What are your "no-no foods"?



  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Soda, of any kind, even diet.
    And fresh baked french bread... beacuse I'll end up eating half of the loaf.

    I consider myself lucky, I'm not really into sweets of any kind. Not a fan of ice cream or cakes. It's just the darn fresh baked breads that get me!

    Once in a while I give in and half a piece but REALLY have to watch it if there is an entire loaf in the house.

    Mmm...fresh baked bread. My husband isn't going to appreciate it, but I'm about to put our bread machine into storage. I know I'm not making any for me, and I'd rather not have it around. (I do eat bread--just not the fresh baked, at least not in my own house...with the whole loaf...and butter...)

    Hah - my bread maker is now in the attic because freshly baked bread is just death for me on a portion control basis...once I start I could easily demolish half a loaf...then spend the rest of the day feeling as bloated as hell and kicking myself for doing it.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    On a side note, I've noticed several profile pics on these forums of very thin people. I don't know if people are posting pics of themselves, or pics of thinner people as a form of inspiration. What alarms me is that if a lot of these pics of the posters are themselves, many of you don't need to be doing this program, and you're certainly not overweight. Still, I guess it's good to stick to heart-healthy foods no matter what your weight is.

    This site isn't just for weight loss. Some people use it to maintain, some use it while bulking and cutting, and I know there are some people recovering from ED who are trying to gain weight and learn how to eat a full day's worth of calories. Tracking calories isn't just for weight loss. (Granted, some of those groups shouldn't be excluding much from their diets, but still, that's between them and their health care provoders). I used MFP when I was pregnant to make sure I ate enough for a healthy pregnancy, and I was gaining weight then.
  • MzFiaSkinny
    I stay away from junk food and soda most of the days. But I do eat a small bag of chips and drink a diet coke every once in a while as long as they fit in my calories of the day. :)
    Overall, I eat everything in portions.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What would you list as foods that you no longer eat?

    The only foods that I totally eliminate are those I don't like. But I do have foods that I try to eat rarely or occasionally.

    Processed meats
    Partially hydrogenated oils
    Dairy fat
    White bread
    Desserts w/ little to offer other than sugar.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    I don't drink soda but only because it upsets my tummy. :sick: Haven't had it in 6 years maybe. But other than that I haven't "banned" anything but I do try to "avoid" overly processed snacks and I try to get organic and natural products as much as possible. But I won't deny myself the occasional pleasure. :devil: I don't eat much animal flesh but that is just a matter of taste for me. I have nothing against it in terms of health, moral or spiritual matters. I love a good pot roast or some really crispy bacon once in awhile! :wink:
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I didn't used to have any No-No foods... there were foods that I would only have occassionally. Now I have to eliminate gluten, but really it's not so bad.
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member

    I include all the foods I enjoy in my diet.

    ^This. deprivation is a setup for me. When i am told I can't have it, I have to have it so I fail. Better to portion control than deprive myself entirely.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I think you shouldn't deprive yourself of anything, it just makes the desire for it that much stronger. That being said, I do have certain foods that trigger me to want to eat more and more of them. I have no self control and I can't stop.

    Anything deep fried

    I try to avoid those because they seem to start cravings for other foods. I do have them on occasion, but not very often. I also try to have just small, limited portions. Instead of buying a big bag of chips, I'll buy the snack size. Instead of buying a whole bag of cookies, I'll just wait til someone offers to share and I can only have just one. Its better for me that way.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I eat all the damn foods. I think the only thing I gave up is Pepsi, as I'm very happy eating my calories and not drinking them. I got myself used to Diet Pepsi, which I'm sure many people have an issue with, but since I might have 4-5 in a week, I'm feeling ok about it.

    Can I ask you why you're giving up those foods? Are they triggers for binging or allergies? Or do you just believe that they're 'bad foods'?
  • TB383
    TB383 Posts: 1
    Any food that contains Gluten
  • MissGatekeeper
    Crisps/chips and chips/fries. Well, I excluded them a long time ago because I just don't like them, really. I also don't eat brown cheese despite being Norwegian, due to lactose intolerance. i had a raw tomato once a year in hope I'd quit hating it, but I've given up on that now. seriously, totally quitting anything I like would be asking to fail, to me. Instead, I just learn how to eat the one cookie, instead of the box.
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    I don't cut anything else out completely, at least nothing I would normally eat. I try to limit my cheese intake as it is my biggest weakness and I crave more and more. Try to avoid the cakes etc people bring in for birthdays at work, but it is avoidance, not an outright ban :)
  • BlazeJay83
    BlazeJay83 Posts: 23 Member
    Alcohol & doughnuts. They both repeat on me!
    I always have that problem with parrot.
  • DiaryofaFitMommy
  • victoryaanne
    victoryaanne Posts: 7 Member
    Processed foods, I try and eat everything as fresh as possible.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Mayo & white bread are completely off limits. Nothing else
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Pumpkin pie, because I HATE pumpkin pie.

    so funny and I'm happy to take your portion.. one of my favorite foods! can't have it in the house or I'll eat the whole thing :laugh:
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    Pumpkin pie, because I HATE pumpkin pie.

    Feel free to send all that pie over this way. :laugh:

    I limit carbs, mainly because they make me hungry. But I still eat my fair share. And I don't drink my calories very often, but that's only because I enjoy eating...
  • woodstockchick
    my work food ( i work at a pizza place) i still eat pizza just not there because i was eating out of boredom and gained 30lbs in 3 years. now im on my way back down =)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't have any. I eat mostly nutritionally dense whole foods and prepare most of my meals and snacks from scratch...but nothing is off limits so long as I'm hitting my macro and calorie goals. Obvious exceptions would be food that I just don't like...I exclude those from my diet because they suck.