

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    This post is a great reminder for me to continue to work on my goals. I am working to keep off the weight I have lost. I am at the limit of the the three pounds I allow myself so MFP reminds me to cut back on my eating and continue to exerecise.
    Goals for August
    1. Setting limits to help me maintain my weight loss and be better at being on time.
    2. Planting Kindness when I can.
    3. Standing up for myself in an assertive way

    To fellow MFPs may your quest towards health continue to be productive...:drinker:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    45 seconds is a great start.:smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    I had a lovely trip to M&S because, as I was walking round the store, which is huge, I remembered that last year, when I went with my DSIL, I had to cut the trip short because my back and joints were aching so much. My feet and ankles used to swell up horribly.Today my legs feel as if they have springs! I even went without my arm sleeve for my lymphedema as I was wearing a tight sleeved top I haven't worn for over 6 years. I can feel my arm is a bit swollen tonight, but it will be fine by the morning and I will put the sleeve on for the journey to London.
    Probably won't sleep too well tonight with my usual journey angst, and I want to set the alarm so we can get our hour of exercise in. I had a bad night last night so dozed off on the sofa, unfortunately. Feel wide awake now!!!!
    I bought DGS a lovely T shirt which has little flaps like a picture book with animals and cars inside. I am taking up so many clothes for our unborn DGD that I thought he might be a bit put out! I also have a funny faces sticker book for him, which I know he will love. I will be buying sushi from the outlet at Waterloo station and taking that up for lunch with DDIL before she goes to work. DH isn't at all sure about raw fish, but the outlet has other things I am sure he can eat. Sushi is one of my very favourite things.:love:

    Joyce - I very much hope you will stay with us. I absolutely love your posts. I have learnt so much from you. You are valued.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Well, think I will go wash my hair so I don't have to do that in the morning. Hate all this dashing about to catch the train, but I love seeing my DGS so it's all worth it.:love:

    Heather saying goodnight from Hampshire UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon and hope everyone is having a GREAT day. Mine did not start off on a good note. I weighed this morning and was up .6 pound. But I tell myself that is reason to keep on logging food. Lastnight we went to Perkins and I did well until I saw the apple pie. I have not had a peice in months so got one and took home. It took me an hour to eat but was it good. So hoping that is behind me and back on track. Then this morning I got flowers. A beautuful colorful arrangment. It is from several girls I work with and we go try and go out once a month for supper. There is 4 of us and we have a nice time. They sent the flowers to celebrate my 100 pounds lost. So how could I not cheer up.

    Joyce-- Please don't go. we all have our days and that is what we are here for. Just don't give up. Some days I was to do away with my DH and then he will do something nice and I am in love again. Deep breath and pray. Remember we are here for you whatever you need.

    Gail- Hope you have a fun time at your dinner this evening. Time with friends is time well spent.

    DeeDee- your group sounds great!! I have the mammograms and paps yearly. I scheudle them the same month as my birthday so don't forget.

    Pat- Congrates on going to the meeting. Glad you got some good contact information. I agree I believe we have spent so much time caring for others that we feel it is selfish to put ourselves first. But I am learning if I don't take care of me I will be no good for others. I find it very hard to ask for help when I need it and know I need to work on that.

    grandmallie- Congrates on the weight loss. I read about a drink that is to help metabolism. You slice one apple and put in bottom of jar with 1 cinnamon stick. Fill jar half full with ice and add water. I have trouble sometimes drinking plain water so thought I would try this.

    Barbie- Thanks for the challenge webb site. I printed it off and will see what I can start doing tomorrow since I have the day off. I also googled bollywood and zumbia and going to give that a try. I figure I will be slower then them but its a start.

    Jane- Good Loss!

    Amy- Welcome we are a great group. I have a brother that lives in Denver, I have not been out there in years. But I do love the mt out there.

