A poll to convince my a**hole boyfriend he's wrong



  • cuquita_24
    cuquita_24 Posts: 3 Member
    It can be done but it may be hard to maintain after you've lost the weight.
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    You could lose a couple hundred pounds of dead weight in one day, just dump your boyfriend!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Maybe...If you want a skin apron and skin wings.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    You could lose a lot more than that in an instant. Dump the idiot boyfriend.

    LOL THIS^^^^ QFT
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    You could lose a couple hundred pounds of dead weight in one day, just dump your boyfriend!
    I had to laugh at this, I admit.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    100 pounds in 4 months = 25 pounds / month

    1 lb = 3500 calories

    25 lb = 87, 500 calories

    Spread out over 30 days = 2,916 calorie deficit per day.

    If that's not a recipe for muscle loss and binge eating followed by regain I don't know what is.

    Don't let your boyfriend set an impossible goal for you.
    I dumped a fellow for giving me a diet / exercise deadline while I was sick in bed with mono. I was having trouble walking from one room to another. The gem went on vacation and sent me a text stating that I should be "back in the game" by the date he returned. I realized that he had zero relationship potential. Some guys take an iron will approach but this doesn't work for most normal people. And it certainly doesn't work for beginners who are slowly incorporating new diet and exercise routines into their lives.

    The only people who succeed at this weight loss thing are the ones who are patient. It takes years to lose 100 pounds. Consistency is 99% of the game. It took me six months to lose 40 pounds; expect at least a year for slow and consistent weight loss.

    The second a person becomes impatient or starts focusing on the physical goal in the very distant future is the day they get tired and give up.

    Pro tip: There will be hiccups, setbacks, and loose skin. You'll have way more of those if you lose weight super fast. So slow down. Weight maintenance is a lifetime goal.
  • You could lose a lot more than that in an instant. Dump the idiot boyfriend.

    I think the "idiot" (sorry miss, but that's my opinion) is looking for immediate gratification!!! Be smart and listen to your friends here on MFP. :glasses:
  • It is all relative. It is possible but not realistic. If you weight for example 500+ pounds, yes you could probably lose 100 pounds in 4 months. It wouldn't be healthy but it is possible. Not to mention people at that weight seem to lose like 15-20 pounds just in their first week from all the water weight.
  • Dorothy4208
    Dorothy4208 Posts: 53 Member
    Dump this jerk and then get yourself fit and healthy for yourself.
  • zedgt87
    zedgt87 Posts: 379 Member
    nope not possible 1.5 lbs a week is doin good.
  • DanJr1
    DanJr1 Posts: 2
    Just to answer the question.. Is it possible? Maybe... But not obtainable in a safe way....

    The accepted norm is you will lose 1lb for every 3500 calories of deficit each week... Hence 1000 deficit/day = estimated weight loss of 2lbs/week

    So in a week if you are at a deficit of 3500 cals you should have dropped around a 1lb +/- any water weight....

    So your daily deficit would need to net -2800 cals each day to obtain 100lbs lost in 17.3 weeks.... or losing 5.78lbs a week...

    Seeing that 90% of all caloric deficit is from dieting and your metabolic rate no amount of gym work or time spent in Africa running from lions is going to get you to those #'s....
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    Get a new boyfriend - one that does not utter such idiotic and unscientific crap.....

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    what a douche
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My thoughts are that there are some serious problems in the relationship if you have to start an online poll to "make a point".
  • No healthy way to do this. He sounds like a real douche. Lose the weight, be fabulous, dump him.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    However, if you dump him, you can lose over 100lbs overnight!
  • loserintraining
    loserintraining Posts: 11 Member
    A new boyfriend is definitely in order and a lesson in motivation for him would be good!
  • loserintraining
    loserintraining Posts: 11 Member
    However, if you dump him, you can lose over 100lbs overnight!

  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Can it be done? Yes. But I am not sure it is the smartest nor healthiest move. And you are going to have to be completely dedicated to it.

    Who came up with the 100 lbs mark? Who set 4 mths mark? Honestly I would say set a goal of five to ten pounds a month. If you beat that then great. If you meet it, then success may help breed further success and motivate you to hit the gym harder. Unfortunately saying 100 lbs in four months is such a stretch, that if you do not hit it, then you are bound to be disappointed or frustrated.

    The greatest success starts with a single step.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Is it physically possible for a woman to lose 100 pounds in 4 months??????????? I mean, of course there is the "you never know what can happen" and blah blah blah, but I'm speaking REALISTICALLY. He assures me that if I "go hard" in the gym everyday, that there is NO REASON why I shouldn't be able to do it. This is his way of "motivating" me. Pssssssssshhh.


    OP, pls do tell, is it you who wants to loose 100 in 4 months and your boyfriend is trying to tell you that you can do a lot if you try hard or is it your boyfriend telling you to loose 100 in 4 months?