wtf am I wrong?



  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    Yes, wait, I mean no.
  • burnsds
    burnsds Posts: 12
    If my wife gets hit-on at a bar, it's simple - she raises her hand and shows the ring.

    I feel proud that she is attractive to others, and that I am her man. If he thinks staring me down is cool, he's just a douche looking for trouble. Given that people are bat-*kitten* crazy these days, I'm not risking my life or hers to make a point. You just move on and avoid the drama. A man's got to know his limitations, and being confident is handling the situation. I can laugh about at home in bed with her, because that's really the point, she's with me. Those are the kinda things to laugh about. If she wants to handle it, that's fine with me. But at the end of the day, I'm the one that makes sure she is safe, and I protect her and us. It's not worth being in a bar brawl or risking injury because some guy has eyes for your bride. Just walk away, nothing to see here.

    I've seen too many people get into bad situations that could have easily been avoided.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,640 Member
    lol @ taking gf to a bar. what are you, some sort of degenerate?

    You haven't read this thread properly have you.

    You need to get out more.

    (I would post a GIF, but cannot be bothered).
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    I would be amused at the guys attempts to hit on her.
    And disregard the guy.

    Because -I- don't need to prove my manhood.

    Date better quality men.

    What if *SHE* needs .. your manhood ..?

    If -she- needs me to prove my manhood to her, she likely isn't worth my time.

    No games, but ALL women are going to stand up for themselves. Period. But it would be nice to have a man stand up and say.. "Look, lay off... shes with ME!"

    What is WRONG with.. the woman code.. you dont get up on someone elses.. Period.

    And what i find funny is... PERIOD!

    You like drama, don't you.

    I like you.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I didn't know a guy was grabbing your *kitten*? I think you should mosey on over towards the bouncers with your BF. I think you should get the hell away from *kitten* Grabby and maybe just leave the place entirely. It's starting to sound lots messier than I originally thought and yeah he's gonna wanna throw down the minute you tell him so you better time it right.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Alright, I started writing this story out but then it was becoming epic and no one wants to read that. Basically my question is to the boys: if your gf gets seriously hit on at a bar, she shuts the guy down, but then you think he's staring you down the rest of the night, did she emasculate you or otherwise worsen the situation by not letting you step in and "handle" it?

    Your man is a pu$$y
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hell no! My hubby already knows whats up!!! his family and mine joke around saying i'm the guard dog in the relationship, if he feels he needs to say something i let him but he knows usually i will handle it!!!
  • BrunoRoughCut
    see there's a difference

    1.being hit on, verbal
    it's an everyday situation for some women so they have to handle it and as such must show their bf this is how and what they do when the bf is not around - handle it

    2. being groped non verbal while your bf is present.
    which is to an alpha male is really testing his manhood .

    Also depends if the other person knows your bf is there or not while they take step 1 or 2 .
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Alright, I started writing this story out but then it was becoming epic and no one wants to read that. Basically my question is to the boys: if your gf gets seriously hit on at a bar, she shuts the guy down, but then you think he's staring you down the rest of the night, did she emasculate you or otherwise worsen the situation by not letting you step in and "handle" it?

    Lmao no, she can deal with it herself although I doubt someone would try that with me standing next to her.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    For goodness sake she's not an object! If someone hits on her the only way to deal with it in my book is for her to politely say she's taken and reject the guy before it gets out of hand.
    She doesn't need her other half to speak for her (or worse!).
    This seems like a situation where you wouldn't win, if you hadn't done anything and left it to your guy to do something he probably would have accused you of encouraging the hitter onner.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    My bf is always there if I need him, but he is a very clear thinker with a wonderful temperament. If something happens and he sees I'm upset, he would most definitely defend me. He's big, so words are enough. But if something happens and he sees me angry, he hugs me and kisses my head and half laughs, because he knows someone just got an elbow to the belly or got a kick to the shin. That's very rare, and only happens when I'm grabbed.

    It's both, usually the girl can defend herself. I certainly can, I'm short but I don't take kindly to men suggesting certain suggestions. Then, sometimes, a big neanderthal will only go away if a man tells him to.

    It's important for a girl to be clear. You can still be polite and make it clear you are not interested, but there's a fine line between being polite and being flattered and accidentally flirting. You gotta be careful you aren't sending the wrong signals too. Everytime I've seen one of my friends get into a fight over their gf, I've been with the girl when the whole thing started, and they were acting cute and smiling with a bent head, making cute talk. Then they're all confused when things turn sour.

    I'm completely not saying this is like you OP, because yours sounds like some big brute with a mental problem invaded your space and is definitely the guy who'd have a bruised rib or shin if he tried it on me. I'm just throwing out my experience for both sides. n your case, it was your problem to solve, and you solved it. The guy was annoyed, but you still told him how it was. If he's staring at your boyfriend, that's his problem. He should turn his back to him and have a good time with you, the ****head would soon stop staring then. It's not a big enough problem to get violent over
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    If someone hits on her the only way to deal with it in my book is for her to politely say she's taken and reject the guy before it gets out of hand.

