How gross is fast food to you



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Fast food doesn't gross me out because most foods don't gross me out to begin with. I don't believe in demonizing food because I've already experienced an unhealthy relationship with food in various manners and I'm done with that. A healthy mindset isn't achieved by being uptight and cultish about the foods you eat. The only foods I stay away from and find gross are the ones I just don't okra, brussel sprouts, jalapenos, tabasco sauce, and wasabi.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    And fast food doesn't gross me out because most foods don't gross me out and I don't believe in demonizing food because I've already experienced an unhealthy relationship with food in various manners and I'm done with that. A healthy mindset isn't achieved by being uptight and cultish about the foods you eat. The only foods I stay away from and find gross are the ones I just don't okra, brussel sprouts, jalapenos, tabasco sauce, and wasabi.

    WAIT!!!!!! U no like jalapenos, tabasco and wasabi? :angry:
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Fast food doesn't gross me out because most foods don't gross me out to begin with. I don't believe in demonizing food because I've already experienced an unhealthy relationship with food in various manners and I'm done with that. A healthy mindset isn't achieved by being uptight and cultish about the foods you eat. The only foods I stay away from and find gross are the ones I just don't okra, brussel sprouts, jalapenos, tabasco sauce, and wasabi.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds wasabi gross, but I do like myself some brussel sprouts. 8D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I find fast food repulsive. I have not consumed it in five years. The cure for me.....looking at a line at Mcdonalds.....The place that had 10 people in line, and 9 were morbidly obese... Im not saying that is the case everywhere or that fast food is the cause of obesity; Im just saying due to my experience I found fast food was not innocent.
    Nine out of 10 people in line at the grocery store are obese, too. Maybe you shouldn't shop there, either. :-)
    Depends what grocery store! Thank you for the input:)
    Every one I've ever been in.
    Okay:) It looks as if your shopping places and mine are two different places. Thanks, and now I will move on to other post:) Have a nice day!

    Wow. Where do you shop? They must have a no fat person allowed policy. I've shopped at Wal-Mart, Albertson's, HEB, Whole Foods, Sun Harvest, a variety of farmer's markets in a few cities/towns in Texas and California and I do run into quite a few "fat" people consistently, ranging from very chubby to overweight to obese.

    So where do you shop? Maybe I can come by and break the fat person cherry there.
    I had the same thought. But I really think that he couldn't admit to it because it blows his anti-fast food argument out of the water.

    I've shopped and worked in grocery stores in rich neighborhoods and poor and most of the people shopping are overweight. Many extremely so.

    I was waiting for a prescription in my local grocery store a few weeks ago and in the 20 minutes I sat watching the door, almost every single person who walked in was obese.
  • Heartcorecuteness
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I only have eyes for Chick-fil-a. :love:

    Everything else I can live without.

    Sidenote: The regular #1 combo = best hangover cure ever.
  • Kilokato
    Kilokato Posts: 33
    I still don't see how it's false advertising which was your original argument. And when you think about it, McD's may not be the "best" choice for some, but the meals do have protein and other nutrients that someone living in poverty and not eating enough could benefit from. So I'm not sure why they're so evil for selling affordable food to impoverished areas.

    I'm not going to read a whole book for me to accept the one point as accurate. I also don't eat fast food anymore for reasons stated earlier so I don't need the "push."

    What they're saying is actually true. These companies pay "food scientists" hundreds of millions of dollars annually to sit in laboratories and devise new and devious ways to legally addict their consumers to their products. Soft drink manufacturers do it, fast food chains do it, even household names like Kellogg's and Nestle do it. Fast food chains are FAR more guilty of this than most, as their entire business revolves around people becoming dependent on their product and returning daily.

