

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    IrishSandy-welcome and I feel the same way , I haven't been to the Dr, but have a HUGE flab of skin for my tummy and would love to get the girls tucked up too:smile::wink:
    I am going to wait until I am at my goal weight then see the Dr, we have crappy insurance and I dont have short or long term time off at work. so we shall see
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm at work and feeling like a zombie! I babysat my grandtwins last night and didn't get home until after 2:00 am. I'm much too old and worn out for that when I have to be up at 7:00. I'm tempted to lock the door to the gallery and nip down to the basement for a nap! I forsee a lot of coffee in my future.

    Yesterday I got my umbilical hernia belt - it is so attractive! Honestly, I feel as if I should be wearing maternity clothes right now. Extremely depressing. I know one thing, I won't be getting my tummy tucked any time soon!

    Ugh, must do some work before I nod off.

    Have a lovely day my gorgeous friends (yes, that is all of you!)

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Good morning my VF friends!

    Today is the first home game of the football (soccer) season, so DH will be gone all day. I have a new French film to watch, with subtitles,:laugh: and my Saturday paper to read. I also have one of my 'weird' foods when DH is out, today will be red quinoa and the last of that pesky, delicious Brie!:tongue:

    Today I am calling the other half of the pound I wanted to lose. It's only taken me 10 days to lose the 1/2 :drinker: :laugh: , but I keep saying, IT IS NOT A RACE! I have now lost 48 lbs. I want to make it a round 50, though one more will be a UK three and a half stone. The reason why I have to guestimate a bit is because I don't have digital scales so there is a lot of peering and shifting about!!! :bigsmile:
    Also today I reached 2 minutes on the plank!:drinker: I could not even heave myself off the floor when I started all this and used to wonder how my yoga ladies were getting up there. The first time I made it up for a second I shouted out aloud and made everyone laugh.:tongue:

    This morning the grass under our bird feeder was crowded with baby birds. It must be a second brood. They also use the silver birch outside our bedroom window as a baby bird gym. It's lovely to watch their first little hoppings from branch to branch.

    Rachelocity- Isn't it great to see fitness improvements! :flowerforyou: I was amazed and delighted the first time I walked up a hill without puffing and panting. Montreal is one of the places on my bucket list. Is May a good time to visit?

    Katla- the face exercises have succeeded much more than I expected. I was very doubtful, but I have done them every day since March. I now do my own version of holding it for longer and do them on the exercise machines or while on this site, so they don't take up any time at all. I do eye and brow lifts, big cheesy grins for nose to mouth lines, and a modified neck and jaw line one. I started with "Five Minute Face Lift" by Reinhold Benz from Amazon, but there are loads on Utube. The biggest motivation is that I used to look very hang dog, like a sad spaniel, and I was afraid that, with the loss of fat in my face, it would only sag further. It has lifted quite well and nose to mouth lines are much improved.:blushing:

    Michelle - gosh, a mammo every year! You Americans are very well looked after! I have been having them every year as I had breast cancer, but now I am officially discharged I go back to every three years. Mind you the routine one I had 10 months before I discovered my lump missed it altogether.:grumble:

    Melfitnesspal - I used to do the exact same thing with cheese. It used to crack my kids up! It was a standing joke in our family - Mum's just even-ing out the cheeses!

    Irishsandy - you have done so well with your weight loss!:flowerforyou: Fantastic job! It must be so frustrating having all that loose skin. :cry: I have a bit on my arms and I hate it, but not enough to have an op. I would wait, if you can bear it, until you are nearer goal. It is a MAJOR operation and you don't want to have it done twice. Good luck with the next 100!
    At the moment I have the same problem as Meg - my fat has gone all dimpled. My stomach and arms are very lumpy! Funnily enough the awful cellulite on my thighs, that I have had and hated since I was 21 has greatly improved.:noway: I look at my lumpy, bumpy stomach and think it has migrated!

    Love to all today. ((((((((Hugs)))))))) to those with trials and troubles. :heart:

    Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, one of the best decisions I’ve made was to not eat sweets of any kind. I no longer have to deal with “just one piece” or what to do if it’s in the fridge or cupboard or on the table. I had to make the same decision about cheese. The only way I could have the lavender ice cream I had last month was to have a serving at the event and not take any home.

