

  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    Tomorrow's check in time...I am so worried, I was BAD this weekend. I dodged brownies, pizza, carrot cake...and eventually I caved...I think it was the 3rd or 4th party we were at and I ate like it was my job!
    ...I am back on track today, I thinky a good run tonight should help too!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Starting weight - 276.5
    Current weight- 272
    Goal weight - 260

    bnctr_99 -

    Great job! You are right on track for your goal!! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    Tomorrow's check in time...I am so worried, I was BAD this weekend. I dodged brownies, pizza, carrot cake...and eventually I caved...I think it was the 3rd or 4th party we were at and I ate like it was my job!
    ...I am back on track today, I thinky a good run tonight should help too!

    I am worried about tomorrow too. I am also going to run tonight!! Good luck to both of us.
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks sjyates!!
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    My weight info:

    SW: 150

    CW: 148.5

    GW: 140

    I am so glad I lost 1.5 lbs. I hope I can lose more weight next Tuesday. :)

    Good luck everyone!!

  • fattyellis
    SW - 82 kilos
    CW - 80.5 kilos
    GW - 74 Kilos

    so happy to have lost 1.5 kilos [3.3 pounds]
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi all!!

    hope you are all doing well!

    Sunday weigh in: 152

    woohoo 1 pound down, 12 more to go!!!
  • derry275
    derry275 Posts: 4 Member
    starting weight - 332.7
    today weight - 329.8
    goal weight - 310.0

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mamabearr
    I hope I can still join this. My SW is 150 as of today and my GW is 135 lbs. Since weigh in is tomorrow I'll just skip it and wait til next week to post my stats.
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    Hi again Challengers! My internet connection here at the hotel is unreliable, so I apologize for not being here too much.

    I see a few people have already posted their first week weigh-in results.... and so far, I'm so impressed!! But let's remember, this in not a competition, but a challenge to meet a goal that we each set for ourselves. If you have week that you slip and have a gain, its okay..... just focus on your goal and your individual overall progress.

    Can't wait to read everyone else's results tomorrow!! Good luck.... may the scale be kind to you!!!

  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Hi All,
    I weigh in on Tuesday's. This week I am down 2.25 lbs. More than I thought actually, so I am not complaining. Good Luck to all!

    SW - 200.5 (at start of challenge)
    CW - 198.25 (9/14)
    GW - 185 (My Thanksgiving Goal)

    Booms Mom
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    SW: 164
    CW 164
    GW 144

    Not the results I hoped to see this week but I must admit that I was out of town for three days over the weekend and while I did a lot of walking and I made relatively good food choices... I also had a few high calorie beers, wine, and a mixed drink or two. Hopefully next week will be better. On the bright side, I didn't gain.
  • vickyajones
    vickyajones Posts: 12 Member
    So, I had a bit of a naughty weekend - not horribly - but I certainly indulged more than I should have. Still, I managed to lose 2lbs! I am positive it's because I've cut out my nightly glass of red wine after work during the week. I'm an American in London and since I moved here nearly 5 years ago, I have gained a whopping 23lbs and I reckon it's down to the drinking culture here that I never did at home. That, and the crazy amount of travel I do for work. I'm in Paris for a night next week - I will be in sauce heaven! Oh dear. :)

    So, that's 2 down and 14 to go!

    Keep up the good work everybody!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Starting weight - 208.4
    Current weight- 206.5
    Goal weight - 196.5

    My goal moved by .9 pounds since I lost 1.9 lbs vs the goaled 1 lb.
  • alwasmlin
    Well I only lost a couple oz's so I am going to go with no loss this week.. But I am sure it will be some next week, for this week MOTHER NATURE , is my "not" friend ha ha.. I do hope everyone else has a great weigh in..

    SW 216
    cw 216
    goal 201
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everyone. Well, I managed to lose a whopping 4.5 pounds this week!! While I am thrilled beyond belief at those results, I'm not overly excited because I'm not sure it will last. I was very sick with a stomach bug on Sunday and Monday, and haven't eaten much since then because of it. I was working out and doing well up til Sunday - so hopefully some of this is "real" weight loss. Guess we'll see next week! :bigsmile: Good luck everyone and stick with it! :flowerforyou:

    SW: 192
    CW: 187.5
    GW: 175
  • shamrock677
    Good Morning everyone. I weighed in this morning. I had a very busy week and was able to bring food with me most places. I was very strict with myself and MFP just lowered my calories so I am adjusting.
    I weighed in at 200.5 this morning.
    That is a loss of 3 pounds this week. I am very proud of myself.
    We are taking our son to the county fair this evening so I am a bit worried I will not be very good. I dont really want to stick to a diet there so we will see.

    Hope everyone has a great day and week!!!!
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I lost a pound since last week. It doesn't sound like much but it is one more pound toward my goal.
    Weigh in 9/8- 196.5
    Weigh in 9/15 195.5

    One more pound to the new me! Woo Hoo!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    1 pound down...ehh better than none right
    SW 187
    CW 186
    GW 176
    10 more to go!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    SW - 135
    CW - 130.5
    GW (Thanksgiving) - 122

    Only 8.5 more pounds to go. . .I'm hoping I don't hit a plateau in the next few weeks.

    Glad to see so many positive results for everyone! Woo Hoo for us!!!