
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I learned a hard lesson tongiht :sad: You know we went to this amusement park Sunday. Well they have a sweet shop. Uh oh:ohwell: :grumble: I love chocolate, any kind. It's one of my downfalls. I have several things of chocolate that I can eat to help me with it but fudge was right there. Abd you could get a piece FREE!!!!! But you had to buy 4 pieces to get a free piece. I would say they were about a 2x2 piece. How can a woman pass up a bargain to get something free??? Especially if she loves it. So I get 5 pieces, cost me an arm and a leg to. So I was occasionally going in and taking a small bite. I hide things like this from my husband because he has no will power. Ha ha, the jokes on me. So Tuesday night I had a whole piece of the maple nut. It really asn't even that good but it was still called fudge and I b ought it so I ate it. Then last night ws a milk chocolate. Was so good. So I am left with two pieces left and I want them gone. I mean gone gone. I briefly thought about just throwing them away. Throw away money, no no! So I ate both pieces. So now I have a pounding headache, not sure if I can go to sleep or not but at least the candy is gone. Right????

    So now I am suffering both emotionally and physically. The scales were up a pound this morning and I hate to think what they will be tomorrow. And I also know that it may not hit the scales until a couple of days. And I lied in my diary. I put my Weight Watchers giant fudge bars and left it at that. OK now you all know the truth.

    Joyce, weak in Indiana
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Wow! Thank you for all of our support and love.

    Janie- Welcome Home! Great NSV!

    Meg- Congratulations on the mammo results.... I always worry until I get the letter.
    Thank you for sharing about your alanon experience.
    Joyce- Thank you. With all of your kindness and support, there must be many people missing out on being your friends. I am glad I get to be even if it is only through this site. T

    Sue in Tx- We hit triple digits here today, too. I am very glad that I got to spend the day inside!

    Eileen- We are here. I have been here about 3 times today because I am feeling the need to connect with people today. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and ankles, so I understand the pain. Take care of yourself and just do little bits at a time to take care of yourself.

    Rori- Thank you, I will get to the first meeting here in the Valley. It will be on Saturday at noon.

    Yvette- Welcome!

    Michele- My sister has lived a difficult life, and I think it has all overwhelmed her. She does struggle financially, but I just can't (at least for right now) get passed the hurt to try to understand why she will not talk to me. I think your idea about a grief counselor to help you deal with your situation is a very good way to deal with this great loss. Grief comes from many circumstances besides loss to death, and grief can devastate the soul. Take care, my friend.

    Genealace- Congratulations on both the weight loss and the increase in bone density.

    BHRichie- Welcome!!!

    Janie- I really am glad that you are home. Somehow, I knew that you would get the connection between all of the food issues and my family issues. I do value your support and input.

    I am going to bed with a much calmer heart tonight. Thank you, my friends. Sweet Dreams!

  • Joyce - not sure how I missed your post before - we must have crossed posting or something ;-b but I felt the urge to come back to the thread so here I am.

    It is hard to think in terms of wasting money, isn't it? Next time, remember that you and your health are worth so much more than some less than ideal fudge & toss it. I'm actually able to do that sometimes now. Next, try remembering that saying that confession is good for the soul. You've owned your indulgence - I doubt there's anyone in this group who hasn't been there at some point. It's a lifelong journey for all of us. Now decide what you will do the next time this happens. I always do better when I have some plan of action in mind already. You know what the consequences can be; just don't let them cause you to continue a slide. In the grand scheme of things it was a speed bump, not a concrete wall. Once you have your plan please think about what you would tell anyone else here. I'm sure you would be kind, be kind to yourself.

