Minor rant



  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    :flowerforyou: I heart you so much, Ray's Wife. Seriously. :flowerforyou:

    In the meantime, I've decided that folks like chelledbrown aren't even worth responding to, as I have better things to do in the meantime.

    You say that like her post wasn't full of meaningful and relevant points.

  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    :flowerforyou: I heart you so much, Ray's Wife. Seriously. :flowerforyou:

    In the meantime, I've decided that folks like chelledbrown aren't even worth responding to, as I have better things to do in the meantime.

    You say that like her post wasn't full of meaningful and relevant points.


    I noticed that, too.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    This thread is a gift from the lunch time/break time gods. I wish I knew how to insert a popcorn gif.

    I got you.


    My personal favorite.

    Perfect! I love me some Gus.

    I was 5'9" by the time I was 14 and I weighed 125 tops. And believe me I ate. It was my hobby. Between 14 and 16, I added 2 inches along with 15 pounds. That was the point when I started working out. I didn't do it to lose weight, but because I wanted to get in shape. In the process, my body landed back at 125 and 125-130 was my set point until about my mid 20s. When people would say rude things under the guise of a compliment, eg, "You're lucky to be so thin. Do you eat?", I just chalked it up to lack of home training and let it slide off my back. I was healthy, had an hourglass figure (36-26-35), and *I* knew I wasn't starving myself or doing anything unhealthy to maintain a low weight. If someone wanted to think I was unhealthy, that was their problem..

    Personally, outside of MFP, I don't share my fitness goals with anyone except my mom and a few close friends and family members anymore. It has never occurred to me to make unsolicited comments about someone else's appearance or lifestyle, but a lot of people seem compelled to. I can handle negative or passive aggressive comments, but life is too short. I'll admit that comments from family and coworkers bother me, but it's because they don't know what they are talking about and it annoys me more than anything else.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    :flowerforyou: I heart you so much, Ray's Wife. Seriously. :flowerforyou:

    In the meantime, I've decided that folks like chelledbrown aren't even worth responding to, as I have better things to do in the meantime.

    You say that like her post wasn't full of meaningful and relevant points.

    She has better things to do than respond to my totally relevant and meaningful points. As long as there are white knights to defend her honor and assure her that she is the wronged party my comments are meaningless.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    :flowerforyou: I heart you so much, Ray's Wife. Seriously. :flowerforyou:

    In the meantime, I've decided that folks like chelledbrown aren't even worth responding to, as I have better things to do in the meantime.

    You say that like her post wasn't full of meaningful and relevant points.

    She has better things to do than respond to my totally relevant and meaningful points. As long as there are white knights to defend her honor and assure her that she is the wronged party my comments are meaningless.

  • Dollfun1
    Dollfun1 Posts: 42 Member
    I have a fine build and eat 2200 calories a day.

    I am not underweight - I am fit.

    I'm confused why someone would say you were under weight for your height, I just looked and several websites and you are at the low end of what your weight should be for you height and age, but not under....

    I for one say "kudos" you have done an amazing job losing weight and becoming healthier.

    As for your co-worker, this person put everyone in your office in an unacceptable and awkward position - sounds like jealousy to me. The most important thing is how you feel. I'm very inspired by your change!

    Take care :smile:
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks for the dinner time lols, this is the first time I've witnessed what I thought to be the mythical "mfp sh*tstorm"

    But it's real, and it's beautiful. Pass the popcornz!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    :flowerforyou: I heart you so much, Ray's Wife. Seriously. :flowerforyou:

    In the meantime, I've decided that folks like chelledbrown aren't even worth responding to, as I have better things to do in the meantime.

    You say that like her post wasn't full of meaningful and relevant points.


    I noticed that, too.
    ^yeah. Chelled just pointed out missing information, yay for not making blind judgements. Everything she said was true. I can't understand why people are getting their panties knotted over that.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Someone states an opinion that does not equal yours, especially in the area of weight = automatic jealousy!!!

    It CAN'T be that someone has a differing opinion of what they consider to look good. Nope..jealousy...has to be...no other option at all!!

  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    sighs. Unfortunately, I don't think so. She did say in other threads that if she weighs every day and if she sees any weight gain (which is normal even in a maintaining human being and does not mean you over consumed) she eats less and less and was dieting on under 1000 cals plus exercising. And that she thinks her 18.5 inch thighs are fat....and seems to think she's semi magic and can 'feel fat melting away', And mentioned several times that she feels soooo hungry/starving every day and if you don't you're doing it wrong. She also says she's healthy. There's a few logic fails in there. Perhaps we should give her a break since I think all that's a pretty valid reason to not be able to think clearly.

