Annoying things your pet does..



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Why can't they gag up hairballs on the tile floor...why is is *ALWAYS* on the carpet.....?

    The carpet, the bed or the sofa. It's like they have to get comfortable in order to hurl.
  • JonsieMcJones
    JonsieMcJones Posts: 26 Member
    I have a Cavalier King Charles cross (tracker pic) and if he sees either of us conscious in the morning, he has to shimmy his way over, stand awkwardly on me/on the bed between me and my boyfriend and then shove his face into mine or the hubby's and lick us furiously until we pay attention to him. Usually we aren't ready to get up yet and have to place him at the end of the bed again and give a stern 'no'. I don't know why he picked up the habit, but he did. He also likes to sleep on the back of couches and love seats, and then bomb his nine kilogram body onto my hip/chest/leg/ect as he jumps down.

    So inconsiderate.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    My cat (we have only had her a month) has taken to finding ANY bread-related product we happen to leave out, clawing the bag, and taking bites out of it so we have to toss the whole thing. Somehow she got into a cabinet yesterday and attacked the saltines!!! I have been told cats love the smell of yeast....has anyone else had this problem? (Sorry if it was posted earlier, I am going to read back now)

    A couple of my mom's cats attack bread also. Bite the bag and leave bread pieces all over the hallway. It's annoying but I don't think it's uncommon.

    edited to say, in order to stop them doing it, she had to get those childproof cabinet locks to put on the kitchen cabinets. A couple of them also realized where she put the cat treats and figured out how to get into those also.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    wants to be tucked in for the night. She will wait, stare until I do it. She is a working dog not a lap dog!!!

    Haha my dachshund does this too. She's such a spoiled little brat.
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    My Kitty Kitty (yes that's her name..KK for short) always has to get into the fridge the second the door is open...sits right at the bottom on the little ledge in front of the bottom drawer. Just sits. Refuses to move when you try to shut the door so you have to manually remove her EVERY time!! And we all know how often the fridge gets opened during the day. UGH!

    And this morning my precious KK was lying in the living room floor...curled up on one of my favorite $50 Victoria's Secret bra's! Which apparently she had clawed at ALL night because the fabric is no longer smooth and silky! :grumble:
  • Hoponopono
    Hoponopono Posts: 31 Member
    4 Kitties

    Bella Lolita Da'Kittievich is the grand dame at 13. She is a Maine Coon...absolutely gorgeous and a very vocal bottomless pit of needing attention. I wouldn't trade her for the world...even when she has cling-ons to her backside that drop off around the house...I am her personal potty maid lol.

    Ms. Naughty Kitten is 7...she is a quiet, keep to herself kinda gal. A lovely tortie with a face that always looks like she is annoyed; yet she has the sweetest disposition. She is quite a bit round and has a shameless addiction to chewing plastic bags and the shower curtain liner. We keep the bags away but the shower curtain reads like braille with all those tiny tooth marks.

    Bug is our male Tuxedo kitty. I rescued him from a really bad situation...he weighed just over a pound at 6 weeks old...almost died twice from all the fleas, worms and earmites he was infested with when he came to his furever home. He is now 4 years old and finally has some great meat on his carcass. I named him bug because he LOVES bugs. He is also inseperable from our latest family addition Scout.

    Scout is just over a year old and she followed us home from one of our nightly strolls around our apartment complex parking lot. She is a charmer in every sense of the when she sticks her tongue out while arching her back after getting up from a nap. She adores Bug and the two of them will either play for hours, groom each other or just nap together...sweetest thing ever <3

    Most of the time I'd say none of them are that annoying...anyway, they give us so much far outweighs any inconveniences.

    Great topic and responses! <3
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    My dog just has to come and 'attack' my head/hair while I am doing something that requires being on the ground. Seriously pup, I'm exercising!
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    My cat Wickett is my alarm clock - he wakes me each morning by gently shoving one claw up my nostril :grumble:

    Too funny!
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    My dog just has to come and 'attack' my head/hair while I am doing something that requires being on the ground. Seriously pup, I'm exercising!

    My cat rubs his tail all over my face when I'm sweating and on the ground, making his fur stick to my face
  • ditsy
    ditsy Posts: 27
    My pet duck has a few annoying habits:
    She likes to put dirt in her water bowl then whinges that its dirty and quacks loudly and constantly until you replace it.
    She also likes to bolt inside if I forget to close the door, poop on my floor then run outside again.
    She likes pooping in shoes if you leave them outside too.
  • i dont have pets but i watch my brothers dog once in a while when him and his gf need and he is such a pain but super cute, he likes stealing dirty underwear and socks and he likes sleeping right on your head at night. i dont know why but he loves sleeping there lol
  • Well, my cat, Millie, does not rub against me in the bathroom...he does it everywhere else! I cannot walk from room to room without him following me. He constantly rubs on me when I am on my computer, watching t.v., or just standing in the kitchen!! Ha, right now, he is laying next to me, half asleep, just holding his paws against my leg. He also LOVES to eat Cheerios out of my hand and will nudge my hand constantly if he hears me eating my Cheerios. This is my first cat, so I don't know much...but it just seems that for whatever reason, some are just plain needier and friendlier than others. Just like people, I guess...
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    All my English Bulldog does is snore and fart all day. He sleeps for 20-22hrs each day. And then when he is awake, he falls asleep sitting up after every few minutes.
  • These are fantastic.

    I will just speak of Jane, my maltese-havanese-poodle. (The family dog also has a lot of annoying traits)

    She has recently decided that following me on a walk should be the hardest part of my day... I take her up to pee and from there if we aren't headed the way she wants to go she will lay down in the middle of the street, belly on the pavement. My mom said to carry her but OH how that makes her so happy we believe she just wants to be tall... it seems to be getting better.

    :devil: Janey is vengeful from what I gather:devil: . While I am home she has never destroyed anything but if I leave even for 20min she heads right to the garbage to cause a mess! One night I had to go to the ER and was gone until 10am the next day she went in the laundry room (left open) and my underwear was all over the condo!

    She always crosses her paws when she sits, little lady (not annoying but cant just say all bad!) She screams bloody murder when she sees anyone even if we saw my mom 5min age "SHE'S BACK!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!" :noway: :bigsmile:

    I love the excitement, but tone it down a bit sounds like someone's getting beaten

    also, rips the soles out of my shoes and sucks on them... yay
  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    When my dog farts, looks back at me all innocent like when I say his name in a pissed off way, and then scurries away...

    ISPEAKWHALE2 Posts: 36 Member
    My husbands cat crawls in his pants on the floor when hes on the toilet. He would kill me if he knew I posted this.....yikes:ohwell:
  • AngelaAwesome97
    AngelaAwesome97 Posts: 216 Member
    My dog eats everything from thumb tacs (on multiple occasions) to toilet paper to just grazing the floor by licking at it and walking to see if he can get any pieces of food or trash that may have fallen. he also pees and poops everywhere, and he sometimes vomits on your fancy furry area rug, making you have to scrub at it for awhile then hose it down outside and leave it drying for a day or two. lol but i love him <3 oh and he burps in your face a lot. xD
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    Ok, grossest thing ever. My chihuahua Tinker has been next to me on the couch, and after 'grooming' her nether regeions,looked up at me, and burped. O.M.G. *Gag*
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I wish I could think of something. I have the best dog and cat. Tiger loves LEDs (we are careful of her eyes) and Harmony is nearly ten, we got her last March out of a bad breeding kennel. She just is a dog rug. She just lays with stuffed toys that we call her babies and she noses and licks them.

    We are very lucky to be their family.