    Janie - Pacific NW
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    hello-my name is Alison and I am an emotional eater:grumble:
    believe me it is really tough sometimes..
    sometimes I just fall off the wagon...:huh:
    feel much better today.plus down a lb:drinker:
    got up at 3:15 and will be off to the gym.. then home and get my lunch together ,shower and get to work
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Wow, it's been quite a 'confession session' hasn't it. I could write a very long epistle on all my emotional eating issues, but I will say I understand where each and everyone of you is coming from. That's what got us into this fine mess in the first place.:heart: I always said I wish I had sent my parents the bill for all the therapy I've paid for over the years, but part of healing is coming to terms with all that and changing it into compassion for their issues too.
    I watched a programme last night on the "diet industry". Depressing statistic that of the people who lost weight through WW only 16% had not regained all their weight in 5 years. :sad: I am so near maintenance now that it struck fear into my heart. I know some of you, Barbie, Jodios, Amanda etc have been at maintenance for a while now. I hope this group will help me keep on track. I have lost a lot of weight in the past and put it all and more back on. This time it WILL be different.:smile:
    I think, as it's confession time, that my weight has served in the past as a 'dampner' for my manic tendencies. Getting thinner gives me so much spare energy that sometimes I can get a bit over ebullient. (Have any of you noticed?):laugh: :tongue: :noway: In my first marriage this took a destructive path and, although I am much older and a little wiser now, I know I need to direct my new found energy in a positive way. Perhaps it is time to pick up my pen again.:bigsmile: How amazing it would be to get back to my writing, the very thought brings a tear to my eye.

    Janie - I am in awe of your driving! I am a confident person in some areas and in others, not at all. Driving is one of them, especially motorways, and I don't even like being driven on them. I can't imagine doing what you did.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce- the fudge is gone! Hooray! Lesson learnt. "There are no mistakes, only lessons."!

    Pat- an excellent idea to go to Al-Anon. I am not an enabler myself, but I did get very enmeshed in destructive behaviour with my first husband.. A friend once told me my marriage was 'curdled'. An excellent description. Boundaries are essential for mental health.:flowerforyou: Good luck!

    Janemartin- 10, 000 steps! Brilliant!

    Yvette- welcome! What an exciting and scary time for you. This is an excellent place to stretch your comfort zone.:flowerforyou:

    Eileenwalleem- Welcome! There are lots of exercises you can do in a chair. Google wheelchair exercises. I did yoga for a couple of months on a chair when I badly damaged my knee. Cardio is also possible. Punching the air as in 30Day Shred (Utube) sure gets your heart rate up! Try Joyce's car dancing!!!:laugh: :drinker:

    Well, I did write an epistle! I so love reading all your trials and tribulations as well as your wonderful successes. It makes me feel I am not the only one . . . . . .!:heart::love:

    Heather. In Hampshire, the south of England, UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new!!! You`ll love the warmth and support here! Come in often and chat away!!!

    I`ve read all the posts, what a wonderful group of women we are:bigsmile: !!! Wish I could reply to everyone, I just don`t have the time this morning!

    Pat:smile: Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers:flowerforyou: !!!

    Vicki:smile: the thought of you and DH getting out of the car to dance made me smile:happy: . What a great idea to remind him and start that back up!!!

    Meg:smile: Not sure I could watch sharks:noway: ....Jaws was enough to keep me out of the ocean for a good long time:laugh: .

    Laura80111:smile: It`s so good to see you posting again!!! I`ve missed your posts!!! I`m so sorry about Peanut:sad: !

    I`ve got an appt. this morning to have an x-ray of my foot, she`s pretty sure its Metatarsalgial (not sure I spelled that right:blushing: ) , can come from wearing the wrong shoes:grumble: , and being very active, I bought a pair of walking sandals to wear this summer and they may be the culprit, she told me to wear my walking shoes when I walk and to replace them every 4 months or so. The x-ray is to make sure I don`t have a fracture. The leg pain....continue taking Advil and putting heat on it, rest and elevate my leg and to stop walking so much when it`s painful:angry: . I need to give it time to heal, I`m really not good at that:frown: . I also have an appt. with the dermatologist again, thank goodness that ugly rash is gone, so I think that will be a fast visit!!!

    Time to get myself ready! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in actually sunny at the moment NC:glasses: :happy:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    'morning everyone --

    RE: the sharks -- they are OK, but please, oh, please, don't show me pictures of bugs, insects, bees, ants, etc. - yuck! That is the stuff of nightmares.

    Hope ya'll have a great day.

    Gail, metro ATL

    ....or vampire, horror things.... guess I'm really a wimp!