    Michele, I wear my pedometer every waking moment of every day….I don’t swim do water exercise, but I wouldn’t take it in the pool if I did.

    Katla, my hubby joined a small gym so he can go and walk on the treadmill and I’m so happy he did that……walking on the streets seems to hurt his back but walking on the treadmill doesn’t’…..he takes his Kindle with him to the gym and reads and he goes very regularly.

    Phoo, Go to Al-Anon with an open mind……make a commitment to go more than once and consider visiting all the Al-Anon groups in your town.

    Sandy, it’s summer now, but when winter comes and you wear a lot of clothing you won’t notice the extra skin so much and will able to wait until you’ve reached your goal weight…..congrats on your success so far.

    Amanda, if I stay up too late, I have a rough go the next morning……after my late night Thursday, I wanted to sit down somewhere while walking the dogs in the morning and take a little nap

    Heather, a two minute plank is awesome especially when you can remember not even being able to get into the position…..do you do a plank on your hands or your forearms?

    This is one of our early morning meeting days. I thought I had a few extra minutes to get ready until I found out that Bernie, the cat, had puked on a pile of papers so my extra time turned into clean-up time. Now my breakfast is finished and I’ll be waking DH, then walking the dogs for about 90 minutes before we have to leave.

    I’m starting the new strength training challenge today……I hope lots of you will be joining in. Here is the link:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    August Resolutions (with week one comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (making lots of progress)
    *participate in the new strength training challenge (starting today)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day )
    *act the way I want to feel ( going great…this makes a huge difference in my life)

  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    I did great for my July goals. On course, for Aug. Looking for some new ideas for weight training. A friend recommended Shawn T and Gloria Kamil DVDs. We can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LizPlus :smile: So very sorry to hear your sister is in more pain:cry: ! Sending good thoughts your way! You`re a great sister and I`m sure she appreciates every minute you spend with her!

    Changing 4life :smile: Welcome! You joined by posting! Come in often and chat with us!

    Barbie :smile: Love the quote! I have heard that black rice is really good for things like rice pudding. I have some red rice, haven`t tried it yet though!

    RLRRGJ :smile: Welcome! Just stick with it, keep on moving forward!!! Weight loss is sometimes just a mystery;:grumble: we have to keep investigating until we find what works for us!

    Cindy :smile: Are you looking for another house for your son?

    Kate in Brooklyn :smile: How innovated of you to think of emailing the post, and then copying and pasting! I love pb&j too, sometimes I have that for lunch. Good for you deciding to put the granola bars in the communal cabinets!

    Rachel :smile: What a great NSV (non scale victory) , being able to climb those hills now! I have a fitbit too and I love mine, challenges me to do better!

    Melfitnesspal :smile: Hope you enjoy your vacation! Congrats on finding your camera and SD card!

    Katiebug :smile: I just had to laugh at your post:laugh: , Barbie riding in the trunk…

    Anamika :smile: I open a word doc. and reply when I have time , if I had to go on memory it just wouldn`t happen:noway: ! Oh I remember the days sitting next to my daughter when she first started driving…gave me a few more gray hairs:laugh: !

    Genealace :smile: 90 minutes of exercise…good for you!

    Jane :smile: It`s always good to see your smiling face!

    Sandy in Ontario :smile: Hope the scale is nice to you today!!!! Sounds like you need a little shopping trip for smaller clothes:bigsmile: !!! I love the quote!!!

    Joyce :smile: Fudge is gone and now you can get back to it!!! I`m sure those 2.4 pounds will come off soon, probably from sodium. It always surprises me how much sodium is in sweets:huh: ! Congrats on doing 6 miles on the bike!

    Jfenner141 :smile: Congrats on a great Dr. appt!!! Pop in when you can and post!!!

    Robin :smile: Yay for losing another pound!!! I`ve been thinking about having Lasik surgery too. I stopped wearing contacts a few years ago because of my allergies and I`m really tired of wearing glasses all the time! Where in Alaska are you going?

    Katla :smile: My mom used to say the same thing..”be careful what you wish for”. When I decided I wanted to get another dog, I said “I want a talker” well, I got a talker, she talks all the time, barks at her toys, barks if something is out of place, barks at a leaf on the deck…etc. etc., I think she like to hear herself talk:grumble: :laugh: ! How fun that ran into some friends at the concert! Hope you can find a schedule that allows you to get together again!

