

  • shayray73
    im in motivation is always a good thing
  • shayray73
    im in motivation is always a good thing
  • shamrock677
    have a wonderful vacation.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So far so good this weekend. My problem is WINE (I <3 wine) but eating and exercise were good :)
  • glasielady
    glasielady Posts: 34 Member
    The weekend went pretty good. Since I don't go to the Y on the weekends (I go Mon - Fri) I got my bike out today and took a 1 hour ride, I went about 3 miles. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • shayray73
  • Brat3073
    i know what you mean about hiding from the camera. i use the excuse tht my camera was so expensive and i dotn want anyone using it....but it is a lie.....i dont want me in the pics, so i keep control...i take the pictures!:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven't been on for a few days - we were on vacation in Colorado. I love the MFP app for my Droid, but unfortunately I don't think I can post from the app. Anyway. . .so I didn't log my food intake for Friday or Saturday and I know that I was over my calories for those days. This weekend was a confirmation that if there is junk food around I will eat it (s'mores were too hard to pass up). So, it was a nice break, but I'm ready to get back to healthier eating and exercise.

    So, I plan on starting Jillian's 30-day Shred today. Anyone that's done it or is doing it, I would appreciate some advice. Having a 5-month old really limits my workout time, so I'm hoping that since these workouts are so short, I won't have a reason for not squeezing them in.

    Also, I am proposing the following challenge (I read this on some other thread the other day). . .in the next 30 days, 2000 situps and 90 minutes of planks. Let me know if anyone is up for this. It will definitely be a challenge, but I think by posting it here, I may actually do it!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend and I'm looking forward to a new week with all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    I also slipped a little bit this weekend. I did hike a mountain around here on Saturday and ate fairly well, with some slip ups of some chips and beer. I went to the Patriots game yesterday and had a little too much beer. I weighed myself this morning and it didn't seem to affect my weight too much. I am going to work out today and try to get back on track. ;-) Hope everyone had a great weekend and I am excited and nervous for weigh in on Wednesday.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Just to let you all know...... I started this challenge to keep myself accountable. I need to know that someone is watching me, and counting on me to live a healthy lifestyle. I believe that to be true for many of us. So, in order to make all of you accountable to me and each other, I spent some time last night and made an Excel spreadsheet of all us. So far, there are 75 Challengers!! I needed an easier way to know who checks in every Wednesday, and with so many of us, the spreadsheet will make it simple. (I wish there was some way to copy and paste it, but I'm not that computer literate!) I had the computer sort us out alphabetically and have columns for each weeks weight post. This way, I will know who hasnt been posting, and then do my best to motivate them back to the challenge. If we have a bad week, please dont feel like you cant post.... from my experience, thats when we need the most feedback and encouragement.

    I read an interesting quote on someone's else profile the other day and would like to share it with my fellow challengers...... "What you eat in private, you wear in public."

    I love holding myself accountable for things I am supposed to do. Procrastination and not loving myself enough are my enemies, so being accountable in this is key. Thank you for your honesty!
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Hello Jodie, I decided that I am going to weigh in every Tuesday evenings while my favorite show, The Biggest Losers is on. :) My first weigh in will be tomorrow evening. Thank-you again for this cool challenge!
  • fattyellis
    Hello Ladies

    Our first weigh in is looming....whether we lose..gain or stay the same....I think the important thing is that we are making an effort to change years of bad eating habits once and for all. Good Luck Everyone!!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Week has been 80% successful so far! ...better than nothing! push hard tomorrow for the "last chance workout!"
    :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    Hey my fellow challengers..... I'm on vaca (finally!)... in Virginia Beach and having a great time! Spent the day on the beach and did lots of walking! I have bad knees so I am in a bit of pain right now. Nothing a little Ibuprophen wont cure. I'm a bit worried about what my food options will be this week, but I will do my best to make the best choices I can. Obviously, I wont be able to weigh-in this week, but that doesnt mean I am giving myself the week off! The hotel has an exercise room, and I plan to put it to use while I am here.

    Hope everyone had a good Monday.... I look forward to reading everyone's posts on Wednesday.... our first official report in day!!!

    Hugs to you all!!! Jodie
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    Starting weight - 272
    Current weight- 271
    Goal weight - 247

    Down One Pound, I wish it was more, but I'll take it.. scale is moving the right direction.
  • Treask40
    Hi everyone! Well so far I am staying about 14-1500 calories, but i need to be closer to 1200 to lose. If i log it and see it, i think its controled better. I still would love an accountability buddy if anyone is feeling that same need.
    I had added exercise to my goal but so far, no organized work outs. I have surgery on thursday so i think all i will be doing for a little while is walking... but thats ok.
    Hope you all have a great week!
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    Good Morning everyone~

    9/7/10 - 167.7 lbs.
    9/14/10 - 165.0 lbs.

    WOOT! WOOT! :bigsmile:

    Keep up the great work everyone!! Like I said b4, let's kick this challenge in the butt!! lol

    Have a good one!
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    Starting weight - 276.5
    Current weight- 272
    Goal weight - 260

    Good start, let's keep this train rolling!!
  • LuckySue333
    I am new on here and have not weighed myself since I joined... But the challenge sounds good to me...
    Any amount I can lose is good to me... If its just a few pounds... They add up over time....
  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    not too good at this...........I don't know how to reply to a specific post.

    To reply to a specific post....in the bottom right corner of post, click on "Quote" ..... just start reply underneath message.... when it posts, the original appears in a box, and your response is under it!

    THanks for me too!