    I can't do much to convince you; frankly, I wouldn't trust any links you threw at me over the internet, so I wouldn't expect you to trust mine. However, you can do your own research. They use all kinds of chemical engineering and have precise formulas to set off the brain's receptors JUST right to force you to feel a certain way when you ingest their products. I'm not exaggerating, and it's 100% for real. Take a read:

    Or read this excerpt:
    has shown that the ingredients in junk food, especially vegetable-based oils, act on the brain in similar ways to marijuana, inducing hunger by causing the body to produce substances called endocannabinoids. Simply put, our bodies are biologically wired to seek out high fat, high salt, high sugar foods – so-called hyper-palatable foods – and the corporations that feed us are profiting from those instincts, all the while putting our health at risk. And that risk has been quantified, and the toll taken by overconsumption of processed foods is well documented. Obesity-related illness accounts for roughly $190 billion in additional health care spending in the U.S., with most of these costs being borne by those of lower socio-economic status. Our health care system is becoming over-burdened by those who are addicted to junk. In a way, American taxpayers are footing the bill for corporate manipulation of food.

    From this article:

    These are internet articles, and people love to say "you can't trust what you read on the internet" - so if you don't believe it, go research it yourself. The book the other poster recommended is a great one, with thousands of interesting, cited, factual findings.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Fast food doesn't gross me out because most foods don't gross me out to begin with. I don't believe in demonizing food because I've already experienced an unhealthy relationship with food in various manners and I'm done with that. A healthy mindset isn't achieved by being uptight and cultish about the foods you eat. The only foods I stay away from and find gross are the ones I just don't okra & brussel sprouts. Jalapenos, tabasco sauce, and wasabi are just fabulous.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I only have eyes for Chick-fil-a. :love:

    Everything else I can live without.

    Sidenote: The regular #1 combo = best hangover cure ever.

    oooooooooooh so controversial. What a rebel.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And fast food doesn't gross me out because most foods don't gross me out and I don't believe in demonizing food because I've already experienced an unhealthy relationship with food in various manners and I'm done with that. A healthy mindset isn't achieved by being uptight and cultish about the foods you eat. The only foods I stay away from and find gross are the ones I just don't okra, brussel sprouts, jalapenos, tabasco sauce, and wasabi.

    WAIT!!!!!! U no like jalapenos, tabasco and wasabi? :angry:

    hahaha. I can't handle spicy foods to begin with. Makes my stomach weird But jalapenos have a nasty smell as well as a nasty after taste. Tabasco smells bad and also has a bad after taste, especially when you breath out your nose. Wasabi doesn't taste nasty, but I don't like getting kicked in the chest every time I even get a little bit on the tip of my tongue. :tongue: :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Fast food doesn't gross me out because most foods don't gross me out to begin with. I don't believe in demonizing food because I've already experienced an unhealthy relationship with food in various manners and I'm done with that. A healthy mindset isn't achieved by being uptight and cultish about the foods you eat. The only foods I stay away from and find gross are the ones I just don't okra & brussel sprouts. Jalapenos, tabasco sauce, and wasabi are just fabulous.


    *gags..and not in the good way either*
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have been craving a Habanero Ranch burger from Mickey D's all day because of this thread....
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I still don't see how it's false advertising which was your original argument. And when you think about it, McD's may not be the "best" choice for some, but the meals do have protein and other nutrients that someone living in poverty and not eating enough could benefit from. So I'm not sure why they're so evil for selling affordable food to impoverished areas.

    I'm not going to read a whole book for me to accept the one point as accurate. I also don't eat fast food anymore for reasons stated earlier so I don't need the "push."

    What they're saying is actually true. These companies pay "food scientists" hundreds of millions of dollars annually to sit in laboratories and devise new and devious ways to legally addict their consumers to their products. Soft drink manufacturers do it, fast food chains do it, even household names like Kellogg's and Nestle do it. Fast food chains are FAR more guilty of this than most, as their entire business revolves around people becoming dependent on their product and returning daily.