    Another slow day at work, but patient count is slowing going up. DH wants to go on a motorcycle ride this evening since we both have worked all weekend. See the weather is doing and 87 degrees right now and chance of rain. I don't mind riding in the rain, but cars and trucks don't watch for bikes much. Have a good evening and remember the important is to remember is we are human and giving up is not a choice we want to take.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Joyce,hope u reconsider dropping out.I for one don`t see you like that.
    We are here for each other.We all have bad days and days we want to quit,but I know I have to go on for my health.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Sunday and happy day for me as I started the exercise challenge. Need to get a set routine but I'm working my way through it.
    Joyce - remember these words, Never, Never, Never give up!!! You are an inspiration to so many people and you posts make us realize that each of us have our own set of obstacles in our path to a healthy lifestyle. Put your chin up and journey on with us.
    Got a chicken in the crock pot and looking forward to steaming some broccoli and cauliflower to go with it.
    I'll be back later after I finish my walk.
    Sue in TX (inside walking as temp is 101 again!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    HiLadies, very busy bunch we have here, I agree Joyce please stay you are needed here, One day can change everything!
    Has been very nice here cooler and makes working outside and walking liveable again. Can't believe August is going by so fast. Have met some of my goals, still struggle with portion control have tried doing squats and that is getting better too.
    Well time for dog walking and an early nite.
    I'm not perfect I'm original!!!
    Juanita in sudbury
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Janie, I remember reading the postings for teaching jobs when I was working and being amazed at all the new programs and techniques that they expected of the teachers they would hire….it made me grateful that I already had a job and didn’t have to “qualify”…….take it one day at a time with the job search and hold fast to the belief that the right job will find you if you show up and do your best.

    :flowerforyou: Phoo, congrats on going to the Al-Anon meeting….someone told me that the only time you can be late is if you arrive after they lock the door and everyone has gone home.

    :flowerforyou: Amy, welcome……I have carried a pedometer for years and it inspires me to walk more when I might otherwise just sit…..many of us are doing planks as a core exercise.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, thanks for the explanation about “bossing the guys” on Sunday…….I think this is the most complete explanation you’ve given of the story…..how great to have friends who have lasted so long.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, your “wine dinner” would be a challenge for me with all the foods I don’t eat…..maybe there will be lots of good vegetables…….my hubby doesn’t like my indoor walking too much but he’s learning to put up with it.

    :flowerforyou: Juanita, congrats on your success with squats.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, don’t drop out…..if you see yourself as a person who whines a lot, consider reading
    “A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted”
    By Will Bowen I read it about a year ago and it made a huge difference in my life.

    :flowerforyou: Peachstategal, my dogs bark at people, dogs, cars, bicycles, lawn mowers, birds, squirrels, and imaginary things so I take them for a long walk very very early in the morning when almost nobody is out. When we stay in hotels we turn on the TV for background noise to distract them and mask noises from the hall.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, that is impressive information about the longest plank…certainly not done by someone my age.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Heather, you’re right about bringing gifts for the older sibling of the not yet born one.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, this weight loss journey is often two steps forward, one step back…..for you, the step back was apple pie, for me it was a homemade gluten free, low sugar banana bread at our friends’ house last night…..today I am back on track.

    :flowerforyou: For anyone thinking they are having more bad days than good, consider reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Cleanse day is going well……I do strenuous things early in the day before my body realizes how few calories I’m going to give it for fuel……now I am resting , watching a golf tournament (sort of) and counting the hours until breakfast tomorrow.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • mbf60
    mbf60 Posts: 2
    Hi, My name is Mary and I am a second time around for this. I really need to lose weight but it has been a challenge I have Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and just found out I also need to be Gluten Free. I the past it was hared to get moving but I am trying to change that. Any advice will help!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK girls, I guess you are stuck with me. You said you want to put up with me???? OK, you all have to celebrate with me that I HAD 2 BOWEL MOVEMENTS TODAY!!!!!! I have been worried about it since I have been taking Lortab. In fact there was little or nothing for the last 2 days. I tell my husband that sometimes I need to give my BMs a name since it takes such labor to get them out. I am going to approach my MS specialist about whether or not it could be the culprit. MS can affect the nerves in the bowel just like any other nerve. I have been taking Fiber Con. I decide which pill keeper to put my medicines in by the size of the pill!!!. I had more room in the bedtime one. But I was thinking about it last night that that was kind of stupid time to take it. i don't drink much fluids after supper. Why am I taking a fiber con which should be taken with a large glass of water. So I switched them to my morning pill keepers, I have to use two keepers. Metformin is huge! Eee gads!!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got over 10,00 steps and lost 1.8 lbs.good day
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Glad ur staying Joyce.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I finally got caught up on all the posts, miss one day and lots of reading to catch up with everyone :smile:

    Welcome to all the new women, come back often and post as much as you want. We are a chatty bunch and love to get to know you.

    This weekend has had it's ups and downs. Saturday morning was weigh in day and I lost .8 so I guess the new scale can stay :laugh: Then off to the track. I was able to walk for 1 mile without stopping. While getting back to my car 2 women came over to chat with my DD and myself. They noticed us walking and wanted to extend an invitation to the Y. One of them was an aquafit instructor. They let us know that we can get a 2 week trial to see if we would like it. They also have a walking club that walks every Saturday morning. My DD was so excited about it so I think we are going to try it out especially with the cooler weather coming.