    I'll stick with Philippians 4:8: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning;
    Kate; Sandy; Jane; Joyce; Melfitnesspal; blodwed; Deb; Barbiecat; Rhonda; Sue; Eileen; Michele; Heather; Grandmallie; Cindy; BJ; Lisalup; Jane; Jen; Cindy; Sue; Tess; Katla; Anamika703; Tina; Kayak_Kutie; Sandy; Suzy; Subzeromambo; Darla; Sonja; Lucy; Robin; DeeDee; Rjadams; Genealacc; Meg; Terri; Yanniejannie; Kathie; Kathy; Laura80111; Jodios; Mamacindy; eileenwalnum; Poerava14; Yvette; Bhrichie :flowerforyou:
    I hope I left no one out....My week has been uneventful as yet...haven't been outside for another walk yet..and I will not do another 30 min one for awhile...took me 3 days to get over that { I have Chronic Fatigue/ Fibro }...the exercises I do at home I do in stages and sometimes I overdo it with them....like the other day....:grumble: my body ableness is SO frustrating.....you think *well I did it a few years ago*...but this is now and I have got to try to beat it in my head..that I am not as well as I was then :grumble: :ohwell:
    My sister is slowing down..the cancer in her liver must be growing maybe even travelling...her skin is So yellow....she has more pain now and the meds make her thick tongued and sleepy...she tries to apologize :cry: :cry: for it...bless her heart....I do not know how long I will have her with me...that kills me :cry: :brokenheart: ...but I try to be strong when I am with her and do my crying after I have left :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: It hurts so bad to see her this way :cry: :cry: :cry:
    I have failed a day on my goal..so the week of the 5th is a bust..I will pull my socks up and keep trying...
    I wish for you ALL a wonderful weekend..let those you love know it and I give you a {{ Hug}} to pass around..you never know who is in need of one...

    Liz from Halifax NS
  • changing4life
    changing4life Posts: 193 Member
    Can I join this group? Am looking for women in their 50s to take this journey with.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: Success is inspirational.......disaster is educational.
    RLRRGJ Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning...
    Would love to "hook up" with some ladies in my age bracket.
    I just started this journey on my 51st bday in July. So....I've been able to stay consistent in in August, but very frustrated with my weight loss. I will lose a pound, then gain 6 ozs and remain for a week. Then...drop a lb. I had hoped to be down 10 lbs by now...and thought I might hit it this week. HOWEVER, as of this morning I'm up 6 oz. So I just keep moving forward because to stop means I go back. And I never want to go back!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Another busy day for me so I am just popping in and marking my spot.

    Changing4life: yes you may join this group. Just post as much as you would like, share success, vent whatever we will be here for you.

    Michelle; how did the eggplant stew turn out?
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    For all the new people~
    This is an awesome group of over 50 ladies. Our bodies are so different from the younger ones with the hormonal changes, usualy a child birth or two plus the stress of taking care of DH, DC and sometimes parents ALL on top of working.
    So Thank You all who come here each day or even just sometimes to support each other. If we don't take care of each other...who will?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Ooops, was trying to post a glitter graphic of HUGS! Love to you and your sister Liz.:heart:
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    At work & thought of a new way to contribute (can't get to site on work computer) - email a post to myself then copy and paste. Can't do this often!

    Joyce . . . I am right there with you with the fudge. At this point, I need to be an abstainer, not a moderator for some things. Let me add my confession. I just recently cleared out (and by that I mean ATE) the last of all the sweets – protein bars, dark chocolate, chocolate chips. I’ve been good all week. The other night I had pb&j for dinner – it was delicious and sweet but didn’t leave me craving more. Then yesterday at work I was alone in my friends’ office at lunch and I had 2 Fiber 1 brownies and a bite of cheesecake. (That’s what I did instead of going for a walk!) Eating alone, sneaking food – that’s part of my eating issue. After work I had to go to Walgreen’s. And what did they have? Nature Valley granola bars on sale. Cheap. Bought I think 6 boxes. Put one in the regular kitchen cabinet (because my son is capable of inhaling food) and the others in the cake box that only I, my daughter and my daughter’s friend (who’s living with us) are allowed. Good news is – I only ate 2. Bad news is – I ate 2. So when I get home tonight, I’ll put them all in the communal kitchen cabinet and try hard to either avoid them all together, or if I do eat one, I’ll try to eat it in the company of someone else. That doesn’t always stop me from going overboard, but it does stop me from truly binging. In terms of the money issue, sometimes it helps me to think, “The money’s been spent in any case. Do I want to make it worse by eating this crap and feeling awful about it?"