    I can't do much to convince you; frankly, I wouldn't trust any links you threw at me over the internet, so I wouldn't expect you to trust mine. However, you can do your own research. They use all kinds of chemical engineering and have precise formulas to set off the brain's receptors JUST right to force you to feel a certain way when you ingest their products. I'm not exaggerating, and it's 100% for real. Take a read:

    Or read this excerpt:
    has shown that the ingredients in junk food, especially vegetable-based oils, act on the brain in similar ways to marijuana, inducing hunger by causing the body to produce substances called endocannabinoids. Simply put, our bodies are biologically wired to seek out high fat, high salt, high sugar foods – so-called hyper-palatable foods – and the corporations that feed us are profiting from those instincts, all the while putting our health at risk. And that risk has been quantified, and the toll taken by overconsumption of processed foods is well documented. Obesity-related illness accounts for roughly $190 billion in additional health care spending in the U.S., with most of these costs being borne by those of lower socio-economic status. Our health care system is becoming over-burdened by those who are addicted to junk. In a way, American taxpayers are footing the bill for corporate manipulation of food.

    From this article:

    These are internet articles, and people love to say "you can't trust what you read on the internet" - so if you don't believe it, go research it yourself. The book the other poster recommended is a great one, with thousands of interesting, cited, factual findings.

    So they spend money to make people want to buy their food. So? Don't most businesses spend tons of money to make sure their product is the most appealing?
  • JuliaLee67
    JuliaLee67 Posts: 149
    it isn't about 'good foods' versus 'bad foods' for me, it's more of 'do i really want this, and can i work this into my totals for the day'. i still like fast food every once in awhile [jack-in-the-box tacos or their ultimate cheeseburger and curly fries, wendy's spicy chicken sandwich or taco salad]. altho, a few months ago i had some mickey d's fish mc bites just to try them, and those tasted like cheap carnival food, were served @ room temperature and then made me sick, and that was the first mickey d's i'd had in years.

    what i really like is a good burger and fries from a non-fast-food restaurant that does hamburgers well [and also serves beer, lol]. if i really want a burger, and i can fit it into the day, i have one.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nine out of 10 people in line at the grocery store are obese, too. Maybe you shouldn't shop there, either. :-)
    Depends what grocery store! Thank you for the input:)
    Every one I've ever been in.

    This is statistically unlikely. I don't know what country is referred to in the post(s) above, but < 1/2 of Americans are obese. I don't know of a country that has a 90% obesity rate, so it would be very unlikely that every grocery store in any area would happen to have 90% obese clientele at the time one individual chose to shop there.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Nine out of 10 people in line at the grocery store are obese, too. Maybe you shouldn't shop there, either. :-)
    Depends what grocery store! Thank you for the input:)
    Every one I've ever been in.

    This is statistically unlikely. I don't know what country is referred to in the post(s) above, but < 1/2 of Americans are obese. I don't know of a country that has a 90% obesity rate, so it would be very unlikely that every grocery store in any area would happen to have 90% obese clientele at the time one individual chose to shop there.

    Same with a fast foot joint then too, right?
  • stellafgus
    stellafgus Posts: 29 Member
    I have a rule if it comes in a Styrofoam/cardboard box and you eat it while driving down the road, it can’t be good for you.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I don't know, because I don't especially like fast food. It doesn't fill me up or make me feel satisfied. I've had fast food maybe 5 or 6 times in the last 30 years, on road trips when nothing else was available, and all I remember is that it was blah.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Nine out of 10 people in line at the grocery store are obese, too. Maybe you shouldn't shop there, either. :-)
    Depends what grocery store! Thank you for the input:)
    Every one I've ever been in.

    This is statistically unlikely. I don't know what country is referred to in the post(s) above, but < 1/2 of Americans are obese. I don't know of a country that has a 90% obesity rate, so it would be very unlikely that every grocery store in any area would happen to have 90% obese clientele at the time one individual chose to shop there.

    Wait a moment. I realize that most are not obese but visually it can be hard to tell. I believe the obesity rate in the U.S. is in the 30% range, but the overweight rate is in the 60% range. Please feel free to check my numbers here. The point being, you see a lot of overweight people out there.
  • wondermommie85
    wondermommie85 Posts: 30 Member
    the last time I ate fast food I got very very sick. I don't eat it anymore, and if I go out with friends I can usually find a salad that fits my dietary needs.