    In a pig's ear!

    Why should she say she is taken - TAKEN!!!!

    Last time that happened to me I just told him to keep his hands to himself - I said it loudly and stared at him, he backed off.

    My husband (and our friends) were highly amused and spent quite some time discussing the mental acuity of any man who would grab a woman at a bar. Their general consensus was that any man doing it would deserve whatever he got - and that this idiot had got off lightly.

    This was because I broke the little finger of a man who tried to stroke my breast - he thought that the crush of the queue we were all in would hide his actions, I just grabbed his little finger and bent it backwards. The bouncer who came to get him told him that if he had just taken his hand away rather than resisting his finger would not have got broken - tough.

    Having said all of that, I am so glad I am too old for all of that. But still - short of hitting or grabbing and dragging, no outside assistance should be necessary. Women can and should cope with such crassness
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Alright, I started writing this story out but then it was becoming epic and no one wants to read that. Basically my question is to the boys: if your gf gets seriously hit on at a bar, she shuts the guy down, but then you think he's staring you down the rest of the night, did she emasculate you or otherwise worsen the situation by not letting you step in and "handle" it?

    my husband would find it amusing. he would stand up for me if needed, but wouldn't consider it being "emasculated" if I stand up for myself. More likely he'd be proud of me being feisty and able to stand up for myself....

    note: my husband has female powerlifters and MMA fighters on his laptop background/screensaver... he likes feisty women. In my experience of life, I find that strong men are attracted to strong women, and are not intimidated by them. Men who are intimidated by strong women, it's usually because they feel weak. because they feel weak, they want a woman who's weaker than they feel they are, so they can feel strong. So maybe that was this guys problem.... his girlfriend standing up for herself made him feel weak, and he didn't like that.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    see there's a difference

    1.being hit on, verbal
    it's an everyday situation for some women so they have to handle it and as such must show their bf this is how and what they do when the bf is not around - handle it

    2. being groped non verbal while your bf is present.
    which is to an alpha male is really testing his manhood .

    Also depends if the other person knows your bf is there or not while they take step 1 or 2 .

    if 2... i.e. man grabbing me without my permission - I would fight back to get him away from me (and I know quite a bit of martial arts), and my husband probably would step in to beat the crap out of him as well. I'm not going to stand around and wait for my husband to rescue me when I can do a pretty good job of defending myself.

    and I'm not talking out of my backside either, I have actually flattened a guy in a bar using martial arts in the past because he wouldn't take no for an answer, then I got the largest of the male friends I was with at the time to walk me back to the nearest tube station, in case he followed me.

    why do some men think women are public property to be groped at will???? - and re "I'm taken" - you don't need to be "taken" for that kind of behaviour to be inappropriate. If a woman doesn't want that kind of attention from a man, she doesn't want it and shouldn't have to put up with it. Single or taken, no means no, and no means "I don't want this" not "I'm my boyfriend's property and he's going to be mad if you do this" !!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I would be amused at the guys attempts to hit on her.
    And disregard the guy.

    Because -I- don't need to prove my manhood.

    Date better quality men.

    What if *SHE* needs you to prove your manhood to HER?
    No games, but ALL women are going to stand up for themselves. Period. But it would be nice to have a man stand up and say.. "Look, lay off... shes with ME!"

    What is WRONG with letting a man stand up for his woman? NOTHING. Just like there is nothing wrong with a woman standing up for her man. If you see a trifling hoe up on your man, SAY SOMETHING. If she was raised right, she will back up off your man. Period. Its all about the woman code.. you dont get up on someone elses man. Period.

    And what i find funny is... a man is MORE willing to do this with a stranger. Why not do this with someone you KNOW? Its like my husband wil tell off a stranger in a minute! But if its someone we KNOW, and i tell him this person has made remarks to me & its made me uncomfortable.. hes just like.. "Eh, its okay. He doesnt mean anything by it." When the guy obviously DOES! And it pisses me off! Get it together guys! TELL THE MAN THE **** OFF IF YOUR WOMAN TELLS YOU SHE ISNT COMFORTABLE. PERIOD!
    You need to watch "When keeping it real goes wrong"
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    These things wouldn't happen if she just stayed in the kitchen.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member

    i won't if she punched him back and can bench press her body weight.Otherwise i am gonna wreck that dude.Yea i am immature like that

    Guys who get on the internet and say they wreck dudes........don't wreck ANYONE
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member

    i won't if she punched him back and can bench press her body weight.Otherwise i am gonna wreck that dude.Yea i am immature like that

    Guys who get on the internet and say they wreck dudes........don't wreck ANYONE

    And usually get dumped when their current 'possession' recognises them as being the one who posted it!