    From there we went to see if I could finally get myself a decent pair of running shoes, I've been putting it off because I've been afraid of the judgement. We were there looking at all the different shoes and got no service. Two guys were watching from the pro shop and one finally walked right by us said hi and then helped a guy that had just arrived. I left. no shoes. ugh

    I did get my grocery shopping done and today I BBQ'd so that the next few dinners will be quickly made. Trying to make sure that I get enough steps in.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. Ended up being a really busy day, so I'll have to catch up tomorrow. enjoy the evening. Take care, Meg
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    DeeDee- Love hearing the background about your reign over the guys! It is great to have such good friends.

    Joyce- Glad you are staying! I certainly don't see you as a whiner. I love your posts.

    Sandy- How awful that you got no service while shopping for shoes! Try a different store!! The trial at the Y sounds good. I really enjoyed the water classes when I went a few years ago. Their schedule just doesn't work for me now.

    Barbie- I am glad you mentioned The Happiness Project. I started it before life got crazy at work. I really want to finish it. I will pull it back out tonight!

    Mary- Welcome! What I have learned most is that I need to take one day at a time- and some days- one decision at a time(what to eat, how much to eat, what exercise to do). We all can do this!! It is actually a very exciting time in my life. I am more willing and able to try different foods and activities. I am very lucky in that my DH is very adventurous and supportive.

    We spent yet another beautiful day kayaking in the Adirondacks. Afterwards we walked through shops in Old Forge. We ran into a good friend working in one of the shops and went to dinner with her. A lovely, relaxing day with good exercise thrown in for good measure!! Tomorrow will be a long walk and weight lifting. Got to tone up!! School starts in about 3 weeks!!

    Have a great evening all!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Trishrunnerhi
    Trishrunnerhi Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I'm Trish, not new to MFP but I've mainly used it to track and not for the message boards. But here I am, looking to give and receive support. I live in CT. 4 kids, about to lose my second to college in a short time, which breaks my heart. I hope I can join in the conversation and offer some BTDT support for everyone. Thanks for letting me join~ Trish CT
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Home from the wine dinner and it was so delicious and such a wonderful evening with friends! You always hope for a good mix of people and, as it turned out, it was a great group. Everyone was chatty and engaged the whole way through. The meal included a shrimp scampi bruschetta, a caprese salad, then chicken bryan as well as sirloin marsala with some mezzaluna ravioli, and a delicious chocolate dessert. I didn't eat much of either entree meat as DH had them prepare scallops for me as a surprise -- they are my favorite thing. There was a different wine with each course -- I had a sip of each, but it isn't a big draw for me. With each new wine one of the couples gave a toast to friendship. DH had gotten some african violets for the center piece on the table to which we added a quote on friendship and each couple got to take one home as a party favor. It was all very nice, yet I'm sure the scale will reflect it tomorrow. Alas, tomorrow starts another week and we had a fabulous time!

    Goodnight to all -- I did get my 10,000 steps in before we left for dinner.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Trish I remember when my first child went off to college. It was so exciting planning her dorm room, getting her all packed. I vowed I would not cry as we walked away and drove off and I didn't. Of course we had to drive the 3 hour trip the next weekend:laugh: That's when I cried. her dorm room was immaculate, she was good friends with her room mate, still are best of friends, all laundry done and had a boyfriend! That's why I cried. I brought her up the right way and she was doing fine with out me.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    katla - my mother died when I was 9 years old. She was a very heavy smoker. Even at that age, my mind related smoking to death. This was even before the American Cancer Society said anything. The cause of death on her death certificate is "cirrhosis of the liver". I don't think smoking caused her death, but in my mind smoking is tantamout to death. That's one of the reasons I don't smoke. I do get scared when I see Denise smoking, tho. I just can't help it. What a shame you don't have a farmer's market! There is this one farmer at the market who has THE BEST silver queen corn. So sweet.

    I tell ya, if I don't check in at least once/day, I get so far behind it isn't even funny. I have a feeling that the baseboard won't be up tomorrow so I won't be able to do my yoga. I think there is enough room for me to try the plank, tho.

    grandmalle - we went to Pocono when we lived in Stroudsburg. It's interesting, when we lived in Kennett Square (PA), we never did go to Dover. We do go to the 500 every year. Vince has been going for about the last 30 years or so. I used to stay home with the kids but now that they're out of the house, I do go. When they run the Nationwide on Sat, I watch a little bit of it and then go to the Volusia Mall across the street. However, they close the mall on Sun so I do go to the race. We do have good seats. I usually have 24oz of water, but not warm lemon water. I have heard of it, tho. Don't know how much, if at all, it helps. FL in October is lovely. I can't wait to get to FL in Feb. I'm glad to see that now at the NASCAR races they are offering veggie burgers. I don't know what it is, not that I'm complaining, but lately I'm wanting more and more veggies.

