Annoying things your pet does..



  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    My orange tabby gets as close as possible to me without touching me, and then he takes his abnormally long tail and flicks and taps it all over me.

    I feel like he's letting me know he's annoyed by something, and most likely it's me, and I can't really do anything about it, but I should be constantly reminded anyway.

    Other times he runs out of nowhere while I'm sleeping and slams his orange body against me as hard as he can, demanding to be cuddled.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,112 Member
    watch these...if you haven't seen them, they are hilarious...

    1. Sad Cat Diary:
    2. Sad Dog Diary:

    They make sense to the pet people (AKA the Authorities lol).
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Nichol my rat terrier rescue rides the rails all the time (poor guy has bad allergies) Every morning when I do my stretches he feels the need to bring all his toys around me lick my face then sit on my chest... it is really cute and only slightly annoying.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    my dog logs into my MFP account when im away and he posts inappropriate statuses.


    how dare you?
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    My cat, or Bindi the psycho cat as she is also know, has a variety of weird habits, that quite often annoy me ...

    1. If I take a bath she HAS to be in the bathroom, where she then repeatedly jumps up on the side of the bath and sits there and flicks water with her paw at me, she has also been known to fall into the bath at this point and loose her sh1t!

    2. No closed doors, particularly the toilet door, she likes to sit and watch you on the toilet, which often freaks guests out at my house!

    3. If you leave the toilet seat up she will drink the toilet water, there is usually dirty wet paw prints all over the toilet seat which give her away

    4. She HAS to be touching my in some way or form when she is asleep, this means if I move over in bed, she quickly moves closer to place a paw on me ...

    5. She will not eat or drink like a normal cat - she has to use her paw to either lift the food up to her mouth or dips it in the water and then licks her paw ... WTF!

    There's a variety of other, the usual really, attacking my ankles etc etc.

    Unfortunately I love the damn little thing so she gets away with all of it!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    pooping and peeing on the floor.

    Peeing on my pillows
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    My cat Simba will stand on his hind legs and "reach up" for us like a toddler. Adorable unless you can't avoid him LoL
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My female dog tries to hump our female cat. Husband calls her a lesbian :laugh:
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Chews my toes and one of them bites my fingers everytime he sees me. Oh, and when their mad, they leave poop bombs all over the living room knowing very well their supposed to go out side.
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    My turtle eats, poops, and then eats her poop... yeah. :indifferent:
  • waipepe
    waipepe Posts: 110 Member
    wants to be tucked in for the night. She will wait, stare until I do it. She is a working dog not a lap dog!!!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Burps in my face while I am petting him - yuk
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I have a shiba Inu named Reu, two things he does that I want to smack him for are 1) when he gets a bath or is about to get corrected, this breed has what they call the Shiba Shriek. Its a mixture between a banshee and a dog being murdered scream. He does it to get me to leave him alone because the sound is so horrible!! Its like WTH did I get this breed again xD, but if you see them there like little foxes with curly tails!! 2) he destroys my dirty laundry baskets to get to my husbands smelly socks. I wouldn't care so much about this as its a laundry basket, but then he preceeds to drag ALL of the dirty laundry through the house! Every room will have a pile of clothes all their own, I have tried everything with correcting and squirting with water and still nothing stops him from doing this!! LOL so I just shrug and pick it up and glare at him, all the while he is sitting there with a look of O_O I didn't do it!! So I picked his name well as his nickname is Re Re, which we all know what that stands for ;) lol

  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I have a shiba Inu named Reu, two things he does that I want to smack him for are 1) when he gets a bath or is about to get corrected, this breed has what they call the Shiba Shriek. Its a mixture between a banshee and a dog being murdered scream. He does it to get me to leave him alone because the sound is so horrible!! Its like WTH did I get this breed again xD, but if you see them there like little foxes with curly tails!! 2) he destroys my dirty laundry baskets to get to my husbands smelly socks. I wouldn't care so much about this as its a laundry basket, but then he preceeds to drag ALL of the dirty laundry through the house! Every room will have a pile of clothes all their own, I have tried everything with correcting and squirting with water and still nothing stops him from doing this!! LOL so I just shrug and pick it up and glare at him, all the while he is sitting there with a look of O_O I didn't do it!! So I picked his name well as his nickname is Re Re, which we all know what that stands for ;) lol


    haha my dog is part shiba inu and she inherited that shriek. awful haha
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Does breathing count?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Sunny - vomits on the rug, then goes and gets socks out of the dirty laundry to "cover" the vomit spots.

    licks plastic bags.