    Grandmallie :smile: Yep, it`s not a race, is it! I thought I would be at my goal weight now:angry: , haha, my body had other ideas. However I feel so much better than I have in the past, I know it will come off eventually!

    Meg :smile: Poor Benny, on more meds! Have fun tonight with your friends, snacky food sounds so good, that dip sounds delish!!!

    Michele :smile: It was sunny here most of the day:glasses: and then we had a late evening thunderstorm. It was very sticky outside though!

    Katla :smile: I had hardwood floors in my kitchen in my old house and as much as I loved them, I choose tile for our new house in the kitchen, and I have to say, it is so much easier to take care of. Good for you and DH joining the gym.

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: I`m so glad you had a good day!!! I hope the meeting will go well today! Yay, PeeVee will be very happy to have the house back:happy: !!!

    Sandy H :smile: Hope you have a good weigh in today!!! I think I would wait until goal weight before surgery, sure wouldn`t want to have it twice:noway: !

    Amanda :smile: Ah, we can`t stay out as late as we used to:noway: , even though there are times I think I can:tongue: . I pay for it too, not just the next day, but many days later:sad: . I hate dark circles under my eyes! I hope the hernia belt helps!!!

    Heather :smile: Congrats on that pesky ½lb. gone, and the 2 minute plank!!!

    Barbie :smile: I had a Dry Lavender soda:love: the other day and I thought about you, it was very refreshing and only 70 calories! You are up early this morning!

    Svsl0928 :smile: Congrats on doing great on your July goals!!!

    My Dr. appts. went well yesterday. No fracture in my foot:bigsmile: !!! So now I have to get rid of the walking sandals and wear my walking shoes, believe me if it will stop the pain I don`t mind! I`m supposed to rest it for a few day, we`ll see:huh: . The dermatologist appt. went well too, she did tell me the rash could come back when I increase my steps again:grumble: , she thought compression stocking might help:noway: …yuck! I had a couple of spots burnt off yesterday, spots I just didn`t like, one on my chest and one on my hand. It will be nice for those to be gone! Having coffee this morning with a friend and maybe a shopping trip, I really don`t need anything, maybe a new lipstick would be nice:love: !

    Have a wonderful Saturday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny again NC:glasses:
  • joannekemp505
    Good morning ladies! I'm new to the message board and have just enjoyed reading some of the encouraging words here. It seems like a great way to keep us all motivated to move forward with our goals and I certainly need that. Someone mentioned finding what works for you and I know for me if I don't MOVE IT I definitely don't LOSE it....
    Have a great day all!:smile:
  • sunbaby2013
    MORNING to all. Have a great Saturday

    Darla in Ohio :bigsmile:
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Rain and clouds go away...please come back another day (when I am NOT at the beach on vacation)....Looking forward to a long walk on the beach and well, not getting a tan. Enjoy your day ladies....:wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sandy H from MN: Welcome to the group. I am no expert on lose skin and how to deal with it, but I do know that I want as few surgeries as possible in my life. My arms and tummy are not too bad but my upper thighs are very lumpy. I’m hoping exercise will do the job. Maybe someone else has personal experience. It sounds like you’re doing a great job losing the excess weight. Congratulations.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I looked up pictures of hernia belts on Amazon. Most of them were on male model forms, so I searched for women’s hernia belts. There were still some male models but some female. I am so sorry you have to wear one but it does look like you will need this until you can have it repaired properly. Sympathy and hugs for you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Thanks for the facelift exercise information. I’ll look for the book and Amazon and see what I think. I’ll also look on You Tube. Michele’s mammo schedule is not typical. I have one every two to three years, too. I don’t want “the girls” radiated more often than that. Perhaps there is a reason she’s being watched more carefully.:flowerforyou:

    I’m looking forward to the week. I’ll have my first planning commission meeting on Wednesday night and I’m in the process of studying the packet of information. Most of the items are for home businesses that won’t impact the neighbors and will be easy to approve. One item might be controversial and I’ll let you know how that goes. I’m not going to spill the topic yet but I’m sure it will raise some eyebrows. I’ve been told that our committee has the final word on some issues and others go on to City Council. I wonder about this one.:huh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning to all. Just a quick pop in to say hi to all my friends. I'll be busy today gardening, getting ready for company, cooking, and of course exercising. AFter water aerobics yesterday I got DH to walk me with before bed. So I got a bit more exercise in.

    Everyone have a good day...stick to your goals....and I'll be cheering for all of you. Take care, meg
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Barbie- I do the plank on my forearms. My wrists are not very strong, though much improved since I have been doing yoga, and that is the way we did them at the class. The teacher also showed us a sideways one and although some of the ladies could manage it fine (including the over 70s) I found it very difficult indeed. Something to practise maybe?
    Heather UK. :flowerforyou:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy Saturday, Ladies! It is beautiful and sunny here in Az, and no rain in sight! (imagine that )

    I had wonderful news this morning, and thought I should share something happy after a week of depressing. My son has a friend named Guy who has been battling cancer in his bladder, spine and skull for years. Today Guy sent out a Caring Bridge post telling us that 2 of the 3 spots in his skull have disappeared and the third has shrunk considerably. Prayers are answered in God's Time and Plan. I am so happy for Guy and his family.

    Sandy H- Congratulations on the wonderful weight loss! 93 lbs! That is awesome! Where are you in MN? I was raised in Duluth and lived for many years up in Orr, by the border.

    Heather- Congratulations on the 48 lbs! I really am just a slight shade of green? Getting rid of the Brie sounds like a good idea. I have decided that I need to not ever buy a can of mixed nuts again because I just can not stop eating them once I start!

    Barbie- I am going with an open mind, and I know this may be part of a very long process to deal with learning boundaries and letting things go. Thanks for your support.

    I am going to get some cleaning done and head out for my meeting. I will check back in later. Have a great day!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!
    had a nice breakfast with my 2 mom`s.
    Been getting between 5,000-10,000 on pedometer.When I 1st started using 1 was doing about an average of 1,300 a day.
    Have a good one.
    Welcome new people.
    WE CAN DO THIS~~~:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • janie12835
    HAPPY SATURDAY! I've had a short dog walk, tea, breakfast & ready to start another day. Have to edit my philosophy of education for several jobs that have posted in a district where I haven't applied before. I hate doing this - I over-think, rewrite, adjust, adapt, and finally just say that's enough. Need to be "au courant " with all the proper buzz words - ugh. A necessary evil, but I'd rather be doing just about anything. So, I'll put on my big-girl panties and knock it out today, let it rest, and review it tomorrow. I sure hope all of you are doing something more fun.

    Janie - Pacific NW
    Don't forget the strength training challenge jodios so kindly set up
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  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart: I'm glad the word is out and new people continue to find us. I wish I had found you when I joined MFP in November. I think that's when I joined.

    I was reading all the different weight losses and and I wonder how much we have lost as a group? :smile:

    The scales continue to punish me. My weight was 196 today. I think I need to push that thing underneath our china cabinet but my husband weighs several times a day. Going to stick with cardio only at they and use my barbell here at home. It's 3.3 pounds and since there is only 1 I alternate arms.

    Everyone have a good day. I'll check in later.

  • computa_cat55
    Seeking some motivation support; I am 58, live in Texas;
    Current Overall Goals: lose 10 lbs., lower cholesterol numbers by 5
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    janemartin- great job on the steps!! It is so good to read your posts again. We CAN do it!

    janie- Good luck with the job hunt. We just interviewed for a math position. It was interesting to see how few were up to date on the latest. It took a while to find someone.Good luck with you search.

    Joyce- I love reading your posts! It would be interesting to see how much we as a group have lost. Good luck with the weights!

    Deb A in CNY
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    I finally tried a plank. Only 20 seconds, but I'm really surprised I could do that. I'll keep going and see if I can do better. There, now I've said it so I have to do it.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Eileen from near San Diego
  • Scampydoo2
    Scampydoo2 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone! This is a great area to share and your posts are amazing. Goals for August -
    - lose at least 7 pounds
    - keep weeds out of my garden (95' long)
    - weed the brick paths at the front of the house
    - sew lots of dresses

    Gini - Ontario, Canada