    I don't eat 1000 Cal diet. I said I eat a little less that day(let's say 1300 instead of 1500), then I go back to normal eating the second day. When I'm losing weight, I do feel hungry, but not while I'm matintaining. Mfp put me on 1200 diet, and I'm starving with it. And since when I can't bash my own body. I have narrow hips, so 18.5 thigh does look thick on me. Is it so wrong that I want thigh gap? If I have wider hips, then 18.5 thigh probably would look great on me.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    STILL NOT OK (the body shaming just FYI)

    Repeat after me

    I will not be a judgemental, body shaming .................

    Here is the thing, if that person is in front of me, I wouldn't say a word. But that's not attractive to me still.

    So it's poor form to say it to their face but perfectly fine to say it behind their backs?

    I see what kind of person you are now. Thanks for making it crystal clear.

    No, I don't call people fat behind their back either.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    This comment should make you all realize that she will not "hear" you even if your screaming at her. Telling her hubby he's fat and says it's fun is the worst thing anyone can do for someone's self esteem. Even if her hubby laughs it off like men do they are hurt inside and she obviously doesn't care...so please stop arguing with her! She will not learn!

    He calls me fat also. We just like to say mean things to each other. When we talk seriously, I would say how hot he is, how sexy he looks, etc. He wants to lose weight cuz I'm the one who fattened him up.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    sighs. Unfortunately, I don't think so. She did say in other threads that if she weighs every day and if she sees any weight gain (which is normal even in a maintaining human being and does not mean you over consumed) she eats less and less and was dieting on under 1000 cals plus exercising. And that she thinks her 18.5 inch thighs are fat....and seems to think she's semi magic and can 'feel fat melting away', And mentioned several times that she feels soooo hungry/starving every day and if you don't you're doing it wrong. She also says she's healthy. There's a few logic fails in there. Perhaps we should give her a break since I think all that's a pretty valid reason to not be able to think clearly.

    I don't eat 1000 Cal diet. I said I eat a little less that day(let's say 1300 instead of 1500), then I go back to normal eating the second day. When I'm losing weight, I do feel hungry, but not while I'm matintaining. Mfp put me on 1200 diet, and I'm starving with it. And since when I can't bash my own body. I have narrow hips, so 18.5 thigh does look thick on me. Is it so wrong that I want thigh gap? If I have wider hips, then 18.5 thigh probably would look great on me.

    I'm going to tiptoe in to point out that thigh gap is genetic. *****tiptoes back out
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member

    Yes....telling someone you supposedly love he's fat is swelllll....after all the doctor said so! Doesn't matter what it may be doing to him mentally of emotionally.... After all, denigrating is in, amiright?

    He doesn't give a crap. We just call each other fat for fun. He knows if I meant it, I wouldn't keep feeding him. My feeding gave him extra 30lbs. He was mad about it.

    P.s. that's why he needed to lose weight, I fed him too well. I never asked him to lose weight, he's the one who wanted to do it. I made it clear I really don't care.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    sighs. Unfortunately, I don't think so. She did say in other threads that if she weighs every day and if she sees any weight gain (which is normal even in a maintaining human being and does not mean you over consumed) she eats less and less and was dieting on under 1000 cals plus exercising. And that she thinks her 18.5 inch thighs are fat....and seems to think she's semi magic and can 'feel fat melting away', And mentioned several times that she feels soooo hungry/starving every day and if you don't you're doing it wrong. She also says she's healthy. There's a few logic fails in there. Perhaps we should give her a break since I think all that's a pretty valid reason to not be able to think clearly.

    I don't eat 1000 Cal diet. I said I eat a little less that day(let's say 1300 instead of 1500), then I go back to normal eating the second day. When I'm losing weight, I do feel hungry, but not while I'm matintaining. Mfp put me on 1200 diet, and I'm starving with it. And since when I can't bash my own body. I have narrow hips, so 18.5 thigh does look thick on me. Is it so wrong that I want thigh gap? If I have wider hips, then 18.5 thigh probably would look great on me.

    I'm going to tiptoe in to point out that thigh gap is genetic. *****tiptoes back out

    Yea, I gave up on it. I don't want to be under weight. I stopped keeping diary and went back to eating whenever I'm hungry.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    STILL NOT OK (the body shaming just FYI)

    Repeat after me

    I will not be a judgemental, body shaming .................

    Here is the thing, if that person is in front of me, I wouldn't say a word. But that's not attractive to me still.

    So it's poor form to say it to their face but perfectly fine to say it behind their backs?

    I see what kind of person you are now. Thanks for making it crystal clear.
    Or to their faces on the internet lol

    I don't do that either. That'd be mean. Please don't put words in my mouth.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Someone states an opinion that does not equal yours, especially in the area of weight = automatic jealousy!!!