    Janie . . . Great advice!

    Got to go - see you all lighter, as Lin used to say. Anyone know how she's doing?

    Kate in Brooklyn
  • Hi everyone! I'd like to join the group. My name is Rachel, I'm 57 and I live in Montreal. I have yoyo-ed for most of my life post-puberty (dieting followed by defensiveness about being overweight! Yay!). I don't know if I'll ever climb off the merry-go-round but as long as I am swinging, I'm still at bat, right?

    I started MFP about 2 weeks ago, and bought a Fitbit last week. I was really out of shape, to the point that walking up hills was a challenge. I've seen a real improvement in the past two weeks. My butt isn't being kicked by the hills any more. (I walk to work, and there's very little flat ground!) I love my Fitbit! I thought it would be a fun chachkah, but it's much, much more!

    I live alone with three cats. My son, who's 32, lives in the same building on a different floor. I look forward to getting to know everyone, and from reading the thread, I am amazed at the level of support!
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    HI Ladies-
    I am on a mini vacation in VA, Beach. Of course it is cloudy today, this is the way this summer has been, but nevertheless I love being away from where I live. I miss the ocean, it is not easy for me to live 2 hrs from a beach, like I do now. So...also found a camera yesterday, that I was sure I had lost in May. I had prayed over and over and even replaced it by now. Mainly I was so sad because on the SD card we the pics of my sister/best-friend who died in June, from our last time together in Apr. I hadn't downloaded the pics yets. Also, pics from my mom's first ever trip to my house since she has become a widow. Lots of memories on one small SD card. But now I have been blessed and it is back!!! (insert happy dance here)

    The next couple of days I have to pray for strength so that I don't go overboard with my fitness plan. I brought my Shaun T. Hip Hop Abs DVDs with me so my exercise will be right but the temptations of vacation foods I will have to resist!! I even brought my breakfast foods with me since I am not always sure I can find organic yogurt that I like everywhere. So keep me in your thoughts this weekend.
  • Goals for August
    - log food & exercise EVERYDAY on MFP
    - eat well - lots of veggies, whole grains & lean protien
    - exercise a minimun of 30min per day
    - do things I enjoy doing
    Looking forward to seeing the results. :wink:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    HI!Wonderful ladies.I have a question,may sound silly,but I need an answer to it.
    I just started to wear a pedometer.When you are in a car,do you take it off?Not sure if you wear it does it record anything.
    Off to get our expensive car back.

    I had a pedometer years ago that counted extra steps when I rode in the truck, but not in the car.....the one I have now, records only "real" steps.......slow walking, many dance steps, and stop and start walking don't count......i suggest that you wear your pedometer once in the car and note the starting and ending numbers and then you'll know how your pedometer works.

    I know this is a few days old, but I had to comment. Barbie, when I first read your reply I read it as "when I ride in the TRUNK." I thought, why is she riding in the trunk? That is crazy.

    What I get for trying to skim through the posts to catch up on everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    HI!Wonderful ladies.I have a question,may sound silly,but I need an answer to it.
    I just started to wear a pedometer.When you are in a car,do you take it off?Not sure if you wear it does it record anything.
    Off to get our expensive car back.

    I had a pedometer years ago that counted extra steps when I rode in the truck, but not in the car.....the one I have now, records only "real" steps.......slow walking, many dance steps, and stop and start walking don't count......i suggest that you wear your pedometer once in the car and note the starting and ending numbers and then you'll know how your pedometer works.

    I know this is a few days old, but I had to comment. Barbie, when I first read your reply I read it as "when I ride in the TRUNK." I thought, why is she riding in the trunk? That is crazy.

    What I get for trying to skim through the posts to catch up on everyone!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: