Nerds Unite!



  • I'm a pretty far spread nerd. Gaming (on and off the computer), Sifi shows, Fantasy shows, books, comics (I firmly believe Marvel is better then DC, but that doesn't mean I disregard it), Steampunk culture, .ect. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

    Feel free to add me! I get along with both the normal and the nerds (of any degree).
  • denanana
    denanana Posts: 6 Member
    I try to be a nerd when life permits me to. I used to game alot on steam, but not so much anymore. Eagerly awaiting the release of Elder Scrolls Online! I will make time for that lol. What kind of games do you play on steam? Add me if you want!
  • denanana
    denanana Posts: 6 Member
  • Kalashnikova73
    Kalashnikova73 Posts: 17 Member
    Here ,Here! I am more of a geek than a nerd, but they are so close nowadays it doesn't really matter. I have been busy working on my Backlog, Other than that school and Tae Kwon do.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Me!Me!Me! I always wanted to be a nerd:tongue:
  • amg0678
    amg0678 Posts: 10 Member
    Woo! This is my type of group!

    I currently play DAoC, Team Fortress 2, Skyrim, League of Legends.

    I really need to lose the weight too, and would really love more people to chat with and maybe game with too :P
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I really am a nerd, in this group. I am shamefully UNCURIOUS about gaming and computers, etc. What a nerd I am. Oh, wait...
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    You all sound like you are singing the song of my people....

    I'm a nerd/geek girl. And I totally get the spreadsheet thing... I have charts by week and month, with projections, BMI calculation, etc. I found I am much too optmistic, and my spreadsheet brings me back to reality every week when I log... :/

    Anyway, I'm a Star Wars nerd. I also like Dr. Who, Harry Potter, comics, oh, and reading those urban fantasy mysteries like the Dresden series, the Hollows series and Mercy Thompson series... feel free to add me!
  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    I have been heavily into MMOs for the past 10 years. In fact I know it is the reason I became so out of shape. I used to blame it on having children, but recently after watching some old home movies, I realize that I was in decent shape a year after my middle child was born, and the weight began to come on after I started playing video games.

    I still enjoy the games, but I've discovered that its important to level up in real life too!
  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    I am an engineer so that makes me a nerd by default. Yes, I graphed my weight loss in Excel because MFP was not detailed enough and MFP could not do projections...also graphed the inches lost, calculated BMI, weighed in daily, etc.

    I also experimented with a lot of foods to get the calories down while maintaining flavor and still had that "full feeling" when done eating. My current favorite is much improved version of the Subway flat-bread with egg-white and ham.

    Being an engineer isn't all bad. You can have poor social skills and dress poorly and when someone asks whats wrong with just shrug and say "engineer" and get a total pass. lol Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>

    Noticed your user name. I live in the St. Louis suburbs, so not too far from you. As far as the getting to dress cruddy and use engineer as excuse, I sort of feel the same way about anthropology. I can dress eccentric if I want, lol.
  • amluvstld
    amluvstld Posts: 212
    I own a pair of superman high-tops and my last converse high-tops had the horde (world of Warcraft) emblem on them.
    Out geek me ..... I dare you :)

    Geeky like minded friends are welcome

    I probably can't out geek you but I would just like to say that I have Superman socks and they have their own cape.

    I almost bought those! Went with the Batman panties with matching knee-high socks. LOL

    Batman panties and socks FTW!
    does the Batman panties come with a cape though? :tongue:

    Those wine right there! Give me an idea for the next Undie run!

    Damn, no they don't. Those are made of awesomeness!
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    New member and I suppose I can fall into the nerd catagory, I love starwars, marvel, play lots of xbox360, have over half a million world of warcraft gold (been playing it for 6 years) My black labs names is Vader, I would rather modify my computer then my car. So yes I am proud to be considered a nerd.
  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36
    Wouldn't mind knowing how many people relapse and go back to playing WoW. I think I quit it 3 times. The third stuck. I've played quite a few MMOs since I got bored of wow and they are all pretty much the same thing.

    Loving War Thunder atm though. Good for getting a quick 15 minutes of gaming in before you have to run off.
  • DrNerdy
    DrNerdy Posts: 168 Member
    I'm a huge nerd! As you can see in my profile pic, I'm rocking the TARDIS on my shirt ;)
  • I'm a big ol' nerd! Gaming, Doctor Who, LOTR, GoT, etc. I'm a complete bookworm too. I actually did have a witty little nerdy blurb, but my phone crashed so this is all you get. :-P
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Still looking for more nerdy buddies! Add me :)
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    humble bundle?
  • I'm a bit of a nerd :D I enjoy rpg computer games, rpg and hack and slash ps3 games and I am hardcore into anime/manga :) Find it pretty hard to find people near by the enjoy the same things haha
  • Macgeek74
    Macgeek74 Posts: 298 Member
    Nerd and geek here so any others can add me as well
  • WHoVIAN!!! Lord and Lady Nerds....Come out, come out where ever you are!