30 pounds by Christmas..Who's with me?!



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    We are quite a few now. That's great! Weigh in day tomorrow...a little nervous. I haven't been great over the weekend. We'll see,,,better get exercising now :smile:
  • tishonamarie
    tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
    I would LOVE to lose 30 pounds by Christmas! I'm going on a cruise December 16th and would love to be down 30 pounds! Let's do it!!!!
  • Had my first weigh-in since starting a week ago. Happy to report 3.5# loss so am on track for the 30# loss
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Weigh day tomorrow n I am scared ..... got the inlaws arriving tonight and I am having gooey chocolate pudding with an oozing centre with Grand Marnier ice cream tonight WTF it is going to ruin my week BUT I AM GONNA EAT WITH THEM ALL THE SAME AARRGGHH!!!!

    It was delicious but shared one with my partner with two balls of ice-cream so only about 350 cals and have exercised like a demon today in preparation.... Hope my damage limitation tactics work! Will post in the morning!
  • Jennifer0102
    Jennifer0102 Posts: 17 Member
    I am so in!!! My original goal was 40 by my birthday which is Jan 2, so far 12 down so I am completely in, lets do this gals and guys!!!!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Weigh in wednedsay no loss this week, I will take that! Choccie puss n wine!!! BUT I gotta get one off this week if I am gonna meet my target.... Good luck all hope you all are losers!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Weigh in

    Loss for week: 2lb
    Loss in total: 9lb

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all

    So weigh in day again. My loss isn't great. Only about half a pound. I haven't been eating to well but hey never mind. The scale is still down and I have lost 2inch as well. Next week I might not be able to weigh in as I will go home and my mums doesn't have a scale. I'll try to weigh in at my sisters but as it is not the same scale it might not be accurate.

    So here are my stats

    Starting weight 25/08 165.88 (75.4K)
    2nd weigh in 01/09 165.44 (75.2k)
    3rd weigh in 08/09 162.58 (73.9k)
    4th weigh in 15/09/10 162.14 (73.7k)
    Goal weight: 135lbs

    I hope you all have done well!! :smile:
  • Hello all -
    Weigh in - down 1 pound - DEFINITELY not what I wanted as I need to hit the mark pretty quickly. I have no one but myself to blame. Had a nice weekend so now it's time to get back on the horse and eat better. As someone said, nothing tastes as good as thin feels and looks... ;)
    So, down 11 pounds 19 more to go!
    Really would love to hit 30 by Turkey Day, but baby steps... ;)
    Thanks for all of the motivation and congrats to all.!
    Happy Wednesday. :)
  • Hi everyone! Great to see all the new members of the group and so awesome to see all the weight loss!

    I've decided not to weight in today. I think it would hurt me more than help. I've not kept my end of the bargain and have been eating like a crazy person. I don't like that, and I DON"T want that! I want to lose the weight and be happy. I want to be heealthy for my family. I don't know why I can't stay on track! Its very frustrating!

    Thank you guys for all your encouragement. i really hope that 30 pounds by Christmas is still attainable for me since I can't seem to get a good start here!

    Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    You can do it Dannielle! stay strong! Forget last week and make a fresh start and renewed effort this week. You're sure to have the weight coming off in no time!:flowerforyou:
  • gurlonfire2004
    gurlonfire2004 Posts: 13 Member
    WooHoo!! I lost 4 pounds last week! The scale sat at the same number for 9 days! It finally dropped 2 pounds on Monday and then 2 more today! (I checked SEVERAL times, lol).

    8/23: 228
    9/15: 220
    GW 12/25: 198
    Only 22 more pounds to go!
  • I went down a little, but still having a hard time getting into the groove, It will come though! 27 more to go, and I will do it!

    SW 203
    LW 201
    CW 200
    GW 173
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Weigh in

    Loss for week: 2lb
    Loss in total: 9lb

  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi everyone! Great to see all the new members of the group and so awesome to see all the weight loss!

    I've decided not to weight in today. I think it would hurt me more than help. I've not kept my end of the bargain and have been eating like a crazy person. I don't like that, and I DON"T want that! I want to lose the weight and be happy. I want to be heealthy for my family. I don't know why I can't stay on track! Its very frustrating!

    Thank you guys for all your encouragement. i really hope that 30 pounds by Christmas is still attainable for me since I can't seem to get a good start here!

    Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart:

    If you don't lose 30 pounds by Christmas it's not the end of the world. Your real goal here should be a true attempt at it. Sometimes what we say we want, we are really just not ready to do. It is a lot of work and comitment and sometimes life gets in the way. I TALKED about what I needed to do for the whole first half of this year! I was just not ready mentally to do it until one day in August out of the blue it all just finally clicked and the change began. My thing as far as "eating like a crazy person" is I can't buy junkfood for my house! I have a family and my husband has a sweet tooth the kids want goodies but I know if I buy it for "THEM" I WILL EAT IT! It doesn't matter if I tell myself in the store it is for their lunches and I won't eat them there is a 99% chance it will not make it home unopened! Even the stupid Weight Watchers little cakes and stuff I can't buy them! If I do they will be gone with in a day or two and NOT because my kids ate them! These are trigger foods which means I was probably not even hungry wasn't even thinking about sweets and saw it and ate it for no reason! I don't know if that will ever change maybe not, so the only thing I can do is not have it in my house! If the kids really want a treat I go get them A as in one little debbie snack from the store not a whole box! I get them an ice cream sundae from Mcdonalds for $1 I DON'T buy a whole thing of ice cream and put it in the freezer. There is nothing wrong with recognizing your weaknesses and altering things to fit into your new lifestyle.
    I hope this week you can find a way to get back on track so you can get as close to YOUR 30 pound goal as possible by Christmas or New Years whatever but don't be too hard on yourself because that could make things depressing for you which is never good.
    Keep on Fighting!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    WooHoo!! I lost 4 pounds last week! The scale sat at the same number for 9 days! It finally dropped 2 pounds on Monday and then 2 more today! (I checked SEVERAL times, lol).

    8/23: 228
    9/15: 220
    GW 12/25: 198
    Only 22 more pounds to go!
    GOOD WORK!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I went down a little, but still having a hard time getting into the groove, It will come though! 27 more to go, and I will do it!

    SW 203
    LW 201
    CW 200
    GW 173
    I think you will too!! Good Job on LOSING this week!!!
  • juicyre
    juicyre Posts: 13 Member
    Im in.... Ive been 235lbs for the last year or so now and this is getting out of hand. Im only 4'11 so im sure you must imagine how that looks. I really need to loose this weight. Ill keep you all posted. Wish me luck.
  • I was out of town and was unable to post here. I am back and had a loss of 3 pounds last week.
    I am on the right track. I do know I need to get out and exercise more if I want to continue seeing a weight loss each week.
    I just need motivation to exercise.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I am in!!! We are starting a "biggest loser" challenge in our office on Monday so getting started with that along with joining you guys on the 30lbs by Christmas would be wonderful! I think I might go get the 30 day shed to see if that helps me as well. I have the Jillian Michaels "No more trouble zones" and it promises to lose 20lbs in 30 days as well but those workouts are almost an hr long and they are hardcore as well. I just don't have the motivation to stick with it an hr each day for 5 days a week to accomplish it. So maybe if I do the 30 day shed I can manage the 25 minutes a day to get to where I need to be. My goal is to lose 20 lbs but if I can lose 30 that would be even better! I have been trying to lose weight since the 1st of the yr and have been down then up and down and back up so I am getting a bit frustrated. Maybe with all this support we can do it together!! Good luck!!!
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