    Pulls the audio cable out of the back of my PC at least once a day, forcing me to crawl under there and plug it back in.

    Binx - lays on the back of my computer chair but slides down gradually until very slowly when my shoulders start to ache, I realize I have a 15 pound cat on my neck.

    He's also afraid of everything. If I cough at night he rockets off the bed in fear.

    Castiel - insists on getting in my lap via walking across the keyboard first. Or maybe he'll just get on the keyboard and stand there in my way until I move him off.

    Likes to knock things off the desk and shelves on purpose and then just looks at me.

    He also loves to chase the other two. I actually have to crate him at night when I go to bed so we can all have a break, or it's two hours of growling and snarling once the lights go out. And possibly have him chase another cat across my head.

    edited because i keep thinking of more annoying things. :smile:
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    two things

    My dog has to stand up to fart....-_-"

    and the second my cat likes to drag small stuffed animals and my underware around the house and bring it to me -_-"

    edit : and this always happens when company is around
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I have two dogs a female mini dachshund Roxi who's my baby and a female mix breed (we think coonhound/pointer) named Poppy.

    Anyway, they both know the routine each morning: I get up and immediately let them outside to potty and then I feed them. Poppy eats in our bedroom and Roxi eats in the kitchen to keep them from trying to eat each others food. So as soon as I let them in from outside Poppy RUNS full speed into the bedroom and sits waiting for me to bring her food. What annoys me is that while Roxi has somehow figured out what time they eat each morning and doesn't bug me unless it is that time, poppy hasn't. She often forgets if she has eaten that day or not and what time of day it is. Often times ill be simply grabbing her bowl to fill it with water and she runs to the bedroom waiting for food:grumble: she will do this no matter if it is 6am, 6pm, or 10pm!

    Also Roxi has now figured out that if she doesn't come in from outside when called I will eventually bribe her by asking if she wants a treat (yes, she knows what treat means) and will stay outside until I say "do you want a treat?" And then She runs inside and of course, I give her one.

    And last, but certainly not least. Poppy likes to do what I call helicoptering. She will get up from her bed and suddenly start walking around the room wagging her tail. This is when you know it's coming... A huge stinky FART! Which she spreads around the house by wagging her tail. She looks quite proud of herself when she does this :sick:
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have a kitten who i rescued with a broken back & since its healing, he has decided its easier for him to lay down to poop or pee in his box.. so now, people think he is just laying down in the litter box... & they are all pointing at him like.. "Oh gross, your cat is laying in the box! he is going to stink!" and i get out the baby wipes & have to wipe him down after each time & explain.. NO, hes not laying down just to relax.. He is poopin! Then everyone wants to stand around & watch the poor fella do his business. Real entertainment around here I tell ya. LOL... I think im gonna build him his own dang "outhouse." Guy cant get any peace!
  • igor11
    igor11 Posts: 23 Member
    I have two dumbo rats. Indy likes to dig holes in EVERYTHING. Especially the carpet. And loves to chew anything electronic. Not cords, but the actual device, like my phone. I have chew marks all over the case.
    Vega, the other, does not want to be petted unless you are holding treats. In that case she will climb all over you (even on top of you head) until she finds one. She also likes to climb into the bottom drawer of the my dresser (they get in from the back somehow) and eat any food she is given, so whenever i open my t-shirt drawer, there are rat food crumbs all over my shirts.
    We have just a small apartment and our bedroom is the only place we can let them run free without the risk of getting electrocuted or hiding somewhere where they can get hurt.
    Yes rats are unusual, but they are so darn cute