed it if I had not been standing there. It is manaul transmission so it should not of moved when out of gear. Thank God it hit the pillar as glass walls were on either side. Still it costs insurance $4000 to fix the pillar and the trike is in the shop being rebuilt. Then the roof starting leaking and they had to come fix that and when insurance came out they said we needed to replace acouple walls of siding and gutters. So far they have the roof done and are trying to match the siding or they will have to do the whole house and garage. Lost our no claim discount after 15 years and so raised our house insurance $200 a year and still waiting to see what it does to the motorcycle and trike insurance as that is not due until Sept.

    yanniejannie- Congrates on the money raised for your scholorship drive. Makes all the hard work worthwhile.

    Joyce- I know how you feel about your exSIL. Divorce affects the whole family. When my son got divorced I missed his ex and not she is working here at the hospital in another dept and we talk once in awhile.

    Heather- Happy coat shopping, I didn't think about it, but I will have to buy a new coat this year also.

    grandmallie- Great NSV. It amazes me how a remark like that can make me smile and makes the day better.

    Cindy- sounds like you have been busy getting rid of bank statments and things. I am never sure what to keep and how long so I have a desk full of junk. I got a new roll top desk this last weekend and what to go thru everything as I clean out the old one and set up the new one.

    Jane- saying prayers for you and your friend. I lost a dear friend several years ago to breast cancer. I just can not understand how some people can do just fine and the next one does everything right and still doesn't help.

    Well tomorrow is the start of a new month and I am trying to set my goals. I didn't do to bad this month on them. Hope you all have a great rest of this month.

    Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    ive been very bad and im not even gonna post it in my food log:grumble: I had some blueberry scones, and a pumpkin chocolate muffin, and now I feel sick, and I wont even get on the scale in the morning, I will be up with the birds,gonna go to the gym, then for bloodwork, then to the podiatrist, then for my haircut, then probably home to mow the lawn, and make taco's for dinner.. does that sound like a busy day off from my paying job?
    I am disgusted with myself, but wont beat myself up for it , I slipped, will just get on my BIG girl panties and deal with the concequences:blushing:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi, all the best F's! still banging out projects, marking my place...today was a full day without any wheat ! hooray, at last...now for day 2......one day, one meal, one step at a time.

    Best to all, BJ, SWOnt
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My daughter and I went shopping this afternoon and .........I bought size 14 clothes!!!!!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: It's been such a long time since I have worn anything but jeans due to my psoriasis. I don't know if it is going in remission, weighing less affects it or ir is blood sugar related. But I'll take it. So I bought some capris. I have been wearing stretch denim size 16 in my jeans but I had no idea what size pants I was wearing. I didn't want the baggy kind. I want to be proud of the fact that I weigh less and the baggy style just just do it for me. If you like it or have to wear it then OK. So I tried on the 16s anf could pull them off without unbuttoning them!!!! So out came the 14s. When I tried on a pair of real denim capris I had to wear the 16. Even some of the tops I bought were 14. I like the layered look in my tops. I like tan tops and a coordinated unbottoned top. So the tanks are 1x and the unbuttoned are 14s. So ten it was down to Pennys to look for swim suits. I was really wondering how that would do. A piece of lycra is unforgiving. So I had some 14s and some 16s. I really didn't care that much about the style since more than likely I will be wearing shorts and shirt along with them in the water park. Plus by the time I got to Pennys I was so exhausted it didn't help. So the first one I tried on was one of those that had a skirt with it. How can I say it?????? UGLY. So I tried on one of the 16s, it fit me but I still wanted to see how a 14 would look and it fit me. Shows my two rolls but the bust line looks OK, not great but OK. I was tired, it was 50% off, I bought it. So the closer we got to the exit of the mall I knew I had to give my daughter my car keys. She knows me well enough not to question, don't make me feel bad, just drive. So our next stop was best Buy where I bought myself a mini Ipad!!!!! What a reward. Then we met my husband for supper. Was so tired it was hard for me to cut my food so I ate what I could and the rest is in the frig and I will eat it later. A good day from the beginning to now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Marking my place so I can find new thread.
    Sue in Tx.
  • janie12835
    bumping for tomorrow, hello and happy Wednesday to everyone!

    Janie, Pacific NW
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just finished making the plan for the line dance class I’ll teach on Friday. The teacher is going to Utah for her sister’s 80th birthday. One of her daughters will fly with her, another will pick them up at the airport and another daughter and other family members will be at the event. I am looking forward to teaching the class by myself. I practiced all the dances to make sure that I’ll be ready.

    :flowerforyou: On Monday a friend brought me two huge boxes of yarn. She has carpal tunnel and her doctor told her to stop crocheting……so she gave me her whole stash. Now that I’m so active dancing, walking dogs, working in the yard, I don’t knit as much as I used to, so this could turn out to be a lifetime supply of yarn for me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: the year I reached my goal weight, I had to buy all new clothes including two winter coats......the good news is that three years later, they still fit.....the only clothes I have left from before are some nightshirts (to sleep in) and sweatshirts (to wear on cool days when gardening).

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington


    July Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (not finished yet, but making great progress)
    *continue with the squat challenge (continuing with the harder challenge)
    * a plank a day (every day)
    *18,000 steps a day (every day

    33,000 one day)
    *don’t take things personally (wow, is this a great resolution)
    *don’t expect praise or recognition (this is also a great way to live)
    *keep doing the things that have been working (going great)