    56pickupstick, KMMRN - welcome! Check in every day for lots of support.

    Heather - just copied that spinach and feta recipe. I wonder.....why couldn't you put it into muffin tins instead of on a pie plate? Then you wouldn't have to worry about "are the portions even". When you make it, is it fairly firm?

    DeeDee - guess we'll have to go to Home Depot for our ark supplies....lol Just checked weather.com. On Thursday the high is only supposed to be 67! Have fun at starbucks

    genalace - thanks for the explanation of OI. That must really be something. I can certainly understand that you don't want your bones to get any thinner. Taking the Prolia (or Reclast) I think is the best because the medicine doesn't have to go thru your digestive tract but gets right to the bone.

    jane - congrats on the loss

    Amy - welcome, and happy birthday. I always say "you're as old as you feel and I feel 39" (I just don't talk about the days when I feel 69)

    Pat - good for you going to the meeting, even if you only got 10 minutes in. That's better than no minutes. As for the Newcomer social, I REALLY need to clean the bathtub downstairs. We might very well call the guy who built our pergolas and ask him to put the molding up. I'm really only truly concerned about two of the rooms, the bedroom and closet can get done at a later date. I just want things to be decent so that we can put tables, etc. down there in case it rains (let's hope not, but the way mother nature has been this year, one can never tell). I'm not expecting that we'll be able to touch up paint the nails on the baseboard, but I would like it at least up. My concern right now is that if he's sawing downstairs, the way things are now, I can see sawdust getting all over everything. I suggested to Vince that we move the furniture that he wanted put out so that we can at least put up some sort of barrier. I'll let him think on it for a while

    DeeDee - I was just thinking "what's SHE doing here in the afternoon?" What an interesting story how you and the guys came to be.

    Gail - have fun tonight. You like sweet wines, too, huh?

    Joyce - what a thoughtful husband you have. There is absolutely no need at all to drop out for a while. We all have our ups and downs. Look for a while there Robin was so down but now she has the new job and sounds so much better. I know that we all care and would miss you terribly. So please put that thought out of your mind. I agree with Katla - I don't see you as any more needy than any of the rest of us.

    Vince and I took the nails out of the wall and the baseboard. We tried to find pieces of baseboard and where it would go. Somtimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Can't wait for all this to be over

    yanniejannie - there is no way on this green earth that I'll EVER be able to hold a plank for 3 hrs. Actually, how boring that would be! (I can rationalize, can't I?)

    Heather - isn't it just so wonderful when we do things that we couldn't do previously? I'm so proud of you. I can't think of a single fish that I DON'T like. I'm not fond at all of fried calamari, but I had some steamed and was it good! I'm sure your hubby will find something that he'll eat

    Vicki - that was so thoughtful of your friends to send those flowers!

    Sue in TX - Is it humid where you are? I remember the year we were putting things in storage for the move to NC, it was 102 while we were unloading. But it wasn't humid so I didn't have a problem. Yes, it was hot, but at least it wasn't humid.

    Mary - welcome back! There are lots of ladies on here with fibro, arthritis, and needing to be gf, so I'm sure you'll get lots of ideas.

    Joyce - so glad you decided to stay. We're all here for you

    sandy - that was so nice of those women to stop by and talk to you. Their walking club sounds interesting. What an awful experience you had. Maybe the store has a website and you can express your dissatisfaction. Will they do anything? Probably not. But it might make you feel better.

    Trish - welcome. Looking forward to getting to know you better

    Gail - sounds like a wonderful evening.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sometimes I wonder if the husband I have now is the father they wished they had when they were growing up. I think being a grandfather changed him Plus retirement kind of helped. He didnt have those pressures of everyday life. We are living comfortably. Cause this man I am married to is not the man that helped me raise my children. The man that belittled me and our kids on a daily basis numerous times a day. His favorite saying was that everyone was entitled to their opinion, it's just that they are stupid for having it therefor they are idiots. So we all three were called idiots on a regular basis. Now it's just idiots on the road and politicians. We are all OK now. My youngest sees it more often and she is the one who needs to see it more. The older one seems to accept her Dad in whatever form he is in. He philosophy is that if he could accept her with all the faults that she had when she was a teenager and still adore her then he is pretty good and worth finding that man inside. And she was a master at hiding her faults. We thought she was the one child that could do no wrong until his little sister started telling us some things about her. Now she didn't tell us these things in a malicious way. She told us when they were both in their 30s and she was wanting us to accept her in a better way.

    OK, I am very tired, having to work the spell check double time. Good night. Joyce