    It CAN'T be that someone has a differing opinion of what they consider to look good. Nope..jealousy...has to be...no other option at all!!


    Women only have opinions when jealous. Its a mfp fact.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    sighs. Unfortunately, I don't think so. She did say in other threads that if she weighs every day and if she sees any weight gain (which is normal even in a maintaining human being and does not mean you over consumed) she eats less and less and was dieting on under 1000 cals plus exercising. And that she thinks her 18.5 inch thighs are fat....and seems to think she's semi magic and can 'feel fat melting away', And mentioned several times that she feels soooo hungry/starving every day and if you don't you're doing it wrong. She also says she's healthy. There's a few logic fails in there. Perhaps we should give her a break since I think all that's a pretty valid reason to not be able to think clearly.

    I don't eat 1000 Cal diet. I said I eat a little less that day(let's say 1300 instead of 1500), then I go back to normal eating the second day. When I'm losing weight, I do feel hungry, but not while I'm matintaining. Mfp put me on 1200 diet, and I'm starving with it. And since when I can't bash my own body. I have narrow hips, so 18.5 thigh does look thick on me. Is it so wrong that I want thigh gap? If I have wider hips, then 18.5 thigh probably would look great on me.
    That's strange, that's not what you said a few days ago. I wasn't even referring to when you ate 1300 cals in one day. I was referring to a post where you said you were starving all the time. This is a conversation where you state the opposite:
    TBH, I'm always starving. I'm starving and could use a burger right now...

    ps. I just ate a 350Cal breakfast.
    That's very little...perhaps you're right?

    As for the OP question there are all kinds of things that people will throw out there without more info. Like how big you are and what your lifestyle is like and how much you eat right now and how you are measuring cals. One thing I will say tho is a lot of people mistake the feeling of hunger with thirst. They feel the same. At the same time if you're hydrating yourself regularly then that's not going to be the problem and you shouldn't just water yourself down lol.

    Changes in scheduled eating times can make one feel hungry (look up grenlin, it's like a food time keeper).

    It could be that you're missing nutrients, it could be many things. Even when you're accurately measuring and weighing foods, they are all based on averages. So if you're feeling hungry, chances are it was under estimated.

    I can only eat around 1500 Cal if I want to maintain my weight...If I want to lose 1 lb a week, I can only have 1000. I know it's bad to eat under 1200, but I really want to lose 1 lb a week, just to get it over with. Therefore, 350Cal breakfast is over 1/3rd of my daily allowance. I weight lift for 40mins, 3 times a week, but that doesn't burn many calories at all.

    And yes, lifting 40mins 3 times a week does burn a noticeable amount of calories.

    As far as your " I do feel hungry, but not while I'm matintaining" goes...according to your other post from a few days ago, you're lying agian:
    I'm hungry everyday, that's how I lost my 5 lbs. If you feel full from fast food everyday, you are doing something wrong.

    You also made a post saying you are maintaining on the same day. Just to add, no, if you don't feel hungry, that doesn't mean you're doing it wrong...I try to never feel hungry. If I do, and there's food around, I eat it.

    What is up with this thread and people changing their mind so much?
  • tmp1of7
    tmp1of7 Posts: 23 Member

    First, your coworkers were smart to stay out this regardless of their opinions as YOU didn't ask for their opinions.
    Second, it may be that this woman--whatever her motives may have been --lacks an internal filter. Could it be that she is the sort that speaks whatever comes into her mind as soon as it enters? To tell you to get thicker skill is too calous, because you said it hurt your feelings no matter how it was intended. My mother used to tell me "to consider the source". Sometimes that helps to remove the sting a bit.
    Third, congratulations on your hard work and weight loss. Try not to let someone else's opinion diminish your work or pick away at your self-esteem. It's SELF esteem, not what she thinks of you or what you think of her.

    Last, Forrest said it best, "Stupid is as stupid does." And unfortunately sometimes stupid is forever. All you can really do is wish this other woman well...stay positive, treat each other kindly, and keep taking care of you.

    Best of luck to you.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Thanks for the dinner time lols, this is the first time I've witnessed what I thought to be the mythical "mfp sh*tstorm"

    But it's real, and it's beautiful. Pass the popcornz!

    Hah. I'm at the commissary on pay day. The line goes all the way back then down an aisle and up the other. That's a *censored* storm. This a casual gathering of people amused by an OP who doesn't like differing opinions and annoyed by body shaming.

    Until people start screaming about everyone being different and doing what's right for them, science be darned, its not even a serious conversation.
This discussion has been closed.